Is a lump on the testicle dangerous in men?

Over time, as the pathogenicity of virus strains increases, the number of blisters and warts increases.

The itching becomes stronger, and the rash grows in size and takes on a pronounced cauliflower appearance.

Sometimes condylomas also appear in the anus, which is why they are also called anogenital warts.

Rarely, but in some cases, the appearance of such nodules on the oral mucosa is possible.

There are also rare cases of localization of condylomas in men on the inner walls of the urethra.

Warts on the testicles may sometimes not cause significant discomfort to men.

However, the complications they can lead to are quite serious:

  • Inflammatory processes in affected tissues
  • Ulceration of condylomas, especially often occurring when they are injured
  • Phimosis or paraphimosis, developing as a result of chronic inflammation of the tissues of the penis

Warts on the testicles, a dermatovenerologist uses

When a man goes to the hospital about the appearance of warts on the testicles, a dermatovenerologist uses the following diagnostic methods:

  • Collecting a history of the disease (the fact of unprotected sexual intercourse in the patient 2-3 months ago will be of diagnostic value).

  • Visual examination of the external genitalia (presence of warty growths).
  • Laboratory research: the PCR method is used.

Along with identifying HPV, it is advisable to get tested for all STIs, since viral infections are often associated with bacterial ones.


The lump can be a congenital or acquired disease. In the first case, it is formed from the ducts of the Müllerian glands and is observed at a younger age. The formation is identified during a routine examination by a surgeon.

The size of the seal varies between 2-2.5 cm. A yellow thick liquid accumulates in its cavity.

The appearance of a growth in a man is associated with the following processes:

  • inflammatory diseases (orchitis, vesiculitis);
  • mechanical damage;
  • infectious agents;
  • systematic hypothermia of the body;
  • rare, or, on the contrary, frequent sexual intercourse;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • postoperative changes.

The above conditions are accompanied by disruption of the functioning of the ducts. The secretion actively accumulates in the compartments, provoking the development of a growth.

The size of the formation depends on the cause of its development, concomitant pathologies and the individual characteristics of the man’s body.

It is noteworthy that the formations are recorded exclusively on the left testicle. Right-sided localization is rarely observed. If a formation is detected, regardless of its location, it is advisable to seek help from a medical institution.

When a lump appears between the leg and the scrotum, inflammation of the lymph nodes is diagnosed. The process is caused by hypothermia or the development of cancer. Consultation with a doctor is required.

Additional adverse factors

Infectious and viral diseases can lead to the formation of lumps. The provocateurs of pathology are:

  • foot fungus;
  • venereal diseases;
  • cold-type diseases;
  • infection of the body by parasites;
  • development of prostatitis.

Pain may occur when palpated. It indicates mechanical injuries to the abdomen, the formation of wen and inguinal nodes. A common cause of a lump is a cyst.

Its development is due to weakening of the abdominal muscles. The process is associated with a systematic strong cough and excessive physical exertion.

Oncological processes

Malignant neoplasms are characterized by the appearance of a lump. A dangerous process is testicular cancer. It is rare and affects men aged 15-35 years.

It is characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen and heaviness in the scrotum. When it develops, complex therapy is indicated. Lack of timely assistance reduces the favorable prognosis.


A hernia is a consequence of weakening of the abdominal muscles. It is characterized by the formation descending into the groin area. The lump is often localized on the surface of the testicle. With gentle pressure it disappears completely, especially when lying down.

Varicocele, hydrocele or hematocele

A lump-like formation also occurs with varicose veins. The pathology is caused by impaired functionality of intravenous valves. Normally, they prevent the backflow of blood.

Violation of the process is accompanied by overcrowding of blood vessels and their expansion. The formation is localized on both the left and right testicle. In medical practice it is called varicocele.

A man complains of scrotal pain, the pain radiates to the groin and sacrum. The development of varicocele is indicated not only by external signs, but also by the results of sperm examination.

It is impossible to independently identify pathology. Severe symptoms are characteristic of advanced stages.

The formation filled with fluid is called a hydrocele. This is dropsy of the testicles, typical for men over the age of 40. It is characterized by the development of a compaction that gradually increases in size.

Hematocele is a lump on the testicles, filled with blood. Formed due to mechanical damage. As it progresses, it tends to shrink and thicken.


Lymphadenitis is an inflammatory lesion of the lymph nodes, accompanied by the formation of lumps on the testicles. The disease affects tissues and blood vessels, causing the development of balls on the testicles.

The lack of timely treatment leads to the formation of various types of formations inside the testicles.

Most lumps are easily palpable, but it is impossible to independently determine the type of formation. Laboratory and instrumental studies will help identify the true cause. Male diseases occur against the background of a wide range of pathologies of the intestinal tract.


