How to remove a thorn on your foot using vinegar or celandine. How to remove thorn with folk remedies at home

In most cases, the appearance of warts is not given due attention. If they have to be removed, it is only because they look disgusting and disfigure the skin. Moreover, people tend to believe that warts are completely harmless, but this is far from the case. Sometimes simply deleting does not solve the problem. Despite the fact that they are considered a predominantly benign tumor, warts appear against the background of the development of a virus in the body. All this leads to the proliferation of cells in the superficial layers of the skin, followed by their keratinization.

But more and more often, people began to encounter painful formations on their feet that cause discomfort when walking. They look similar to warts, but they are diagnosed quickly. These are spines. What are they, why do they appear and how to treat them? It is these issues that the article is devoted to.

What is a spine, what is its localization

A thorn, or plantar wart, is a skin disease that has a viral etiology. They can occur in 30% of cases of benign skin tumors. It is not for nothing that this disease received this name, because this pathology most often causes quite painful sensations, and the most common location is the feet. Thus, a person walks as if on thorns.

As already mentioned, the spine is often localized on the soles of the feet: on the heels or pads of the big toes. Less commonly, it can occur on the palms or fingers. Therefore, the doctor is most often asked how to remove a splint on the foot.

What does a plantar wart look like?

Since the formation is located on the foot, this can lead to pain and injury to the wart itself.
For these reasons, a plantar wart must be treated, although there is a small chance that a plantar wart will go away on its own without serious treatment. Unfortunately, it is still not easy to get rid of a wart, so it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to reduce the risk of infecting other people, as well as to reduce the treatment time for the disease. The use of exclusively folk remedies and independent attempts to get rid of the tumor are undesirable. A plantar wart has a deep root that is almost impossible to remove on your own, so relapses occur. Folk remedies often severely injure surrounding tissues, which can lead to an increase in the affected area and unpleasant consequences in the form of burns and scars.


The causative agent of the spine is the human papillomavirus. With a decrease in immunity, in particular after a recent illness, frequent stress, poor diet or lack of vitamins, excessive physical and mental stress, the body's resistance to the virus decreases. Open wounds or injuries on the skin become places where viruses and bacteria enter the body. In such cases, warts may begin to appear after contact with a person carrying the virus or even objects that he used. It can occur at any age. So the question of how to remove a splint on the foot can bother almost everyone.

It is especially easy to catch it if your immune system is low, or if there is any damage to the skin of your hands or feet. This could be an untreated wound, a scratch, or even a slight scuff from uncomfortable shoes. In a humid environment, the virus multiplies very quickly, so most often people with excessive sweating of the feet try to find out more about how to remove a bunion on the foot.


Externally, the spine resembles a callus. This formation is a dense area of ​​keratinized skin that is yellow in color. The main symptom that distinguishes the spine from ordinary calluses and warts is a sharp pain when pressed.

But it consists of more than just dead skin. It contains many thread-like growths that go deep into the muscle tissue. Therefore, removing or cutting off only the upper part of the spine will not solve the problem. After some time it may grow again. This makes the problem of how to remove a splint on a leg difficult to solve.


Before moving on to the question of treatment, it is worth noting that in 90% of cases the spine can go away on its own and without intervention. This is due to the fact that the immune system itself suppresses the virus over time, copes with the spread of infection and restores the skin. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that this process is not the fastest and takes approximately from several months to 1.5 years.

Treatment must be started when the body cannot cope on its own, the spine begins to grow, and daughter growths appear, as well as in the presence of acute pain.

Methods for removing plantar warts can be divided into 3 groups:

1) Operative - surgical removal using a scalpel using local anesthesia, removal using a radio wave, laser or ultrasonic scalpel, burning out the spine.

2) Chemical - include the use of special chemicals such as nitric, salicylic acid, etc., which cause the skin to die, after which the wart falls out.

3) Physical – removal with liquid nitrogen or soft laser.

The effectiveness of using vinegar for pathology

The effectiveness of vinegar therapy is confirmed by all connoisseurs of folk remedies. This method is considered one of the most reliable ways to remove warts. You can use apple cider vinegar, wine vinegar, and table vinegar. 6 or 9% acetic acid is a highly active chemical that can necrotize damaged areas.

