What to do with stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth: how to remove them at home using creams and improvised means

Why do stretch marks appear?

The main reason for the formation of stretch marks is stretching of the skin exceeding its strength characteristics. The appearance of these lesions is due to the rupture of collagen fibers.

Excessive stretching of the skin can result from:

  • pregnancy, in which the growing fetus significantly increases the size of the woman’s abdominal cavity;
  • rapid growth of the bone skeleton during puberty;
  • long course of treatment with certain drugs (for example, glucocorticoids);
  • various diseases of the endocrine system associated with rapid weight gain;
  • sudden changes in body weight.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach after pregnancy

The birth of a child is the most important moment in the life of every woman. This is a long-awaited event that brings a lot of positive emotions, despite the fact that the young mother has to devote almost all her time to the baby.

However, pregnancy also brings troubles. What upsets women the most are changes in their bodies. You can lose extra pounds, you just need to reconsider your diet and engage in physical activity. But such a problem as stretch marks on the stomach drives women to despair.

The opinion that it is impossible to get rid of stretch marks is incorrect. Modern aesthetic medicine has long found a quick and effective way to completely remove or disguise unwanted marks on the body, be it tattoos, scars, scars or stretch marks.

What are striae

This is a skin defect, a rupture that occurs due to overstretching of its layers. During pregnancy, the expectant mother's belly increases rapidly. The skin on it does not have time to form new cells, and it simply stretches and tears. This happens in layers. Such tears appear as burgundy (fresh) or white (old) stripes. They are of different lengths and widths. They are usually located vertically from the navel to the genital pubis along the entire circumference of the abdomen. They can also be on the thighs, buttocks and chest.

Causes of stretch marks

It is logical to assume that stretch marks appear in all pregnant women. But that's not true. While one young mother may not have stretch marks even after three births, the second may develop them during her first pregnancy. What is this connected with? Let's figure it out.

The first reason is the most logical - natural stretching of the skin due to an enlarged abdomen . Throughout the 9 months, the fetus grows, and the uterus expands along with it. It puts pressure on the abdominal wall, and the stomach increases. However, the skin is not always elastic enough or able to grow as quickly. In its deep layers, ruptures occur. Stretch marks appear. At first they are red in color, then connective tissue forms and the stretch marks become whitish.

The second reason is weight gain. If a pregnant woman suddenly gains a large number of extra pounds, the skin breaks. It actually does not have time to react and form new cells.

Hormonal changes. The third reason is directly related to the first. Above we discussed the elasticity of the skin. If it is low, then there will be micro-tears in the epidermis. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a restructuring of the hormonal system. Cortisol is essential for the birth process itself. However, it reduces the production of elastin and collagen. The skin loses its ability to stretch well, which leads to stretch marks. All subsequent reasons will also be directly related to the elasticity of the dermis.

The fourth reason is age . The older a pregnant woman is, the more health problems she has, the worse her skin condition. Carrying a child is a big burden on the body. As a result, the elasticity of the skin decreases even more. A young mother may not develop stretch marks at all, but after 35-40 years the risk is enormous.

The fifth reason is a lack of vitamins and microelements . These substances are needed for all body systems. Skin is also an organ. She also needs vitamins. Pregnant women need additional substances in double volume - for both mother and baby. With their deficiency, the condition of the skin suffers, its turgor and elasticity decrease.

The last reason is related to heredity . The tendency to stretch marks can also be inherited from our ancestors. The condition of the skin also depends on genetics. If your grandmother or mother had stretch marks, then most likely you will have them too. However, this can be avoided by controlling weight gain during pregnancy and ensuring daily skin care throughout the body.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach

Aesthetic medicine has been successfully fighting stretch marks for a long time. Our “Cosmetology and Massage Center” offers you the following effective methods:

