Bodyflex exercises for the face and neck from Childers, Korpan to improve blood circulation

Bodyflex is a whole set of exercises aimed at working out various muscle groups and designed to get rid of excess weight. But as practice shows, there is a special exercise designed to improve blood flow in the neck and face, helping to prolong youth and preserve beauty. The complex is aimed at increasing the tone of the facial muscles, making the oval of the face more toned, and protecting the skin from premature aging. There are several effective complexes developed by Greer Children and Korpan.

Essence and basic principles

Bodyflex, exercises for the face and neck, is the presence of special movements that help work the facial and neck muscles. The creator of the technique is Greer Chaiders, an American whose complex is based on a combination of muscle exercises with stretching and breathing exercises. In Russia, Marina Korpan is engaged in bodyflex training. American Greer Childers, after the birth of her third child, discovered that her figure had gained significant weight. To regain her previous shape, she tried many techniques, but none of them helped.

And one day she was advised to go to a sports physiologist for a lesson, where he talked about proper breathing. After the first lesson, Greer lost heart a little, believing that this whole technique was ineffective, but the young slender physiologist struck a chord with her and Greer decided to prove that the method did not help. But how surprised she was when, after 10 days of regular exercise, she discovered that her volume had decreased by 2 cm in all parts of her body. After 3 months of daily exercise, the woman changed size 52 to 42. In English, body means body, and flex means bend. In fact, this technique helps develop flexibility of joints, ligaments and muscles.

This type of gymnastics incorporates techniques from yoga, Pilates, stretching and breathing practice. Bodyflex differs from other techniques by the presence of a certain set of breathing exercises. All movements are based on diaphragmatic breathing, therefore they help to activate the flow of oxygen into the circulatory system, due to which a blush appears on the face, and the elasticity and firmness of the skin increases. Proper breathing is the main basis for the proper functioning of all body systems. With regular use of the complex, it is possible to increase the volume of the lungs, normalize their function, improve blood flow, and increase the flow of oxygen to the tissues.

If you apply the technique correctly, you can not only improve your appearance, but also have a positive effect on the functioning of your internal organs:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • activates regeneration processes in cells and tissue;
  • stimulates the conversion of fat deposits into energy;
  • heals the entire body as a whole;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • minimal time spent on daily activities;
  • You can practice at home without the help of a trainer.

The disadvantage of this technique, many women consider the need to strictly follow the training schedule. If you skip just one workout, you can minimize all previous efforts. Experts also say that if you systematically perform the complex incorrectly, you can cause serious harm to your health. The Greer Childers technique is based on staged breathing, which includes 5 repeated steps.

All of them are described in the table below:

ExhalationYou need to pretend that you are going to say the letter “y”. The lips are held in this position and all the air from the lungs is exhaled. Then close your lips.
InhaleSharply draw in a large amount of air through your nose, try to fill your lungs and stomach.
Exhale forcefullyTake in as much air as possible into your lungs, raise your head up and exhale noisily.
Holding your breathAfter a deep exhalation, hold your breath for 8 seconds, lower your chin as low as possible, pull in your stomach and arch your chest forward.
Inhale and relaxAt the same time, you need to inhale and relax the abdominal muscles.

Bodyflex exercises for the face and neck.
In Russia, Marina Korpan made her own adjustments to the methodology, who also suffered from excess weight and tried many methods, but did not get any results. When she was completely desperate, she came across a video cassette of gymnastics from Childers. She tried the method on herself and made her own adjustments to it.

Korpan has proven that only daily morning exercises, taking only 15 minutes of time, will help achieve the following results:

  • burning fat deposits by saturating muscle fibers with oxygen;
  • strengthening muscle mass by filling the body with energy;
  • normalization of digestive, heart and vascular functions;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • getting rid of tachycardia;
  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • fight against fatigue.

By performing aerobic exercise and breathing techniques, you can correct your figure and rejuvenate your skin.

Popular questions for beginners

At first glance, the technique seems impossible to replicate. Beginners are afraid to start mastering the technique

If such thoughts come to mind, then you need to take on the implementation carefully. Study the action plan in detail

Then they begin to gradually implement the information. Daily training is required. The main thing is to carry them out away from household members. From the outside, the exercises look comical. Bewilderment and laughter will distract and instill uncertainty.

