How to protect your face from tanning and how to remove tan from your face

Not all people like a tan on their face, but even if you don’t tan on purpose, your skin can still change its shade in the summer.
However, you can lighten your facial skin after tanning on your own using the most common products and means. Before moving on to the main steps, it is necessary to say: it will not be possible to quickly whiten the epidermis; this will take more than one session. Under no circumstances should you peel off burnt skin, causing yourself pain and causing possible irritation, and try to speed up the process by shortening the procedure time. If you do everything according to the rules, the result will completely suit you.


Dairy products

If after sunbathing your face has acquired a too yellow or red tint, then sour milk will help lighten it, and also remove irritation and soothe the epidermis.

Make a compress: dip a piece of gauze or bandage in the serum and apply it to your face for a quarter of an hour. Instead of whey, you can use curdled milk, yogurt, kefir, and cream is suitable for dry skin types.

Another way: mix milk or cream with ground oatmeal and flour, then apply a thick layer of the mask to the skin and wait 20 minutes. Repeat this every day for a week or longer. The mask can be used for combination and dry skin types.

When to do whitening

The skin can change color under the influence of ultraviolet rays or diseases of the internal organs. In the first case, you can make your skin white using home or store-bought remedies. In the second, you need to find the cause of the change in skin color and begin treatment with medications.

So, skin whitening is recommended in the following cases:

  • Too strong or uneven tan.
  • The appearance of age spots or freckles after sunbathing.
  • Skin rejuvenation after relaxing on the beach.
  • Unsuccessful use of self-tanning products.

In these cases, you can try to even out skin tone and eliminate imperfections using homemade masks and scrubs.

How to lighten your skin after sunbathing with cucumber

Masks with cucumber have long been popular because they have excellent properties and are easy to make at home in the summer. In addition, this product can be used by people with any skin type.


  1. The cucumber needs to be grated on a small grater and distributed over the skin of the face. Relax, lie down with the mask for a quarter of an hour, then wash it off;
  2. A lotion is considered more effective in the fight against tanning, for which you should grate 3 medium-sized cucumbers, transfer the mixture into a small jar and fill it with 0.5 liters of vodka. Give the composition 10 days so that it can brew well, then it is filtered and used for wiping. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day;

For a light brightening effect, use cucumber in combination with sour cream.


Reviews claim that you can quickly whiten your face with tonics for washing. Various herbs can be used to prepare them: chamomile, bearberry, jasmine, green tea. If your face is very tanned, then wash your face with a decoction of chamomile - take 3 tablespoons of color per 1 glass. This normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and significantly lightens the skin.

A good whitening tonic is made from cucumber and lemon juice. For a glass of mineral water, take one cucumber and half a lemon. Juice is squeezed out of the fruit. The mixture is left to infuse overnight, and in the morning you can wash your dark or red face. This lotion needs to be prepared every three days as it spoils quickly.

Photo - Lemon with cucumber

It is correct to use tonics and masks in combination, then the effect will come as quickly as possible - after the third use.

Video: how to whiten skin

Fruit masks

Use any of three masks:

  1. Cut the papaya and remove the core. Wipe your face with the fruit, trying to simultaneously massage the skin, and after 10 minutes, remove the remaining fruit by washing with water;
  2. Mash the banana to make a paste, add milk to it and apply the mask for 20 minutes;
  3. In a water bath, you need to heat, stirring constantly, a tablespoon of orange juice and turmeric powder. Apply the finished mixture to the skin. Although turmeric has a rich orange color, it is excellent for brightening the epidermis after sunbathing.

Professional products

In addition to traditional methods, you will need to buy a daytime face whitening cream at the pharmacy, since professional cosmetics will help protect the skin from harmful factors. Good reviews about "Snow White" from Biocon. It contains natural ingredients and white clay (kaolin). In addition, the product has a strong UV filter and is equipped with an additional vitamin complex.

The Belita Vitex company offers a whole facial skin whitening system. It consists of a day cream (protecting from sunlight), a night cream (restoring balance and brightening) and a ready-made mask. The mask provides intense lightening, and the creams deeply moisturize and nourish. The composition includes natural ingredients, the products are hypoallergenic.

Photo - Belita Vitex

Products from Natura Siberica consist of unique components: Siberian juniper extract, acid, vitamins and mineral mixtures. They are aimed at deep skin regeneration, so they are used at night. Helps reduce hyperpigmentation and eliminate deep wrinkles. If you apply all the described methods together, i.e. masks, lotions and creams, then you will be pleased with the result within a few days.


Lemon juice contains enzymes that break down dead cells, causing the skin to renew and whiten. You can make the following skin lightening products with lemon:

  1. A mask that will additionally soften dry skin and make it elastic. To do this, mix a few drops of lemon juice with sour cream and honey (1 tsp each), apply to your face for 15 minutes and rinse.
  2. Make the following mixture for the mask: 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 2-3 drops each of lemon juice and olive oil.
  3. Wipe the skin with lotion to lighten: chop 1 lemon with peel, pour a glass of boiling water for a day, then strain and apply.