  1. Mesotherapy . Special cocktails are injected under the skin using microinjections. Each mixture is selected individually, the unique composition depends on the needs of the patient. The drug may contain vitamins, amino acids, hyaluronan, collagen and other substances that nourish the dermis. The skin is actively renewed and improves its elastic abilities.
  2. Laser resurfacing. The most effective method. Its main advantage is that it eliminates even old and voluminous stretch marks and scars. It lightens fresh tears, and they become invisible, and small ones disappear completely. Laser radiation darkens old whitish stretch marks, evening out the tone to match the color of the rest of the skin. The superficial epidermal layer evaporates, the scar is smoothed and regeneration is stimulated. Crusts form at the treatment sites. They disappear on their own within 2 weeks. The deeper and older the stretch marks, the more treatments will be required. However, impressive results are noticeable after the first session.
  3. Plasmolifting. The patient's blood plasma is injected under the skin. It fills micro-tears and activates collagen production. The method is effective in the fight against “young” stretch marks; it will only make “old” stretch marks less noticeable. Plasmolifting is more effective in combination with laser resurfacing. Cellular metabolism improves and skin recovery time is reduced.
  4. Chemical peeling. A special composition is applied to the problem area to help get rid of the stratum corneum. The skin becomes soft and tender, its relief is evened out. In response to such changes, the production of new collagen accelerates. The elasticity of the skin improves and its tone is restored. Regeneration is activated and stretch marks disappear.
  5. Diamond peeling. Hardware skin polishing using special attachments and vacuum suction. The essence of the procedure is the removal of the surface layer of the epidermis. An additional bonus is the vacuum massage. It improves cellular metabolism and blood circulation. The skin recovers faster and stretch marks are eliminated.
  6. Ozone therapy. A mixture containing oxygen is injected into the skin. It stimulates cell metabolism. The skin regenerates faster, and stretch marks become less visible. Ozone therapy is often used in combination with other methods of combating stretch marks.
  7. Wraps, application of mud, vacuum roller massage. Helps get rid of small and fresh stretch marks. The main mechanism of action is activation of skin regeneration. All these procedures are only an addition to other methods for eliminating stretch marks after pregnancy.

How to get rid of stretch marks without surgery

Purely cosmetic measures such as massages, peelings of varying intensity, algae wraps, creams or softening masks will be ineffective. With their help, you can only slightly reduce the severity of stretch marks.

Non-injection mesotherapy is somewhat more effective. This is the name given to the injection of biologically active substances into problem areas using ultrasound, low-amplitude currents, iontophoresis and other hardware methods. The introduction of hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, silicon-containing drugs, and enzymes helps to partially remove stretch marks.

The effectiveness of injection techniques has also been confirmed:

  • intradermal mesotherapy;
  • fractional mesotherapy;
  • vitamin-amino acid bioreparation;
  • injection carboxytherapy.

Technologies based on laser radiation are also widely used: fractional thermolysis and grinding. This method has proven itself so well that for small stretch marks and light colors, it may be enough to completely get rid of the defect.


Diastasis is a pathology of the abdominal muscles, more typical for women who have recently given birth. In most cases, it is treated without surgery using only conservative methods. It is observed in 40% of women during the postpartum period.

The most effective remedy in the fight against diastasis is physical exercise. Here are a few:

  • cat pose;
  • gluteal bridge;
  • lifting the body while lying on your back;
  • slowly lifting your legs from a lying position on the floor.

Perform them daily for 3 approaches, each with 10-15 repetitions.

Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles


  • Safety. Our doctor precisely affects areas of the skin, clearly regulates the intensity of the beam and the depth of laser exposure. The ability to carry out the procedure on any area: face, neck, décolleté, back, arms, body.
  • Quality. The high level of knowledge and extensive practice of doctors allow us to carry out procedures with minimal trauma, no complications and a short recovery period. Can be used on skin of any color.
  • Comfort. The most painless analogue among other laser procedures. We use anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure.
  • Result guarantee. A powerful effect, our doctors use their own methods of combined procedures to achieve 100% results.
  • Escort. We take care of you throughout the entire period of rehabilitation, monitor and answer all questions.
  • Rehabilitation. Fast recovery period, our clients undergo rehabilitation procedures with a discount of up to 50%.
  • Effect. The result is noticeable after 3-4 sessions. Due to the correctly selected method of influence, a sustainable effect is achieved.

