Laughter lines: how they appear and 7 natural remedies that work for prevention


Wrinkles on the cheeks are folds that appear as a result of facial activity. You can only get gravitational wrinkles in this part of the face if you are overweight, and then only in the second half of your life, while deep static wrinkles appear very rarely. Therefore, they can be removed without even resorting to such strong means as surgery or injections.

We have found out what type of skin defects you have. Now it remains to figure out how to remove wrinkles on the cheeks. There are two ways of fighting here, which are best used in combination. The first is to control your own facial expressions in order to reduce the load on muscles and skin and prevent the formation of facial wrinkles. This will lead to the disappearance of minor defects and stabilization of deep folds. The second way to fight is to saturate the body with the necessary nutrients so that it resists the appearance of wrinkles with greater strength.

Reasons for the formation of wrinkles

Natural skin aging, unfortunately, is very rare nowadays. The skin is exposed to a number of negative influences and few people use the necessary preventive measures to prevent early aging.

The most common causes of wrinkles on the cheeks are:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays, i.e. tanning abuse. UV rays dry out the skin, leading to dehydration and contribute to the destruction of collagen fibers. A special term is used - photoaging. Characteristic signs are early wrinkles, deep wrinkles, dry and rough skin. Dark spots.
  • Working at a computer or spending a long time in front of the screens of a smartphone, laptop, etc. The skin is exposed to blue light, which is no less harmful than ultraviolet rays. They activate the production of free radicals, the mechanism is similar to the action of ultraviolet radiation, only the penetrating ability of the rays is much higher. The term is digital aging.
  • Bad habits. Smoking provokes spasm of small blood vessels, skin nutrition is disrupted, and there is a lack of oxygen and active microelements. In addition, nicotine destroys Vitamin C. According to research, smokers have 60% less Vitamin C than non-smokers.
  • Abuse of sweets leads to the process of glycation of dermal proteins. This is the gluing of collagen threads by sugar, which causes it to become stiff and the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. But worse than that, these glued fibers do not undergo natural disintegration and replacement with new fibers, which occurs normally in the skin. The term is glycoaging.
  • Lack of sleep. Our body in general and skin in particular live according to circadian rhythms. Adequate sleep is necessary for renewal; it is at night that the synthetic processes of collagen production and cell renewal occur. During the day, the main function of the skin is protective. With disturbed and short sleep, the body wears out, which also affects the condition of the skin.
  • Characteristic facial expressions. In the case of wrinkles on the cheeks, a certain structure of the facial muscles can cause the early appearance of facial wrinkles. Remember the famous comedian... but this is rather an exception. Usually this factor is superimposed on the others, the proof is that children do not form facial wrinkles, but they express their emotions and make faces with pleasure.

wrinkles of laughter

Laughter lines can mean several things. It is quite obvious that they appear most often in those who laugh often.

However, unless you consider yourself an overly optimistic person, wrinkles in this area may indicate a weak pancreas.


To support pancreatic health, add more blueberries, cherries, grapes, garlic and spinach to your diet.

Wrinkles above the upper lip

Not many people develop wrinkles above their upper lip. They often occur in smokers.

However, they can also be associated with the spleen

. In the fight against a weak spleen, foods such as root vegetables: pumpkin, carrots and turnips will help you. Small, frequent meals also help maintain a healthy spleen.

Lip stains

If you notice spots on your lips, then there are several explanations for this phenomenon. Firstly, it may indicate poor circulation

, in which case you should turn your attention to yoga or physical activity.

How to get rid of wrinkles on cheeks

The presence of wrinkles on the cheeks indicates, first of all, a lack of dermal matrix components (collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid).

When working with wrinkles in the cheek area, it is necessary to select medications for home care and professional procedures aimed at affecting 2 parts:

1. Restoring the normal structure of the dermis

Slow down degradation and enhance the synthetic activity of dermal and epidermal cells. For example, signaling molecules and complexes of peptide origin that trigger the synthesis of dermal matrix components by fibroblasts.

2. Elimination of the negative influence of external environmental factors

An example of the necessary products and ingredients: protection from light exposure - rem with SPF and Blue light filters, antioxidants, carnosine and alpha-lipoic acid. The latter are necessary for those with a sweet tooth to prevent “sweet aging” - glycation of collagen molecules by sugars.

Radical ways

Radical methods - Botox injections or mesotherapy - will certainly help to remove even deep vertical wrinkles on the face. Do not risk your health under any circumstances and carry out these procedures only in specialized institutions. Only an experienced specialist knows what dose of the drug you need to smooth out wrinkles and avoid swelling and bruising.

Give smiles to those around you - we wish you beautiful, toned cheeks without wrinkles!

Author - Yulia Spiridonova, website - Beautiful and Successful. Article verified by beauty blogger. @lil4olga, on Instagram since 2016. More information about the site's authors Copying this article is prohibited!

Home care against wrinkles

Retinoids are recognized as the most effective - substances that work on all stages of the pathogenesis of the formation of wrinkles on the cheeks.

The effect of retinol on aging skin

  • Accelerate cellular renewal. Retinoids diffuse easily through membranes, bind to a specific protein, which leads to activation of the synthesis of new cells, and dead cells are exfoliated.

Important: retinoids thin the stratum corneum due to the effect of a mild surface peeling, and the overall thickness of the epidermis increases by accelerating the rate of skin cell division.

  • Activate the work of fibroblasts: collagen and hyaluronic acid are produced in larger quantities. As a result, the number of wrinkles decreases and the skin becomes more elastic.
  • Blocks the work of metalloproteinases, in particular collagenase .
  • Stimulate the formation of new vessels in the papillary layer of the dermis - improving skin nutrition, normalizing microcirculation.
  • Antioxidant effect and slowdown of cell aging by inclusion in their membrane and protection from the damaging effects of toxins and free radicals.

