Do I need a license to conduct snail therapy: massage with Achatina snails

Snails can rebuild their shells using their own mucus. Studies of this phenomenon have revealed that the mucus secreted by snails has healing and restorative properties. Based on the knowledge gained, scientists have created a unique cosmetological rejuvenating procedure - snail therapy. We will tell you and show in the photo the effect before and after the procedure, and go over the prices and reviews of doctors and clients.

What are snails

Large Achatina snails come from Africa. In natural habitats, their size is 20-30 cm, in captivity 10-15 cm. It is characterized by a massive, bright shell, consisting of 7-9 whorls. Weight can reach 500 g. Does not require special care. They do not emit odors and do not cause allergies.

For good development of snails, good nutrition enriched with calcium is required. It is necessary to keep them in comfortable conditions so that the snails are active and do not fall asleep.

Clam mucus has a regenerating effect, so it is often used in cosmetology, as snail massage gives the skin youth and elasticity.

Types of procedure

In the photo: Akhatina Fulika

In the photo: Achatina Reticulata

Skin care using snails is called snail therapy. It uses two varieties of it.

Of all the types of Achatina snails, the most popular is Achatina Fulica, with a bright shell that changes color depending on the diet. The second common species is Achatina Reticulata, which is characterized by a dark stalk and a striped or dotted shell. This representative is more active and mobile.

Cosmetical tools

Esfolio snail lifting mask with shape memory belongs to a series of natural cosmetics. The Korean brand offers a product with snail filtrate for gentle peeling and accelerating skin regeneration. Effectively fights comedones and hyperpigmentation, allowing you to achieve an even, flawless color. Aloe extract relieves inflammation, vitamin E protects against ultraviolet radiation. The night mask refreshes the tone and increases elasticity. Price 100 gr. 525 rubles, can be purchased online or at your nearest cosmetics store.

Korean dewytree face mask with peptide allows you to deeply cleanse the skin and restore the moisture barrier. The three-step procedure consists of cleansing with foam, applying serum with hyaluronic acid and propolis extract. After 2 stages, a fabric mask with snail extract and royal jelly is distributed on the face. As a result, the face looks fresh, rested, and small and deep wrinkles are smoothed out. Cost 1500 rub.

dewytree hydrogel patches with snail secretion are designed to care for the delicate skin of the eyelids. The gel with which the patches are soaked saturates the epidermis with moisture, relieves puffiness, and removes bags. Provides deep hydration, smoothes wrinkles, improves elasticity. Contains a complex of antioxidants, protects against ultraviolet exposure. Buy 60 pcs. possible for 1250 rubles.

Escargot Noblesse Intensive Cream is a restorative product for aging skin. Activates intracellular metabolism, stimulates regeneration processes. Contains chitosan, collagen, hyaluronic acid, helps smooth out wrinkles. After use, it is possible to remove scars and get rid of acne marks. Price 50 ml 1450 rubles, can be purchased online.

Markell Cosmetics Mattifying Face Primer contains snail secretion filtrate. Thanks to the presence of natural extracts, the makeup base allows you to achieve a perfectly even tone. The cosmetic product allows you to protect the skin from the action of free radicals and ultraviolet radiation. Promotes collagen synthesis. You can buy it at a cosmetic store, the cost of 10 ml is 215 rubles.

Cream with black snail Mizon is recommended for the first signs of aging. Black snail mucin stimulates tissue regeneration and has a rejuvenating effect. Also used in complex therapy for acne. It is possible to cope with skin imperfections and restore a healthy, blooming appearance.

Thai 3D snail mask contains a concentrated extract of mucin. Also included are vitamins A and C, which improve renewal processes. A fabric mask from Thailand reduces the number of wrinkles and improves lymphatic drainage. Recommended for the care of oily, problematic and normal skin. Buy a mask from Thailand 38 gr. possible for 40 rubles.

Chinese cream “Golden Snail” helps to moisturize and refresh the skin. Regular use helps protect the skin from adverse environmental conditions. After the first use, the color, structure improves, and pigmentation lightens. You can buy it on Aliexpress, 30 gr. costs 102 rubles.