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Don’t think that stretch marks will go away over time without leaving a trace behind. Essentially, these are the same scars, albeit superficial.

Therefore, try to prevent the problem rather than deal with its disastrous consequences.

To prevent skin defects, follow the list of rules:

  • Moisturize problem areas with creams and essential oils with vitamin E (olive, almond, peach, etc.).
  • Wear a bandage and a supportive bra, especially in the second and third trimester.
  • Take vitamin complexes for pregnant women.
  • Eat right, “leaning” on vegetables, fruits, fish, meat, eggs, dairy and fermented milk products. Among the cooking methods, give preference to baking, boiling, and steaming.
  • Perform a simple set of physical activities. This way, extra pounds will not “stick”, and the skin will be more elastic and prepared for future challenges.

What stretch marks can laser remove?

Laser can remove almost any stretch mark. The laser acts at a certain depth, which is set individually, depending on the age of the stretch marks. During the procedure, healthy tissues are not affected and burns are avoided.

The laser can be used in the most sensitive areas - on the chest, abdomen, inner surfaces of the arms and thighs. After the procedure, the most that may appear is slight redness. It goes away within a day. The skin recovers quickly.

Cream for firming abdominal skin after childbirth

Today, in store windows there is a large assortment of branded products for skin care for expectant and young mothers, including creams. It’s easy to get lost in this assortment. Some tips will help you choose the right and effective one:

  1. It is necessary to buy products specifically for pregnant women or women after childbirth. They contain more natural products that act only on the skin, do not penetrate the bloodstream and are not capable of harming the child.
  2. The packaging must be marked “HYPOALLARGENIC”
  3. Cosmetics should be odorless
  4. Creams for stretch marks should contain hyaluronic acid, collagen, retinol, vitamins A and E, vegetable oils and extracts
  5. As a rule, such creams are oily based

Judging by the reviews that mothers leave on women's forums, effective creams are Mama Comfort, 9 months, Our Mother, Mustela, Bubchen Mama, and some others.

Treatments for long-standing stretch marks

If stretch marks have been formed for a long time, but a person has not paid attention to them until a certain time, then only serious procedures, which include laser ones, can cope with them.

The laser beam allows you to activate the natural mechanisms of skin regeneration, tightening the tissue and smoothing out stretch marks.

The most universal, effective and safe method of removing stretch marks is laser resurfacing. At A Clinic, stretch marks are removed using the American Fraxel laser and the Italian technology of Dermal Radio Wave Optical Thermolysis (DROT-therapy).

Fraxel laser resurfacing is a type of laser rejuvenation. This method should not be confused with a technique in which the top layer of skin is removed. On the contrary, fractional laser acts very gently on the surface of the skin. The top layer - the epidermis - is not damaged at all.

The fractional principle is as follows: a thin laser beam acts not on a large area, but on a micro-section of the skin, comparable in diameter to the diameter of a human hair. During exposure, old and damaged collagen and elastin are destroyed in the micro-area. As a response, the body begins to restore the damaged area - new skin appears, free from defects. Since the diameter of the microdamage is very small and there are many healthy cells around, recovery occurs very quickly and the procedure is safe.

The laser forms from 100 to 11,000 microzones on every centimeter of skin, and regardless of this, the body has enough resources for rapid recovery.

Fraxel is capable of destroying scar tissue to a depth of 1.5 mm, and normal skin begins to form at the site of exposure due to the production of new collagen. But it is important to remember that in the treatment of stretch marks, success largely depends on their “age”. For example, stretch marks that appear during pregnancy are best treated immediately after the woman has finished breastfeeding. The result is achieved in 4-5 procedures.