The use of retinol is guaranteed to tighten the skin of the face, make it more even and smooth, and smooth out wrinkles.

Serum with retinol and peptides against age-related changes DermaQuest

Powerful anti-aging serum with Retinol 2%, peptide complexes and plant stem cells. Actively fights all signs of skin aging: increases skin elasticity and turgor, removes wrinkles, eliminates sagging, tightens and renews the skin.

An active agent, applied once a day at night according to a special scheme.

Photos "before" and "after"

The result “before” and “after” correction of the oval face and jowls. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

The patient came to the clinic for a swollen oval face, sagging cheeks, and shaved hair. A medial corset platysmaplasty and neck lift with a cosmetic incision behind the ear were performed. Result: a clear jaw contour, a straight and toned neck, a young and sharp cervical-chin angle. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

Neck lift using dynamic platysmoplasty - the chin will not sag even when tilted. Result 10 hours after surgery. There is swelling and markings. Surgeon: Vasiliev Maxim.

The patient was concerned about age-related excess skin in the neck area and was not ready for radical intervention. Surgeon Vasiliev Maxim performed a thread chin lift “NAS lift” (NAS lifting).

“Before” and 10 days “after” rhinoplasty (surgeon Mkhitar Meloyan) and removal of Bisha lumps (surgeon Andrey Iskornev). The lower third of the face stretched out, the heaviness of the cheeks went away. The face looks lighter and more harmonious.

Laser nanoliposuction of the chin, modeling of the face with one’s own fat, thread lifting of the lower third of the face according to the method of A. Iskornev. Before and 4 days after the procedure.

Completed by: Vasiliev Maxim.

Professional anti-wrinkle care

As stated above, the action of professional programs should be aimed at restoring the dermal layer of the skin and activating the production of skin collagen.

Injection procedures are not justified in this case. Recommended:


The selection is carried out individually according to skin type - superficial or medium with abundant exfoliation and smoothing of the relief.

DermaQuest peptide peeling – eliminates wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin, allows you to do without injections and peeling of the skin, maintaining the client’s social activity without compromising the effectiveness of the procedure.

The peeling is based on a unique combination of Peptides and Plant Stem Cells.

  • Eliminates hyperactivity of facial muscles - argireline ;
  • Restores the dermis of the skin, stimulating collagen synthesis, thickens and tightens the skin - Matrixil and Dermaxil .
  • Eliminates the negative effects of external factors - antioxidant protection
  • Moisturizes, eliminates dryness and dehydration of the skin

The course consists of 10 procedures with an interval of 1 time every 10-14 days.

Dermal Rejuvenation System SWiCH (Switch)

This is a new generation anti-aging professional procedure! Provides true rejuvenation due to the natural restructuring of the dermis and normalization of the cell cycle of the epidermis.

The rejuvenation process is launched not by banal stimulation of fibroblasts (as with conventional peelings), but by restoring the energy potential of cells . After all, fibroblasts are often no longer able to respond to stimulation, because they simply lack energy potential.

When mitochondrial activity is restored (namely, mitochondria are the “power stations” of cells for energy production), the synthetic and proliferative activity of all skin cells is restored.

The result is tightening, tightening and plumping of the skin, smoothing out wrinkles by pushing them out from the inside, eliminating sagging.

Salon treatments

One of the most serious methods of combating skin imperfections is cosmetic procedures. Today there are a large number of methods offered by cosmetologists:

  • Laser resurfacing. Used on the cheekbone line, promotes skin renewal. It seriously injures the epidermis, so it is used in extreme cases.
  • Chemical peeling. Depending on the depth of the folds, the master selects the optimal composition and applies it to all areas, with the exception of the eyelids and mouth.
  • Photorejuvenation. Epidermal regeneration is accelerated through flashes of pulsed light. The tone and elasticity of the skin increases.
  • Biorevitalization. Is an injection of hyaluronic acid. Helps remove facial wrinkles both in the area under the eyes and between the eyebrows, from the forehead and get rid of the nasolabial fold.
  • Botox. It is administered subcutaneously. Helps relax muscles and smooth the surface of the skin. Used at a more mature age.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. The appropriate method is selected by the cosmetologist when examining the patient.

Proven Recipes

Recipes for masks, the use of which prevents and smoothes out wrinkles quickly:

  1. The crumb of white bread is softened in warm milk and applied to the eyes for 10 minutes. The course is 4 weeks with an interval of every other day.
  2. Mix honey, melted to butter, with a spoon of oatmeal, add whipped egg white to the mixture. After drying, wash off the mask.
  3. To remove wrinkles under the eyes, pour a glass of birch leaves with the same amount of cold water. Leave for 8 hours, strain and apply as a compress.
  4. Add 3 drops of lemon juice to olive oil and rub into the area under the eyes. Remove the remains with a napkin after 10 minutes. Course - 2-3 times a week for a month.
  5. To tighten the skin, prepare a decoction of chamomile, sage and mint in equal proportions. Place the compress under the eyes for 15 minutes.
  6. 2 tsp. Combine raw potatoes with flour and milk and apply to closed eyes for 15 minutes. Rinse with water.
  7. Divide the grapes into two halves and wipe the area around the eyes. Repeat the course 2 weeks every other day.
  8. Use your fingertips to massage almond oil under your eyes and remove excess. Repeat the procedure for 4 weeks.
  9. Soak cotton pads in warm milk, place on eyes for 5–10 minutes, rinse with water and apply cream.
  10. Rub cold-pressed peach oil into the skin around the eyes with your fingertips and massage lightly.

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