How to do deep depilation in the bikini area +VIDEO

Read the difference between depilation and hair removal here!

This procedure is safe for health only if all the necessary rules for its implementation are followed. It can last from 15 minutes to one and a half hours. The process of hair removal is quite painful, since there are a large number of nerve endings in this area, so many experts do not recommend depilation during menstruation. During this period, a woman’s sensitivity threshold is quite high.


  1. Pros and cons of deep bikini waxing;
  2. Types of deep depilation, their advantages and disadvantages;
  3. Contraindications, in the presence of which depilation can cause harm;
  4. Precautionary measures;
  5. Advantages of salon bikini depilation over home;
  6. Stages of the deep depilation procedure in a salon;
  7. How to reduce pain, tricks to note;
  8. Skin care after depilation of the bikini area;
  9. Bikini design.


Despite all the precautions and following the instructions and recommendations after sugaring, there may still be complications, although they are very rare.

Among them:

  1. Ingrown hairs. This complication appears after sugaring if the procedure technique is not followed, especially when the direction of hair removal is confused - you need to remove according to growth. Hereditary predisposition is also a risk factor. To avoid ingrown hairs, it is necessary to ensure that the procedure is performed correctly. 3-4 days after the procedure, ingrown hairs appear due to the fact that they were not removed from the roots. If the hairs are thin and delicate, then you need to use a scrub more often.

  2. Herpes. For some, sugaring causes herpetic rashes, because after the procedure the local immunity of the skin decreases, which provokes a rash.
  3. Acne . They appear if the ducts of the sebaceous glands become overgrown with skin. They may appear in single quantities or in the form of a rash.
  4. Abrasions and hematomas. The reason for their appearance is non-compliance with the procedure technique - insufficient skin tension during the removal of caramel paste.

Pros and cons of deep bikini waxing

Pubic hair plays a protective role against microbes, intimate microflora, in particular against herpes, sexually transmitted diseases, pilomas and similar parasites. When depilating your hair, you should take more care of this area to protect it from pathogenic microorganisms. Don't forget to moisturize your skin after waxing. As for aesthetics, visible hair from under a swimsuit is not only an unattractive sight, but also intimidating.

Even if you have been married for 20 years, you should not neglect yourself, especially in intimate places, because with age, in addition to saggy forms, hormonal changes in a woman, her smell also changes, and the smell from the bikini area is not comme il faut! Take care of yourself, dear women!

Even Egyptian queens waxed their bikinis, but why are you any worse?! Especially with such a large number of different ways and methods for comfortable depilation, both independently and in a beauty salon. Let's not stoop to primitive society!;)

Types of deep depilation, their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Photoepilation. During this procedure, the hair and hair follicle are destroyed.

    under the influence of high-pulse light. Light radiation only effectively affects dark hair. Moreover, if the technician is insufficiently qualified, the risk of burns on the skin surface increases. But after a certain number of sessions, thin and almost imperceptible hairs begin to grow, their number gradually decreases. Photoepilation is a non-contact treatment method, and therefore guarantees the absence of ingrown hairs.