Numerous beginners strive to get results instantly. This is impossible. After standard mastery of the technique, it will take at least a week of regular training for the first changes to appear. The second week of thorough training will give you guaranteed results. Positive changes are most noticeable among those with obvious problems.

The question often arises as to how long it will take to practice. Many, having achieved visible results, stop. Returning to normal life leads to regression.

Beginners are often confused by the short duration of classes. 15-minute exercises seem ineffective. This is a misconception. Even short workouts give results. Increasing the load for beginners is unacceptable. It exhausts the body.

Indications for use

Bodyflex is recommended for women and men over 30 years of age if the following problems are observed:

  • excess body weight, if other methods do not give the desired result;
  • early aging, manifested on the face and neck in the form of sagging skin, pigmentation;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • smoking;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • pathologies affecting the skin;
  • depressive states;
  • ailments affecting the digestive tract;

  • depressed psycho-emotional state.

Contraindications for use

Bodyflex, exercises for the face and neck, is simple gymnastics, the pace of exercise is slow and pleasant, but there is a category of people for whom it is not suitable.

The technique cannot be used if:

  • hypertension;
  • bleeding;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • surgical interventions undergone during the year;
  • allergy;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • cholelithiasis;

  • myopia;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • bearing a fetus;
  • retinal detachment;
  • acute forms of chronic diseases;
  • benign and malignant formations;
  • problems with the spinal column;
  • colds and other illnesses accompanied by high fever.

If you have breathing problems, then you shouldn’t do bodyflex. Such gymnastics involves holding your breath, and if there are problems with it, you may experience severe tinnitus and dizziness, and in some cases even loss of consciousness. That is why it is worth approaching the procedure carefully and only after consultation with a specialist.

Useful tips for patients

Bodyflex, exercises for the face and neck, will be most effective if you strictly adhere to some recommendations:

  • eat small portions and as often as possible (at least 6 times a day);
  • You should definitely remove flour products, sweets and fried foods from your diet;
  • do not eat 3 hours before going to bed;
  • drink as much clean water as possible (2.5-3 liters per day);
  • include as many fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible;
  • You should exercise in the morning and only on an empty stomach or 3 hours after your last meal;
  • do not disrupt the training system, the complex should be performed no more than 1 hour a day;
  • Exercises should be performed in a well-ventilated area and preferably with open windows;
  • beginners should not perform a breathing complex while walking;
  • hold your breath in the main position for no more than 8 seconds;

  • It is better to conduct classes 5 times a week, and take two days off to allow the body to recover;
  • be sure to get a full rest at night - at least 8 hours;
  • In addition to bodyflex, professional athletes are recommended to use additional loads, for example, strength training;
  • repeat each exercise up to 5 times;
  • Breathing incorrectly will reduce the effect of exercise, so before starting you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the 5-step breathing system developed by Childers.

Exercises for training

The variety of exercises is great. The complex is selected in such a way that the solution to the assigned tasks is achieved. Those who strive for active rejuvenation, in addition to the basic ones, also require a special set of classes. To maintain your tone, it is enough to master several basic actions.

To strengthen the neck muscles, maintain a normal oval, and prevent a double chin, the following exercise is suitable:

  1. The starting position is determined by breathing technique.
  2. The gaze is directed upward, the lower jaw is protruded forward, the lip is slightly pushed back, and the arms are moved back.
  3. They tense their neck muscles and open their eyes wide.
  4. Perform a breathing movement.
  5. Count to 7, relax the neck muscles, straighten up, and begin to breathe.

Actions must be repeated up to 5-6 times.

You can prevent the formation of the first wrinkles using the following exercise:

  1. Take the starting position and perform a breathing movement.
  2. As you exhale, tighten your lips and open your mouth wide (it should look like the letter “O”).
  3. The tongue is directed as far down as possible, the gaze is directed upward.
  4. The lower eyelids are “moved” according to the down-up pattern.
  5. They count to 7, relax their muscles, and begin to breathe.

The steps are repeated up to 7–8 times.

Video about how to remove a double chin. Marina Korpan will tell you how often you need to do bodyflex.

Main complex

Bodyflex exercises for the face and neck help rejuvenate the face and neck by 10 years. It is only important to adhere to the recommendations and strictly follow the rules for performing the exercises. The method of the American and Marina Korpan from Russia, who improved it, gives a good effect with regular training.

Gymnastics Greer Childers

The first signs of aging in women and men appear on the face and neck. The area under the chin is the first to respond to all physical activity. A little fat accumulates in this area, but the skin is flabby.

