Comparing Differin and Baziron AC | Determining the best

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Author: Maria Feldshtein

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Differin and Baziron AS are two modern drugs used to treat acne. They are assigned together, so it is not entirely correct to compare them with each other. According to the international Consensus (Global Alliance) on the treatment of acne (Paris, 2002), drugs for the treatment of acne should affect the maximum possible number of pathogenesis links. The combined use of Differin and Baziron AS increases the effectiveness of therapy and helps to cope with the disease in more than 80% of cases.

The drug and its characteristics Differin Baziron AS
Pharmacological group Drug for the treatment of acne Drug for the treatment of acne
Active substance Adapalene Benzoyl peroxide
Release form Cream for external use 0.1% Gel for external use 2.5, 5 and 10%
Manufacturer Laboratoires Galderma (France) Laboratoires Galderma (France)
Price 700-900 rub. 600-800 rub.

The drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Indications for use

For the drugs Differin and Baziron AS, the instructions state one indication - acne. This term refers to a chronic disease in which the sebaceous glands become clogged. If a plug forms in them, favorable conditions are created for the development of bacteria. This is how inflammation occurs and acne appears - on the face, neck, chest or back. To treat this condition, creams and gels are used to relieve inflammation and cleanse the skin.

Differin and Baziron AS are prescribed together.


  1. The main drug in the treatment of acne.
  2. Affects the cause of acne development.
  3. Prevents the emergence of new elements.
  4. Affects both inflammatory and non-inflammatory elements (“black dots”).
  5. Included in international acne treatment standards.

The effectiveness of Differin monotherapy in clinical trials is 58-73% for non-inflammatory and 52-65% for inflammatory elements.

Baziron AS:

  1. Used as an emergency treatment for acne. Quickly cleanses the skin of inflammatory elements. After 7 days of therapy, 94% of microorganisms die.
  2. It is not an antibacterial drug and is not addictive.
  3. Baziron AS is used as monotherapy only for mild forms of acne. Its efficiency is 67.5%


The combined use of Differin and Baziron AS is up to 80% effective after 12 weeks (after the full course).

In what cases is Baziron used?

The Baziron/Differin regimen is prescribed only after test use of both drugs. Test your skin by using Baziron on a separate area for several days.

What does Baziron treat?

Baziron was developed by the same French company as Differin (Galderma), but its main active ingredient is different - benzoyl peroxide (benzoyl peroxide).

Basic properties of Baziron:

  1. Keratolytic effect - the active component quickly and effectively exfoliates the upper epidermis, dries out the inflamed areas of the upper layer of skin. A thin crust forms on the pustules, and they heal faster.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect - the drug suppresses the proliferation of bacteria, and new acne does not appear.
  3. Under the influence of Baziron, pores are reduced , and thanks to this, much less subcutaneous fat is released.
  4. Anti-cometoid effect - the ointment stops the development of comets that cause acne.
  5. The drug eliminates the effect of post-acne - brightens the skin and evens out acne spots.
  6. An additional advantage is that Baziron is used to eliminate age spots ; it whitens them very effectively.

Baziron can be used during pregnancy only on the recommendation of a doctor.

How to use Baziron

The course of therapy with Baziron lasts about 3 months , but after a week more than 90% of microorganisms that can cause acne die.

How do drugs work?

The goal of treatment is to suppress the development of the inflammatory process, cleanse the skin and prevent relapse.


Adapalene is a metabolite of a retinoid (vitamin A). Previously, synthetic analogues of vitamin A were used to treat acne, which reduced sebum production, prevented the development of inflammation and accelerated skin regeneration. Today, adapolene has replaced the old drugs. It binds to the receptors of epidermal skin cells, reduces their “adhesion” at the mouth of the hair follicles and prevents them from clogging - that is, it eliminates the conditions for the development of the inflammatory process.

Effects of adapolene:

  1. Comedolytic effect – prevents the formation of new comedones.
  2. Keratolytic effect – eliminates areas of excess keratinization of the skin.
  3. Anti-inflammatory effect - inhibits the migration of leukocytes at the site of inflammation and suppresses the cycle of arachidonic acid synthesis.
  4. Adapolene is almost not absorbed through the skin - its absorption is very low. Only 4% of the total drug used passes through the skin barrier. The drug is excreted in the bile.