  2. Electrolysis . An electric current directed directly at the hair root helps stop further hair growth. This hair removal is carried out directly in the salon, since there are all the conditions for the use of local anesthesia. Such sessions are quite painful, but under the influence of electrical discharges, hair growth of any type and color stops. The effect of smooth skin can last for several weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. But immediately after the procedure, redness and some swelling are possible.
  3. Laser hair removal . This is a method of removing unwanted body hair in which the hair is destroyed using a laser beam. During the session, tingling may be felt in the area affected by the laser. Most women experience no allergic reactions or damage to the skin. Laser hair removal takes place exclusively in a salon setting. Its cost is quite high, but after just a few sessions, hair growth slows down and stops. Unfortunately, this method is used only when removing dark hair; it is impossible to destroy the structure of light hair with a laser.
  4. Qool hair removal is a type of laser hair removal, so-called “cold” hair removal.
  5. Sugaring . Effect from 20 days. Epilation is carried out with a special paste prepared on the basis of sugar syrup. It is affordable, so it is better to use the services of an experienced specialist from the salon. At home, you can remove hair from various parts of the body, but doing deep depilation of the bikini area yourself is time-consuming and inconvenient. In addition, it is necessary to understand all the nuances of preparing sugar paste, otherwise there is a risk of not getting the consistency right. The disadvantage is the need to grow hair 5-8 mm long.
  6. Bioepilation . This procedure helps to get rid of excess vegetation thanks to wax heated to a certain temperature. It can be carried out both in the salon and at home. But it will not be possible to remove hairs that are too short, so a certain length is needed here. With the help of wax depilation, hair is removed from fairly large areas of the skin. The skin remains smooth and silky for several weeks. The main disadvantage of this method is the appearance of ingrown hairs. There is also a possibility of skin irritation, which goes away very quickly.
  7. Hair removal using an epilator . This is a device that makes the skin smooth and silky by pulling out hairs from the roots. The disadvantages of this method are pain and the risk of ingrown hairs. However, there are also advantages. The epilator does not require any separate equipment or ingredients. It is intended for use at home, so understanding the operating instructions will not be difficult.
  8. Using depilatory cream . It contains a special substance that destroys the structure of the hair and makes it unviable. This method, unlike others, is convenient and painless. Of course, manifestations of an allergic reaction are possible, but to prevent such moments, it is enough to apply a small amount of cream to an area of ​​skin and check its condition after a few minutes.
  9. Depilation using a razor . This method is available to every woman, but its disadvantages include rapid hair growth after shaving and the danger of cutting.
  10. Waxing or waxing . Effect up to 4 weeks. Many people advise carrying out this procedure in a salon, since it is at least inconvenient to do it yourself, and at most, if you “dodge” unsuccessfully, you can accidentally get burned by the wax, because its temperature should be at least 60 degrees. The salon procedure is short and lasts a maximum of 15 minutes. At the same time, the master knows his job and will treat the skin in the bikini area before and after depilation, which will reduce the discomfort from the procedure.
  11. Wax strips or cold wax . The safest method to carry out at home. Depilation of the intimate area using wax strips is most widespread among Russian women. The process is not difficult: he warmed up the strips between his hands and applied them to the area to be depilated, and then tore them off with a sharp movement. Let's just say that wax strips occupy an intermediate role in cost, quality, speed of execution and duration of effect between regular shaving and professional procedures such as laser hair removal.

The difference between deep depilation and classical depilation is that in the first case, hair is removed not only from the pubic area, but also from the inner surface of the thighs, labia and anus. If desired, you can leave a neat strip of pubic hair. During regular depilation, hair is removed only along the panty line.


I learned this method of hair removal from a cosmetologist friend; in fact, it was she who performed the first depilation of my legs and armpits in my life. For the first year, I consistently turned to her until I realized that I could do these procedures myself. I bought a wax melter and wax for removing armpit and bikini hair and a cartridge wax melter for my legs. You can definitely depilate your legs and armpits yourself, it turns out very convenient and profitable.

Once I decided to pluck my own bikini area with wax, it was a nightmare! It’s inconvenient, it hurts, you feel sorry for yourself and therefore you can’t quickly and sharply pull the wax... The pain, of course, is terrible, but you can withstand it, because the result is worth it! But my bikini didn’t “grow together”... The next day a terrible inflammation appeared, pustules, terrible, terrible! I applied various antiseptics and sprinkled with powder, and no matter what I did, the irritation subsided only after 5 days! I didn’t really have time to enjoy the smoothness of my skin, because... a week later new hairs began to grow... And then it all started again! Hair started to grow in! And this despite the use of a scrub. Pustules, inflammation, and horror appeared again. Having dealt with all this, I decided that I needed to try again - you never know, maybe my skin is just not used to it, or I did something wrong after... But the second and third time nothing changed. I realized that it is categorically not recommended for me to remove the bikini area, as this could lead to something more serious than inflammation... But in general, waxing is a good thing, of course it hurts, but no razor can compare!

After waxing, pustules and ingrown hairs appeared


Using a spatula, the specialist carefully applies hot wax in small strips, the wax hardens, and the specialist pulls out this strip of hair. I feel pain when they tear, and it is more bearable than when sugar is applied. Many people claim that the pain dulls over time, in my case it may be so, but not by much, even after a year I feel all the pain when my clitoral and pubic hair is pulled. The “stumps” begin to appear a week after the procedure, after two they are already actively coming out into the wild. I have been depilating my intimate area for exactly a year, they promise that hair growth will soon change, they should grow less, and the hair structure will be finer, gradually their number should decrease to minimum. My master, who has been waxing for 8 years, showed what result she has currently achieved. Girls, there are only three hairs sticking out and this is three weeks after depilation!

