Gymnastics for the face of Margarita Levchenko “Mioreforming”: classes and video tutorials

Unfortunately, as we age, everyone develops wrinkles. Most are not happy about such an event, especially the fair sex. For those who are ready to fight for youth and beauty to the last, there are many proprietary methods for natural restoration of appearance, one of these is Margarita Levchenko’s facial gymnastics - “Myoreforming”.

Margarita Levchenko and her technique

Levchenko Margarita Vladimirovna is the author of the method, has a diploma of a nurse and a doctor. She took a huge number of courses, increasing her professionalism. The main directions of her activity are “psychology” and “massage”.

Perhaps Margarita’s professionalism is explained by the fact that she herself once faced a problem related to her appearance. Her appearance changed after a sharp weight loss, and the burn she received forced her to take active measures.

Margarita studied many Western works on facebuilding and other facial practices. After which she began to create her own proprietary methodology.

Margarita’s course is called “Non-surgical facelift” or “Myoreforming” and includes various techniques for facial rejuvenation.

The techniques developed by the author have shown their effectiveness, in particular, the visible result of a tightening. Margarita herself is over 50 years old, but she looks amazing.

Margarita Levchenko’s face is an indicator of the effectiveness of the technique she developed for facial rejuvenation.

Features of Levchenko’s technique

The main principle of gymnastics is training the facial muscles. Trained facial muscles keep the skin toned. Improved metabolism after exercise has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Important! The nuance of this method is a delicate and gentle approach to classes.

In no case should you overload your muscles, especially at the beginning of training; a moderate load would be appropriate. In this case, during exercise, metabolism is activated, which promotes rejuvenation, and already tight muscles do not receive additional stress.

Basic rules for facial massage within the framework of the technique

In addition to gymnastics, Margarita Levchenko offers a kind of instruction on how to independently perform a small lymphatic drainage massage. It is best, according to the author, to do it in the morning - this will help get rid of swelling and improve the condition of the skin, but in the evening it will also benefit your appearance.

All movements are performed along the lymph flow lines. This helps drain excess fluid, increase blood circulation and smooth out wrinkles. Moreover, Margarita Vladimirovna claims that regularly performing such a massage will not allow wrinkles to form at all!

Lymphatic drainage massage promotes the drainage of excess fluid, therefore eliminating bags under the eyes

There is nothing complicated about lymphatic drainage massage. First you should wash your hands, cleanse your skin, apply your favorite cream, serum or cosmetic oil, and then start doing it.

  1. It all starts with the neck. With light movements you need to stroke the front of the neck in the direction from the collarbones to the chin, and the side parts - from the ears to the shoulders. After completing 8–10 such movements, you can move on to the face;
  2. The face is smoothed in the following order: from the center of the forehead to its edges, from the wings of the nose to the temples, from the center of the chin along the edge of the jaw, also to the temples. This is followed by stroking the entire face, from the center of the forehead along the contour down and from the bridge of the nose to the temples;
  3. The previous steps were a light warm-up. At the third stage, all movements are performed according to the same pattern, but with pressure, as if excess liquid needs to be squeezed out of the tissue. Of course, the pressure should be moderately strong so as not to stretch the skin;
  4. The next stage is working out problem areas. Wrinkles are fixed with two fingers and pressed with a third to prevent them from deepening and, over time, to be “erased” from the face. Places where there is excess volume (jowls, double chin, bags under the eyes) are smoothed with pressure from the center of the face to the periphery;
  5. The final stage consists of a final stroking of the entire face. This will soothe the skin and help ensure that there are no rough spots left anywhere.

Margarita Levchenko herself will tell you more about the technique of lymphatic drainage massage in the next video.

Video: Margarita Levchenko describes the technique of performing lymphatic drainage massage

Pros and cons of gymnastics

Levchenko's technique has many advantages. Here are the main ones:

  • Ease of implementation, the ability to practice independently at home;
  • The time spent on massage is minimal. The result obtained is obvious;
  • Skin regeneration starts;
  • Increased lymph outflow;
  • Removal of toxins, waste, excess fluid;
  • The facial contour becomes more pronounced;
  • Relaxation of all facial muscles;
  • Improved overall well-being.

One goal, many methods

Facial exercises are an effective method for maintaining youthful skin. With their help, you can tone your muscles and skin, smooth out wrinkles, tighten your chin and achieve other noticeable cosmetic results.

