Achatina snail in cosmetology, what cosmetologists hide

Giant snails are popular due to their unique secret. Among domestic animal lovers, a fashion has begun for land mollusks - the giant Achatina. Have you ever seen a snail that doesn't hide its horns when its neck is scratched? These sociable giant snails come from Africa, but are now raised by breeders throughout the post-Soviet space, including in our city. But these are not only unpretentious pets, but also excellent home cosmetologists! Reviews of the giant African snail Achatina never cease to amaze and delight. This mollusk is an effective remedy for preserving beauty and youth, solving many skin problems. Achatina has gained particular popularity among the fair sex; women of all ages use snails to solve various skin problems - from acne and scars to wrinkles. The fact is that the secretion secreted by snails is a unique natural antioxidant, an anti-aging agent with a number of antibacterial and regenerating properties. This fashionable cosmetic procedure in a beauty salon will cost a tidy sum, but if you have the “equipment” at home, you won’t need the help of a cosmetologist, since the snails are simply left to crawl over the face or another area (for example, at the site of stretch marks and scars), periodically guiding them to areas requiring special attention. The mucus secreted by snails relieves patients from traces of acne, small scars, cuts and stretch marks. The magical effect lies in natural collagen, which maintains the youth and beauty of the skin. Considering their properties to regenerate cells, as well as the positive effect of their impulses, Achatina is also used as a natural massager. It is useful to know that a rejuvenating cream made from snails was invented in Chile. The harmless Achatina snails were sacrificed for beauty and youth, extracts from which are used as the main component of the miracle balm. According to the Chilean doctor Fernardo Bacunan, the cream he obtained based on snail extracts has a regenerative effect and works real miracles on the skin. The breeders of these mollusks were the first to discover the amazing property of snails. They noticed that any scratches and abrasions on their hands healed very quickly. It turned out that snail mucus contains a natural component that regenerates cells. So far, only his compatriots and residents of the United States, where 20 thousand vials are sent daily, can rejuvenate with the help of Dr. Bakunan’s miracle cream. But the enterprising doctor is already negotiating the supply of his balm to South Africa, Spain, England and Brazil... Snail meat also has unique properties. It eliminates the side effects of antibiotics, cures rickets, and is useful for pregnancy, obesity, liver disease and other diseases. The latest medical discovery calls Achatina the brain donor, based on positive results from careful studies of the neurons of these snails. In France and Germany, snails are used to make cosmetics, and in Brazil, research is being conducted on the use of snail mucus to treat scars and ulcers.

The healing properties of Achatina snails for the skin

The Achatina snail is a giant gastropod that lives in tropical and subtropical countries with a hot and humid climate. Residents of Africa eat it as food and also use the mucus as a wound-healing agent.

During the Second World War, the American and Japanese military showed interest in African snails. Using them in food as easily accessible protein. For gourmets, recipes for dishes made from Achatina.

The dietary and medicinal properties of snails were highly valued during the time of Hippocrates. He used shellfish meat to treat anemia, rickets, tuberculosis and many other diseases. Hippocrates used snail mucin as the main ingredient for ointments for burns, non-healing wounds and the treatment of problem skin.

After the end of World War II, South America, Japan and Korea began to grow the Achatina snail on special farms. Dietary shellfish meat was exported to many European countries. Then snail farm workers paid attention to the wound-healing and rejuvenating effect of snail mucus.

Scientists became interested in this observation, conducted a series of studies and found that snail mucus consists of healing components that moisturize, nourish, heal and rejuvenate the skin.


Achatina eggs photo can be enlarged

It is not difficult to reproduce Achatina snails in captivity. These gastropods are hermaphrodites, meaning each individual can perform both male and female functions. At very low population densities, self-fertilization is possible. Mating is accompanied by ritual “dances” and can last up to several hours. The larger snail acts as a female, since laying eggs requires greater energy expenditure. With equal sizes, mutual fertilization is possible.

