A man at a cosmetologist’s appointment: features of anatomy, facial aging and the most popular procedures

Today, men are no less concerned than women about maintaining a youthful and fresh face. Beauty and health instill self-confidence and also guarantee the attention of the opposite sex. Men's skin is different from women's, and therefore requires slightly different care. Thanks to the large amount of testosterone, the abundance of small blood vessels, high levels of collagen and a thick layer of epidermis, signs of aging appear much later in the stronger half of humanity than in women. But constant microtraumas during shaving and an age-related decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands can lead to inflammatory processes, thinning of the skin and the appearance of deep wrinkles. However, all this can be avoided, keeping your skin looking fresh for many years. In this publication we will talk about how to rejuvenate a man’s face at home.

Basic gender anatomical features of the male face

The relief of the male skull is more pronounced due to the greater development of tubercles, brow ridges and protrusions. The base of the skull in men is longer than in women, the facial region is wider, and the brain is narrower. The mass of the male skull, its longitudinal and height dimensions are greater than those of women. [1]

In men, the forehead is more sloping, the brow ridges are developed and protrude more strongly, the eyebrows are more horizontal and located lower. The eye sockets are low and square, their upper edge thickened and blunt. The zygomatic arches of men are thicker than those of women, and the lips are thinner. The chin and lower jaw are more massive and square, the neck is thicker and shorter.

Facial muscles in men are more developed. Subcutaneous fat in men also has its own characteristics - fat cells and fat “lobules” are smaller. [2]

Men's skin is thicker, both due to the increased thickness of the epidermis (in men the thickness of the epidermis is 15-20% thicker than in women) and the dermis. The epidermal cells are larger, flattened, and firmly connected to each other, which prevents transdermal loss of moisture. In men, the dermis contains 20% more collagen, resulting in significantly higher density, degree of hydration and skin turgor. Men's skin has more sweat and sebaceous glands. Also, men's skin is better vascularized, which explains more frequent vascular neoplasms, the severity of rosacea and rhinophyma.

Increased trophism of facial tissues, greater thickness of the epidermis and dermis partially explain the slower rate of aging of the male face. [4]

The processes of atrophy and loss of soft tissue volume in men proceed somewhat differently than in women (they are associated with the level of the sex hormone testosterone, bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol, more frequent exposure to the sun, lack of adequate photoprotection, etc.)

In both women and men, the aging process is directly related to the level of sex hormones. In men, a high level of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone activity persists for quite a long time, which determines the prolonged preservation of facial sculpture. This is why facial deformation changes develop more slowly in men.

Over time, there is a significant loss of volume of subcutaneous structures (mainly in the medial area) with the formation of deep folds and wrinkles.

Dynamic wrinkles are formed in men and women according to a similar mechanism and with the same localization, as a result of facial expression, but in men their severity and depth are greater. [4]

Based on the characteristics of anatomy, physiology, and the aging process of male skin, a cosmetologist faces several tasks at once: improve the quality of the skin of the face and neck, restore lost volumes of subcutaneous structures, eliminate deep wrinkles (or at least reduce their severity), eliminate signs of gravitational ptosis facial tissues.

When working with a male patient, a cosmetologist should offer both hardware and injection methods.


Increasing skin tone, combating age spots, double chin - peelings are useful for all this:

  • Chemical - their results are often compared with the results of plastic interventions. But, unfortunately, they are painful. For men, if they still decide, they often undergo a gentle procedure that does not require long-term recovery.
  • Hardware - but they are painless. At the same time, wrinkles become less pronounced, and cells become more saturated with nutrients. It is advisable to undergo several sessions - in this case, the result will be visible on the face.
  • Bio-peelings are a mix of physical and chemical effects. As a result, the skin is polished and biological processes are affected. There are several types of peeling – collagen, coral, herbal.
  • Diamond grinding – refers to mechanical cleaning, good for its complex effect on the epidermis. To carry out the procedure, a special diamond-coated nozzle is used. It gets rid of dead cells and improves tissue permeability to nutrients.

Hardware techniques for correcting signs of aging in men

To correct signs of photoaging, eliminate rosacea and telangiectasias on the face, improve skin color and texture, and treat hyperpigmentation, IPL therapy and laser treatment using Nd:YaG lasers with Q-switched technology are recommended.

As a rule, men are not inclined towards long courses of therapy and procedures with a pronounced rehabilitation period, but prefer procedures carried out at intervals of 1-1.5 months.

Among these methods are fractional laser and fractional RF technologies, which can be combined with thermolifting. Fractional photothermolysis (ablative and non-ablative) is used to improve skin condition - rejuvenation, eliminate dispigmentation, even out skin texture and color.