Baziron AS

Benzoyl peroxide is an antimicrobial agent for external use. Not an antibiotic! Active against gram-positive bacteria: Propionibacterium, Staphylococcus epidermidis - those that lead to acne.

Effects of Baziron AC:

  1. accelerates tissue renewal;
  2. prevents the formation of comedones;
  3. eliminates dead areas;
  4. improves oxygen flow to the skin;
  5. reduces the formation of sebaceous gland secretions;
  6. moisturizes the skin.

When used externally, it is practically not absorbed. A small amount of the drug passes through the skin and is excreted by the kidneys.

Description of Differin

Differin is available in two dosage forms - cream and gel. This is a drug for the treatment of acne. It has keratolytic, anti-inflammatory, comedolytic, sebostatic effects. The active ingredient is adapalene. Manufacturer: Laboratoires Galderma in France. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Adapalene is a retinoid metabolite with anti-inflammatory and comedolytic properties. The action of the substance is based on interaction with receptors of epidermal cells. Under the influence of adapalene, the prerequisites for the appearance of microcomedones are reduced. The substance acts on inflammatory factors by metabolizing arachidonic acid and inhibiting leukocytes.

Absorption of the local product is very low - up to 5%. It is excreted from the body with bile.

Research and effectiveness

Differin is a highly effective basic treatment for acne. To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to use it for 4-6 months.

Randomized studies show that Differin reduces the number of inflammatory and non-inflammatory elements of the rash. For lasting results, maintenance therapy is required for 3 months.

The effectiveness of the drug largely depends on the particle size of the active substance. In Differin, this figure is 3-10 μm, which ensures delivery of the product to the sebaceous hair follicle. Distribution of adapalene occurs within 5 minutes after application.


  1. External acne therapy: medical choice. Pharmateka. Belousova T.A. 2012.
  2. Read more about the drug Differin cream. Details about medications. From March 1, 2012.


A strict contraindication to the use of cream and gel would be hypersensitivity to the composition, namely an allergy to retinoids, retinoic acid analogues and auxiliary components in the composition of the product.

It is not recommended to combine Differin with cosmetics that dry out the skin. Relative contraindications that require consultation with a doctor include skin tumors, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and burns. For children, during pregnancy and lactation, it is also not recommended.

Side effects

The gel and cream are well tolerated. Of the rare side effects, the most likely will be skin irritation, especially when exposed to sunlight.

Very rare unwanted symptoms include:

  1. dry skin;
  2. peeling;
  3. burning;
  4. itching;
  5. hypo- and hyperpigmentation;
  6. worsening of the rash;
  7. allergic conjunctivitis;
  8. increased likelihood of sunburn;
  9. contact dermatitis.


The product can be applied to the entire face and spot-on, directly on acne. For mild acne, using only this drug is sufficient. For severe acne, Differin is used in combination with other agents.

Before use, you need to wash your face. Differin is applied 1-2 times a day, without rubbing into the skin. The course of treatment is from 3 months. The maximum effect is observed from the first month of use. The gel is best used for oily skin types, but not for dry skin types.

Low absorption of the drug almost completely eliminates the possibility of overdose. With prolonged uncontrolled use, increased adverse reactions may occur. An overdose in this case may resemble hypervitaminosis A. A doctor's help is needed.

Who is it suitable for?

Differin is used for mild, moderate and severe acne. Can be used as a single drug and in combination with other drugs, such as antibiotics, antiandrogens.

Assessing the effectiveness of drugs

According to modern methods, external preparations are used to treat acne, affecting several stages of pathogenesis at once. That is why the treatment regimen includes two drugs at once - Differin and Baziron AS. Together, these drugs suppress the development of inflammation and destroy pathogenic microorganisms, reduce the formation of sebum and prevent relapse. When completing the full course of therapy, its effectiveness is 80%. Up to 60% of inflammatory and non-inflammatory elements disappear within 12 months.

