How to care for eyebrows after powder spraying, microblading

The quality of the pigments used and the level of professional skills of the permanent makeup artist are not the only things that determine what the eyebrows will look like after the micropigmentation procedure and whether the result will meet your expectations. This is 70% of success, and the remaining 30% is post-procedure care.

If you take care of your eyebrows incorrectly after permanent treatment, all the work of the eyebrow artist can be nullified, and you will have to perform the procedure again. It is especially important to follow the specialist’s recommendations regarding contact with moisture. We'll tell you why you shouldn't let it get on the tattoo area and when you can wet your eyebrows after permanent makeup.


1. Why is the recovery period so important
2. Eyebrow care immediately after the procedure

3. Eyebrow care for the first 3 days after permanent makeup

4. Recommendations for eyebrow care within 7 days after permanent makeup

5. Eyebrow care after 7 days after tattooing

6. Permanent eyebrow makeup techniques and care features:

  • microblading
  • powder coating
  • watercolor eyebrows

7. When to update your tattoo

Eyebrow tattooing is one of the most popular procedures today. Considering that neat eyebrows are half the success in makeup, it’s no wonder why every second girl chooses this procedure.

Tattooing is an excellent option for those whose own eyebrows are naturally very light, or whose incorrect correction with tweezers has stopped hair growth. But despite all the benefits of this procedure, keep in mind that it is quite painful. It is important to know how to care for your eyebrows after permanent makeup, especially in the first days.

Eyebrow tattooing from master Svetlana Sugakova (Odessa)

Preparatory process

It is not recommended to drink alcohol 24 hours before the start of this procedure.

Unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo

Particular attention should be paid to preparing for eyebrow tattooing. 24 hours before the start of this procedure, it is not recommended to drink an alcoholic drink, even beer. Alcohol generally increases blood pressure. It is advisable to avoid drinking coffee, Red Bull, Coca Cola, black tea, paracetamol, aspirin and other drugs. A few weeks before visiting a cosmetologist, it is not recommended to pluck your eyebrows. You need to grow all the hairs for the effect to be expressive.

The exception is chronically low blood pressure. In this case, you can drink a cup of weak coffee. After completing the procedure, drinking alcohol is also prohibited for 10 days. The recovery period depends on the body. In general, wounds heal within 3-10 days.

Note. Permanent eyebrow makeup should not be performed during periods of exacerbation of any disease, as well as during pregnancy and menstruation. The latter increase bleeding during the procedure, preventing the high-quality absorption of pigment by the skin, and affect the general condition of the body, including the condition of the skin, making it less elastic, which means the result will be of less quality.

Sometimes eyebrow tattooing can have some irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, which can cause spontaneous lacrimation. Therefore, during this procedure, it is advisable to come to the cosmetologist’s office without makeup on your eyes.

The color is usually selected according to the color of the hair, a tone darker or a tone lighter. The choice of pigment color for permanent makeup is unlimited - from dark brown (any shade) for brunettes to light brown for blondes.

Eyebrow tattooing before and after, in practice there are three main methods:

  • hair method. This procedure is carried out using a special machine that draws each hair. Tattooing is carried out in two techniques: European and Eastern. The European technique consists of two strokes of equal length with a slant towards the temple. The distance between the “hairs” is the same. Eastern technique - drawing hairs of different lengths, sloping in different directions. Sometimes a specialist makes several shades. This way you can give your eyebrows maximum naturalness;
  • shading (shadow tattooing) is the most common method. Eyebrows look as if they were tinted with pencil or eye shadow. The essence of the method is to draw the contour of the eyebrow with further shading. It is suitable for those who naturally have good-looking eyebrows or only need minor corrections to lengthen the ponytail or hide gaps;
  • 3D tattoo. This option is a combination of the shading technique and the hair method. Ideal for women with light and thin, expressionless eyebrows. Powder tattoo looks as natural as possible on eyebrows.

Note. Biotattooing is especially popular - the least painful procedure, which lasts for a month.