The advantage of ablative fractional technologies is that they create almost ideal conditions for reducing skin area. The ablation column is “empty” immediately after the procedure. All tissues that were in the path of the laser beam were vaporized.

As a result, there is an immediate reduction in skin area, since there are physiological conditions for this. [5]

Another procedure for facial rejuvenation, skin tightening and tissue lifting, which is popular among men, is ultrasonic SMAS lifting. The procedure is non-invasive, tightens and strengthens the skin of the neck, décolleté, lower jaw, chin and eyebrows, and stimulates neocollagenesis.

The procedure is very optimal for working and socially active patients - the duration of the procedure is on average 30-60 minutes; The procedure is carried out, as a rule, once a year and has no rehabilitation period.

All positive changes in facial tissue occur gradually, unnoticed by others - without peeling, redness, or irritation, but the skin regains its former density and elasticity, and the lifting effect increases. [2]

Healthy habits for youthful skin

First of all, in order to rejuvenate your facial skin, you will need to reconsider some of your habits, daily routine and nutrition. What exactly you need to pay attention to:

  • Drink at least two liters of water per day.
  • Try to monitor your sleep and wakefulness patterns: chronic lack of sleep negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  • Get rid of bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco attack our vascular system, disrupting metabolism in skin cells, and impede collagen production.
  • Be sure to use sunscreen during the warmer months. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation provokes accelerated aging of the skin.
  • Watch your diet: food should not only be tasty, but also healthy. It is worth giving up sweets, excessive salt and coffee, as these products dehydrate the body and destroy elastin. Regularly eat foods to rejuvenate your facial skin: seafood, grains, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits. By normalizing your diet, you will very quickly notice an improvement not only in the condition of your skin, but also in your overall well-being.

  • Avoid stressful situations, learn to relax and not give in too much to negative emotions.

These simple recommendations will help you maintain youthful skin and health for many years.

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Injection methods for correcting age-related changes in men

Botulinum therapy

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of men turning to a cosmetologist for the correction of dynamic wrinkles with botulinum toxin .

More powerful facial muscles, along with the peculiarities of patterns of facial activity, require compliance with certain characteristics when carrying out botulinum therapy in men.

The mass of facial muscles in men is 1.5-2 times greater than that in women. Therefore, when performing BTA injections in men, it is necessary to administer large doses of the toxin, approximately 1.5 times. If this rule is not followed, there will be no effect from the botulinum therapy procedure, or it will be insufficient. [4], [2]

However, before starting the procedure, the cosmetologist should listen to the wishes of the patient. Increasingly, male patients complain of a tired-looking face and angrily lowered eyebrows. But at the same time, patients would not want to achieve complete amyria of the area injected with BTA.

For example, many patients say that they would like to maintain facial expressions, but get rid of wrinkles on the forehead. In this case, large (“male”) doses of BTA into the frontal muscle. In addition to the risk of iatrogenic brow ptosis and exacerbation of the “sullen” appearance, a smooth, “baby” forehead creates a feeling of serenity that is not typical for men.

When correcting the area between the eyebrows, it is necessary to maintain the position of the eyebrows , less often - to evenly raise the eyebrows, provided that their linear-horizontal shape is maintained. [6]

When correcting wrinkles in the area of ​​the lateral corner of the eye, it is necessary to take into account the structural features of the orbit, the type of muscle activity, the attachment of muscles to the bones and “adhesions” to the skin, and the thickness of subcutaneous fat. [7]

Facial muscles of the periorbital region are the result of a positive emotional message. You should not strive for a complete regression of facial expressions in this area, as this will give the look excessive openness and gullibility. As a rule, due to the greater density of the skin, 1-2 deep wrinkles in the “crow’s feet” area are more typical for men. Therefore, BTA injections in this area in men are carried out at 1-2 points. In this case, the inferolateral portion of the muscle orbicularis oculi relaxes, leaving the superolateral portion active.

With this technique of BTA injections, the skin texture is evened out, but isolated wrinkles remain, and positive facial expressions and a friendly facial expression are preserved. [3]

In addition to correcting facial wrinkles, BTA injections are used in men for another purpose - to treat hyperhidrosis . Men often resort to BTA injections into the axillary areas and palms. Since the procedure is quite painful, men often inject only the palm of their right hand, which is extended to shake hands.

Contour plastic

When performing volumetric injection plastic surgery, it is necessary to avoid hypercorrection, which gives the male face additional roundness and tenderness.

Contouring in men is performed to restore lost volume, correct folds and wrinkles, improve skin quality, and stimulate collagen synthesis.