You can use apple cider vinegar for spiky

Using this method, you can cleanse the skin of pathological formations and avoid the appearance of scars. Burning the spine with vinegar also allows you to get rid of deep roots. Thanks to this cauterization, it is possible to avoid the recurrence of warts and prevent further spread of the viral infection.

Treatment at home

Of course, it is imperative to seek qualified help, but the spine can be cured on your own. You always need to be very careful, since any of the methods can be quite painful and unpleasant.

If the spine does not go away, and nothing helps, and it only grows further, you should contact an immunologist. He will prescribe proper antiviral treatment.

And now more about ways to remove a splint on the foot at home.


Contraindications for using vinegar when removing a spine are:

  • Multiple papules
  • Allergic reaction to vinegar.
  • The location of nodes on visible areas, such as the face and eyelids.
  • The presence of inflammation or ulceration around the wart.
  • Children's age up to 5 years.
  • Multiple spines.

It is also not recommended to remove the spine with vinegar if the color of the wart changes, its uneven edges are unclear, or blood or pus is discharged. In this case, it is better to remove warts by cauterization with liquid nitrogen.


A fairly simple and affordable way is to remove it using celandine juice or tincture. They are sold in absolutely every pharmacy and at an affordable price. You can read about how to remove a thorn on a leg with celandine in the instructions for it.

It is best to steam the skin before applying celandine and you can additionally scrape off or even trim the top layer of skin above the spine. This way the treatment will be more effective. You just need to lubricate or instill the spine with celandine juice several times a day.

Usually, a whole month can be enough to completely get rid of a plantar wart. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that celandine burns very strongly, so you will need a lot of patience to endure the entire course.

How to cure plantar warts

When a plantar wart appears, the question arises of how to cure this tumor. When the growths cause excessive discomfort and spread quickly, the best solution is to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible, he will select the most appropriate treatment option. There are several ways to solve this problem.

The most radical of them is surgical: the wart and its roots are surgically removed. This method is not the most effective, since the roots of the tumor are located in the deep layers of the skin. In some cases, it is not possible to completely remove them.

Wart removal can be done using laser and electrocoagulation, as well as cryotherapy.

In addition to removal in medical institutions, plantar warts can be removed using less radical methods, such as ointments, solutions, special patches, as well as folk remedies. These products for removing plantar warts have a number of advantages and disadvantages, the main one of which is the long treatment time.

Removal of plantar warts

One of the most common ways to remove plantar warts is to remove them in specialized medical institutions. At the appointment, the dermatologist should tell you in detail how to get rid of plantar warts and, based on the results of the examination, choose the most suitable method. Despite the fact that thorns are difficult to cure, there is no specific means of removing them; all methods that are appropriate for the treatment of other types of warts are used. Removal of plantar warts can occur on an outpatient basis, but your doctor can prescribe remedies to help remove the growths at home.

Surgical removal of warts

Along with other treatment methods, surgery is used to remove warts. The wart is scraped out with a special scalpel under local anesthesia. After this procedure, if the plantar wart is large, sutures are placed under the skin and removed within one to two weeks. The wound site is treated with a disinfectant solution and an aseptic bandage is applied. There is usually a small scar left at the site of removal.

The complexity of this method is that during the operation the doctor must remove all the roots, otherwise the plantar wart will appear again. Therefore, this method is used today only if all other treatment methods have been ineffective.

Liquid nitrogen removal

Removal with liquid nitrogen involves exposing the neoplasm to extremely low temperatures; this is the most common modern and fastest way to treat plantar warts.

The method is based on freezing the tumor tissue itself. In fact, inside the wart cells, under the influence of an extremely low temperature of -196 degrees Celsius, ruptures occur, leading to the death of the wart.

Cryodestruction is carried out manually or using hardware. If the wart is large or the procedure is performed on a child, then it becomes necessary to use local anesthesia, usually novocaine.

The exposure time to direct liquid nitrogen is up to 30 seconds. After the first cauterization, the doctor should pause to assess the effectiveness of the effect and the need for repeated cauterization.

