For pool lovers and not only: how to protect your skin from chlorinated water

There is a well-founded opinion that no type of training and exercise has such a universal effect on the entire body as swimming.

It’s not for nothing that doctors prescribe swimming to their patients to combat a variety of diseases, both the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems.

However, unfortunately, not all people tolerate going to the pool well. Some people develop allergies after swimming, and therefore have to stop exercising. So what can an allergic reaction occur to after going to the pool and how exactly can it manifest itself? How should you act in such cases and is it possible to get rid of the problem?

About allergies to reagents

If you are allergic to reagents, be sure to consult a doctor.
Allergies to reagents worry a relatively large number of people . Reagents can include: plant pollen, animal hair, dust, mold, etc. It happens that one person is sensitive to only one specific allergen. While the other does not tolerate all of the above reagents, and his allergy is more severe.

Depending on the reagent, allergies appear either at a certain time of year, or are completely unrelated to this. For example, if a person is allergic to plant pollen, then allergy symptoms will bother you from spring to summer. If you are allergic to animal hair or house dust, then an allergic reaction will occur upon contact with these allergens.

In any case, an allergy to each reagent requires qualified, high-quality and effective treatment. If you have already tried many methods of treating allergies and none of them have proven to be effective, you should contact the specialists of our clinic, who will relieve you of allergies using only unique, reliable and safe methods for health. In addition, high-quality treatment for allergies to reagents not only to adult patients, but also to children, relieving them of unbearable allergy symptoms and strengthening the immune system.

First aid

It is impossible to get rid of the problem on your own, but it is very easy to relieve unwanted manifestations of allergies and provide first aid to yourself before going to an allergist. First of all, you need to avoid visiting the pool, as this will invariably lead to an increase in the symptoms of the disease.

If the reaction appears on the skin, then you need to take a shower and wash your entire body thoroughly with soap. Then the skin must be treated with some kind of softening cream (a simple baby cream or skin lotion will do, you can also use Bepanten). You can relieve itchy skin with chamomile baths.

Antihistamines are taken only in cases where allergy symptoms tend to constantly and rapidly increase. For this purpose, you can take Suprastin, Loratadine or Tavegil.

Symptoms of allergy to reagents

Symptoms of allergy to reagents appear to a greater or lesser extent in each person. Most often, allergy symptoms appear when reagents enter the human respiratory tract. Allergy symptoms include the following:

  • Itching in the nose and throat;
  • Paroxysmal sneezing;
  • Cough and difficulty breathing due to a feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • Clear, mucous discharge from the nose;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Impaired sense of smell;
  • Swelling and redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, lacrimation and itching;
  • In some cases, skin symptoms appear in the form of rashes and redness on the skin.

Video - diagnosis and treatment of allergies, 12:17 min
If you identify the above symptoms in yourself, your children or loved ones, be sure to consult a doctor, because an allergic reaction when an allergen re-enters the human body causes more pronounced symptoms and can provoke the development of serious and life-threatening complications, for example, angioedema.


Nowadays, various gentle means of water disinfection are appearing, but many pools still resort to chlorination.
And this has a bad effect on the condition of the skin. Chlorine can cause eye and skin irritation and dermatitis. To avoid such troubles, you need to swim in special goggles and take a shower after the pool. In the pool you need to be concentrated and careful, because it is easy to get injured there - the wet tiled floor is very slippery, so you need to walk calmly, and it is advisable to choose slippers with a tread on rubber soles.

Also, do not forget about hygiene: it is easy to become infected with fungus in the shower or locker room, since these places are not always treated properly. To avoid infection, you need to use your own slippers and wash your feet with soap.

Causes of allergies to reagents

The causes of allergies to reagents are quite varied , but in general they are associated with the failure of the human immune system, which occurs as a result of certain conditions or when exposed to certain damaging factors (for example, severe viral diseases).

As a result of this, the immune system reacts pathologically to certain reagents, releasing antibodies into the blood when allergens enter.

So the causes of allergies to reagents are :

  1. Hereditary predisposition;
  2. Weakened immune system due to frequent colds and viral diseases, as well as chronic foci of infections;
  3. Individual intolerance to components of pollen, dust, wool, etc.;
  4. Negative effects on the body of a polluted environment, which reduces the body’s immunity;
  5. Poor nutrition (containing insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals), especially in childhood, when the body and immune system are developing.

When should you not go to the pool?

Not everyone is recommended to visit the pool.
People suffering from a number of diseases should not swim. Such diseases include infectious diseases, skin and eye diseases, problems with the urinary system, angina pectoris, rheumatic heart disease, exacerbation of chronic diseases, open tuberculosis, the likelihood of miscarriage or premature birth. Women are also advised to avoid the pool during menstrual periods, as during this period it is easier to become infected with an infectious disease.

