Herpes on the eye - photo, complex therapy and effective prevention

Ophthalmoherpes is associated with the spread of herpes infection to the eyes. In this case, the patient’s cornea is damaged, which leads to the development of keratitis and decreased visual function. With ophthalmic herpes, it is very difficult to cope with the disease on your own, so it is highly advisable to contact a specialized center.

Among all corneal pathologies, ophthalmoherpes accounts for three quarters of cases. The infection tends to recur, and three to five episodes are often reported over the course of a year. If there are signs of herpes development, you should immediately consult a doctor, since if treatment is delayed, the virus will spread to the deeper tissues of the eye. This will adversely affect the patient's vision and can even lead to blindness.

Table of contents:

Causes of cyst manifestation

Where are eye cysts located?
Types of cysts Clinical symptoms Diagnosis of the disease Methods for removing an eye cyst Treatment of an eye cyst with a laser Procedure for laser removal Contraindications A benign tumor on the eyelid or mucous membrane containing fluid inside is called a cyst. Translated from Greek - “bubble”. It occurs in representatives of both sexes and all age categories. Quite often this formation is diagnosed in children. When it appears, you should definitely see a specialist to develop further treatment tactics. If left unattended, it can have a bad effect on the quality of vision.

If you do not contact the clinic to solve the problem, then:

  • visual acuity decreases;
  • eye mobility worsens;
  • profuse lacrimation appears;
  • frequent headaches occur;
  • there is a possibility of developing into a malignant formation.

What is herpes?

Almost 90% of people are infected with the herpes virus. However, the disease manifests itself in only 17%. There are about 100 types of herpes, 8 of which can parasitize the human body.

The main symptom is the formation of a rash in the form of blisters. They often appear on the lips, but can be localized on any other part of the body.

When a person is healthy, his immune system copes with the virus, but as soon as he catches a little cold, herpes begins to attack the body. Sometimes signs of virus activation appear near the eyes, on the eyelids. How dangerous is this? Many people have encountered this disease. Some people don't even make any attempt to get rid of the signs of herpes. They often go away on their own as soon as a person recovers from a cold. However, herpes on the eye is a very dangerous disease, since if left untreated, the virus causes severe side effects and causes the development of serious ophthalmological diseases.

It is impossible to completely cure herpes. If it enters the body, which happens through airborne droplets, through contact with household objects, through food, it is no longer possible to get rid of it. The virus will remain dormant in the nerve ganglia until the person becomes ill and his immunity weakens. In this regard, therapy does not eliminate the virus itself, but its symptoms. So, why does herpes occur on the eye, how is it treated and can its occurrence be prevented? Let's take a closer look at these questions.

Causes of cyst manifestation

  • infections;
  • parasites;
  • injuries, burns;
  • consequence of glaucoma;
  • genetics;
  • eye inflammation;
  • reaction to medications;
  • congenital iris dissection;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • dystrophic age-related changes;
  • consequences of the operation.

A product of disruption of the activity of the membranes of the eye: iris, cornea, conjunctiva, caused by the above reasons, requires mandatory ophthalmological care and is an unpleasant cosmetic defect. Treatment or removal is necessary to avoid serious consequences.

What should you do if you notice blisters on your eye?

If strange formations appear on the surface of the eyes, you should act as follows:

  • First of all, visit an ophthalmologist. The earlier the diagnosis is made, the better the treatment provided;
  • Strict adherence to hygiene standards is required. When washing, you should treat your visual organs as carefully as possible. To wipe your face, the towel must be individual;
  • To avoid damage, do not rub your eyes too hard; you cannot remove the formations yourself. This may increase the development of the disease;
  • The use of low-quality cosmetics should be avoided;
  • If the presence of allergies is noted, it is necessary to exclude the effect of allergens on the body. It will be necessary to work out the food system and, if necessary, eliminate contact with pets.