Henna is used to color eyebrows using this method. The dyeing technique is distinguished by its gentle effect on the skin. When tinting eyebrows using the powder technique, only surface pigment is introduced under the skin to a depth of no more than 0.9 mm. Spraying with this method only lasts for a month.

The advantages of professional implementation of the technique are:

  • 100% safety;
  • economy, going to a professional specialist will reduce the cost of treatment and correction of poor-quality “jewelry” work;
  • aesthetics - a specialist will help you choose the color and shape of the eyebrows that will ideally suit the client and look natural;
  • durability.

Why is the recovery period so important?

Proper care is the key to a successful outcome of the procedure. Each tattoo technique (microblading, powder eyebrows, watercolor) involves, to a greater or lesser extent, disruption of the skin structure. To ensure the recovery goes smoothly, follow the wizard’s recommendations.

If the rules are not followed, the risk of suppuration, infectious diseases and even blood poisoning through wounds (ingress of dirt and bacteria) increases. If the secreted ichor is not removed in time, rough crusts will form that look unattractive.

Proper care helps to maximize the preservation of pigment in the skin and a repeat procedure may not be necessary.

Regardless of the method of permanent eyebrow makeup, remember that the result depends on the care after the procedure.

Skin healing depends on several physiological factors:

  • age;
  • skin type;
  • hormonal cycles;
  • how much your skin swells from damage, etc.

As with any type of injury, older skin takes a little longer to heal than younger skin. Diet, physical activity, and medication (especially hormonal) also affect the recovery period and the final result.

Eyebrow care immediately after the procedure

What awaits you after tattooing? After the procedure, the skin swells, and the color of the eyebrows seems unnaturally bright. This is due to the fact that the organic pigment is too close to the surface of the skin, and local swelling and redness increase the saturation of the shade. Over time, the brightness decreases, and the pigment becomes less saturated and as close as possible to the selected shade.

Within two hours after the procedure, active release of lymphatic fluid from the damaged skin occurs.

Therefore you need:

  • Gently wash your eyebrows with soapy water, or remove the ichor with smooth movements using a cotton pad soaked in chlorhexidine;
  • Apply Vaseline-based ointment every 2 hours (as recommended by your specialist).

Attention! After permanent makeup, you should not rub your skin!

Important! On the Internet there are recommendations for the use of healing creams - for example, “Bepanten”, “Rescuer”, “Bepanthenol”, etc. The use of such products promotes active healing of the eyebrows, which is why the skin rejects and pushes out the pigment to a greater extent. This healing process will not bring a good result.

Basic instructions for the rehabilitation period:

  • Do not shower, do not visit the swimming pool, sauna or bathhouse. Any paired procedures will negatively affect the final result.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics, allow your skin to rest from the stress it has endured.
  • If you have long bangs, pin them up so as not to touch your eyebrows. A huge number of bacteria accumulate on the hair, especially on the bangs, which should not get on unhealed skin.

Advice from experienced cosmetologists

During pregnancy, such a procedure may cause heavy bleeding.

Expectant mothers are wondering whether it is possible to do permanent makeup during pregnancy. Some women have already tried the procedure during pregnancy and were satisfied with the result. But according to experts, during pregnancy such a procedure can cause severe bleeding. During this period, women's skin sensitivity increases. In late pregnancy, even premature birth can be triggered. Therefore, you should not take risks and change the shape of your eyebrows during such an important period of life. The bravest women (future mothers) should definitely consult with both a gynecologist and a dermatologist before undergoing the procedure.

Note. You should not drink alcohol after the procedure for the first 10 days. When alcohol enters the body, the process of producing lymphatic fluid begins, resulting in the removal of pigment.

This reaction can cause severe bleeding. Therefore, to maintain an effective result, you can drink a glass of wine or beer only 7-10 days after tattooing.