The magical effect of snail therapy will preserve youthful, fresh skin. You can use ready-made cosmetics or purchase Achatina for home use. Deep hydration and velvety skin will be ensured.

The main purpose of massage

Snail therapy differs from traditional massage. It does not affect the muscles. The main goal is to treat the surface of the face with a special secretion containing valuable components:

  • Vitamin complex. Well moisturizes, refreshes complexion and nourishes.
  • Collagen. Makes dermal tissue more elastic. This is the main substance aimed at maintaining elasticity.
  • Allantoin. Antioxidant that enhances cell regeneration.
  • Elastin. Nourishes the inner layers of the skin and gives smoothness.
  • Lectin. Cleanses away impurities.
  • Glycolic acids. Participate in cell renewal.
  • Solar filter. Provides UV protection.
  • Peptides. Provide protection against pathogenic bacteria.

The mucus does not contain harmful substances and is therefore completely absorbed by the skin. With the help of nutrients, it is moisturized. The ingredients included in the mucus penetrate its inner layer and saturate it with useful microelements. In addition, snail secretion has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a positive effect on problem areas.

After a course of massage, the skin becomes tightened and receives a protective barrier from the effects of bacteria and sunlight. All layers of the dermis are enriched with oxygen, and their microcirculation also improves.

The main areas for massage are the face, neck and décolleté, and hands. You can massage the whole body, but for this the snails must be adults and large enough. During the procedure, the mollusks make wave-like movements, relaxing the skin and opening the pores. The result is observed after the first procedure.

Snail slime

The secretion secreted by mollusks consists of water and mucin. This protein has unique properties and is involved in many biological processes.

Achatina produces 2 types of mucus, the first helps to move by moisturizing the surface. The second type is synthesized during a stressful situation, or when the integrity of the shell is damaged. This mucus is thicker and has a rich chemical composition.

Contains a complex of minerals, polysaccharides, allantoin, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, collagen, elastin. Effectively affects the deep layers of the dermis, restores and prevents photoaging and the formation of wrinkles. Also solves superficial problems - acne, blackheads, rosacea.

Benefits of snail secretion:

  • nourishes, moisturizes;
  • softens dead cells;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • restores color, whitens pigmentation;
  • heals wounds, burns, cracks;
  • increases the immune properties of the epidermis;
  • restores the elasticity of the integument;
  • relieves puffiness, smoothes wrinkles.

For cosmetic purposes, they are grown on special farms, providing optimal conditions for mollusks. To obtain valuable snail secretion, individuals are shaken. Stress causes Achatina to intensively secrete mucin, which is successfully collected with the help of water. Afterwards, the resulting liquid is filtered to remove contaminants.

The finished raw material becomes the basis for a miraculous cream or mask. At the same time, no damage is caused to the health of the snail; mucin also does not lose its healing and rejuvenating properties.

Indications for massage

Snail therapy is prescribed if the following indications exist:

  1. Dehydrated and dry skin.
  2. Presence of stretch marks and orange peel.
  3. Flabby condition of the skin.
  4. Stale complexion.
  5. Deep and expression wrinkles.
  6. Rashes on the face (blackheads, pimples and acne).
  7. Swelling under the eyes.
  8. Age spots, warts.
  9. Scars, scars, burns.
  10. Age-related changes.

Instructions for implementation

To perform this, large, adult individuals are used; it can be performed on the face, décolleté, hands, and problem areas. The massage is carried out thanks to the wave-like movements of the Achatina body, which improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage. The procedure is hypoallergenic, so it can be used for sensitive skin.


  • after cleansing the skin and snail, milk or water is applied to the integument;
  • Achatina is laid out, the cosmetologist directs the path of its movement along the massage lines;
  • sometimes mollusks fall asleep to wake them up; the skin needs to be moistened with water to continue the process;
  • The massage lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour;
  • leave the secretion to soak in for another 10 minutes;
  • then it is washed off and a cream or fluid with mucin is applied, which continues the rejuvenating, moisturizing effect of the procedure.