To remove sagging in the neck, you can use a simple exercise - an ugly grimace:

  1. Initial pose. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your knees, lean your body forward, and place your buttocks in a position as if the person is about to sit down.
  2. Next you need to perform a breathing exercise. Hold your breath, pull in your stomach and take the main pose.
  3. Basic pose. So, the neck is slightly extended forward, as is the chin. The lower jaw is pushed forward and the lip is pulled so that the skin in the neck area is stretched as much as possible. Next you need to use the bodyflex breathing technique, and then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times every day.

Another exercise for oxygenating the muscles of the face and neck from Grieg Childers is called Lev.

Step by step execution:

  1. Initially, you need to perform 5-step breathing exercises.
  2. Pull your lips into a circle, as if you were about to say the letter “o”. Open your eyes wide and lift them up as high as possible to tighten the muscles around the eyes.
  3. The position of the lips remains the same, but you need to lower them as low as possible, tensing the muscles of the nose and cheeks. The muscles are tense, stick your tongue out as far as possible, and you should feel that the muscles on the chin and neck are tense as much as possible.
  4. Remain in this position for up to 8 seconds.
  5. Repeat up to 5 times.

Exercises from Marina Korpan

The complex consists of 7 exercises:

  1. Pull your stomach under your ribs and hold your breath. Place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes, and the middle on the inner corners. Apply a little pressure on the eyes, but without discomfort. Raise your eyes as high as possible, squint them and pull up the lower eyelid. At this time, the muscles should be felt under the fingertips. Repeat up to 10 times.
  2. Pull your stomach under your ribs. Holding your breath, connect 4 fingers and place them on your forehead, pressing slightly, do not bend your palm and do not squeeze the muscles. Use your fingers to try to raise your eyebrows. Imagine that you were very surprised. Repeat 4 times.
  3. Drawing in your stomach again and holding your breath, try to inflate the space under your upper lip. Repeat with the lower lip as well.

  4. Having again pulled in the abdomen, while holding your breath, inflate first one cheek, and then the other, and do everything at a fast pace. Repeat 4 approaches, each with 10 exercises.
  5. Having sucked in your stomach and holding your breath, you need to imagine that you need to pronounce the letter “o”. Lips should be gathered in a small circle. Stick out your tongue and try to reach your chin with it; you must not loosen your lips. At the same time, you need to open your eyes wide and try to raise them as high as possible. 4 repetitions of 10 exercises.
  6. Start with a breathing exercise; while holding your breath, you need to stretch your lower jaw as far forward as possible and protrude your lower lip as far down as possible. Tilt your head back, but so as not to feel discomfort in the cervical spine. Now you need to pull your lower lip up as high as possible; you should feel a stretch in the muscles, starting from the chest to the tip of the chin. Repeat up to 10 times.
  7. Perform breathing exercises by holding your breath and opening your mouth, pressing your upper lip to the upper row of teeth, and do the same with the lower lip and lower row of teeth. Place your palms on your cheeks and stroke them from bottom to top. You need to mentally imagine that your face seems to be pulled up. You need to slide your hands throughout the entire breath hold. 4 sets of 8-10 exercises.

How to breathe correctly during exercise

The first and most important thing you need to master if you want to practice the bodyflex system is the breathing technique when performing exercises. Without proper breathing, you will not be able to achieve the desired results; your workouts simply will not be effective.

Breathing technique

  1. Stand up straight, keep your back straight, with your legs slightly apart and resting your entire foot on the floor.
  2. Bend your knees slightly (as if you were about to sit on a chair), place your hands on your hips above your knees, palms down.
  3. Smoothly and slowly exhale all the air through your mouth. It is permissible to lean forward a little while exhaling.
  4. Quickly inhale as much air as you can through your nose. The inhalation will be noisy, and there may also be unpleasant sensations in the nose, which will disappear over time.
  5. Without holding your breath after inhaling, quickly and noisily exhale all the air through your mouth. At this stage, it is also permissible to lean your body forward a little.
  6. Draw your stomach in as much as possible, as if gluing it to your spine, and hold your breath for 8–10 seconds. Beginners may not breathe for 5 seconds. All muscle exercises are performed just at the retention stage after exhalation.
  7. At the end of the exercise, the abdominal muscles are relaxed and a slow, smooth inhalation is performed.
  8. Return to normal breathing patterns.