During the recovery period, the affected area should be treated every 2-3 hours. The procedure is as follows:

  • You will need a soft, lint-free, dry cloth that will allow you to remove any remaining ointment without rubbing the skin or pressing;
  • a product called “Chlorhexidine” or another antiseptic, which will be prescribed on the recommendation of a specialist, must be carefully applied to the wound;
  • then you will have to wait up to 5 minutes;
  • Bepanten or Depanthenol must be carefully applied to the affected area.

Doctors prohibit eyebrow tattooing for people:

  • with blood pressure;
  • prone to allergic reactions;
  • during pregnancy without the consent of the gynecologist;
  • while feeding the baby milk;
  • those suffering from AIDS;
  • suffering from diabetes.

Note. To achieve an ideal result, correction will be required. This procedure is carried out no earlier than a month later. The first coloring is only an “introduction” of the pigment to the skin, so it is very difficult to get the desired result the first time.

For this reason, many cosmetologists recommend getting a second tattoo. If after a few days you no longer like the color or shape, they can be corrected using decorative cosmetics.

Eyebrow tattooing should be entrusted to real specialists. You should not draw the shape of new eyebrows yourself using chemicals that are sold in online stores. This can cause quite serious problems that will require a lot of time and money to fix.

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Eyebrow care for the first 3 days after permanent makeup

In the next few days after the procedure, the following stages of epidermal restoration are observed:

  • Blood and lymph flow to the surface of the skin and form a crust that protects the epidermal layer from infection and further damage.
  • In the area of ​​eyebrow tattooing, the skin becomes dry, itchy and itchy in places.
  • On day 2-3, skin cells begin to intensify division and restore damaged blood vessels. Collagen synthesis accelerates.
  • The cells form the basement membrane, filling the remaining skin defects. As a result, corneal scales appear, which begin to peel off 3-4 days after the tattoo procedure.

Continue to properly care for your eyebrows to maintain good results:

  • Avoid caffeine or alcoholic beverages for the next 24 hours.
  • Continue applying Vaseline-based ointment every 2 hours for 3 days.

Important! Gradually the pigment will begin to peel off: do not let it dry. Otherwise, there will be gaps in the place of the exfoliated pigment, and the procedure will have to be repeated again. But there is also a downside - generous application of ointment creates a “greenhouse effect”, which also leads to pigment detachment and long healing, so it is important to apply the product in a thin layer.

  • Do not take long showers: steam will negatively affect the healing of the tattoo. Getting your eyebrows wet is also prohibited.

Recommendations for eyebrow care within 7 days after permanent makeup

The first week is a crucial period for effective healing. Recommendations for the first 7 days after the procedure:

  • It is prohibited to wet eyebrows for 5 days;
  • You cannot tint your eyebrows with pencil or eye shadow;
  • Avoid direct sunlight and do not sunbathe to preserve the color of the pigment and prevent the formation of scars;
  • avoid sweating - this will lead to the removal of pigment from the epidermis;
  • try not to sleep on your face during the first week;
  • refuse peeling, any face masks and other cosmetic procedures during the healing period;
  • Do not rub, touch or scratch your eyebrows. Allow the crusts to peel off naturally.

Within 5 days after the procedure, the brightness of the eyebrows will only increase, but do not rush to evaluate the result. By the end of the recovery period, your eyebrows will look natural.

Eyebrow care after 7 days after tattooing

  • The healing process is nearing completion. You can already enjoy the result by assessing the shape of your eyebrows, their color and brightness. If you are dissatisfied with the work of the master, you can repeat the procedure only after 1-1.5 months. In the meantime, for the next 7 days, follow these recommendations:
  • apply a healing ointment based on Vaseline 1-2 times a day (as needed);
  • refuse to visit the bathhouse and sauna;
  • Apply masks and facial peeling, avoiding the eyebrow area.

You can go out in the sun, but it is better to hold off on prolonged visits to the solarium..

How to speed up the healing of eyebrow tattoos

Experienced professionals use several effective tips for better healing.

