Nine answers to the question: how to get rid of nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds are two thin grooves descending from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. With age or under the influence of certain factors, they deepen and become more pronounced, which does not help you look younger.

  • How to tighten nasolabial folds without a cosmetologist?
  • Gymnastics
  • Decorative makeup
  • Modern cosmetology knows exactly how to remove deep nasolabial folds and make the skin smoother. Specialists from the GALAXY Beauty Institute will talk today about the most effective methods of medical cosmetology.

    Causes of nasolabial folds

    The connections between tissues weaken, all this negatively affects the appearance.

    Typically, nasolabial folds become more pronounced due to age-related processes in the skin. In its deep layers, the production of collagen, which is responsible for the beautiful contour of the face and the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, decreases.

    However, the first signs of aging may appear prematurely due to the following factors:

    • Heredity - close relatives also observed age-related changes in their skin early on.
    • Active facial expressions. In emotional people, facial wrinkles often occur. Therefore, the folds have a dense structure, which is associated with increased tone of the facial muscles.
    • Weakening of muscle tissue. With the development of hypotonicity, the folds hang down and the skin becomes flaccid.
    • Insufficient facial care. If you do not develop muscle tissue and nourish the skin, everything will sag very quickly.
    • Rapid weight loss. This is one of the reasons for the formation of folds and wrinkles throughout the body. You cannot lose more than 5 kg in 1 week, and the most optimal is 1 kg per week.
    • Unfavorable environmental conditions. Dust and dirt can significantly degrade the appearance of leather. Here it is recommended to pay special attention to facial cleansing.
    • Violation of the regime and bad habits. Lack of sleep, overeating, smoking, and alcohol lead to decreased tissue tone and rapid aging of the entire body.

    What causes wrinkles on the face?

    Skin is the largest human organ.
    And one of the most important. Therefore, it requires special care. Especially for facial skin, which we do not protect from the effects of environmental factors. The appearance of wrinkles is a natural process of skin aging. It begins and progresses individually for each person. But there are factors that cause premature skin aging.


    Smoking. Nicotine causes spasm of blood vessels that provide nutrition to the skin. This leads to oxygen starvation and reduces the ability to regenerate. Toxic substances contained in smoke cause collagen destruction, which leads to loss of firmness and elasticity. The skin becomes dry and dull. The face takes on a grayish tint. Toxins entering the body accelerate the aging process and cause the formation of wrinkles. If you still smoke, then don’t expect a fresh complexion and smooth skin like your peers.


    Genetic predisposition. Sometimes the earlier appearance of wrinkles is inherited. In such cases, you need to contact the Idealist clinic to undergo genetic testing and select individual care products that your skin needs at the present time. Please note that anti-aging products may not be equally beneficial for your skin in your 40s and 50s.


    Health status. Problems with posture, kidneys, poor vision - these, and not only, problems lead to the early appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your health.


    Stress has a negative impact not only on our health, but also on our appearance. The hormone cortisol, produced during stress, slows down the production of collagen and elastin. Negative emotions lead to jaw clenching and forehead tension. Increased blood sugar caused by anxiety leads to dry skin and retention of intercellular fluid, which in turn stretches the skin.


    Sleep disturbance. At night, when you sleep, the level of the stress hormone cortisol decreases. By depriving your body of sleep, you force it to produce even more cortisol. Therefore, sleeping until midnight is essential for your beauty.


    Photoaging. The harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin have long been proven. Therefore, do not neglect your protective equipment. In spring, summer and early autumn you should use products with SPF 50. In winter you can apply SPF 30. At the same time, in winter at ski resorts it is important to protect your skin with products with SPF 50 and pay attention to the labeling. Sunscreen should protect against UVA and UVB radiation. Sochi and Adler have a subtropical climate, so all our clients know about the need to protect their skin from sun rays all year round, thereby putting photoaging on pause. To correctly select SPF products, contact the Idealista clinic. We will select a protective cream, foundation, and teach you how to use it correctly (how much to apply, how to wash off, how long to use, etc.).


    Wrong lifestyle. Alcohol, fast food and sweets will not harm your health and beauty if you consume them occasionally. Abuse leads to deterioration of the skin condition and the appearance of wrinkles. Movement is also important. It ensures normal blood circulation throughout the body, nutrition of organs and tissues.

    These are common causes of wrinkles. But each group has its own factors in a certain area of ​​the skin. Next, we will look at them, as well as ways to avoid and remove hated wrinkles.

    General recommendations for getting rid of nasolabial folds

    In addition to active actions in the form of massages, gymnastics and masks, a number of recommendations will help fight nasolabial folds:

    • During the day you should drink at least 2 liters of clean water. Thanks to this, the body is cleansed of waste and toxins, and the skin cells receive moisture, which helps maintain its tone. However, it is better not to drink liquids at night to avoid swelling.
    • It is not advisable to sleep on your stomach or side, so as not to provoke the formation of creases and wrinkles.
    • It is necessary to include more various vegetables and fruits containing antioxidants in the diet.
    • It is necessary to use creams containing alpha hydroxy acids for skin care. These substances promote the regeneration of skin cells.
    • Be sure to use sunscreen during the spring-summer season. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the skin, worsening its condition.
    • It is important to maintain the moisture and elasticity of the top layer of skin - the epithelium. This can be achieved through the use of natural oils. Thanks to them, facial skin is provided with excellent daily care.

    Neck Wrinkle Removal

    The neck is the most unprotected area of ​​our skin. It has practically no fat layer, so it is more exposed to the external environment. Wrinkles on the neck appear earlier than on the face and require more thorough cosmetic care.


    Problems with posture and sudden weight loss greatly affect the condition of our neck. The skin sag noticeably.


