Can facial massage cause acne? How to avoid it

Pimples are inflamed sebaceous glands. Their favorite places to appear are the face, neck, forearms, chest and back. Pimples on the back are called acne. In the pores of the skin and hair follicles, sebum and dead epithelial cells accumulate and comedones (blackheads) are formed, colloquially called acne. If bacteria get inside the follicle, inflamed acne appears.

Do you think skin “diseases” are primarily an aesthetic problem?

Not really

In places where the sebaceous glands are most concentrated, acne rashes occur more often. They can be provoked by various factors: sweat, friction, heat, aggressive hygiene products, psychological factors. Acne can appear on different parts of the body even after a massage.

Mechanism of formation after massage

Massage is an effective auxiliary procedure used in the treatment of many diseases and has virtually no contraindications. There are many different types of cosmetic, sports, medical, restorative massage:

  • backs;
  • faces;
  • of the whole body;
  • limbs;
  • individual parts of the body.

A common occurrence of skin irritation (bruises, rashes and even pustules) can be caused by:

  • an allergic reaction to the cream or oil used during the procedure in case of individual intolerance to the components;
  • progression of existing acne or inflamed lesions on the skin;
  • unprofessional actions of the massage therapist (poorly cleaned hands, incorrectly selected massage product).

The massage is designed to increase blood flow to the problem area and improve tissue nutrition.

This opens the pores into which infection from the skin can easily enter if hygiene requirements are not followed.

After facial massage

The reasons for the appearance of acne on the forehead and chin after a massage course are sometimes difficult to explain . Despite the ideal cleansing of the skin and the use of hypoallergenic, high-quality massage products, clients who have taken a facial massage course have been bothered by small and large rashes on various areas of the skin for a long time.

Experienced cosmetologists claim that rashes appear in places where the lymph nodes are located subcutaneously (along the oval of the chin, cervical, parotid). And this is explained by deslagging of the body . Accumulations of toxins are released through the pores to the surface of the skin as a result of stimulation by massage. More often this happens on problem skin (oily, porous), after 5-6 sessions. And also in people with poor lymphatic drainage, who do not pay attention to home skin care, and who have the bad habit of squeezing out the slightest pimple on the face.

Many cosmetologists recommend using natural olive oil (without the chemical components found in counterfeits) for facial massage.

With each subsequent course of massage, the elements of the rash usually decrease and subsequently disappear. But many clients are frightened by this skin reaction, and they refuse further procedures .

The body should be periodically cleansed, getting rid of toxins and waste. A fasting diet using herbal teas with detoxifying, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects is recommended. An infrared cabin, sauna, hammam (Turkish bath) improve skin condition, accelerate metabolic processes in cells, and help clean pores.

For example, Johnson baby oil, used by some cosmetologists because of its cheapness, clogs the pores of the face. This is baby oil, hypoallergenic, but too greasy and intended for the body. The appearance of small pimples along the hairline and on the forehead is a common occurrence after such a facial massage. It is necessary to clean the pores with the help of light peelings, the drug Baziron , which reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands and is antimicrobial, helps.

The best oils for facial massage are:

  • almond (well absorbed, improves skin elasticity) - for any skin;
  • sesame (with antioxidant and healing effect) – for problematic, oily skin;
  • olive (nourishes, moisturizes) – best for sensitive, dry skin;
  • jojoba oil (regenerating, anti-inflammatory) – for mature skin;
  • grape (heals damage, strengthens the epidermis) - for any skin type, prevents its aging.

For detoxification and lymphatic drainage of the face and skin of all types, professional French cosmetics Algologie are recommended.

Algologi grape seed massage oil produces a rejuvenating effect, has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect on epithelial cells. Upon contact with water, it turns into a milky emulsion, which does not require the use of soap to rinse off.

After a back massage

Rashes on the back after the first massage sessions are often caused by an allergy to massage oil (individual intolerance); inflammation of clogged skin pores; infection gets into the pores enlarged by the massage procedure (if hygiene rules are not followed). Acne can cause subcutaneous deposits and waste to come out

Inflamed, weeping areas must be dried (with brilliant green, iodine, a strong solution of manganese) so that ulcers do not form. Clogged pores should be cleaned with scrubs and washing with a stiff brush.

You should come for a massage only after a shower with regular soap and with your own clean sheet.

After massaging other areas

As a result of irritation when massaging hair follicles and blockage of dilated sebaceous glands, red rashes or small pimples may appear on the thighs and body. On the lateral parts of the thighs, in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, there is thin and sensitive skin. It is advisable to take a break from the course and treat your skin. If this is not possible, then use 10% Liniment Syntomecin ointment (with a broad-spectrum antibiotic in its composition) for external use during the massage, which has a bacteriostatic (antimicrobial) effect.

After the massage, make a warm salt compress (1 tablespoon of salt per glass of water) - hold for 20-30 minutes. At home, you can apply (for 1 hour) to problem areas a mixture of freshly squeezed aloe juice and Liniment Synthomycin to relieve irritation. Pimples should disappear within 2-3 days.

Rashes in children and adults when using Johnson Baby, which is liquid petroleum jelly, are caused by blockage of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the epidermis peels off and clogs the pores.

