Psoriasis. Treatment with folk remedies at home.

January 16, 2021

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that manifests itself as changes in the epidermis. Accelerated cell division creates a moisture deficiency, makes the skin dry and inelastic, and the patient develops so-called plaques. Peeling, itching, inflammation are frequent companions of psoriasis. With improper hygiene, a secondary infection may occur. How to care for psoriasis and treat your skin, read the article below.

How does the skin change with psoriatic lesions?

Normally, epidermal cell renewal takes 3-4 weeks. With psoriasis, this period is reduced to 4-7 days. As a result, degradation occurs and the skin loses its protective properties. She becomes vulnerable to minor injuries and prone to inflammation. The scaly plaques that form can be painful and itchy.

General principles of skin care for psoriasis are aimed at:

  • minimizing microtraumas;
  • reduction of irritation from chemical and mechanical influences;
  • additional food;
  • moisture preservation.

Problem areas do not need to be combed, because unnecessary trauma will only aggravate the inflammation. Friction of clothing should be avoided: choose wardrobe items made from natural soft fabrics, avoid tight fit.

Doctors do not recommend removing keratinized scales yourself. The best solution is to exfoliate them naturally as the skin's integrity is restored.


To make the prepared medicine more effective, you need to prepare the skin in advance. A daily bath using warm water is suitable for this. Plant extracts, decoctions of herbs, and plants characterized by antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties should be added to the water. For example, celandine, chamomile, string, calendula and sage. It is recommended to stay in the liquid for about 20 minutes.

Therapeutic therapy with homemade ointments will become much more effective if the person suffering from the disease tunes in for a long course. Only following the doctor's recommendations will help fight the disease.

Hygiene procedures for psoriasis

How to care for skin with psoriasis, is it possible to swim in the acute stage of the disease – patients often ask. Frequent bathing procedures are not recommended: with prolonged exposure to water, the plaques become soaked and begin to collapse, which can cause them to grow. The American Dermatological Association recommends spending no more than 5 minutes in the shower. Periodic bathing is acceptable, but no longer than 15 minutes.

The temperature of the water is important: it should not be too hot or cold. The optimal range is 37-38 degrees.

Body care for psoriasis requires careful selection of detergents. You should choose soap or gel with a neutral pH, without fragrances. Alkaline cosmetics may cause additional irritation. You should also avoid scrubs and peels that have a mechanical or chemical effect on the skin.

You should not choose cosmetics with active ingredients or large amounts of essential oils. These components can become potential irritants and cause a negative reaction.

After a shower, you do not need to rub your skin with a towel; you need to gently pat it dry, avoiding microtrauma. Particular attention should be paid to areas where plaques form.

To retain moisture on the surface, doctors recommend using emollients - special creams, lotions and balms that prevent skin dehydration. The selection of cosmetics is made individually in each case.

A soft tan has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Using self-prepared ointments

Traditional medicine for psoriasis is primarily based on the use of homemade ointments. The main purposes of their use:

  • Reducing discomfort in the form of burning, itching, skin tightness.
  • Skin restoration. Properly selected ointments help reduce rashes, accelerate the reverse development of plaques, and improve regeneration processes.
  • Prevention of the formation of cracks and ulcers on the skin.

Ointments are made on the basis of beekeeping products, oils, petroleum jelly, herbal infusions, chicken eggs, tar and grease. All of these ingredients are safe only if the patient does not have an allergic reaction to them.

To prevent the appearance of new foci of irritation on the skin, each independently prepared ointment should be tested before first use. To do this, a small amount of the prepared mixture is applied to that area of ​​the body with delicate skin where there are no psoriatic elements, usually to the skin of the elbow. If after a few hours there are no rashes, itching or swelling, the selected recipe can be used.

Applying certain types of ointments to psoriatic lesions in the first days of treatment sometimes causes increased discomfort. Dermatologists believe that this is how the subcutaneous layers are freed from toxins.

Folk remedies for psoriasis on the hands should also be used during the remission stage. You need to choose those compositions that will soften the skin and protect it from the aggressive effects of negative factors - household chemicals, sunlight and frost.