Types of cysts

Depending on the source of occurrence, there are different types of eyeball cysts:

  • congenital, associated with iris dissection;
  • spontaneous ones affect people of different ages, the cause has not yet been identified; with serous, the ball is transparent, with pearl, its walls are dense;
  • traumatic ones occur as a result of damage to the eyeball or after an unsuccessful operation;
  • exudative are the result of glaucoma;
  • due to infection, the ocular conjunctiva gives rise to a retention conjunctiva or, after intervention, an implantation conjunctiva grows;
  • stromal is detected and disappeared unpredictably;
  • dermoid is formed due to displacement of the epithelium.

The latter originates in utero due to the adverse effects on the mother of medications, radiation, and infection. Dermoid leads to edema, strabismus, amblyopia, astigmatism, and optic nerve atrophy. It cannot be cured, it must be eliminated.

What causes herpes to form around the eye?

Ophthalmoherpes may not manifest itself for a long time, but remain in the so-called “dormant state”. A variety of factors can provoke its symptoms. Among them:

  • hypothermia (hypothermia);
  • prolonged exposure to the open sun without sunglasses;
  • poor nutrition, malnutrition and disruptions in the digestive system;
  • long-term use of antibiotics during illness;
  • stress;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • eye injury;
  • immunodeficiency states.

Also, ophthalmoherpes often occurs during pregnancy, as a woman experiences hormonal disruptions and the body’s protective functions are weakened.

Hormonal drugs can also activate the virus. When a person is completely healthy, he eats properly, gets enough sleep, follows the rules of hygiene, tear fluid protects the organs of vision from the spread of infection.

With a decrease in immunity, general and local, the tear fluid cannot fully perform its protective functions, so herpes develops.

Diagnosis of the disease

  • Visual inspection;
  • control of intraocular pressure;
  • assessment of visual fields and visual acuity;
  • determining the state of the optic nerve and the state of the retinal vessels;
  • establishing the exact location;
  • establishing the composition of the liquid inside the bubble.

The ophthalmologist uses methods such as tonometry, perimetry, biomicroscopy, ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging to make a diagnosis. The cyst is visible to the naked eye; additional studies are required to establish the general picture of the disease and exclude the malignancy of the tumor.

Methods for removing eye cysts

If you are diagnosed with an eye cyst, surgery will help radically solve the problem. Removing an eyeball cyst within healthy tissue is the most effective method of combating the formation.

  1. Cauterization with a laser beam is associated with the complete destruction of pathological cells. As a result, the likelihood of relapse is guaranteed to be low. The laser has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to its undeniable advantages, if there are no contraindications, preference is given to this method. But if the formation is large, a significant number of laser pulses will be required, which will injure the surrounding tissue. Therefore, lasers with a shallow penetration depth are chosen, which makes it possible to remove only small formations, less than three millimeters in diameter.
  2. Surgical method.

Indications for surgical removal:

  • medications do not have an effective effect;
  • type of cyst;
  • complicated neoplasms;
  • pediatric dermoid cysts;
  • a large or rapidly growing cyst.

Dermoid cysts do not respond to traditional treatment. This is a purely surgical diagnosis.

A cyst is a filled cavity measuring up to three millimeters or more. May consist of one or more chambers. When removing it, it is important not to disturb the integrity of the capsular bag, otherwise it will collapse, and this will complicate its excision. To clearly indicate its boundaries, markings were made on the outside. But the tear fluid blurs the designated boundaries. In addition, the tissues adjacent to the cyst swell under the influence of the anesthetic fluid, which also interferes with clear recognition of the boundaries. Therefore, to improve the visualization of boundaries, the following surgical technologies are used:

  • Perform sequential aspiration of the cyst; based on the area of ​​the collapsed section, it is determined whether it is single-chamber or multi-chamber;
  • then the colored preparation is injected inside, giving the formation its previous shape;
  • Local anesthesia is administered and the cyst is excised along clearly defined external boundaries.

With all the variety of existing types of neoplasms, only a specialist can choose the right treatment tactics if the patient is treated in a timely manner.

Treatment of eye cysts with laser

The first signs of an eyeball cyst may not be alarming, especially since the small lump may disappear. If it turns into a painful pea, the image becomes clouded and distorted, black flickering spots appear, the field of vision narrows, a visit to the hospital is necessary. The doctor will examine the eye, prescribe tests and make a diagnosis.