After freezing, a bubble with a colorless or reddish liquid forms at the site of the wart, which indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process. This is a normal reaction to the cauterization procedure.

Cryodestruction is considered painless, but when treating plantar warts it must be repeated several times to achieve the final effect. After the wart falls off, there are no scars left.

The advantages of liquid nitrogen removal are:

  • freezing prevents further spread of the disease to the nearest skin;
  • lack of special training;
  • short duration of the procedure;
  • the risks of developing scars or cicatrices are minimal.

The disadvantages of cryodestruction of plantar warts are:

  • the need to repeat the course if the affected area is large or due to the size of the wart;
  • the human factor - the professionalism of the doctor performing this procedure is a guarantee of success. The doctor must correctly assess the time and degree of exposure of the tissue to nitrogen, otherwise a burn may form;
  • the discomfort that a swollen bladder brings and the need to treat it are also considered disadvantages of the method.

In general, reviews of the treatment of plantar warts using liquid nitrogen cauterization are positive, since this is the simplest, most effective and affordable method.

Laser removal

Laser removal is considered one of the most effective and safe methods. After laser treatment, the wart ceases to be infectious. The procedure itself is painless; the laser has a special attachment built into it that cools the treatment site. Additionally, one or more pain-relieving injections are given before the operation. The patient usually feels a slight tingling sensation during the procedure. After removing the tumor, there are no traces left, since the laser directly burns the diseased tissue. The laser method allows maximum control over the depth of exposure, which is individual in each case. Therefore, even with deep tissue damage, it is possible to completely remove the roots, which means preventing the regrowth of the wart.

The operation takes place under sterile conditions, there is no direct contact with the skin or wart, and the operation lasts only a few minutes. Positive results when removing plantar warts using a laser also make this method the most attractive.

The main disadvantage of laser plantar wart removal remains the high cost, which usually includes a doctor’s consultation, anesthesia and the operation itself. In addition, the wound takes a long time to heal after removal and requires compliance with hygiene rules.

Treatment of plantar warts

Before treating a plantar wart, you need to make sure the diagnosis is accurate and then proceed directly to the procedures. In addition to surgical interventions, the doctor may prescribe immunotherapy and topical medications.

The need for immunotherapy is usually justified, since the disease is caused by a virus, which actively develops when the body is weakened. Topical immunotherapies directly target the virus in two ways. In the first case, the drug stimulates the immune system, and in the second, an antigen is introduced into the body of the wart, which also activates the immune system, so that the wart can disappear faster.

Treatment of a plantar wart takes quite a long time; it is important not to forget to strengthen the immune system and maintain hygiene. If removal and treatment are not applied, the wart can go away on its own for more than a year, while the person is a source of infection for everyone around him. You should pay close attention to this unpleasant disease and be sure to consult a dermatologist, who will definitely tell you how and how to treat a plantar wart.

Treatment of a plantar wart directly depends on compliance with all hygiene standards and doctor’s instructions; daily treatment of the formation is a guarantee of successful recovery.

Treatment at home

Any new formations on the skin cannot be ignored, since cancer awareness is now growing all over the world. You should not ignore an appointment with a specialist; he can prescribe treatment for plantar warts at home. In this case, special solutions, ointments, and a patch for warts are usually prescribed.

Ointments are one of the mildest methods of treatment; they act on the wart itself, as a result of which it gradually dies and disappears. The following types of ointments are used in treatment:

  • antiviral ointment;
  • acid-based ointment;
  • various ointments based on herbal remedies.

The most commonly prescribed ointments are salicylic acid and oxolinic ointment. Any type of ointment is applied pointwise to the wart several times a day in accordance with the instructions. When treating a plantar wart, before applying the drug, it must be steamed in warm water in advance. It is advisable to apply any ointment at night so that you do not have to step on the formation and wash off the ointment.

To get rid of plantar warts at home, you can use a special salicylic acid-based patch. This product has low cost and proven effectiveness. The patch is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, the principle of its use is very simple - a wart is sealed with a piece of the patch, and a regular medical plaster is attached on top. The patch needs to be changed at certain intervals. It may take about two weeks to remove a small wart, and you should not leave the wart without a patch for a long time. As treatment progresses, the area of ​​the wart decreases; after 12 hours it becomes covered with a crust, which then disappears. After successful treatment, a small pinkish spot remains on the skin, which should completely disappear over time.