Photo gallery: diaphragm breathing technique in bodyflex

Keep your back straight during the exercise Slowly exhale all the air from your lungs through your mouth Quickly and as deeply as possible inhale the air through your nose, mouth closed Exhale the air sharply and quickly with a noise

Hold your breath after exhaling for 8-10 seconds and pull your stomach in as much as possible. After holding your breath, stand straight, relax your stomach and inhale

At the very beginning, this breathing technique may seem difficult, but as the practice continues, the discomfort disappears and self-confidence grows. It is advisable to start mastering breathing techniques when there is another person nearby. Then, in case of hyperventilation and sudden fainting, you will not be left without help.

Even if the exercises do not cause difficulties, you should not get carried away in the pursuit of quick results. Remember, the workout should last no longer than 15–20 minutes, so as not to provoke hyperventilation and fainting.

Consolidate the result

Greer Childers has developed another technique - faceflex, which helps to more effectively combat any age-related changes on the face. This technique involves a complex: acupressure and breathing exercises. During acupressure, each cell is saturated with oxygen, some points are activated, helping to launch the mechanism for restoring damaged cells, restoring elasticity and tone to the skin. The massage is carried out only with the fingertips, all touches are light, without pressure or trauma to the skin. If the massage therapist’s nails are long, it is better to wrap them in a soft napkin.

For the massage to be as effective as possible, each pair of points needs to be massaged 8 times.

The index and middle fingers are lowered to a couple of points on both sides of the nose and the trail is massaged:

  • the first pair are the corners of the mouth;
  • the second - at the wings of the nose;
  • the third - on both sides of the nose;
  • fourth - outer corners of the eyes;
  • fifth – inner corners of the eyes;
  • sixth – tragus of the ear or slightly higher;
  • seventh - along the edges of the chin;
  • eighth – whiskey;
  • the ninth is above the eyebrow arches.

The essence of the technique

Bodyflex is a set of special exercises aimed at training certain muscle groups. There are programs for losing weight and staying in shape. By location, the exercises are aimed at working with different parts of the body. Of greatest interest is the technique associated with the development of facial reliefs.

An important component of the complex is proper breathing. It is with its mastery that one begins to study the bodyflex technique. Correct implementation of breathing techniques is the basis for success. The technique was developed by Grieg Childers. Marina Korpan has improved the technique, actively promotes it, and practices it in our country. It is her lessons that help most women master special gymnastics.

Thanks to exercises using the bodyflex method, it is possible to normalize breathing. The body is better saturated with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all systems. Simultaneously with breathing exercises, muscle training is carried out. Perform gymnastics according to the description or video lessons.

When to expect an effect

Bodyflex for the face and neck is one of the sports that needs to be practiced regularly to get real results. Once you stop doing the exercises and the muscles immediately return to their previous form, sagging and signs of aging and fading of the skin will appear. The first results can be replaced if you exercise daily for 15 minutes for 2 months. This period is enough to notice that the technique is effective, but it will not be possible to obtain serious results. The results will appear not because of trained muscles, but because the cells are better saturated with oxygen.

The skin will acquire a healthy shade, become firmer and more elastic. After another 8-10 months of regular exercise, the skin of the face will noticeably tighten, and there will be no noticeable sagging on the neck. After just a year of regular exercise, women, having received good results, quit the sport, but in order for the results to last for a long time, they need to constantly maintain muscle tone. That is why you need to continue classes even after receiving the results, but you can do it 3 times a day. Bodyflex for the face and neck is a safe and effective technique that helps restore aging skin to its blooming appearance, youth and health.

A set of exercises will help many women regain their beauty without resorting to surgery. Regular and systematic exercise will give real visible results within 7-8 weeks, but the main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations and not exceed the training time.

Benefits of breathing exercises

The basis of the training is a special breathing technique. Thanks to it, the useful volume of the lungs increases. Deep inhalations and exhalations allow the organ to work at full strength. Complex breathing saturates the blood with oxygen more effectively. Various processes in the body are stimulated. The most important of them for improving appearance are:

  • toning blood vessels;
  • acceleration of tissue renewal;
  • converting fat into energy.

As a result of regular exercise, the following is observed:

  • intensive tightening of the oval of the face;
  • formation of correct reliefs;
  • improvement of skin color and structure.

Daily workouts lasting up to 15 minutes will help in the fight against the effects of age-related processes and will prevent early skin aging.

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