A few days after depilation, hair begins to grow back


After the procedure, my entire skin usually swells and turns bright red. It is not recommended to get it wet on this day, but I, for example, never succeed! But then I try to sprinkle it with talcum powder so as not to provoke further irritation! The inflammation goes away literally the next day, then I take tweezers and pick out small errors. The result of this procedure is perfectly smooth, delicate skin. The effect lasts for 3-4 weeks if you periodically remove single hairs with tweezers. To do the next procedure, you need to wait until all the hair has grown back. Otherwise, only the grown hair will be removed, and literally in a week the rest of the hair will grow. This is a small disadvantage of this procedure. I would also like to note that even after the first procedure, the hair grows back softer and does not itch like after shaving. But after waxing, I always have a couple of ingrown hairs, which can only be removed with a needle, it doesn’t happen without this :))


Video: review of self-performing waxing

When the question of choosing depilation arises, many women choose the wax method, because it is very convenient and allows you to achieve good results. Just a few years ago, depilation with hot wax was carried out mainly in salons, and the material necessary for it had to be purchased in specialized stores. Now everything is much simpler. Wax and the necessary accessories are easy to find in any cosmetic store. There are entire kits on sale that already contain everything you need, including instructions for the procedure. Particular attention should be paid to the temperature to which it is recommended to heat the wax. It must be indicated on the packaging. Ignoring the manufacturer's recommendations may result in burns. It must be remembered that when using wax yourself, it is important not to neglect safety rules.

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Contraindications, in the presence of which depilation can cause harm

  • Pregnancy. Since all types of depilation are quite painful, women are advised to refrain from such procedures during this period. Unpleasant sensations can negatively affect the health of the child, so during pregnancy doctors advise using a razor.
  • Any damage to the skin, as well as purulent formations at the site of depilation.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, epilepsy, diabetes and oncology.
  • Disorders associated with blood clotting.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Allergic reaction to individual components.
  • The presence of moles or papillomas in the intimate area.

Precautionary measures

Deep depilation in the bikini area requires some precautions. Immediately before performing this procedure, you must:

  • Use a scrub and moisturizer to soften and protect the skin.
  • Expose your skin to sunlight as little as possible.
  • Use a shower or wet wipes to cleanse your skin of dirt.
  • Give the hairs a chance to grow. The required length for high-quality depilation is at least 5 mm.

Preparing for the intimate area hair removal procedure

Any hair removal procedure, be it waxing or using a special sweet paste, is easier if you first prepare the skin. One of the prerequisites for high-quality sugaring is soft peeling, which must be done several days before the procedure.

To do this, you can take a scrub and use it to remove the top layer of skin. Thanks to peeling, the sugaring paste can easily grab the hair follicle and it will be removed painlessly.

In order to remove hairs using this method, they must be grown to the desired size.
They should be no shorter than 5 mm and no longer than 8 mm so that they can be easily grabbed and removed with sugar paste .
Experts recommend not using cosmetics for the skin in the area for which sugaring is planned a day before the procedure. This will prevent irritation.

Advantages of salon bikini depilation over home

Don't be embarrassed to go to a beauty salon. If you do not intend to go there constantly and are firmly convinced to carry out deep depilation yourself, then it is still worth visiting the salon for the first time. There you will learn how to do it correctly, consult with a specialist, perhaps she will advise you which means are best to choose. After all, you consult a gynecologist and do not prescribe medications yourself :)

More benefits:

  • you will avoid the risk of infection;
  • you will experience less pain, which means less stress, since the master’s hand is already set;
  • you will undergo the procedure using professional equipment and cosmetics;
  • you will have the depilation area treated before and after the procedure with special treatment agents, which you can save on by doing the procedure at home;
  • The procedure at home may not always be cheaper than in the salon, taking into account the retail prices of the products.

Today, inviting a specialist home to perform the procedure is gaining popularity. Why not?! If you are embarrassed to go to the salon or are afraid that they will point fingers at you later, invite a specialist to your home. But do not forget that the conditions in the salon are still more sterile. The cost of procedures depends on the class of the salon and the skill level of the specialist. In general, it varies from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the region and the level of service in the salon.