When do you need retinol and benzoyl peroxide?

Retinoids and benzoyl peroxide are the ingredients of choice in the treatment of inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne . The Global Alliance of Dermatologists has developed treatment regimens recommended for acne professionals.

Zero and initial stages of acne (comedones, then single rashes) - the 1st line drug is retinol and derivatives.

Medium and severe stages with papulopustular rashes (up to 40 pustular elements), increased oily skin and comedones.


1st line drugs (the most effective therapy, recommended first) are a combination of two substances: retinoids + benzoyl peroxide (2.5 - 5%).

If there is insufficient effectiveness, 2nd line drugs are the addition of systemic therapy (antibiotic or antiandrogen) to topical therapy. Only a practicing doctor!

Summary : severe and moderate forms of acne require joint prescription of drugs from the group of retinoids + benzoyl peroxide.

Application diagram

Differin should be carefully and thinly applied to acne-affected skin once a day in the evening. Do not rub the drug in. One pea of ​​cream is enough to apply to the skin.

Baziron AS is applied pointwise to each inflammatory element 1-2 times a day.

The duration of therapy is at least 12 weeks.

Cost and analogues

Means Price Analogues/substitutes
Differin Gel 0.1% 30 g – from 820 rubles

Cream 0.1% 30 g – from 890 rubles



Baziron AS Gel 5% 40 g – from 740 rubles

Gel 2.5% 40 g – from 790 rubles




Eclaran 5

Side effects of the drug Differin -

Skin irritation (dryness, itching, burning, redness) may occur. In this case, you first need to take a break from applying the drug for several days, and then resume treatment, but for the first 2 weeks do not use the drug every day, but only 3 times a week. This usually solves the problem. Such side effects more often occur in patients with dry and sensitive skin who have chosen the wrong form of the drug (gel instead of cream).

In addition, you should not use medications or face washes containing alcohol in parallel with Differin. It should also be noted that topical retinoids increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight, so if you use the drug during periods of high solar activity, you must definitely use products with SPF 50. In addition, these products must be non-comedogenic, otherwise you will only worsen your acne and acne. We hope that our article on the topic: Differin price reviews was useful to you!

Product with SPF 50 for patients with acne (suspension) –


1. Higher medical education of the author of the article, 2. Textbook on dermatology “Fitzpatrick's Dermatology” (8th edition), 3. “Etiology, pathogenesis, classification and clinical picture of acne vulgaris” (Barinova A.N.), 4. “Acne from the position of evidence-based medicine" (Anisimova M.Yu.), 5. "Modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with acne vulgaris" (Barinova A.N.).

Baziron AS

The Differin plus Baziron regimen is described by doctors. They suggest that this method is much easier to remove acne, spending a minimum of time.

Let patients think about this, but they should also know that the second drug has its own characteristics.

Release form

Baziron AC is available in several types . Today it is constantly found in pharmacies, so you can get a little advice directly from a pharmacist. Although his advice is unlikely to yield useful results.

In what variant is the product purchased:

  • gel for external use 2.5%,
  • gel for external use 5%,
  • gel for external use 10%.

It is not available in the form of a cream , as it is designed for a quick effect.

Even if the result does not always meet people’s expectations, without it you still won’t be able to achieve absolutely clear skin.

The gel makes it possible to apply the composition directly to the skin without restrictions. It absorbs quickly, eliminating blackheads. So, right before going for a walk, you can calmly treat your face, being confident in the complete absence of any traces.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for Baziron AS will surprise potential buyers . They evaluate the drug only based on commercials, and its instructions tell a different story.

What restrictions will you have to face:

  • individual intolerance,
  • age up to 12 years,
  • milk lactation,
  • pregnancy,
  • exposure of the skin to sunlight.

Side effects are limited only to skin peeling . Only in rare cases is local dermatitis observed, which after completing the course has to be treated with additional means.

Therapeutic effect

The time period for manifestation of the therapeutic effect is short . Usually they do not exceed several weeks.

The speed of action of the gel made it famous, because usually the elimination of acne requires a long course. Now it can be avoided if you use a professional drug.

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