Young snails that have just reached puberty can perform only male functions. They reach sexual maturity at 6-8 months, and some species for about a year. One of the unusual features of this snail is that it lays eggs as a young specimen. She lays 10 - 15 unfertilized eggs to prepare for the real clutch. There are also several viviparous species of Achatina.

1 - 2 weeks after mating, the snail digs a hole and lays several hundred small, oblong, light-colored eggs there. You can see their appearance in the two lower photos. After 1 - 3 weeks, depending on humidity and temperature, small eggs hatch, up to 5 mm long. snails. In some species, the process takes up to one and a half months. Large Achatina can lay eggs up to 6 times a year. Moreover, after a single mating, up to 10–12 clutches are possible. Sperm remain alive in the female's body for up to 2 years and are gradually used to fertilize maturing eggs.

Composition of Achatina snail mucus

  • Collagen is a protein that maintains the elasticity and firmness of the dermis. Responsible for skin turgor.
  • Allantoin is an antioxidant that binds free radicals and promotes skin rejuvenation and restoration. Prevents age-related changes in the dermis.
  • Elastin is a protein that is involved in the synthesis of collagen in skin tissue. Maintains firmness and elasticity of the skin. Smoothes out wrinkles.
  • Natural antibiotics are bacteriophages that protect the skin from pathogenic bacteria and various parasites. Helps treat acne.
  • Natural vitamins A, B, C, E - moisturize, nourish, and care for the skin.
  • Lectins are protein stickers that glue bacterial cells together and cleanse the skin. They even fight tumor cells in skin cancer.
  • Glycolic acid - promotes exfoliation and cleansing of the stratum corneum of the dermis. The skin is gently cleansed of dead cells. Helps maintain electrolyte balance in the dermis.
  • Fulium or solar filter - protects the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Protects against exposure to solar radiation. Moisturizes the skin. Prevents the appearance of freckles and age spots.

Cosmetological properties of snail mucus

Achatina snail mucus not only cares for the skin, but also promotes the resorption of scars, scars and wrinkles. Effectively fights age-related skin changes, lightens age spots and freckles. The skin is tightened, moisturized, fresh and smooth.

Achatina mucin has a good healing and restorative effect on burns. Mucin relieves pain, swelling and regenerates burnt tissue. Today, more than half of the snails are grown for burn centers.

Useful material

Biologists have calculated that the average snail is 80% water, 15% protein and 2.4% healthy fat. In particular, the meat of these shellfish contains essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, selenium, and magnesium. They are rich sources of vitamins A, E, K and B12.

Snails are an ideal option for a fat-burning diet. The calorie content of a 100-gram serving does not exceed 90 kcal [2]. At the same time, the delicacy will provide the body with the maximum amount of proteins (approximately 16.5 g) and a minimum dose of carbohydrates (no more than 2 g).

Regarding fats, nutritionists have calculated that a serving of gastropods contains less than 2 g of fat. But the main advantage is not even this, but the high content of omega-3 fatty acids. For example, snails contain eicosapentaenoic acid (almost 120 mg per 100 g of product), which is one of the main components of omega-3. Cardiologists recommend consuming 250 mg of these fatty acids daily to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

If we talk about the vitamin and mineral composition, then 100 g of snails is:

  • 3.5 mg iron (more than beef);
  • 250 mg magnesium (much more than beef, pork, chicken or fish);
  • 382 mg potassium;
  • 272 mg phosphorus;
  • 70 mg sodium;
  • 10 mg calcium;
  • 1 mg zinc;
  • 0.4 mg copper;
  • 27.5 mcg selenium;
  • 0.5 mcg vitamin B12;
  • 0.1 mg vitamin B6;
  • 100 IU vitamin A;
  • 5 mg vitamin E;
  • 0.1 mcg vitamin K;
  • 0.1 mg riboflavin;
  • 1.4 mg niacin;
  • 6 mcg folic acid;
  • 65 mg choline [3][4].