When applying the patch, you must be careful - when applying it, you should avoid healthy areas of the skin, otherwise severe irritation may occur. There are contraindications for using this method of wart removal, so the decision to prescribe a patch must be made by a doctor.

Another way to treat plantar warts at home is hyperthermia. The feet affected by warts are immersed in the hottest possible water. Such procedures are repeated several times. In some cases, hyperthermia shows a positive effect. The mechanism of the procedure is based on the stimulation of small blood vessels in the legs and activation of local immunity.

At home, you can use low temperature treatment, similar to removing warts with liquid nitrogen. To do this, you can use special applicator pens or sprays. As with cryoablation, multiple applications may be required.

Treatment with folk remedies

Despite the fact that modern medicines are much more effective and with their help the process of removing plantar warts occurs faster, the effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies cannot be denied. Traditional medicine has accumulated vast experience in combating warts, and some methods remain effective.

  • Celandine juice is one of the most popular methods for removing spines. You can use the juice of a fresh plant or purchase Mountain Celandine at the pharmacy, which contains, in addition to celandine juice, other herbal extracts. The juice is applied once or twice a day to the affected area.
  • Acetic acid, along with various additional agents, is also used to remove warts. In addition to acid, onions and flour are used. You can directly drip the acid itself onto the affected area, but this method is quite dangerous due to the high risk of severe burns.
  • Apple cider vinegar: a swab soaked in the solution (it is important not to use undiluted vinegar) is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin; the area of ​​skin is first treated with an abrasive nail file.
  • Garlic is another folk remedy for treating warts. Raw garlic should be rubbed on the formation until it completely disappears, but this method can be used for no more than three weeks.
  • A banana peel is applied with the inside to the affected area of ​​the skin; it is believed that it can pull out the wart.

In order to precisely treat the affected area and not affect adjacent tissues, you can use a piece of adhesive tape. A hole is made in it according to the size of the tumor, and the adjacent healthy skin remains untouched. This avoids burns and other injuries.

Plantar wart in a child

With age, a person develops immunity to HPV, so children and young people are more susceptible to this infection. Most often, the disease affects children aged five years and older. A doctor will help you recognize a plantar wart in a child, since in some cases it may resemble an old callus.

Although plantar warts in a child go away on their own, you should not ignore their treatment; you should also remember about the possibility of infecting the entire family and people around you. A plantar wart in a child almost always causes severe painful discomfort when walking, and therefore requires prompt treatment and consultation with a doctor. Our service features verified pediatric dermatologists and reviews

about them, according to which you can choose a good specialist for your child.

Since children are sensitive to pain, choosing a therapy is quite difficult. To begin with, it is worth using various ointments - they are accessible, easy to use and effective. Folk remedies are also widely used, the safety of which can be assured.

Effective methods for removing plantar warts in children are liquid nitrogen and laser removal. Removing warts using these methods is considered to be the most radical methods. They are resorted to when solutions and ointments do not have the desired effect.

After treatment, it is important not to forget about the prevention of plantar warts in children. These include strengthening the immune system, practicing good hygiene and wearing the right comfortable shoes. It should be remembered that the risk of infection is especially high in public places and from another person, so you need to make sure that the child does not walk in someone else’s shoes or barefoot. Any item that has come into direct contact with the formation must be thoroughly washed at high temperature. All of these actions will help prevent the virus from developing in the future.


There is another method that will be also effective and will be even cheaper than the one described above. Many people wonder how to remove a thorn on the foot with vinegar. This method is quite old, but there is also little pleasant in it.

It is necessary to mix 3-4 drops of concentrated acetic acid with a tablespoon of flour. Healthy skin should be sealed with a patch, and the mixture should be applied directly to the spine.

The vinegar dressing needs to be changed every 2 days and after a week you can forget about the problem of how to remove a thorn on your foot with vinegar. The entire course of treatment may be accompanied by a strong burning sensation - this is how acid acts on the skin.