Ways to whiten your face at home

How to whiten your face from tanning at home? There are several methods of whitening, which allows everyone to choose the best option. The most popular are scrubs, masks and lotions with whitening elements. At the same time, you need to take a responsible approach to the selection of ingredients for preparing home remedies. Some substances may irritate the skin and cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is recommended to test a home or store-bought product on a small area of ​​skin before use.

Smoothing tone from redness

Redness of the skin is the first sign of a sunburn. In this case, you cannot use bleaching products. First you need to relieve swelling and redness. It is better to use pharmaceutical products with panthenol, which will stop the inflammatory process and eliminate the symptoms of sunburn.

At home, you can apply fermented milk products without preservatives to reddened skin. Cold compresses based on decoctions of medicinal herbs are also effective. You can make masks based on cucumber or raw potatoes. Only after removing the redness can you begin to whiten the skin.

Home whitening scrubs

You can try the following scrubs at home to whiten your skin:

  • You need to take aspirin tablets and baking soda in equal quantities. Mix everything thoroughly with water until a thick mass is formed. Apply to the skin with massage movements, leave for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. This scrub will remove the top layer of dead cells and even out your skin tone. Soda can be mixed with hydrogen peroxide and sour cream for better effect.
  • Sugar based scrub. In order not to injure the skin, you need to mix sugar with cleansing foam or sour cream. Gently apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin and rinse with cool water.
  • Mix coffee grounds with fermented milk products or washing gel. Apply to the skin, leave for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Steam finely ground oatmeal and mix with milk until smooth. Apply to cleansed skin with massaging movements and rinse with cool water.
  • You need to take dry yeast and hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities. Mix everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Before applying the scrub, you need to steam the skin for a better effect. This method perfectly cleanses pores of dirt and subcutaneous fat and removes the top layer of dead cells.

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Why does our skin tan?

Our skin cells contain a substance called melanin. Some have more, and some have less. This is why dark skinned people tan faster and more evenly. People with fair skin have very little melanin and this is the reason for the redness of the epidermis after sunbathing.

Not many people know, but the human body produces melanin for protective purposes. This is how the epidermis reacts to an excessive amount of negative UV rays. As a result of this process, the skin begins to change color and become darker.

Unfortunately, aesthetic damage is the most minor drawback. Frequent exposure to sunlight can cause serious harm to health. Doctors recommend using special creams and performing such procedures as rarely as possible. It is still not worth avoiding them completely, because moderate exposure to ultraviolet rays is beneficial. Minor exposure to the skin stimulates the production of vitamin D.

Fake tan

Nowadays, tanning studios are very popular. The advantage is the absence of seasonality and the speed of obtaining the effect. Regular visits give a rich dark shade that makes the figure slimmer and hides minor skin imperfections. This encourages many girls to regularly visit the magic cabin.

However, radiation from artificial lamps is no less dangerous. Excessive exposure to solariums can lead to premature skin aging and loss of elasticity. That is why everything should be in moderation.

Remember that artificial UV rays are several times stronger than the sun, which means that the protection should be higher. Moreover, ordinary creams are not suitable for a holiday at sea. Solarium requires a special product, which is sold in the studios themselves or professional cosmetics stores.

Why remove tan

First of all, you need to understand why you need to remove your tan at all. Most often this is done for the following reasons:

  • the appearance of peeling, freckles;
  • red spots on the skin;
  • uneven tanning;
  • work that requires white skin: this applies to models, actresses, presenters.

When the tan partially fades, it doesn’t look very well-groomed: redness, pieces of peeling skin, spots.
And if you are a business lady, you cannot afford to go to a business meeting like that. What if there’s a date, and your face is in this state.

It is in such situations that the question arises of how to remove tan. Cosmetologists also provide this service, but you can do it at home yourself.

Benefits of home face whitening

Homemade face whitening has the following advantages:

  • First of all, the procedure can be performed at any time and you do not need to leave your home.
  • Homemade whitening products are several times cheaper than store-bought ones.
  • Homemade masks are prepared from simple and affordable ingredients that are absolutely safe for human health.
  • You can try several whitening methods at the same time and choose the best option for yourself.

Also interesting: Melanin injections for tanning, benefits, principle of action

Precautions and skin care after lightening

  • Before using different whitening products, you need to test them on your wrist. If allergies or irritation occur, use another product.
  • After the procedures, the skin becomes sensitive to direct ultraviolet rays. Be sure to use sunscreen before going outside, even if it is cloudy outside.
  • After using masks, be sure to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to your skin to avoid skin flaking.

There are many options for removing tan, from home remedies to salon treatments. What to choose is up to you.

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