How and what kind of Achatina snails are used in cosmetology

All representatives of the Achatina family have healing and rejuvenating properties, but for cosmetic procedures they use those grown in captivity. Collecting snails from nature and using them as cosmetologists is prohibited.

Most often, Achatina fulica or Achatina reticulata are used in cosmetology; these mollusks do not require special care, are omnivorous and sociable.

Achatina snails were first used in cosmetology in Japan. This is how a new cosmetic procedure appeared - snail therapy. Cosmetologists use Achatina snail mucus as the main ingredient for skin care. Using it for masks and creams. Recipes for masks made from Achatina mucus.

The mucus is absorbed quickly by the skin and does not leave a greasy residue.

The second direction in snail therapy was Achatina massage. The snail not only massages the skin, but also cleanses it of dead cells; snail mucus promotes healing, regeneration and rejuvenation.

What is mucin

During stress, all snails secrete a specific secretion - mucin. This viscous mucus is secreted when the mollusk is exposed to danger, when there is a change from usual conditions to unfavorable ones. The healing properties of mucin were known to the ancient Egyptians. Recipes written on ancient papyri mention giant Achatina, which was used to rub the skin of the hands and face.

Clinical studies of this substance began to be carried out only in the 20th century. Scientists have discovered in mucin:

  • hyaluronic and glycolic acid;
  • proteins;
  • collagen;
  • vitamins;
  • allantoin;
  • mineral salts.

In addition, mucin has hypoallergenic properties, and high-quality cosmetics containing this ingredient are absolutely safe. Now snail mucin is used in the production of cosmetics and wound healing products. Mucin is sometimes confused with the mucus secreted by the mollusk during movement in its normal state. This mucus does not have such pronounced healing properties as mucin.

Use of Achatina in cosmetology

Achatina snails are used in cosmetology for youthful and beautiful skin. Clam mucus is used for masks, creams, serums and medications.

Snail slime masks

The cosmetology industry offers a wide range of snail masks. They vary in price, brand and purpose. Cosmetology clinics, beauty salons and SPA centers offer a wide selection of masks with snail mucus for the care of the face and other areas of the body. But you can make a rejuvenating mask with Achatina mucin at home if you already have African snails, or you can get a couple of unpretentious cosmetology snails.

How to collect snail mucus

Before you start collecting mucus, Achatina should be washed in warm water to remove any remaining soil, excrement and food. Prepare a container and scare the snail with light, it will hide in the shell and secrete mucin. For one mask, a teaspoon of snail mucin is enough.

Snail mask at home

In the mask, you can add banana, honey, and oatmeal to the snail mucin.

The snail is washed with warm water or chamomile decoction. Then they scare and carefully collect the snail mucus. Mix with sparkling water and mix thoroughly. Apply to a clean face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water. Carrying out such procedures every other day.

Skin color improves, swelling and dark circles under the eyes go away, the skin tightens and radiates beauty and health.

Importance of Calcium

It is this element that ensures the hardness, strength and correct shape of the mollusk shell. If a snail has a calcium deficiency in its body, the shell will lose its protective functions, begin to soften and bend, and its original shape will change.

And since the shell is not an independent organ and is connected to other organs and systems, the animal will develop incorrectly, which can lead to its death. You can add any food containing a large amount of calcium to the Achatina diet:

  • crushed egg shells;
  • a mixture of cereals (oats, barley, soy);
  • sesame seeds;
  • cheese, milk, cottage cheese.

In addition, it is recommended that Achatina owners prepare caltsekash for their pets, consisting of a mixture of porridge, wheat bran, gammarus, eggshells, biovetan and food for aquarium fish. If you feed small “Akhatinki” with such a mixture, they will begin to increase in size very quickly. Kaltsekash should also be given to pets that have laid eggs - such food will quickly restore the animal’s strength.