Every man can prevent the appearance of a lump on the testicle by following these recommendations:

  • it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • physical activity must correspond to physical fitness;
  • you need to have sex regularly, preferably every 3 days;
  • You can’t lead a passive lifestyle, you need to move as much as possible;
  • It is recommended to avoid injury to the testicles, and if an injury occurs, seek treatment from a doctor;
  • It is very important to have an annual examination at the hospital and to regularly examine your testicles yourself.

The most dangerous among all diseases is testicular cancer; the tumor poses a threat to life.
That is why the appearance of lumps requires immediate examination of the man. Share:


Clinical manifestations depend on the process that caused the development of the formation. The lump occurs during active puberty, between 15 and 40 years of age. This is due to the formation of the hormonal system and intensive production of testosterone.

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The appearance of a hard ball is indicated by a change in the consistency of the testicles. The presented symptom is characteristic of most serious diseases. In rare cases, pain is recorded, its severity depends on the susceptibility of the body.

Doctors recommend conducting the examination yourself. Correct palpation of the testes will help in identifying pathological changes. Self-examination is carried out after hygiene procedures. The man needs to relax the perineum and feel the scrotum.

Education is easily palpable. You need to concentrate on:

  • soreness;
  • general discomfort;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • a sharp increase in testicle size.

These symptoms are characteristic of both a traumatic lesion and a malignant process. If a lump is detected, it is advisable to seek help from a doctor. Eliminating diseases in the early stages of development increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Warts on the testicles: diagnosis

If condylomas appear on the genitals, this is a sign of the presence of a disease.

It is necessary to visit a specialist and undergo an examination.

To make a complete diagnosis, you should consult the following specialists:

  • Venereologist
  • Dermatologist
  • Oncologist
  • Urologist

Specialists will conduct a visual examination and, based on this, make a preliminary diagnosis.

At the time of consultation, symptoms are studied and material is collected for laboratory diagnostics.

Diagnostic procedures include tests to determine the presence of concomitant diseases.

Histological examination is required.

PCR analysis is often necessary.

Such a study helps determine the type of virus and gives accurate results in a short time.

The method allows you to determine the presence of the virus in the body in the early stages of manifestation.

Material for analysis is taken from the urethral canal.

A smear is taken by inserting a sterile probe into the urethra.

After this, the material is sent to the laboratory for study.

A biopsy is done to rule out the presence of cancer cells.

There is also a diagnostic method - a daijin test.

This method is carried out on the principle of polymerase chain reaction.

The study helps determine not only the type of virus, but also its quantity in the material being studied.

After passing all diagnostic tests, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Treatment methods for warts on the testicles in men

What are the main treatments for warts on the testicles in men?

  1. 1. Surgical. They occupy a leading place in the complex of therapeutic measures for condylomatosis.

For this use:

  • Cauterization with liquid nitrogen
  • Treatment with concentrated chemicals (acids or alkalis)
  • Laser removal
  • Radio wave excision
  • Local treatment with solcoderm, podofilin, supercelandine
  • Electrocoagulation
  • Excision with a scalpel (used less and less and mainly for very large warts)
  1. 2.Drug therapy.

It includes the following:

  • Antiviral drugs (ozone droppers, isoprinosine, panavir, epigen intimate spray, etc.)

  • Immunomodulators (reoferon, interferon, immunal)

Drug therapy for the appearance of genital warts in no case can claim independence.

It can only play a supporting role, complementing and making surgical treatment more effective.


Complex diagnostic measures are aimed at identifying the cause of formation and methods for its elimination.

The set of laboratory and instrumental studies can vary depending on the severity of the pathological process. To determine the nature of the formation, the doctor prescribes standard measures.

History taking

The specialist collects information about complaints. The patient must describe all symptoms, talk about previous injuries and concomitant diseases.


Palpation or palpation of the compacted area will reveal the consistency of the formation. The doctor takes into account the fact of pain, assesses the condition of the skin and scrotum. Neoplasms of any type are easily palpated.

Laboratory research

The patient undergoes a blood test and genital swabs. The first type of study determines the inflammatory process due to changes in the main indicators of biological material.

The smear informs about the presence of infectious and viral agents. If a malignant process is suspected, tumor markers are additionally calculated.


Ultrasound assesses the condition and functioning of the testicles. The study determines the presence of infiltration and other fluids in the scrotal cavity. Ultrasound gives an expanded picture of varicose veins and other changes.


If a malignant process is suspected, the doctor takes a fragment of the compaction for further histological examination. The procedure determines the type of tumor process.


The technique is used in urology. The main task is to determine the nature of the infiltration. The formation is illuminated with a light guide, which makes it possible to identify purulent or serous fluid inside the lump.