  1. Work using techniques with minimal trauma to the skin. The pigment immersion depth of 0.5-1.5 mm prevents excessive damage, which would entail a more thorough and lengthy restoration process.
  2. Use pigments with a harmless composition specially developed for modern PM. NUE pigments contain caring components that accelerate healing. This pigment takes root easier and leaves a better residue in the skin. The permanent heals almost without crusts.

Permanent eyebrow makeup techniques and care features


This is a technique of applying pigment using a bunch of 12-15 needles. The area of ​​color application is larger than in other techniques, so the procedure is more painful and the skin will take longer to heal. The shallow depth of pigment penetration under the skin does not provide long-term results and requires frequent touch-ups, unlike other methods.

Clients typically have their eyebrows trimmed after 8-12 months to enhance the color. Microblading is less effective for oily or combination skin. To make your eyebrows last longer, use the following tips:

  • try not to stay in the sun for a long time;
  • Avoid applying exfoliants (such as retinol and glycolic acid) to your skin;
  • visit baths and saunas as little as possible.

Powder spraying

The method involves introducing pigment into the surface layers of the skin using the “spot application” technique. Unlike microblading, which uses a pen tool to make small cuts into the skin, creating powder brows is done using a machine.

The powder technique is more gentle and less painful.

This method is for you if:

  • skin type - oily or combination;
  • in makeup you constantly tint your eyebrows with pencil and shadows;
  • you dream of a tattoo with soft contours that will look as natural as possible.

The pigment is applied under the skin in hundreds of tiny dots, which create a “sprayed” effect - unlike microblading, where the pigment is injected after making incisions. The result is a neat eyebrow shape without clear graphic lines.

Don't forget that brow powder is a 2-visit procedure. The first mandatory modification is to correct the gaps and irregularities that appeared during the healing process.

Powder spraying, like all permanent makeup techniques, requires compliance with the same recommendations. These eyebrows heal in just over a week, so you can enjoy sunbathing and steam treatments in just 1.5 weeks.

Watercolor eyebrows

The technique of this type of tattoo does not allow the pigment to penetrate deep into the epidermis. During the process, the master fills in the eyebrows without outlining the outline. This provides a natural effect and delicate color shading.

Eyebrows after permanent makeup look slightly tinted, but at the same time dim. The pigment will last in the epidermis for about three years. If you follow all the above recommendations, there will be no need for eyebrow correction.

What is the essence of the eyebrow spraying technique?

The procedure must be carried out in the salon by a certified master, who is obliged to discuss a number of points with the client before starting work:

  • length and width of future eyebrows;
  • shade of the coloring composition and its intensity;
  • degree of pigment stability;
  • client's pain threshold level;
  • presence of contraindications.

To begin with, the master tests the pigment that will be injected on a small area of ​​skin to exclude a possible allergic reaction.

Recommended reading:

  • Correction of eyebrow shape with tweezers, wax and tattooing
  • How microblading differs from eyebrow tattooing: features of procedures and care
  • Eyebrow tattoo: consequences and contraindications

Spraying is carried out using a special electrical device that resembles a felt-tip pen with a sterile needle at the end. Through this disposable needle, the pigment is applied to the skin in the form of tiny splashes. The master applies the paint in several layers.

Powder spraying is considered one of the safest eyebrow tinting procedures. The pigment is injected under the skin to a minimum depth and practically does not injure the tissue; during the procedure there is no release of blood or ichor. The entire process is virtually painless.

When do you need to update your tattoo?

It is necessary to contact a specialist for a repeat procedure only if the shape of the eyebrows looks unnatural, disproportionate or uneven, and there are obvious gaps that need to be filled with pigment. During correction, the skin is injured less, so the recovery period will be faster. Care recommendations are similar to those prescribed after the main procedure.

Remember! Proper care is perhaps the most important factor in effectiveness, skin health and satisfaction with the result. Remember to follow these instructions and follow all the rules and restrictions to get what you want from your permanent makeup procedure!

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