Massage with Achatina

During a massage, the effect of the snail on the skin is multifaceted. Achatina massages the skin during its movement, cleanses and heals. Snail massage is performed in beauty salons and beauty centers, but it can also be done at home.

Achatina massage at home

The snails are washed with warm water. A clean face is smeared with milk or cucumber juice and mollusks are seated on it. They move slowly and cover the skin with mucus. After 15 minutes, the snails are removed, and the mucus is carefully beaten into the skin. After 10 minutes, wipe the face with warm milk or a decoction of herbs. The procedure is carried out every other day, the results are noticeable after the first session.

After the procedure, there remains a slight redness on the skin, which is characteristic of peeling. Therefore, massage with Achatina is not recommended in the summer, as age spots may appear.


Achatina are predominantly nocturnal, although in wet weather they can crawl out during the day. Usually, they spend daylight hours in secluded places, burrowing into the soil and becoming active only two hours after sunset.

Achatina has been proven to have long-term memory: they can remember everything that happened within one hour, they can remember the location of food sources and return to them.

Young individuals are more mobile and cover long distances during the day, and are also capable of long-distance migrations. Usually they do not return to the same place to relax. Old snails, on the contrary, have a place where they prefer to rest and from where they crawl out in search of food, without moving more than 5 meters away. When the snails are transferred to the resting place of another Achatina (within 30 meters), they still return to theirs.

Treatment of psoriasis with Achatina

Snail mucus has a beneficial effect on skin damaged by psoriasis. If you suffer from this disease, get some Achatina. Watching snails helps to relax the nervous system and relieve stress after a hard day. Cosmetologists recommend applying Achatina daily to skin with psoriasis rashes.

Massage with snails helps to make it less dry and flaky. Achatina mucus promotes skin regeneration. If you find it unpleasant to feel the snail on your skin, then collect its mucin and rub it into the damaged skin. Of course, treatment of psoriasis with Achatina snails is long-term and not always effective.

Diseases and prevention

If the snail becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, goes inside the shell, or secretes very thick mucus, it means it is sick. Sometimes there is peeling of the shell. Causes of the disease: mechanical damage, including gnawing of shells by other snails, infection by parasites, poisoning or prolapse of internal organs.

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The disease can be prevented by proper care and careful monitoring of your pets. Snails should be fed with calcium, choose appropriate food, and maintain hygiene in the terrarium. Apply iodine, potassium permanganate solution, propolis ointment or glue to chips and cracks.

Cosmetologists about Achatina

African snails have made a splash in the field of aesthetic cosmetology. Snail massage fights stretch marks, rough scars, warts and scars. In several sessions of snail therapy, a positive and long-term effect is achieved.

Cosmetologists never cease to admire the magical properties of snail mucin, which helps smooth out wrinkles, stops and reverses age-related changes in the skin.

What do Achatina snails treat?

  • Tightens and rejuvenates the skin;
  • Improves complexion, swelling and dark circles under the eyes go away;
  • Blood circulation in the skin improves, small vessels are strengthened;
  • The firmness and elasticity of the dermis is restored;
  • Acne, pimples, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis go away;
  • Scars, scars on the skin, freckles and age spots are smoothed out and lightened;
  • Protect the skin from solar radiation, pathogenic bacteria and fungi.


Types of Achatina photos can be enlarged

About one hundred snails of this genus are known to science. The conditions of detention for almost all individuals are the same and do not differ significantly. The most undemanding in maintenance and the most widespread in our country is Achatina fulica. The shell of these representatives is variegated in color, but its tone can change depending on what the mollusk feeds on. The soft body has a brown-brown tone, and tubercles are noticeable on the skin. This species is leisurely and likes to rest.

If you want variety, you can consider Achatina reticulata as an option. It is also a common pet among the Russian population. The shell pattern has stripes and dots, and the skin color varies from dark brown to black. A light border is visible on the leg. These representatives differ in character from the Fulikas; they are curious and active, often craning their heads to look at an object of interest.

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