If you practice regularly enough, you can achieve a clear, even facial contour. Without jowls, double chin, pronounced nasolabial folds and a network of facial wrinkles.

True, all this makes sense if the body weight, as they say, is “about the point.” If the excess weight is significant, you will definitely need a diet and other weight loss measures, and only then - facial gymnastics.

Ideally, women and men begin to pay attention to their facial skin at the first symptoms of aging and wilting. Then exercises against wrinkles will become their prevention. It is clear that without such preventive actions the problem will grow

Let's skip the moment of no return, and then we will need biorevitalization, bioreparation, mesotherapy, plasma lifting, botulinum therapy, thread reinforcement and other modern methods

It is clear that without such preventive actions the problem will grow. Let's skip the moment of no return, and then we will need biorevitalization, bioreparation, mesotherapy, plasma lifting, botulinum therapy, thread reinforcement and other modern methods.

There are also spa treatments, wellness, acupressure and other “natural” techniques. At the other extreme is surgery. So let's try together to avoid such radical methods.


The exercises themselves are harmless to health.

But if you supplement your massage sessions with massage, it is worth knowing in what cases it is contraindicated:

  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Liver problems such as acute liver failure;
  • Presence of blood clots;
  • Disturbances in the activity of the endocrine system;
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.

If you have one of the above problems, you should get advice from a doctor before performing a facial massage. If they are absent, feel free to proceed with the massage. It will make the results of your training even more noticeable. You will see it in 2 weeks.

Lifting massage for an adult woman

Against age-related changes with obvious deep wrinkles and sagging facial features, Margarita Levchenko has a special highly effective technique - cupping massage. To perform this technique, use almond or cocoa butter (preheated).

Under the influence of vacuum from cans, the following changes occur:

  • New collagen fibers are formed due to improved microcirculation and blood supply.
  • The tone of the skin on the face increases and the color is refreshed.
  • Wrinkles and creases of any depth disappear.
  • Cellular nutrition is stimulated.
  • The face becomes rested, fresh, unevenness and sagging are smoothed out.
  • Slags and toxins are removed from the subcutaneous layer.
  • Puffiness, double chin and bags around the eyes go away.

Before starting the massage, the skin is cleansed and the oil is slightly heated. The procedure is carried out using two techniques: static and dynamic. The first one works well precisely on a particularly problematic area. The vacuum jar is placed on the skin, previously lubricated with oil, and held for five seconds. Dynamic - the oil is distributed over the entire face and the jar is moved along the massage lines.

Principles of lifting massage:

  • Hold the vacuum for no more than 7 seconds.
  • Do not tear off the jar, use a pear to detach from the skin.
  • Do not use on the skin around the eyes.
  • Distribute the skin evenly inside the jar.

Massage with vacuum cups is classified as a medical procedure, so before performing it, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and consult a doctor. If any of the points are present, you should refuse the lifting session.

Vacuum massage is prohibited in the following cases:

  • During acute inflammatory processes.
  • In case of infectious or viral infection.
  • For oncological diseases.
  • Disruption of the facial nerves.
  • Skin damage and fungal infection.
  • With high body temperature, flu.
  • Unstable blood pressure (both low and high).
  • Low blood clotting rates.
  • Thrombosis or a tendency to it.
  • Dysfunction of the lymphatic system.
  • Endocrine diseases.
  • Feeling unwell or very tired.

The first sessions are done gently and carefully, excluding excessive exposure. Gradually increase the intensity, controlling the skin reaction. If bruises or hemorrhages appear, take a break until complete healing.

A set of exercises by Margarita Levchenko

M. Levchenko's non-surgical facelift complex consists of simple exercises. It only takes 10-15 minutes to complete them every morning. The best results will come from a couple of workouts a day: after waking up and before going to bed.

Before performing facial gymnastics, you should thoroughly clean your skin and hands. It is advisable to do this in a ventilated room, in a calm environment.

Everyone should choose techniques depending on their own needs or complete the course comprehensively. The most popular video exercises of Margarita Levchenko are given below:

  • To eliminate wrinkles in the forehead area:
  • To strengthen the upper eyelid and orbicularis oculi muscle, to open the eyes:
  • To get rid of crow's feet , strengthen the lower eyelid :
  • To remove wrinkles from the nose and lips:
  • How to tighten the oval face and cheeks:
  • How to make your neck and décolleté beautiful and get rid of withers:
  • How to lift the tip of your nose up:

Remember! You should exercise regularly, every day.

