Facial iontophoresis - what is it and how to do it at home

Iontophoresis devices

In the beauty industry, hardware cosmetology is one of the fastest growing industries.
Scientists around the world, whose main task is to develop new mechanisms aimed at rejuvenating the face and preventing premature aging, are constantly developing new highly effective methods that are used in salons and at home. Iontophoresis devices are effective tools for use at home. Improving the condition of problematic and mature skin is a task that worries many people. To solve it, various cosmetic products, mechanical and chemical cleaning methods, all kinds of injections, folk remedies, as well as innovative hardware methods that provide quick and good results are used.

Most cosmetology devices are complex devices that are used only by qualified specialists; they require certain skills and knowledge. But many simply do not have enough time to use them, and such procedures are not cheap. Home-use iontophoresis devices can be a solution to this problem - these are simple devices that allow you to achieve the following results:

  • smoothing small wrinkles and reducing large ones;
  • preventing the development of cellulite;
  • cleansing the skin of free radicals and toxic substances;
  • getting rid of puffiness under the eyes (achieved by improving blood and lymph flow);
  • restoration of elasticity, tone and smoothness of the skin;
  • introduction of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin (this is very important in winter);
  • skin moisturizing, etc.

What causes rejuvenation?

It's simple. Current and active components of cosmetic formulas stimulate fibroblasts - cells responsible for the production of important structural proteins - collagen and elastin. Those, in turn, “wake up” and begin to actively produce connecting elements, thanks to which the muscular frame of our skin is held together. The more collagen and elastin, the more elastic your skin. The more elastic the skin, the fewer wrinkles it has. Well, the fewer wrinkles, you know, the younger and more beautiful you look!

While positively charged ions act as “carriers” of nutritional components, negative ones act like a vacuum cleaner: they pull out stored toxins and wastes from cells.

This is interesting: acting in pairs, negative and positive ions have the best therapeutic effect on the skin. While the former deeply cleanse the cells of dirt, the latter immediately saturate them with useful cosmetic substances. This is how the magic called “comprehensive facial skin rejuvenation” happens.

If previously iontophoresis was used only in beauty salons, now, thanks to compact and completely portable Lifting Lab devices, you can easily carry out the procedure at home.

Iontophoresis devices - operating principle

Iontophoresis (galvanization) is one of the effective methods of influencing the cell membrane in order to activate metabolic and regeneration processes. The essence of the method is to use a combination of low electrical charge properties and individual drugs.

Substances that are used together with electric current form positive ions (cations), which, penetrating deep into the skin, act as conductors of the active components of used medicinal or cosmetic products. As a result, the skin receives the necessary supply of necessary elements that help improve cell function.

Iontophoresis allows not only to introduce beneficial substances, but also to cleanse the skin of excess fat, dead cells and dirt particles. Before the procedure, the skin is treated with an alkaline solution.

Acidic solutions are used to strengthen skin tissue, normalize microcirculation and relax tense areas. In this case, an anode (a positively charged manipulator) is used for iontophoresis. This method is effective for narrowing pores, removing swelling and redness after cosmetic procedures.

The negatively charged manipulator (cathode) of the iontophoresis apparatus is used to introduce alkaline solutions into the skin, which help soften the skin, improve blood flow and activate nerve endings. This procedure is especially effective for oily and mature skin.

In addition to local effects, hardware iontophoresis has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. By stimulating nerve endings, electric current pulses reach the brain and have a calming effect.

Mechanism of action

Iontophoresis combines two types of therapy. Firstly, the galvanic current itself has a positive biological effect. Electrical impulses activate cell membranes and improve the transport of substances in the deep parts of the skin. The current also affects muscle structures, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed out. An additional effect of iontophoresis is to improve the bioavailability of various substances. Beneficial components are absorbed into the skin mainly in the form of ions.

Biological effects:

  • Maintaining the functions of the autonomic nervous system. The impulses affect nerve fibers and normalize the condition of skin receptors. A by-product of this effect is the improvement of the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Improving microcirculation of blood and lymph in the skin. Vasodilation occurs in the dermis. Cells receive more nutrients and oxygen. Together with lymph, harmful chemical compounds are removed from tissues.
  • Activation of metabolic processes due to stimulation of cellular transport. More proteins are produced in the epithelium. Substances applied to the skin are quickly absorbed by the tissues.
  • Elimination of muscle tension. Expression wrinkles are formed due to a violation of the tone of the facial muscles. Low frequency current restores the natural state of these structures.

Nutrient components that need to be introduced into tissues are dissolved in water. The operating principle of the device is based on the electrolysis effect.

What to consider when galvanizing a home

The rules that must be followed when performing hardware iontophoresis include:

  • The products used must be water-based; it is prohibited to use products containing fat emulsions.
  • It is better to avoid the use of multicomponent drugs; you should take single-component substances, alternating courses (for example, carry out 10 procedures with vitamin C, then the same number with hyaluronic acid). But if you choose cocktails, then they need to contain no more than three components.
  • For each device manipulator (anode or cathode) there is a specific list of permitted substances. It is better to make the choice of drugs with the help of a specialist.
  • You must first remove metal products from yourself.