Hair products

Caring for the scalp with psoriasis also requires care. Shampoos are chosen with a neutral PH, mild action, aimed at preventing dandruff. Products with tar, salicylic acid and urea reduce itching, additionally moisturize the skin, and reduce flaking.

Keratolytic shampoos and creams have been developed especially for patients with psoriasis. They help to gently remove scales from the skin. Coloring can be carried out only with gentle compositions and in the remission phase. Do not dry your hair with a hot stream of air.

Cosmetics for skin care for psoriasis

  • Cosmetics containing salicylic acid have proven themselves well. They soften the skin and facilitate the separation of scales. The percentage of the asset is selected by the doctor. Not suitable for diabetic patients.
  • Lactic acid often acts as a keratolytic agent, so you should pay attention to the drugs that contain it.
  • Preparations containing resins have a beneficial effect on the skin. Their action is based on the suppression of cell division. Cosmetic products containing pine, birch, and coal tar resins are popular.
  • Creams and lotions containing vitamin D3 have a positive effect on the epidermis. It has a wound-healing effect and inhibits cell growth.

The specific choice of skincare products often depends on the location of the rash and the intensity of its manifestation, so it is better to consult with your doctor.

Briefly about pathology

Psoriasis is a non-infectious common skin disease. It is chronic in nature and occurs in waves over many years - periods of exacerbation alternate with a state of remission.

Symptoms are expressed by the formation of dry red spots on the epidermis, which are called psoriatic plaques. The appearance of spots is accompanied by unpleasant itching and a burning sensation.

The surfaces of the elbows and knees, the scalp under the hair, buttocks, palms and feet are most often affected. Less commonly – the external genitalia and nails.

The causes of the disease are not fully understood, but more often it manifests itself under the influence of the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • mutation at the gene level;
  • immune response to metabolic failures in the body;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • depression, stress;
  • alcohol abuse.

The main causes of the disease lie in disruptions in the functioning of the immune system or failures in cell division.

Psoriasis is a systemic disease and requires an integrated approach to therapy. In the absence or untimely treatment, it leads to metabolic disorders, joint diseases, irreversible changes in the brain, damage to the external and internal mucous membranes. The risk of developing encephalopathy and stroke increases.

General rules

Care for psoriasis requires maximum attention to the skin. It is necessary to avoid contact with aggressive detergents, not only household chemicals, but also soap and shampoo.

Special attention is paid to bed linen and clothing. Prefer work that does not involve wearing a rough uniform with additional fixing elements or interacting with chemicals. When cleaning at home, you must additionally protect your skin and wear gloves.

Psoriasis is a systemic disease that cannot be cured, but its course can be significantly alleviated.
The Psormak clinic in Moscow offers effective and safe methods for relieving exacerbations and transitioning into stable remission. You can contact us and order a consultation using the online form on the website or by phone. January 16, 2021
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

How to cure psoriasis at home

Is it possible to cure psoriasis forever? Official medicine considers this disease chronic and incurable. But the examples below show that people were able to cure psoriasis at home so that its symptoms did not appear for many years. And folk remedies helped them with this.

What is psoriasis.

Let's figure out what psoriasis is? Psoriasis (lichen planus) is a skin disease characterized by the appearance of reddish plaques on the body. This disease affects approximately 2-3% of the world's population, the closer to the north, the higher the percentage of patients. About 70% of patients become ill before the age of 20.

The disease is chronic, it either worsens or subsides - at this moment the rashes turn pale or the skin clears up completely, the symptoms of psoriasis disappear. Folk remedies help relieve exacerbations and prolong the asymptomatic period of the disease for many years.

Symptoms of psoriasis.

Spots of bright pink or red color (papules) appear on the skin, slightly rising above the surface of the skin, with clear boundaries; on top they are covered with silvery scales, which easily fall off when scraped. These papules then merge into larger plaques. A typical symptom of psoriasis is itching. Psoriasis most often affects the skin of the elbows, knees, legs, buttocks, and scalp. Sometimes the entire surface of the body is affected.


Symptoms of psoriasis subside in the summer, under the influence of sunlight (but in some patients, symptoms from sun rays worsen). The main problem for patients is cosmetic. In more severe forms, the following symptoms of psoriasis appear: cracks and suppuration appear in the affected areas of the skin, joints begin to ache - psoriatic arthritis develops.