Combination with other products and recipe for their preparation

Using a method that suggests cauterizing the spine with concentrated vinegar requires understanding that it eliminates the external manifestations of the disease, but not the cause that provokes it. It is impossible to get rid of papillomavirus infection (HPV) using this method. The disease will manifest itself again over time. The use of the product will not protect against relapses.

Spines usually occur on the legs in the area of ​​the feet and toes. Less often - on the hands, near the thumb or under the nails.

Removing spines with vinegar cauterization is effective. This product, including in combination with other ingredients, allows you to deeply cauterize the neoplasm tissue.

Folk recipes for removing spinicum suggest combining acid with other ingredients such as flour, onion juice, and eggs. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of the vinegar cauterization method.


Wheat flour with vinegar from the spike is recommended to cauterize large lesions. It is applied in the form of dough cakes to the growth.

To prepare vinegar dough for spiky, you will need to take 1 tablespoon of flour and essence with a concentration of 70% (3 drops). The resulting dough is used to make a cake the size of a growth.

The feet are steamed in soapy water on the eve of cauterization. Then the surface of the build-up is cut off. A hole is made in the patch according to the size of the formation. It is glued to the problem area to protect healthy skin. A cake is placed in the hole on the spine. It is fixed with another plaster. Leaves on all night.

After waking up, the patches are removed. Healthy skin around the formation is washed with water. The growth itself cannot be wetted. 4 procedures are enough to cauterize a painful spine.

Upon completion of the course of therapy, a dimple will remain at the site of the growth. Over time it will drag on. Treatment with vinegar is painful.


An effective way to cauterize the spine is to combine vinegar with onion paste.

  1. The onion head is grated until a paste is obtained.
  2. Vinegar with a concentration of 9% is added to the pulp.
  3. The growth is steamed.
  4. A hole is made in the patch according to the size of the tumor. It is glued to the problem area to protect healthy skin from burns.
  5. Apply a little onion-vinegar paste to the spine. A bandage or plaster is placed on top.
  6. Leave it on all night.

Instead of paste, you can apply a piece of onion, previously soaked in vinegar, to the growth. It is fixed with a bandage and left overnight.

It will take at least 3 treatments using the onion-vinegar recipe to cauterize the growth and remove it.


An effective way to cauterize the spine is to use an ointment made from vinegar and eggs.

You can prepare egg ointment in the following way. Place a raw chicken egg in its shell into a glass and pour vinegar over it. The egg should be completely covered with liquid. The vessel is covered with a piece of dark cloth and hidden from sunlight. Leave for 2 days. During this period, the eggshell will completely dissolve.

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To obtain an ointment, an egg soaked in an acidic environment is mixed with oil. For this purpose, a creamy product is taken in an amount of about 150 grams. You should get a mixture with a soft and thick consistency. A little vinegar is added to it.

The ointment is applied to the growth, which feels painful when pressed. The spine is first steamed. A gauze bandage is applied over the applied ointment. It is fixed with adhesive tape. It is advisable to insulate the problem area. The bandage is left overnight. The formation will need to be cauterized again after 3 days.

The second option for cauterizing vinegar ointment for shipiga is a composition that includes an egg, lard and essence. The ingredients are mixed and applied in the same way as the cream prepared according to the first recipe.

Store vinegar ointment in the refrigerator in a container that is tightly closed with a lid.

Using only vinegar-egg ointment is not enough to get rid of the problem. It is necessary to combine methods that offer cauterization of the formation with measures aimed at strengthening the immune system.

How to remove a thorn on a child’s foot at home

Whatever is suitable for adults will not necessarily be suitable for small children. Treatment of warts and spines in children must be performed with extreme caution. It is best to contact a qualified specialist. The fact is that almost all methods of removing spines are quite painful, and in order not to traumatize the child’s psyche, it is necessary to choose the most comfortable treatment. And it is better to do this after consulting a doctor.

It is recommended to avoid self-medication, as it can only aggravate the problem or even contribute to the growth of more and more new formations. Treatment at home can be carried out in the early stages of development of the spine, when it is small in size and its roots have not yet gone too deep into the muscle tissue.

For children, be sure to choose the most delicate treatment. It is worth noting that when removing a spine from a child at home, all procedures must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage healthy skin.

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