Itching with shingles

Every dermatologist will give a definite answer to the question of whether a person’s lichen itches. Itching is one of the main symptoms of the disease. An unpleasant sensation occurs due to the composition of the liquid contained in the rash and causes a lot of problems for the sick person. The main danger of scratching the formations is infection of the wounds due to the entry of bacteria that constantly live on human skin. However, there are measures that can relieve symptoms. To choose treatment methods for lichen, you need to know its form and causative agent. A skin clinic doctor will help you figure this out.

Types of lichen

Ringworm can be fungal or viral. Dermatologists also identify more complex pathologies, also related to lichen, but to a separate group with its own classification. Examples of such diseases are eczema and psoriasis.

You immediately need to figure out whether the lichen that appears on your skin is contagious or not.

Contagious forms of lichen:

  • Shingles. Extremely contagious, caused by the herpes virus, which also causes chickenpox. The formations are localized in the ribs and rarely affect other parts of the body. It manifests itself as rashes in the form of bubbles filled with liquid, which burst within 3-4 days. Those places where the bubbles are just about to appear begin to itch.
  • Trichophytosis. This type of lichen is fungal in nature. It appears as uneven spots of pink color along the edge and with white scales in the center. It breaks out on the scalp and begins to itch almost immediately, but the itching that occurs is mild. A characteristic symptom is baldness of the affected areas.
  • Microsporia. Lesions form in the hair on the head and chin; they begin to itch from the very beginning, but the itching is not severe.

Non-contagious forms of lichen:

  • Multicolored. Refers to fungal diseases, caused by fungi that are part of the normal microflora of the skin. Appears as spots of light or dark color. The resulting lesion begins to itch and peel off. Characterized by a chronic course.
  • Lichen planus. Severe stress or allergic reactions are considered prerequisites for the onset of the disease. It manifests itself in the form of rashes that are accompanied by intense itching. Foci of skin lesions can take the form of rings, tubercles, ulcers, and erosions.
  • Eczema, or pityriasis versicolor. Eczema is caused by various internal factors. It has more than 10 different forms with their own symptoms. When inflammation occurs, foci immediately begin to itch.
  • Psoriasis, or scaly lichen. The causes of the disease are still not fully understood. One of the main reasons is considered to be genetic inheritance and multiple internal factors. Dermatologists identify more than a dozen forms of psoriasis. The most common form appears as red nodules that gradually merge into larger formations. Accompanied by itching and pain in the affected areas of the skin.
  • Pityriasis rosea. A characteristic sign of the disease are round pink spots. This type of lichen begins with the appearance of the first spot, which subsequently grows to 3-4 centimeters in diameter. Later, a rash is detected around the maternal formation, which begins to itch.

How to relieve itching with shingles

This is achieved through complex treatment. Antiviral medications reduce pain, inflammation, and rashes. Systemic antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Valacyclovir) are most effective in the first 2-3 days of illness (this is especially important in severe complicated cases); local antiviral drugs in the form of ointments can also help improve the condition. Various external agents are also used, such as Calamine, lidocaine gel to relieve itching, burning, irritation and increase the protective properties of the skin. In case of severe itching, burning, as well as itching after shingles , it is possible to use local hormonal agents on the affected areas, but only a doctor should prescribe them. ', '~DETAIL_TEXT' => ' Blistering rashes that appear during the disease are often accompanied by itching and burning with shingles , and unpleasant sensations, which, of course, need to be dealt with.

Does ringworm itchy or not?

Itching always accompanies lichen. However, some types of lichen itch more intensely than others. This is directly related to the structure of the rash. The formations on the skin contain liquid that irritates the skin.

All forms of lichen are accompanied by itching, but have their own distinctive signs. Using them, you can determine what kind of infection has settled on the skin and what caused it.

The liquid released from the bursting rashes gets onto the skin, penetrates the nerve endings and irritates them. There are special means and techniques that can relieve itching of the skin in the affected areas.

Factors influencing the intensity of itching

In any of its manifestations, lichen itches. Not all patients exhibit this characteristic in the same way. Sometimes the itching is mild, but more often it is a pronounced irritating symptom.