Causes of psoriasis.

The true cause of psoriasis is still unknown , so there is no medicine that can cure this disease. Treatment boils down to eliminating the symptoms of the disease. In official medicine, a variety of ointments and creams are used, but they help some patients, and not others.

There are many hypotheses about the causes of psoriasis - hereditary, metabolic, neurogenic, endocrine, allergic, viral, infectious and others. The trigger is often severe stress, skin trauma, or hypothermia. Also, the cause may be long-term use of antibiotics, hormonal changes in the body (puberty, pregnancy), alcohol intoxication, climate change, prolonged exposure to the sun. The causes of psoriasis and cases of recovery are very controversial. For some people, the trigger for this disease may be the now fashionable cleansing of the body. And for other people, the same cleansing helps to heal from the symptoms of psoriasis. What happens with psoriasis? 1) Skin cells divide very quickly, without having time to mature and form strong bonds with each other, so protruding plaques form. 2) Cells of the immune system attack their own skin cells. The result is chronic autoimmune inflammation.

How we managed to cure psoriasis at home - the experience of readers of “Vestnik ZOZH”.

Here are examples of how patients managed to achieve remission of psoriasis for many years, and what folk remedies helped them in treatment.


Sophora tincture helped cure psoriasis of the scalp. A woman managed to cure her husband’s scalp psoriasis at home with tincture of Japanese Sofra. Tincture recipe. 1 glass of sofra fruits should be chopped with scissors, poured into a half-liter bottle and filled to the neck with vodka. Leave for 12-14 days in a warm, dark place, shaking daily. In the morning and evening, the woman lubricated her husband’s head with this tincture using a cotton swab. (HLS 2009, No. 19, p. 7).

For this tincture, you can use both dry and fresh fruits. When using fresh fruits, take 2 cups of them to 2 cups of vodka. Or you can buy a tincture at a pharmacy. For psoriasis, it is useful to use this tincture orally - 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day, dissolving in water.

Review of the treatment of psoriasis with the ASD-2 fraction and Sophora tincture. An article about how it was possible to cure psoriasis on the head with tincture of sophora was read by a woman whose son suffered from psoriasis for more than 20 years. Over the years, they tried to treat the disease with all sorts of means, but there were no tangible results. The whole head was covered with a continuous crust. After reading the article, the woman went to the pharmacy and bought dry Japanese sofra and prepared the tincture according to the recipe. I started applying this tincture 2 times a day to my son’s psoriasis on his head. After 1.5 months, the head was completely cleared. The joy knew no bounds!

The treatment for psoriasis at home did not end there: the body was covered with plaques from head to toe. After reading many positive reviews about treatment with the ASD-2 fraction, we began to use this drug, 5 ml 40 minutes before breakfast (If you weigh about 50 kg, then take 3 ml of ASD-2). After five days of treatment, take a 2-day break. After three such five-day days, there is a 2-week break. The plaques began to dissolve! When the patient came to the doctor for his next appointment, the doctor was very surprised - he had never seen a patient so clean. Now my son is taking PUVA therapy (powerful ultraviolet irradiation) and has completely cleared up. I have stopped taking ASD for now. The reader cannot say how many days to treat psoriasis with the ASD-2 fraction, but it will be a long time until all the plaques are resolved and to consolidate the result. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2010, No. 13, p. 8-9).