To work in the lateral areas of the middle third of the face, it is permissible to work with a needle using bolus injection techniques (the use of soft, plastic hyaluronic acid fillers is recommended). The filler is injected using the microbolus technique, the total volume is no more than 0.5-1.0 on each side along the line of the zygomatic arch. [6]

For work in the medial zones of the middle third of the face, nasolabial folds, chin, cannula injection techniques are preferable deep supraperiosteally.

When correcting the temporal areas, it is safer to use a cannula and inject the drug into the interfascial layers.

Lip contouring

The red border of the lower lip in men is always at least 1/3 higher in height than the upper lip, that is, the height of the lips maximally corresponds to the proportion of the “golden ratio”. However, even a very narrow upper lip does not greatly affect the attractiveness of a man’s face. [8]

The shape and volume of the lips in men with age are also subject to involutional changes - the contours are blurred, the red border of the lips becomes thinner.

When working with the lip contour, you should choose the softest and most flexible fillers with minimal volumizing effect. Increasing the volume of the lips often feminizes the appearance of men, and therefore lip plastic surgery should be carried out extremely carefully, using fillers with average parameters of reticulation and homogenization, achieving moderate and uniform correction of the lips and creating the effect of natural proportions. [4]

Minimally invasive thread lift methods

One of the characteristic signs of youth is the condition of the cervical-mental angle, which in young patients ranges from 90 to 110 degrees. With age, under the influence of gravity, the skin of the chin area becomes flabby and stretches. Also, many men are prone to fat deposits in the chin area. These changes lead to a deterioration in a man's appearance. Due to the severity of the tissue in this area, the choice of minimally invasive methods is limited. One of the effective methods is a thread neck lift using the APTOS Needle 2G method. The essence of the method is that with the help of threads with notches, which are carried out on the neck on both sides, a so-called “hammock” is created, which strengthens the soft tissues in this area, and excess loose skin is redistributed with the help of notches, stretched and smoothed. The method goes well with lipolytic or liposuction.

Cosmetology procedures

It would seem that salons provide anti-aging procedures mainly to women. But men will also find a lot of interesting and effective offers there:


Eliminates fine wrinkles and makes the complexion more even. It is considered one of the most gentle procedures - thanks to water and air, old cells are carefully removed. There are no seasonal contraindications; after just four sessions the client begins to look younger than his real age.


Saturates the skin with vitamins, minerals, amino acids thanks to a special gel. There is an effect on the skin, blood vessels, and facial muscles. As a result, the face acquires smoothness, an even tone, and is saturated with energy.

Ultrasonic lifting

An excellent solution for those who are thinking about how to rejuvenate their face for a long time. The effect of the ultrasonic wave, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, lasts for several years. Collagen formation also occurs.

Laser biorevitalization

As the name implies, laser action occurs. Under the influence of laser energy, hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin, which tightens the facial contour more clearly and smoothes out forehead and nasolabial wrinkles. This type of facial rejuvenation consists of five to ten procedures, but does not require renewal for three years.


Due to the high temperature, it promotes the formation of a framework of collagen fibers. As a result, the skin stretches and looks much younger. The result can be seen after three weeks.

Shape your eyebrows

Even if you are accustomed to stubble, a mustache, and a beard, you should not chase fashion; it is better to eliminate excess hair. A smooth, clean shave looks stylish after 50. If you can't see yourself without a beard or sideburns, visit a barbershop to create a more youthful look.

Learn to trim shaggy eyebrows yourself with scissors, or seek help from a hairdresser or salon. A successful eyebrow shape will change your facial expression and erase several years from it.

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Hair in the nose and ears is a sign of aging, be sure to remove it if you want to look younger.

Update your wardrobe

Clothing should reflect the status, taste and even wisdom of a man. Youth fashion for torn jeans, scuffs, stripes is a bad way to look youthful, it will most likely have the opposite effect. A laconic outfit will not draw attention to the shortcomings of the figure, it will emphasize its advantages and add style.

Bright, flashy shades emphasize age inappropriateness. Suitable colors: blue, burgundy, brown, black. If you wear suits, stick to timeless classics. For those who don't wear them, you should buy 2-4 pairs of trousers, 4-5 shirts and blazers. By successfully combining several good things, you will always look good.

Tight-fitting or too bulky clothes will distort the silhouette, dress according to your figure. Avoid variegated colors. The wardrobe will be successfully complemented by knitted items. Choose plain fabrics, but with an interesting texture.

Don't forget about accessories - scarves, bow ties, ties. The main rule regarding shoes is perfect cleanliness. Clean your shoes and boots thoroughly. Pay attention to the details - they can ruin an overall successful image. Take care of your hands, trim your nails on time, change your socks daily.