Several factors influence the intensity of itching:

  • Type and form of lichen. Some varieties are accompanied by mild discomfort. Pink, red, pityriasis itches less often, the itching is less intense than that of ringworm and shingles.
  • The size of the lesion and the depth of the skin lesion also influence the characteristics of itching. Superficial lichens cause less pronounced discomfort.
  • Different people have different skin sensitivity thresholds. Feelings of the same intensity can be of different nature.
  • The intensification of skin itching is influenced by liquid entering the affected areas of the skin. Sweat has especially high irritating properties; it makes the rash itch more intensely. People with excessive sweating experience more discomfort.
  • Additional irritation of the affected areas of the skin with synthetic or woolen products increases the sensation and desire to itch.

How to remove itching

Itching with lichen not only causes discomfort to the sick person, it can cause serious complications. Scratching the formations leads to the formation of ulcers, which, after completing the course of treatment, become scarred and have an unpleasant appearance. Bacteria penetrate into the wounds formed after scratching, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes. The resulting inflammation can lead to more severe skin diseases and blood poisoning.

When the lichen itches, it is recommended:

  • Stick to a diet. It is necessary to exclude foods that are strong allergens from the diet.
  • Refrain from scratching painful lesions.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to water; some forms of lichen are completely prohibited from getting wet.
  • Use antihistamines.
  • Take sedatives.
  • Observe personal hygiene rules.
  • Follow your doctor's recommendations for treating the underlying disease.

Hygiene measures

To carry out hygiene procedures, sick people must have their own personal body care items. It is required to strictly ensure that none of the family members use the patient’s towel, washcloth or soap. Rubbing the skin vigorously with a washcloth is prohibited for almost any type of dermatosis.

Affected areas must be thoroughly treated and washed using detergents containing medications. This rule does not apply to forms of lichen, in which contact of the lesion with liquid is strictly prohibited. To choose the right cleanser, you need to consult a dermatologist.


The most common way to get rid of unpleasant sensations and prevent rashes from scratching are antihistamines and sedatives. Medicines to relieve symptoms are available in several forms:

  • Tablets and drops for oral administration (Suprastin, Tavegli, Fenkarol, Claritin, Ketotifen). Many of them have the side effect of drowsiness.
  • Creams, gels and ointments. These drugs are applied to the affected areas of the skin (Triderm, Triakutan, Kremgen, Fenistil, D-Panthenol, Nezulin).

Antipruritic drugs are usually not used for more than 2 weeks. The dosage and duration of administration are prescribed by the doctor.

For severe, debilitating itching, herbal sedatives (valerian, motherwort, Persen) are sometimes prescribed.

Treatment of the underlying disease

Treatment of dermatosis is the main and most effective way to relieve symptoms. As the lesions heal, they stop itching. After testing and determining the form of the disease, the dermatologist prescribes medications to treat it. For the treatment of lichen, complexes of various drugs are used.

Patients are prescribed medications that have antiseptic and antiparasitic effects. For local treatment of spots, use brilliant green, Fukortsin, hydrogen peroxide, and ointment with the antibiotic Levomekol. To treat lichen caused by various fungi, Clotrimazole is prescribed, which has a strong antifungal effect.

Along with medications that fight pathogens, patients are prescribed immune stimulation agents. This is due to the fact that lichen often occurs against the background of a weakened immune system, and strengthening it allows dermatosis to be cured more quickly.

How to relieve itching with shingles

This is achieved through complex treatment. Antiviral medications reduce pain, inflammation, and rashes. Systemic antiviral drugs (Acyclovir, Valacyclovir) are most effective in the first 2-3 days of illness (this is especially important in severe complicated cases); local antiviral drugs in the form of ointments can also help improve the condition. Various external agents are also used, such as Calamine, lidocaine gel to relieve itching, burning, irritation and increase the protective properties of the skin. In case of severe itching, burning, as well as itching after shingles , it is possible to use local hormonal agents on the affected areas, but only a doctor should prescribe them. 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