How to cure psoriasis forever with the “devil’s finger” mineral. The mineral belemnite (popularly called the devil's finger) helps cure many diseases, including psoriasis. Material about this stone was published in the “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” for 2010 No. 16 “Medicine from the Mesozoic era.” A newspaper reader was persuaded by a friend who suffers from psoriasis to go get a “devil’s finger” for her. Friends, geologists, suggested where to look for belemnite in Moscow. In Filevsky Park there are several ravines that lead to the Moscow River. There is even a stream flowing in one of the ravines. It is in these ravines that these minerals are found. It is better to look for them after heavy rain, when streams of water erode the slopes of ravines. The soil is carried into the river, and the fossils remain at the bottom of the ravines. They look like spear tips, or bullets, or fingers, size 1-10 cm. The reader found several pieces, brought them home, ground them into powder, sifted them through a sieve and took them to a friend. The woman sprinkled this powder on her psoriatic plaques and drank 1/2 tsp of the powder in the morning. on an empty stomach. After a few days the itching stopped. After a month, the plaques stopped peeling and became pale pink. But there was a feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin. And then, for treatment, she began to mix devil’s stone powder with salicylic ointment (for 1 tablespoon of ointment - 1 teaspoon of powder). After 1.5 months, the plaques disappeared. Then the woman stopped lubricating them, but continues to drink the powder to prevent relapses. Her teeth have also become stronger; previously they were loose from periodontal disease. When this remedy helped cure a friend’s psoriasis, the reader decided to test its effectiveness for himself. He had constant acne on his face. He diluted half a gram of powder in 100 ml of boiled water and shook it 40 times. After washing with baby soap, I lubricated my face with this water and drank 2-3 sips. After 2 days, the inflammation on the face went away. Then all the pimples disappeared. (Source: newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2011, No. 2, p. 29, 201 No. 21, p. 10).

Review No. 2 about the treatment of psoriasis with the “devil’s finger” Another newspaper reader suffered from psoriasis for a long time. He just had one “devil’s finger” at home and kept it as a souvenir. After reading the article “Medicine from the Mesozoic Era,” the patient pounded belemnite and began to sprinkle the powder on the sore. The very next day they stopped itching, a week later they disappeared, there were pink spots left, which soon became equal in color to the rest of the skin. Psoriasis has receded! (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2010, No. 21, p. 10).

Review No. 3 about treating psoriasis at home with the “devil’s finger” The child developed psoriasis at the age of 3. The arms, neck, and head were covered in plaques. Every year the child spent six months in a sanatorium, where he took medicinal baths. This helped a little. At the sanatorium they met a woman whose daughter also suffered from psoriasis. And from this woman they received a letter and a package. The woman said in the letter that in Healthy Lifestyle 2011, No. 2, p. 29 read an article about “devil’s fingers,” wrote to the author, and they sent her “devil’s finger.” She recognized it as a mineral that could be found along the banks of their river. I started collecting it, crushing it and adding it to my daughter’s bathtub. The plaques began to disappear and after 2 weeks disappeared completely. A friend from the sanatorium sent them “damn fingers.” Parents began to add 2 tbsp to the child’s bathing water. l. powder. After only 4 procedures, the disease began to go away, and after 8, only small spots remained on the elbows. Now it is possible to treat psoriasis at home, and not for six months in sanatoriums, and besides, it’s time for the child to go to first grade. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 15, p. 39).

How to cure psoriasis with sauerkraut. An elderly man suffered from psoriasis for many years. They lived in the village and made a lot of preparations for the winter. In the summer, his wife sent him to take cabbage out of a barrel and feed it to the piglets, because a new harvest was already on the way. The grandfather did just that, took the cabbage out of the barrel with his hands and gave it to the piglets. Soon I noticed that the skin on my hands had cleared up. He realized what valuable medicine he gave to the piglets. I went to the neighbors to get cabbage. Got it. I started moistening my skin with cabbage brine every day. A week later, the plaques began to fall off, and pink skin appeared in their place, which soon acquired a normal color. This is how I managed to cure psoriasis at home, it seemed like it happened by accident, but it helped. (HLS 2011, No. 16, p. 33).

Salty water. A woman treats psoriasis with such a simple remedy. Dissolves 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. spoon of salt. Every morning he wipes himself from head to toe with a waffle towel soaked in this salty solution. The rash passes quickly, the body becomes clean. (HLS 2012, No. 6, p. 41).

The girl had psoriasis. The healing baths she prepared for herself at home helped. I took 1 pack of salt and soda, poured it into a bath with warm water, stirred and added 50 ml (5 bottles) of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. I took a bath before bed for 20-30 minutes. After that I didn’t wash myself. Improvements came within a week, and in total she took 20 baths. (HLS 2014, No. 12, p. 32).