Afterwards, either drug treatment or surgical removal will be prescribed. Folk remedies can be used only after consultation with an ophthalmologist. When drawing up an action plan, the origin, size, location are taken into account. Treatment of eye cysts caused by infection occurs with the help of anti-inflammatory, antihistamine drops and ointments. The course usually lasts no more than two weeks.

If medications do not help, then the formation is removed using a scalpel, radio wave knife or laser beam. Previously, fluid was sucked out of the bubble, but after this procedure the formation grew again.

The equipment of modern ophthalmology clinics with advanced equipment and the level of training of specialists make it possible to carry out these difficult manipulations on an outpatient basis. It is very important to remove or destroy the capsule completely to prevent regrowth.

The use of a laser to eliminate a tumor helps to effectively cope with the task and has undoubted advantages:

  • precisely directed action;
  • destruction completely, without a trace;
  • exclusion of infection;
  • low likelihood of complications;
  • fast recovery;
  • absence of swelling and scars;
  • healthy tissue is not affected.

Herpetic conjunctivitis

This form of inflammation develops under the influence of the herpes simplex virus. Typically, the disease affects children and has a sluggish and erased course. Almost always, the pathological process accompanies the appearance of herpetic blisters in the eyelid area.

Herpetic conjunctivitis has the following forms:

  • catarrhal (occurs easily, with mild symptoms);
  • follicular (with the formation of blisters on the skin);
  • vesicular-ulcerative (with the formation of small ulcers and erosions).

Laser removal procedure

  • Local anesthesia in the affected area;
  • an incision measuring 2 mm;
  • a specialist inserts a laser source through the hole;
  • the beam directionally evaporates the affected area and seals the blood vessels.

If the eyeball cyst is large or an abscess has appeared, then surgical removal under anesthesia is recommended. It takes place in several stages:

  • limiting the surgical area with sterile materials;
  • introduction of a staining solution to clearly define the boundaries of the lesion;
  • fixation of the capsule;
  • removal with a scalpel;
  • rinsing the cavity with an antibacterial solution;
  • connecting the incision using a continuous absorbable suture.

Rehabilitation is long and relapse is possible, unpleasant consequences such as hemorrhage, infection, suture dehiscence. In the postoperative period, antibiotics are prescribed, it is advised to reduce the load, and avoid contact with water. The applied bandage is not removed from the eye for five days. It serves as a barrier to dirt and bacteria. There are a number of restrictions on operations.


  • Inflammation in the body;
  • cold;
  • diabetes;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • venous diseases;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorder in the acute stage;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • pregnancy is considered on an individual basis.

Possible complications after surgery:

  • hemorrhages due to tissue injury;
  • infection due to exposure to microbes;
  • seam instability;
  • corneal erosion.

Relapses are rare and are possible when the capsule is not completely removed.

The following are suggested as preventive measures:

  • apply makeup carefully;
  • monitor the expiration date of products that come into contact with your face;
  • do not use lenses;
  • observe eye hygiene requirements;
  • Healthy food;
  • systematically undergo ophthalmological examinations.

The chance that the cyst will self-destruct is negligible, so you should not expose yourself to undue risk. Under certain circumstances, these formations can develop into malignant ones. If alarm bells appear, immediately make an appointment with a doctor at our clinic. We have all the technical and professional resources to remove an eye cyst and solve the problem in full.


To prevent the development of blisters in the eye area, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • timely examination by an ophthalmologist at least once a year for the timely detection of minor abnormalities or serious diseases;
  • treatment of all systemic viral and infectious diseases in a timely manner to prevent the development of complications;
  • hardening, which is used in the form of visiting the pool, walking barefoot at home, drinking cold water;
  • maintaining eye hygiene; if discharge appears, it is necessary to wash it with an antiseptic, for example, Furacilin.

The appearance of bubbles on the eyes is a fairly rare occurrence. When they are formed, self-medication is completely excluded. It will lead to a deterioration in the patient’s condition and infection. It is recommended to adhere to the dosage of medications prescribed by your doctor.

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