On the Internet you can easily find video lessons on anti-aging gymnastics for the face “Myoreforming” from the author, Margarita Levchenko, for example, here is one of the webinars on rejuvenation:

Body rejuvenation program

Levchenko names correct posture as the first important aspect. With a straight back, the lungs have enough oxygen, the internal organs are in their places, and creases do not form on the face. The first improvements in well-being and appearance become noticeable after two weeks.

The second step, the author of the method recommends starting physical exercise to maintain body muscle tone. Daily gymnastics forms a beautiful figure.

The last component of a young and attractive body is toned skin. To maintain beauty, Margarita recommends body wraps, a contrast shower and a visit to the bathhouse to remove toxins and cleanse.

When combined with proper nutrition, overall well-being improves, the skin becomes smoother, and inflammatory processes in the form of pimples and rashes disappear.

Key Points to Healthy Meals:

  1. Breakfast consists of cereals, fruits, tea without sugar.
  2. At lunch, side dishes of potatoes and pasta are replaced with cereals, and stewed or fresh vegetables are added.
  3. For dinner, prepare vegetable salads or vegetarian soups, add cottage cheese or kefir.
  4. A mandatory item is 2 liters of clean water, not counting tea and coffee.
  5. Periodically arrange fasting days for the overall health and beauty of the skin.

The length of the program is 30 days.

Recommendations from the author

  • Before charging your face, you do not need to additionally moisturize your skin. If it is dry, a little nourishing cream is enough. After finishing the gymnastics, you can wash your face and apply a nourishing product.
  • The procedure should be carried out in front of a mirror to monitor the correct execution.
  • Each muscle group must work separately. Do not use neighboring muscles; work with one group;
  • Always keep your back straight, your shoulders down, your head looking straight. This position ensures good blood supply;
  • Gymnastics must be done daily. A more suitable time is early morning. The intensive course lasts three weeks. At this time it is good to practice twice: in the morning and in the evening. After this time, you will be pleased with the result!

For those who want to influence their body from several directions at once for rejuvenation, at Margarita Levchenko’s massage school you can take training courses, where you have the opportunity to learn rejuvenation and healing techniques personally from the author, as well as become an instructor using the author’s system.

Tags: gymnastics, Facial gymnastics, how to fix it

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Author's tips for implementation

Performing gymnastics does not require additional lubrication of the integument. Dry skin can be lightly treated with moisturizer (cosmetic oil). The product should be completely absorbed without creating a slipping effect when grasped with your fingers. After performing the exercises, wash your face and nourish the skin with cream (mask).

It is advisable to do gymnastics in front of a mirror, watching the progress of the muscles. A specific exercise is designed to involve a narrow group of muscles. It is advisable not to involve neighboring areas when performing.

Attention! The effect of gymnastics will increase if you maintain good posture. Keep your back straight, your head straight, your shoulders relaxed. The position helps improve blood supply to the muscles. After a series of exercises they relax.

Gymnastics are performed daily, absences are allowed for valid reasons (poor health). It is advisable to perform it in the morning. Each exercise is repeated 4–6 times. The load is not increased (pumping is avoided). When performing an intensive course (the first 3 weeks), gymnastics are done twice a day. Then they switch to a moderate, maintenance regimen.

Hardware non-surgical facelift

We will highlight only the most popular lifting methods.

  • SMAS lifting. During the procedure, ultrasound affects the superficial muscular-aponeuric system of the skin, which contributes to its good tightening. At the same time, recovery requires very little time: you just need to wait until the swelling subsides and the redness goes away. The advantage of SMAS lifting is that the depth of the effect can be adjusted. It also has a cumulative effect: over time, the density of the skin will increase, and accordingly the facelift will become more obvious.
  • Laser resurfacing. This procedure not only helps to effectively cleanse the skin, but also allows you to achieve noticeable firming and tightening. However, unlike SMAS lifting, it will take time to recover, so the procedure must be planned in advance.
  • Cryolifting. Low temperatures (down to -20 °C), which are applied to the skin through a special attachment to the device, cause shock. The result is that the skin begins to intensively renew itself due to the active production of collagen. After 6-10 procedures, a visible, lasting tightening effect will appear.
  • RF lifting. During this procedure, radiofrequency waves, on the contrary, heat the skin, which leads to contraction of collagen fibers. For the skin to tighten and become dense, 3-4 sessions are often enough.

Laser resurfacing
These are just some of the techniques that help maintain youth and beauty in a non-surgical way.

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