After depilation, massage, and other procedures using oils, it is recommended to wash them off with warm water and soap.

Is it possible to exfoliate skin with acne?

Peeling helps exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epidermis, cleanse pores, and accelerate cell regeneration. The procedure is carried out using abrasive compounds, fruit acids or degrading keratolytic enzymes. The choice of peeling largely depends on the type of problem that needs to be solved. 171

In the presence of inflammatory elements, mechanical peeling is not performed. Exposure to abrasives can damage the cap of the abscess* and spread the infection. Superficial peeling is allowed, but when performing the procedure, the skin should be thoroughly disinfected and large areas of inflammation should be avoided. 171

How dangerous is this?

Acne on the face and body can cause psychological trauma in schoolchildren and adolescents. Complex treatment and adequate procedures (for severe acne) should be selected and supervised by a doctor. You will need both oral medications (antibiotics, retinoids, isotretinoin) and local treatment.

Pimples often cause itching and even pain. The infectious and inflammatory process in the tissues is accompanied by purulent pimples with cloudy exudate inside. Pimples on the body with swelling and redness of the surrounding tissues, affecting deeper layers in addition to the epidermis, are fraught with the spread of infection throughout the body.

Severely inflamed acne without proper treatment by a dermatologist can leave deep scars and scars.

Is facial cleansing allowed for acne?

Manual, hardware, vacuum, ultrasonic, galvanic cleanings help remove impurities and sebaceous plugs from pores, smooth out the relief of the epidermis, and improve cellular respiration.

To achieve better results, hardware techniques are often combined with manual cleaning. However, despite the high effectiveness of facial cleansing, it should be abandoned if there are pustules and other inflammatory elements.170

How to get rid of it?

daily personal hygiene and skin care help prevent unwanted inflammation and rashes . You should buy soap with benzoyl peroxide at the pharmacy.

To treat rashes on hard-to-reach areas of the back, it is recommended to use medicated sprays or lotions with salicylic acid.

For personal hygiene, use products containing glycolic and lactic alpha hydroxy acids, which accelerate epithelial exfoliation, cellular metabolism and reduce the number of clogged pores. More powerful products can be used for the back, legs, chest, gentle ones - for sensitive skin of the face and neck.

To get rid of acne, the following are recommended:

  • medicinal lotion Lipacid (GIGI);
  • ichthyol mask “Solar Energy” (Solar energy mud mask);
  • pharmaceutical ointments Baziron, Skinoren, Zinerit.

Acne bumps quickly resolve when using a mud mask produced by Gigi Cosmetic Laboratories (Israel), which nourishes the skin with minerals and vitamins and produces an antiseptic (anti-inflammatory) effect.

Traditional medicine suggests using tar soap, taking medicinal baths based on decoctions of medicinal herbs or adding sea salt or a solution of potassium permanganate. Large, few pimples can be cauterized with iodine.

Squeezing out pimples is unacceptable.

In case of serious skin rashes after a massage, you should consult a dermatologist to prevent their progression and complications. You may need to use antibiotics, antipruritic, drying, and antibacterial external agents. Taking antibiotics on your own is strictly prohibited.

Laser resurfacing

This is one of the types of peeling, which is carried out using a laser device. Laser energy has a thermal effect on the skin, accelerates the coagulation of proteins, destroys old cells and activates regeneration processes, including in the deep layers of the epidermis.

In terms of effectiveness, laser resurfacing can be compared to medium and deep peeling with fruit acids. But when using a laser, you can control the depth of its impact.

Laser resurfacing is considered one of the most effective methods of combating scarring of the skin. The procedure helps improve the condition of acne skin, so it is often performed to correct and eliminate the consequences of the disease. But in the presence of multiple inflammatory elements, laser resurfacing is not performed. 172


To prevent the appearance of rashes after a massage, you must follow certain rules:

  • Do not massage if there are inflamed, irritated areas on the skin, or violations of the integrity of the skin.
  • Attend massage sessions only in a medical facility or in proven massage parlors with a decent reputation.
  • It is necessary to minimize clogging of skin pores.
  • The massage therapist should not only wash his hands, but also wipe them with a disinfectant solution.
  • The procedure should be performed only on clean skin of the patient.
  • The massage product should be tested for individual intolerance. Apply the product to the elbow for 20-30 minutes and evaluate the skin reaction (there should be no redness).
  • After the massage session, it is recommended to wash off the applied massage product with warm water and soap.
  • After a massage, you can wipe your back with a cotton swab moistened with salicylic alcohol as a preventive measure.
  • Massage is contraindicated for colds, problems with blood pressure, and the digestive system.

Problems that arise after a massage are a consequence of the unprofessionalism of the massage therapist or the individual characteristics of the person’s skin.

Use massage gel

If you wash your face thoroughly after self-massage, but still get rashes, try changing your massage product.

Oils or creams that contain a high percentage of lipids contribute to clogging of pores.

Switch to gel.

For example, you can use a gel moisturizing mask for massage. The main thing is that the gel is sufficiently dense, jelly-like and gives good glide.

For long-term gliding, you can periodically wet your fingertips in water.

Self-massage of the face “Renaissance”, technique #2 – “Waterfall”

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