Morning picking strawberries. The woman was diagnosed with psoriasis and prescribed treatment, but it did not help. The spot kept getting bigger, plus low hemoglobin, thinness, and weakness. The trade union committee gave her a ticket to the sanatorium. A neighbor at the table advised me to eat 100-200 g of strawberries picked in the morning every day - this is how her friend managed to cure psoriasis forever. The patient followed this advice and began to eat strawberries. Soon the psoriasis got so bad that she was horrified. The spots grew larger, rose above the skin, and became covered with fluff. Bloody spots formed under the scales. But the woman had many other problems, she did not focus on the disease until one day she noticed that where there were spots before, the skin became almost clear. There were only a few spots left, which disappeared after 3 days. After 3 years, she read why strawberries picked in the morning are the most useful - some very useful substances begin to leave the berries with the first rays of the sun, and by 10 am they are completely gone. (HLS 2012, No. 23, p. 33).

How to cure psoriasis at home with flaxseed oil. The woman had psoriasis all over her body for 41 years; she had had it since she was 14 years old. In any heat I had to wear trousers and blouses with long sleeves. Finally, she managed to put on a dress with open arms and not feel disgusted looks on her. She started treatment in the summer. In the morning, on an empty stomach, she drank 1 tbsp. l. oils I ate large quantities of fresh vegetables and herbs. She worked a lot in the garden and in the hayfield, constantly drying herself with a waffle towel soaked in salt water. Every evening there was a bathhouse in which I washed and rinsed not with plain water, but with an infusion of herbs: nettle, burdock, celandine, pine branches. When she drank the first bottle of oil, she did not notice any improvements, but her intestines began to work well. When I started drinking the second bottle, the spots began to lighten and decrease. Now all the skin is clean. (HLS 2013, No. 2, p. 8,).

Echinacea tincture helped cure psoriasis for 30 years. 30 years ago a man suffered from psoriasis. Psoriasis plaques were on the legs below the knees. For 3 years in a row I went to the sea and rubbed jellyfish into sores. It helped, but after a while psoriasis appeared on my hands, in an even more severe form. In an article by an expert in Tibetan medicine, he read that psoriasis can be cured with Echinacea root. An alcohol tincture should be made from a three-year-old root. You should not buy the tincture at the pharmacy, because it is prepared not only from the root, but also from the stems and leaves. The man bought seeds and planted echinacea in his dacha. According to the recipe, the herbalist made a tincture: for 30 g of root powder - 70 g of alcohol. He insisted for 20 days in the dark. I drank 25-30 drops 3 times a day. And at the same time I lubricated the sores with Celestoderm ointment. Course 50 days, break - 10 days. Then another course of treatment. This is a complete cycle. After two courses of treatment, the man did not have a single spot left. A year later, the itching appeared again, then he carried out another cycle of treatment (2 courses). And for 30 years now he has not remembered psoriasis. (HLS 2013, No. 19, p. 8,).

The Zorka cream from the pet store helped cure psoriasis. Every autumn, a woman’s psoriasis on her hands worsened. Expensive ointments did not help. At night I didn’t know what to do with my hands: the skin was cracking, itching, hurting, and it was impossible to sleep. Once she saw Zorka cream in a pet store to soften the udders of cows. Previously, she had heard positive reviews about the treatment of psoriasis with this cream. I decided to buy it. Before going to bed, I thickly smeared it on my hands and put on old gloves. After half an hour the pain subsided. I began to smear my hands with this cream several times a day, and within a week all the cracks on my hands healed. (HLS 2013, No. 21, pp. 30-31).

Treatment of psoriasis with activated carbon. The man tried all folk remedies to treat psoriasis: grease, tar, celandine, propolis, and also tried all pharmaceutical ointments, including expensive imported ones. Some remedies brought temporary relief, while others aggravated it. Ultraviolet radiation and trips to the south also did not produce results. Cleansing the body with activated carbon helped. Started accepting coal in 2007. And now there have been no rashes for 6 years. The skin has cleared completely. The recipe is simple: for 10 days in a row, I took 12 tablets of activated carbon in the evening before bed. Then a 20-day break. In total, I conducted 4 courses in winter. Improvement occurred after the second course. In addition, on the doctor’s recommendation, after the 4th course I received an injection of Diprospan. I excluded animal fat and alcohol from my diet. As a preventive measure, he carries out 1 course of cleansing with activated carbon. (HLS 2013, No. 11, p. 31).

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