The essence of the procedure

In the cabin

Snail massage is a popular salon procedure. It is not complicated, but it is advisable to carry it out under the supervision of a specialist. Its essence is to cover the face with mucus, which is produced as the snail moves.

In the mouth there are chitinous growths with which the snail scrapes food. During therapy, she exfoliates the skin, scraping off what is unnecessary, thereby making the skin cleaner.

Technology of snail therapy session:

  1. Preliminary skin preparation
  2. Steamed to remove dead skin particles. You can also use makeup remover milk or scrub. This preparatory stage is necessary for the smooth penetration of valuable components into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  3. After treatment, the face is wiped dry.
  4. Before the procedure, the snail is thoroughly washed under water.
  5. A little milk is applied to the surface of the skin to set the trajectory of the snail.
  6. The clams are carefully placed on the prepared skin and held until they are attached to the desired area.
  7. The cosmetologist observes the movement of Achatina and, if necessary, pushes it in the right direction. It is necessary to monitor the secreted mucus, as its excessive amount can cause a burn.
  8. Session duration is 10-15 minutes.
  9. After the procedure is completed, the snail is carefully removed.
  10. The next step is for the client to rest quietly for 10 minutes with the mucus on the face. During this time, vitamins and beneficial elements penetrate deep into the dermis as much as possible.
  11. Next, the skin is cleansed with plenty of water and a cream or serum is applied.

During the procedure, a slight vibration from the movement of the mollusk and heat resulting from the penetration of active substances are felt. There may be slight redness on the face, which is typical for the cleansing procedure. The skin becomes velvety.

For cosmetic care, using the snail more than twice a day is not recommended, as it requires restoration.

On average, a massage takes 1 hour. The recommended course is from 7 to 10 sessions with an interval of 2 days.

At home

The cost of a snail massage in a salon is quite high. Therefore, some people prefer to do it themselves at home. If you create a favorable environment for snails, they will take root well at home, as they require minimal care.

It is enough to have a spacious aquarium with a soil substrate and feed it with special food from a pet store, as well as fruits and vegetables.

At home, the procedure is carried out according to the same scheme as in the salon.

Possible complications

In practice, no complications or allergic reactions were identified during therapy. Therefore, there are no restrictions on the procedure. Massage is especially in demand by young mothers who have developed stretch marks and skin pigmentation during pregnancy.

Cosmetic snails

It is a land mollusk widely distributed in tropical climates. They have a length of 10 to 15 cm; in the wild, adult individuals reach 30 cm. The population spreads very quickly in suitable climatic conditions. Originally from East Africa, Achatina also quickly colonized the most remote islands of the Caribbean. They are classified as dangerous agricultural pests; they are a serious threat to the ecosystem; they actively invade coastal valleys, forests, thickets, fields, and farmlands.

Unlike other species - spixie, caracolus sagemon - Achatina are the only ones involved in beauty rituals. In Africa and the American continent there is a quarantine to prevent the spread of mollusks in nature. The appearance and breeding of snails in our latitudes requires special conditions. But care is not difficult, so anyone can keep a small aquarium with a clam at home.

Indications for use:

  • acne;
  • inflammation, irritation;
  • loss of firmness, elasticity;
  • wrinkles of different depths;
  • dryness, flaking of the skin;
  • wide pores;
  • dark spots;
  • stretch marks, stretch marks;
  • cellulite.

In cosmetology, only African Achatina is used; the mucus of other types of mollusks does not have similar regenerating properties. It consists of water and mucin, a special protein to restore the integrity of the shell. This biologically active substance activates the synthesis of elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Mucin also removes toxins and free radicals from the skin.

Snail mucus affects both the epidermis and the deep layers of the dermis. It is possible to reduce the number and depth of wrinkles, restore the color and structure of the skin. It is also effective for treating acne, acne, and comedones. It is used for massage, as well as for rejuvenation, moisturizing with the help of various creams, masks with mucin. Body massage has a special effect. Relaxes muscle fibers, improves lymph flow, increases skin elasticity, and restores emotional balance.

Advice. You can also use shellfish eggs after the snails hatch. The shell, crushed into powder, will help cleanse the skin of the face and body and has antioxidant properties.