Homemade masks are excellent helpers in the matter of rejuvenation:

  • With parsley juice . You will need two bunches of this plant. You can add milk for oily skin and sour cream for dry skin. The product copes well with deep folds, and therefore it will be a godsend for those men who have long since turned 40 years old.
  • With oatmeal. It will tighten pores and remove excessive oiliness that worsens skin condition. You will need 2 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over the flakes and wait until they swell (about 20 minutes). The product is ready to be applied to the skin for half an hour.
  • With yeast and sour cream . Suitable for men who have crossed the 50-year mark. If the skin is dry, you can add cream. It is also worth adding sour cream, after which the mixture should be applied for 20 minutes.
  • With cucumber . The mask works great against wrinkles. Grate a small cucumber and then pour a tablespoon of almond oil over it. Then add the yolk, stir and apply to the skin for 40 minutes.
  • With clay . This product will noticeably tighten the shape of your face. You will need to take 3 tsp. white clay, a teaspoon of liquid honey, 3 tbsp. l. milk. All this should be mixed and applied in a thick layer for 15 minutes.


A similar procedure is recommended for men who have grown a beer belly. It is carried out using a vacuum applicator. The device draws in the top layer of skin, cools it and breaks down fatty tissue.

When heading for cryolipolysis, you should be patient, as the procedure will take a lot of time (1-3 hours). Sometimes, after exposure to a vacuum, the skin may turn red and become covered with bruises. But the unpleasant symptoms do not last long and disappear within a month.

You should not expect instant results in transforming your figure. In order for the effect of cryolipolysis to become clearly visible, you should complete a full course of therapy, consisting of three sessions. There is a one-month break between procedures.

At the end of the therapeutic course, the stomach will become flat and elastic. To maintain the results obtained, you need to give up beer and lead a healthy lifestyle.

A well-groomed appearance is evidence of health, self-confidence and a successful career. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly visit a cosmetologist to maintain your appearance in perfect order.


Ginger has been known in Asia for centuries for its healing and anti-aging properties.

It promotes digestion, improves blood circulation, increases libido, protects against colds and is even used as an aid in the treatment of cancer. Ginger root can be infused with boiling water and drunk hot or cold, sweetened with honey or brown sugar

Keep a daily routine

With age, adequate sleep increasingly affects your well-being and appearance. Plan your loads, time for sleep, rest, walks. Find an opportunity to recover from emergency situations and stress.

General recommendations:

  1. Get up early. Do exercises. Have a hearty breakfast.
  2. Rest for about an hour during the day - this reduces the risk of heart attacks.
  3. Find time for physical activity. Determine the minimum and never deviate from it.
  4. Eat small, frequent meals. This will prevent blood sugar spikes.
  5. Sleep at least 7-9 hours.

Happiness in life

Being happy is another simple tip that a man needs to maintain his age. Happiness is family, close relatives and some acquaintances. It is important to find time to communicate with them. Play with children, go out into nature with friends, barbecue, play volleyball or football.

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With your fun you need to give kindness and joy to those around you, and in return there will definitely be reciprocity.


However, it is absolutely not necessary to contact a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon. You can choose the right care depending on your skin type and age.

The following men's creams are in demand on the cosmetic market.

Olay. Considered one of the best. Contains amino acids and vitamins. They restore skin elasticity and give it elasticity. But this directly affects the absence of wrinkles.

Payot Homme. Copes well with the task of strengthening the epidermis. Its pleasant aroma, which is a kind of calling card, also captivates. A convenient dispenser prevents debris from entering the container.

Resolution D-Contraxol from Lancome. Eliminates facial wrinkles. Under its influence, the facial muscles are under control, which means that new wrinkles do not appear.

Intensive Rebuilding Moisturizer. It has earned the approval of both cosmetologists and dermatologists. Able to penetrate deeply into the skin, which is especially important in the case of men. Restores its elasticity, prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Biotherm Age Fitness. Olive tree extract contained in this cream protects the skin. Night cream is most effective - at this time of day the skin is more receptive to cosmetics. It has a gel structure that is instantly absorbed without leaving behind a greasy sheen.

Take care of your hair

After 50, metabolic processes slow down, the ratio of hormones changes. Hair grows slower, hair loss accelerates, gray hair and bald spots appear. Diet, taking vitamins, regular (2-3 times a week) five-minute scalp massage will stop age-related changes.

Well-groomed hair and a neat hairstyle are the easiest way to look good. Don't skip visits to the hairdresser; wash your hair whenever it gets dirty. A short haircut will make you look younger, provided that you visit the hairdresser regularly - once or even twice a month. A thin, overgrown hairstyle makes you look old. If your hair is thinning, you shouldn’t make a ponytail – it will emphasize your age. Don't be afraid to shave your head - you will look brutal as a man.

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