Stages of the deep depilation procedure in a salon

  1. The woman is asked to expose the necessary parts of her body and sit comfortably on a couch covered with a sterile, disposable sheet.
  2. The master cleanses and degreases the skin with special products.
  3. Disinfects the skin.
  4. During hardware depilation, if necessary, the bikini is treated with an anesthetic.
  5. When waxing or sugaring, wax or sugar paste is applied to small areas of the skin along or against hair growth. It depends on the ingredients that the specialist uses in his work. For a better effect, the master stretches the skin and, with a sharp movement of his hand, tears off the wax or paste from the skin along with the hairs stuck to it.
  6. If necessary, the master can return to already treated areas in order to ensure the quality of the procedure.
  7. There is a gradual movement across the skin until the skin in the intimate area becomes smooth.
  8. If individual single hairs are detected, the technician can use tweezers.
  9. After the depilation session, the skin is treated with antiseptic agents, then a moisturizer is applied to it. Some beauty salons treat bikinis with a hair growth retardant.

A woman can also carry out the hair removal procedure using sugar paste or wax on her own, according to the points listed. However, the lack of experience and necessary knowledge increases the risk of injury and the appearance of ingrown hairs. Deep depilation of the bikini area at home is possible only if you are fully confident that all necessary measures have been taken to eliminate all negative consequences. And also make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the depilatory product (sugar, honey, etc.).

Important! The most important thing to remember when performing deep hair removal at home is the rules of hygiene. Before the procedure, take a shower or warm bath, exfoliate and dry your skin. A warm bath and scrub will open the pores and lift the hairs, making depilation easier. In addition, you need to remember the rules for applying depilatory products: wax is applied in the direction of hair growth, and sugar paste is applied against. After completing the procedure, be sure to moisturize your skin. This can be done with special post-depilation products, as well as oils (almond), creams or lotions (not alcohol!).

Subtleties and nuances of the sugaring procedure

Of course, you must prepare for the procedure in advance; in order for it to be successful, you need to know some nuances. Especially if you decide to do it yourself.

  1. For sugaring, the chosen position is important; for the procedure in the deep bikini area, for example, a sitting position is suitable. In this position it is easier to control the application of the paste, the hardening process, etc.
  2. Do not leave the sugar mixture on the skin too long, otherwise it may have an unpleasant effect. It is enough to wait until the mass dries on the skin and immediately begin removing it.
  3. You cannot apply sugar paste more than three times to the same area during one session.
  4. The procedure can be repeated no earlier than two weeks later.

It is believed that the bikini area is difficult to treat at home, but this is not at all true. A competent selection of cosmetic pastes and auxiliary tools will allow you to quickly achieve the desired results. To perform this procedure, saving on a visit to the salon, you need to know its basic rules, and then the result will be excellent.

Skin care after depilation of the bikini area

After a hair removal session, you should listen to the advice of the master. He usually recommends:

  • Refrain from visiting the solarium and sunbathing for a while.
  • Regularly use products to slow down hair growth.
  • For several days after depilation of the bikini area, apply a moisturizing and softening cream, lotion or almond oil to this area of ​​skin (a cream with a healing effect, such as Boro-Plus, is also excellent).
  • In case of microtraumas and redness of the skin, use additional treatment of damaged areas with disinfectants and antiseptics.
  • Make sure that clothing that comes into contact with the skin contains only natural and breathable materials.
  • 4-5 days after depilation, scrub the depilation area, this will prevent ingrown hairs.

If after deep bikini depilation you have burns, bumps on the skin, red dots or ingrown hairs, this is a consequence of the fact that the procedure was not carried out correctly. Perhaps the hair removal was carried out incorrectly (in the direction of hair growth or against the direction).


Bikini sugaring is not so painful that it is necessary to use painkillers. In addition, the pain of the procedure largely depends on the actions of the specialist.

The more accurate and sharp his movements, the less pain the client experiences. However, if the pain threshold is low, the skin is tight or the hair is too thick, you should use special medications.

Pain relief can be carried out externally and internally. Local anesthesia is performed using lidocaine or anesthetic ointment, cooling gels.

The drug should be applied one hour before the procedure under the film. The effect lasts for about 40-50 minutes. This time will be enough for the master to carry out the procedure.

They also take painkillers in tablets, non-steroidal or combined action, for example, Diclofenac, Analgin, Tempalgin, Pentalgin. The ointments used include Emla and Anestol. For one procedure you will need 1 tube of ointment.

You may be allergic to painkillers. In addition, they have contraindications, which should be read before use.

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