In addition to cosmetology, it is widely used by dermatologists and. The secretion secreted by the mollusk promotes the healing of wounds and cracks and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Mucin is also used for pharmaceutical purposes. During research, it was discovered that the extract of these shellfish has bronchorelaxant properties.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Any cosmetic procedure has its pros and cons. This also applies to snail therapy.


  • Effective treatment of burns.
  • Treats acne.
  • Eliminates minor skin damage.
  • Reduces the depth of wrinkles and scars.
  • Moisturizes and tightens the skin.
  • Restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Removes stretch marks, blackheads and pigmentation.
  • Stimulates skin cell regeneration.
  • Lightens or completely eliminates freckles.
  • Has antibacterial properties.
  • High anti-stress effect. If you relax as much as possible during the massage, the snail’s movements have a calming effect on the nervous system and relieve tension.

The secret of snails is added to many anti-aging products. According to cosmetologists, in just one massage session you can get the result achieved after three months of using moisturizers.


  • Cost of the procedure. A massage session is quite expensive, as shellfish are transported from Africa.
  • Specific procedure. Some women are disdainful of snails and do not dare to let them on their faces.
  • Constant supervision of a specialist. The procedure should be carried out by an experienced cosmetologist, since the behavior of snails can be unpredictable (they may try to get into the eyes or mouth).
  • During the massage, constant monitoring of the trajectory of their movement and direction to problem areas is necessary.

With all the advantages of the procedure and its final result, such disadvantages become insignificant. If you have the opportunity to undergo a snail massage, you should definitely take advantage of it, as this is one of the most effective ways to rejuvenate the skin.

Facial therapy with Achatina

Snail therapy is a massage performed by land snails. For these purposes, they use Achatina - huge African snails. They can be bought for private use at home, the price may vary in different cities, it also depends on the size and type of snail.

What does it do to the skin?

Research has found that snail mucus contains a significant amount of substances beneficial to the skin:

  • glycolic acid;
  • collagen;
  • elastin;
  • chitosan;
  • protease;
  • allantoin;
  • vitamins A, C, E, B6, B12.

Reviews confirm that these elements help remove dead skin particles, reduce oiliness, make the skin more elastic, and also give a natural look. The list of problems for which snail therapy can help is quite extensive, including reducing the visibility of scars, fighting wrinkles and acne, and healing the skin.

Photos before and after

Snail massage visitors come with certain skin problems. After snail therapy, the skin becomes soft, elastic, and less oily. The effect of the procedure can be seen in the photos below.

Photos before and after snail therapy - smoothing out wrinkles thanks to collagen contained in mucus

Photos before and after snail therapy - combating acne and other skin problems

Photos before and after snail therapy - facelift, getting rid of senile wrinkles

The difference in skin condition before and after snail therapy is immediately noticeable in the photo, which corresponds to numerous reviews about this therapy. The skin acquires its natural shade, wrinkles are smoothed out, dead particles and blackheads are removed. It is worth noting the reduction in the visibility of scar formations, stretch marks and acne.

Contraindications for snail therapy

Massage does not cause allergic reactions, and if there are lesions on the skin, then the mucus, on the contrary, promotes their healing and cannot cause infection. The only barrier is psychological.

According to doctors, there are no contraindications for snail therapy.

The procedure can be called exotic, and not everyone bravely decides to carry it out. There is nothing to be afraid of: these cute creatures are easy to get used to.


The procedure has no direct contraindications. The mucus secreted by mollusks is hypoallergenic. However, indirect contraindications exist. Massage should be avoided if:

  1. Disgust and dislike for snails.
  2. Cuperosis. Snail mucus contains a large number of active components and vitamins that penetrate deeply into the skin when interacting with it. Blood circulation improves, which can aggravate the existing disease.
  3. If fistulas and unhealed wounds are observed. If mucus gets into an open wound, it can cause infection. Therefore, snails are not used in the presence of postoperative sutures and wounds.
  4. Ulcers and eczema. Mucus is not effective if the skin has pathologies.
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