DROT is a combination of laser and radio wave energy in one device. The device on which DROT therapy is performed makes it possible to work with “hot”, “cold” pulses, as well as a classic CO2 laser pulse. At the same time, radiofrequency exposure, working simultaneously with all impulses, significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment, deeply renewing the tissue. The “impulse shape design” technology allows you to select optimal treatment parameters for each patient. This helps to reach all layers - from superficial to deep.

The laser system pulses generate microthermal damage zones that destroy scar tissue. In areas subjected to fractional exposure, regeneration processes are launched, and new healthy tissue is formed without aesthetic defects. The number of sessions required to improve skin texture is determined individually depending on the patient’s skin condition.

Skin scrubs after childbirth

During scrubbing:

  • the top layer of dead cells is removed
  • blood flow in capillaries improves
  • cellular metabolism accelerates
  • skin cell regeneration accelerates

The procedure is done twice a week and goes like this:

  • you need to take a shower, preferably a contrast one
  • the body is cleansed with gel, soap, etc.
  • the scrub is rubbed into the skin with massage movements
  • After the procedure, you can rub oils into the skin or make a regenerating mask

Body scrubs can be purchased ready-made in the store. Home remedies are no less effective. Here are some recipes:

RECIPE: Coffee scrub against stretch marks.

You need: heavy cream – 1 tbsp. spoon, olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, ground coffee - 2 teaspoons, salt and sugar - 1 teaspoon each. The components of the drug are mixed and then applied to areas of the skin with stretch marks.

RECIPE: Scrub for stretch marks with honey and sea salt.

Needed: honey - 2 tbsp. spoons, sea salt - 1 tbsp. spoons, lemon juice - 1 teaspoon. The mixture prepared from slightly warmed honey, salt and lemon juice should also be rubbed into the skin of the thighs, buttocks, abdomen or legs where there are stretch marks.

Price for stretch mark removal in Moscow

  • CO2 intellectual rejuvenation Read the terms of the promotion
    Area of ​​influenceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Face24 900
    Cheeks17 900
    Forehead8 900
    Nose6 900
    Eyelids14 900
    Neck24 900
    Face + neck34 900
    Face + neck + décolleté44 900
    Elbows8 900
    Full belly37 900
    Knees14 900
    Gluteal region39 900
    Laser resurfacing of scars up to 5 cm. 27 500
    Laser resurfacing of scars from 5 cm. 2 to 10 cm. 214 500
    Laser resurfacing of scars from 5 cm. 10 to 20 cm. 221 500
    Laser resurfacing of scars larger than 20 cm. 229 500
    Laser resurfacing of scars over 30 cm. 2 (price per 1 cm. 2)1 050

    * Anesthesia is not included in the price

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  • FRAXEL RE:STORE / Fraxel fractional thermolysis
    Read the terms of the promotion

    Area of ​​influenceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Fractional facial peeling17 300
    Face, including eyelid area26 300
    Face without treatment of upper and lower eyelids22 300
    Upper or lower eyelid area10 300
    Forehead11 300
    Temple area5 300
    Cheek area6 300
    Chin8 300
    Cheeks16 300
    Neck17 300
    Cleavage18 300
    Face+neck35 300
    Face + eyelids + neck + décolleté49 400
    Hands14 300
    Other areas of the body100 per 1cm2
    Scar correction / length 1cm1 500
    Anesthesia, 15 gr.1 500

    * Anesthesia is not included in the price
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  • SCARLET RF / Scarlet micro-needle lifting
    Read the terms of the promotion