Preparations and devices for the procedure

A variety of means can be used to carry out iontophoresis: vitamins, combined cocktails, acids, alkaline compounds and others. They differ not only in their operating principle, but also in their area of ​​use.

Cosmetics for iontophoresis with designation

Experts recommend using only “charged” products for the session. They enhance the effect of the procedure and ensure long-lasting results. In particular, these are the products of Beauty Style, Dizao, VOV. Their packages even have a special “galvanic” marking - these are + and -.

But pharmaceutical products can also act as excellent and effective products for iontophoresis:

  • Vitamins. This is especially true for group B and C. The former do an excellent job with wrinkles and age spots and help improve skin turgor. Ascorbic acid promotes tissue restoration and reduces inflammatory processes;
  • Hyaluronic and nicotinic acid. Hyaluronic acid is one of the best in the fight for the youth of the epidermis. Nicotine helps improve metabolism in the skin and dilate blood vessels (this evens out the complexion and removes toxins);
  • Zinc, contrary to stereotypes, is used in electroplating not to get rid of acne, but to restore elasticity;
  • Dirt and clay will help cleanse pores, remove excess moisture from cells and saturate the epidermis with necessary mineral compounds.

All the described agents, with the exception of zinc, are introduced into the skin only using a positive electrode. If you mix it up, nothing bad will happen, but you won’t have the desired effect.

Carrying out home iontophoresis

Hardware iontophoresis is a step-by-step process consisting of the following procedures:

  • Cleaning the treated area. This is done with a special alcohol solution or anophoresis, for which a clean fabric mask is soaked in a soda solution (1 tbsp. warm water + 1 tsp. soda), applied to the face, left for 20 minutes, then exposed to a negative current, moving the electrode along the massage lines. To restore pH, treatment is carried out with a positive charge for about 2 minutes.
  • The electrode is connected to the device.
  • The device connects to the network.
  • The active electrode is applied to the treated area and guided along the massage lines. A person holds a passive electrode in his hand.
  • The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes. Upon completion, the area is treated with a tonic lotion. At the beginning of the procedure, a slight tingling sensation is felt on the skin, which quickly passes. If the discomfort persists, the procedure is stopped.


Like any procedure involving exposure to electric current, home iontophoresis also has its contraindications. It is prohibited for persons with the following problems:

  • heart disease and the presence of a pacemaker;
  • vascular skin disorders;
  • hyperthermia;
  • presence of skin flickering in the treatment area;
  • tumor diseases;
  • severe kidney and liver disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • skin infectious diseases, etc.

Classification of home iontophoresis devices

There are many home iontophoresis devices on the market, but not all of them are safe. Here are a few proven devices:

  • Gezaton Beauty Iris is a multifunctional massager with different modes that allow you to use conventional microcurrents (improves blood and lymph flow), galvanic (moisturize and nourish the skin) and Lotti microcurrents (smooth out wrinkles). The device is equipped with three different attachments that allow you to effectively carry out the procedure.
  • Multifunctional device Mente Aurora Ceutical G7. It operates in different modes using galvanic current, ultrasound and infrared radiation.
  • Gezatone Galvanic BeautySPA m775. This device operates in 3 modes (vibration, infrared radiation and galvanic current), the combination of which allows you to achieve excellent results.
  • Gezatone m910 – this galvanic massager is easy to use and affordable. Used to cleanse and deeply nourish the skin.

Despite the simplicity of the iontophoresis procedure, it is important to consult with a specialist before performing it. This is especially true for those who have problem skin. To avoid complications, you need to be careful when choosing cosmetic and medicinal products; they should be selected taking into account the type of your skin.

What effect does iontophoresis have on the face?

Iontophoresis for the face has a huge list of advantages, which we will definitely list so that you can be confident in your home gadget for the procedure.
Low power electric current is an amazing thing. Iontophoresis can easily be called a real “alarm clock” for skin cells. By activating the synthesis of collagen and elastin, it improves all intracellular metabolic processes, blood and oxygen circulation, removal of metabolic products and saturation of cells with new “healthy” nutrition.

In addition, iontophoresis is recommended for weak blood vessels: if there is a tendency to rosacea or there is already a pronounced vascular network on the skin. The current causes tissues to contract and expand, therefore strengthening their connective tissues. It's like physical education: the more good squats you do, the closer you are to #popuckKim!

Ionophresis, like other hardware beauty techniques, has a number of indications:

  • Expression wrinkles: small and deep.
  • Pigment spots and acne scars, scars and other irregularities on the skin.
  • Acne, inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Oily and problematic skin with all its features.
  • Fading, as well as dry, atopic and hypersensitive skin.
  • Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating of the face and body.

The advantages of iontophoresis also include the absolute painlessness of the procedure and the absence of a recovery period. During iontophoresis with Lifting Lab devices, you will feel a delicate tingling sensation on the skin. After the session, your face will be ready to apply makeup and make a triumphant appearance.

Important: in order for ionophresis to have a greater rejuvenating effect, combine the procedure with RF lifting, LED therapy, EMS stimulation and vibration massage.

To carry out the iontophoresis procedure, you need a comprehensive care device, an effective serum and/or hyaluronic gel suitable for your skin type for cosmetic procedures. The gadget will do the rest for you. 10 minutes – and your skin will glow!

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