Treatment of allergies to reagents

Treatment of allergies to reagents in our ENT-Asthma clinic is always reliable, effective and efficient. Our experts are confident that treating allergies to reagents exclusively with medications has long been a thing of the past, because The high effectiveness of such treatment has not been proven: the allergy either returns soon, or the symptoms do not leave the patient at all. That is why our doctors offer those methods of treating reagent allergies that are as safe as possible for the patient, tested, reliable and effective, and also include natural immunomodulators and strengthen the patient’s immune system as a whole.

It should be noted that treatment of allergies to reagents in our center is carried out for both adult patients and children, and treatment regimens and methods are selected exclusively individually. Treatment of allergies to reagents should go in several directions and its main goal is to achieve the following goals:

  • Relieve the patient from annoying and severe allergy symptoms.
  • Immunomodulate and strengthen the patient’s overall immunity.
  • Prevent future allergy relapses.

As a treatment for allergies to reagents, our doctors offer the following most effective methods, the choice of which is based on the individual characteristics of the body, the type of allergen (reagent), as well as the degree of the allergic reaction itself:

  1. Herbal medicine;
  2. Apitherapy;
  3. Lipid therapy;
  4. Ultrasound therapy;
  5. Capillary therapy.

You can find a detailed description of these treatment methods on our website. However, it should be noted that all of the above methods include the use of natural immunomodulators, exclusively selected and natural components of medicines, which allows the immune system to recover, strengthen and subsequently respond adequately to the entry of certain reagents into the body.


A swimming pool is an excellent solution for people who suffer from certain diseases or simply want to improve their physical fitness. So, for example, swimming can contribute to the treatment of scoliosis, muscle development, strengthening of joints and immunity, hardening, and the formation of posture. And the list doesn't end there! So if you are: • An expectant mother; • Want to lose weight; • Strengthen joints and muscles; • Improve lung function; • Get rid of constant stress; • Conduct prevention of cardiovascular diseases; • If you suffer from osteochondrosis, neurosis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, vegetative-vascular dystonia, varicose veins - you should start attending classes.

Cost of treatment

NameCost, rub.
1Initial appointment with a doctor, doctor of medical sciences7500*
2Procedures included as prescribed by a doctor:
Ozone ultraviolet sanitation450
Laser photoreactive therapy1800-2600
Application of a microcompress into the nasal cavity700
Application of gum-propolis suspension to mucous membranes600
3Final examination by a doctor based on the results of treatment1000

* — When paying for the full course of treatment procedures, the cost of a doctor’s appointment is included in the amount of treatment. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor. The course duration is 7-12 sessions depending on the diagnosis.

Why is it needed?

This compound has a pronounced antibacterial effect. Thanks to its use, most known microorganisms can be dealt with in a short time.

Bleach has a detrimental effect on yeast-like fungi, which provoke the development of candidiasis.

It can also be used to combat gram-negative anaerobic bacteria and enterococci.

Due to the pronounced oxidizing characteristics of sodium hypochlorite, this substance can be successfully used to neutralize toxic substances.

Intestinal and genital infections, worms and lice

The least likely illness you'll get at a public pool is getting intestinal infections. To become infected, you need to swallow water, however, sanitary work is carried out in the pool every week, and the water is disinfected. Thus, the risk of getting an intestinal infection is extremely low.

Also, it is almost impossible to encounter sexually transmitted infections in a public swimming pool, since the water is constantly disinfected.

Doctors recommend choosing a public pool carefully

The likelihood of infection with worms is also extremely low, because microorganisms are vulnerable to disinfectants.

It is also impossible to get lice from a swimming pool because it requires using an infested comb in a public pool.

Doctors recommend choosing a public pool carefully in any case. In the “correct” pools, water quality studies are carried out weekly. At the same time, the amount of disinfectants in the water is at the optimal level for safe swimming.

Photo: avatars. mds.

Disclaimer : This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your healthcare provider for more information.

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GOLDEN RULES of swimming in the pool

Editor: Olga Alekseeva, Curator: Elena Balyura, Tatyana Larina, Irina Vorotnikova

Foot or nail fungus is an infection that can often be contracted in the pool

Experts have determined that the most common illness at public pools is foot or nail fungus. The fact is that fungal disease is widespread in most people, and the fungus can be easily transmitted.

It is worth noting that fungal diseases thrive in a humid and warm environment, which is why they are most abundant in a public pool.

Studies show that it is quite easy to become infected with fungus if you often walk barefoot near the pool or in the shower. In this case, the risk increases several times if there are skin lesions on the legs.

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