    Name of serviceSpecialist. price, rub. price, rub.
    Eyelid area15 900
    Face24 900
    Neck18 900
    Hands17 900
    Cleavage18 900
    Face + Neck31 900
    Face + Neck + Décolleté37 900
    Upper third of the face16 900
    Lower third of the face16 900
    Abdomen (atonic skin, sagging), scars, stretch marks up to 1000 steps21 900
    Abdomen (atonic skin, sagging), scars, stretch marks up to 1500 steps29 900
    Abdomen (atonic skin, sagging), scars, stretch marks up to 2000 steps36 900
    Buttocks – up to 1000 steps21 900
    Buttocks - up to 1500 steps29 900
    Buttocks – up to 2000 steps36 400
    Knees + elbows – up to 500 steps16 900
    Knees + elbows – up to 1000 steps21 900
    Inner surface of shoulders + elbows + hands up to 1000 steps21 900
    Inner surface of shoulders + elbows + hands up to 1500 steps29 900
    Inner thighs – up to 1000 steps21 900
    Inner thighs – up to 1500 steps29 900
    Inner thighs – up to 2500 steps36 900
    Back of the neck + collar area – up to 1000 steps21 900
    Back of the neck + collar area – up to 1500 steps29 900
    Back of the neck + collar area – up to 2500 steps36 900
    Anaesthesia, 15 g1 500

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In addition to the age of the expectant mother, the number and condition of ruptures is influenced by a number of factors, among which the main ones during pregnancy are:

  • heredity;
  • the presence of excess weight and its sharp increase;
  • amount of vitamins and microelements;
  • level of physical activity;
  • bad habits;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • disruptions in the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, obesity);
  • weak abdominal muscles;
  • swelling of the mammary glands.

In women in labor, ruptures in the breasts appear due to a sudden influx of milk. The glands swell greatly and become heavier, so it is necessary to wear supportive underwear and moisturize the cover with special creams.

If there is stagnation of milk in the breast, use a breast pump to express the excess milk. You should not knead the seals manually - this will lead to stretching and subsequent “sagging” of the breast.

Read also How to gain weight and not lose weight after childbirth when a woman loses weight

Oils for skin after childbirth

An effective way to make stretch marks less visible is massage with oils or simply oil rubbing. Preparations based on vegetable or cosmetic oils with the addition of esters are easy to prepare; their components are available in pharmacies and stores.

IMPORTANT: Before rubbing the oil preparation into the skin where there are stretch marks, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test on the bend of the elbow. Essential oils are aggressive substances, and for many they can cause an undesirable reaction in the body.

RECIPE: Olive oil rub mixture. You need: olive oil – 4 tbsp. spoons, orange ether – 2 drops, geranium ether – 2 drops, lavender ether – 2 drops. Olive oil is heated and enriched with essential oils. The mixture is rubbed into the skin after showering and scrubbing. RECIPE: Almond-citrus oil preparation. You need: almond oil – 3 tbsp. spoons, orange, neroli and bergamot oils - 1 drop each. It is very good to do self-massage with this mixture.

IMPORTANT: The oil can be allowed to absorb into the skin. If after the procedure the body becomes shiny, you can wash it with chamomile decoction.

Massage for skin after childbirth

A massage in a salon or self-massage at home will not only help you get rid of stretch marks, but also generally improve the condition of your skin after childbirth.

IMPORTANT: Massage in the hips, legs or arms can be done no earlier than 6 weeks after birth, in the abdominal area - only after three months. You should consult your doctor first

Postpartum massage for stretch marks is a delicate procedure, during which there should be no intense impact on the skin and muscles. It requires technical awareness. You can watch the massage lesson on video. If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, or if discomfort occurs during the procedure, it is better to entrust it to a professional massage therapist.

Procedures against “young” stretch marks

So, for example, dermal resurfacing (microdermabrasion) will help remove “young” stretch marks that appeared relatively recently.

The essence of the procedure is that microcrystals of aluminum oxide or corundum - the second hardest mineral after diamond - are sprayed onto the skin under pressure through the tip of a special apparatus. At the same time, exfoliated particles are removed through a special vacuum system. The degree of exposure to crystals is regulated and selected individually for each patient. An additional positive effect is regeneration due to vacuum micromassage. The skin begins to produce young collagen and elastin - the main components responsible for its firmness and elasticity.

Dermal resurfacing is recommended for any skin type, regardless of sensitivity level. This is a painless, safe procedure that does not require special preparation or anesthesia.

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