When the malignancy of the process is confirmed, to determine its extent, the patient is sent for a computed tomography scan. The main objective of the procedure is to determine the location of distant metastases.


If the lump hurts, but there are no other clinical manifestations, the doctor prescribes standard anti-inflammatory therapy. It is based on the use of drugs in the NSAID category. Until the lump completely disappears, the patient regularly visits the urologist.

Self-medication is dangerous with complications!


Despite the fact that our articles are based on trusted sources and have been tested by practicing doctors, the same symptoms can be signs of different diseases, and the disease may not proceed according to the textbook.

Pros of seeing a doctor:

  • Only a specialist will prescribe suitable medications.
  • Recovery will be easier and faster.
  • The doctor will monitor the course of the disease and help avoid complications.

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Do not try to treat yourself - consult a specialist.

When cysts form, surgical excision is indicated. In the case of a hormonal cause of development, adapted medications will help. For a malignant process, surgical excision and chemotherapy are indicated.

Therapy is adjusted based on the patient’s general well-being, the individual characteristics of his body and concomitant diseases.

Reasons for appearance

In 80% of cases, the lump found in the testicle is a benign formation. The reasons leading to the occurrence of compactions are different.

The most common cause of formation is ingrown hair. This problem occurs due to improper shaving or micro-cuts during this procedure. When shaving, you must use the razor only in the direction of hair growth and be sure to use special products.

If an infection occurs in the hair follicle, a boil will develop. Microorganisms, multiplying, form a purulent infiltrate. Bacteria enter the follicle through damaged areas of the skin. Signs of a boil are the following symptoms:

  • local increase in temperature;
  • soreness when palpated;
  • discomfort while walking.

If a small round element with a diameter of up to 1 cm appears on the skin, then we are talking about molluscum contagiosum. It is painless, has a small depression in the center, and its color does not differ from the surrounding tissue.

Atheroma is a blockage of the sebaceous duct with the formation of a cyst. Such blockages are formed due to the consumption of fatty foods in large quantities, hormonal imbalance, and also due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Often, atheromas appear in several places at the same time. The blocked duct cannot remove the secreted sweat, and a ball is formed that grows and becomes inflamed, accompanied by pain.

Lipoma is a benign connective tissue tumor. Men find painless, mobile subcutaneous formations on the testicles - wen. They are irregular in shape and soft to the touch.

A spermatocele is a cyst of the spermatic duct; seminal fluid accumulates in it. It often occurs between the ages of 15 and 45. May be congenital or acquired. At first, the cyst does not cause any discomfort, but as it grows, it begins to compress the duct and cause pain. Men notice that there is discomfort when walking and sitting.

Hydrocele is swelling of the testicle, or dropsy in other words. It occurs as a result of injury, diseases of the urinary and cardiovascular systems, due to congenital underdevelopment of the ducts, as well as viral and bacterial infections. Most often, hydrocele develops on one testicle, regardless of the cause. The accumulated fluid can flow from the testicle into the abdominal cavity.

Varicocele is an enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord and testicle with impaired blood flow. Fluid stagnation provokes an even greater disruption of venous outflow, which aggravates the situation. Tissues lose their functions and subsequently infertility occurs.


A hematocele is a collection of blood. Occurs as a result of injury, surgery or puncture of the testicle. It can reach large sizes, but is painless.

Genital warts or warts are also shaped like balls. Tissue proliferation causes increased activity of the papilloma virus. The processes begin due to weakened immunity.

Malignant neoplasms can also be felt like balls and do not move under the fingers. At first they are painless, but over time unpleasant symptoms begin, such as urinary disturbances and discomfort when walking and at rest.

Due to physical activity or congenital pathologies, discrepancy or underdevelopment of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall occurs. And then the intestinal loops get under the skin, forming hernias. They can also be felt like dense lumps.

Tuberculosis is a very dangerous infectious disease that affects soft tissues, organs and bones. When mycobacteria multiply, the body limits the focus, forming a capsule around the focus - calcification in the testicle. This pea-sized seal squeaks when touched.

If a formation is detected on the scrotum, it is necessary to find out the cause of its appearance.

Possible complications

Cysts tend to increase inflammation with the accumulation of purulent contents. The affected area becomes painful, the skin becomes red. Lack of therapy increases the likelihood of developing an abscess, which requires immediate surgical intervention.

Excessive loads lead to rupture of the cystic formation, which is accompanied by acute pain. The danger of complications lies in the high risk of infertility.

In advanced cases, the lump compresses blood vessels and nerve endings. Leads to loss of sensitivity and poor circulation. In the case of a malignant neoplasm, the lack of timely intervention increases the likelihood of death.

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