    Insufficient body care. Many women carefully look after their face, while neglecting their neck. And in vain, since it is she who immediately reveals the true age of her owner. The skin on the neck needs additional care. Skin care requires cosmetic procedures - peelings, moisturizing and nourishing masks, mesotherapy.


    Ultraviolet radiation greatly ages our skin. And the previous point is immediately connected. Women apply protective cream to their face, while forgetting about their neck. Cosmetic care required is the same as in the previous paragraph. In a beauty salon, pigmentation due to ultraviolet radiation is treated using a photorejuvenation procedure.


    Incorrect head position. At night, your pillow plays a crucial role when you sleep. During the day, we often put our heads down on the phone or sit in front of the computer. The most effective preventative remedy is professional massage. The fastest possible effect on sagging skin is achieved with botulinum toxin injections into the platysma.

    If wrinkles and creases are already deep, then cosmetology moves from additional aspects to the basics. And the list of procedures is also changing. You can get rid of wrinkles with the help of special medications, massage, or plastic surgery. In this article, we looked at the best non-surgical procedures that modern cosmetology can offer us.

    Customer Reviews

    She underwent a course of mesotherapy at the Idealist clinic. During the consultation, the doctor asked everything about my skin, looked at it, and found out what products I use. And since my skin is dry, with crow’s feet in the corners of my eyes, she recommended mesotherapy moisturizing injections. I completed a course of four procedures. The effect became noticeable after the second. Wrinkles around the eyes are almost invisible. And the face glows, the skin is fresh, rosy. I am very pleased. Alla, 35 years old
    I was always very afraid of injections, but the wrinkles on my forehead and near my nose add 10 years to my age. When getting ready for the procedure, I prepared myself for pain and a long stay at home after it. But everything went completely differently. I was given Dysport injections. And after 4 days I looked younger. Liana, 28 years old

    I have pronounced folds in the nasolabial triangle. Previously, I didn’t really want to resort to such strong methods, but age. At the Idealist clinic I was offered contour plastic surgery. It sounds scary, of course. But in reality there is nothing like that. During the consultation, the doctor told and explained everything in detail. A preparation with hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin, which fills the space and wrinkles are smoothed out. Now I only regret one thing, that I didn’t do this earlier. Maria, 45 years old

    Choosing cosmetics to eliminate nasolabial folds

    Of course, even the most expensive cream is not able to completely get rid of nasolabial folds. However, with its help you can smooth out your skin a little at home and keep it in normal condition.

    When choosing a cosmetic product, you need to pay attention to its components.

    Cosmetics should contain substances that will help cope with folds and wrinkles:

    • collagen;
    • retinol;
    • proteins;
    • Coenzyme Q10;
    • hyaluronic acid;
    • amino acids.

    When choosing creams, pay attention to what skin type and age this product is recommended for. Ladies over 40 years old should not use cosmetics intended by the manufacturer for 25-year-old girls.

    Folk remedies for getting rid of nasolabial folds

    At home, you can significantly reduce nasolabial folds, and if their manifestation is not very pronounced, you can completely remove them with the help of effective folk remedies. For this purpose, you should regularly, at least 2-3 times a week, use compresses, masks and face creams.

    Bay leaf mask

    To prepare this mask, place 15 bay leaves in a saucepan, add ¼ cup of boiling water and cook the mixture for 5 minutes. Then strain the mixture and mix with 1 large spoon of olive oil and 1 egg white.

    The finished mask is applied to clean, prepared facial skin. The area of ​​nasolabial folds should be treated especially. Soak a bandage or napkin in the mixture, apply to problem areas on the face and secure with a band-aid - this will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

    The compress or mask should be left on the face for 30 minutes. Then you should rinse everything off with warm water. This product is used every day for 3 days in a row. After a short break, you need to repeat the procedure again.

    Berry mask for nasolabial folds

    To prepare it, use strawberries or other fresh seasonal berries. Mash them to a pulp, add 1 small spoon of lemon juice to the mixture. If your facial skin is very dry, you can additionally use olive oil (1 tsp).

    Apply the prepared mask to problem areas of the folds and leave for 15-20 minutes.

    After completing the specified time, wash with cool water.

    Mask with gelatin against wrinkles on the face

    Take 2 tablespoons of gelatin and mix with a little water. After the mixture swells, add a couple of drops of vitamin A to it (you can use 2 Aevita capsules, then you will also get vitamin E in the composition) and half a teaspoon of lemon juice, stir everything.

    Apply the finished mixture to your face for 30 minutes. Cosmetologists recommend performing this procedure 2 times a week for 1 month, then you can take a break for 3 months.

    Fish oil mask

    Fish oil is a very healthy product, many of its beneficial properties are due to the presence of Omega-3 acid in its composition. This is a very effective remedy for nasolabial folds and wrinkles.

    To make a mask, mix starch and olive oil, 1 small spoon each, in a bowl, then add half a teaspoon of fish oil to the mixture. The finished composition must be applied to the face for 20 minutes.

    Clay mask

    A clay mask has pronounced rejuvenating properties. Women over 40 are better off using pink or green clay. For the mask, just take 1 spoon of the raw material and mix it with water or herbal infusion until you get the consistency of thick sour cream.

    It is advisable to make a herbal decoction from sage, chamomile, and mint. Also highly effective are succession, coltsfoot, and St. John's wort. You can also add a few drops of coconut, peach, and argan essential oils.

    The finished product is applied to clean facial skin and left until the mass dries completely. It is recommended to do this mask every other day.

    Face cream for nasolabial folds based on honey

    To prepare the cream, take 30 g of honey and wax. You will also need ½ tablespoon of onion juice and 1 tablespoon of aloe juice.

    Heat the wax and honey in a steam bath, add onion and aloe juice to the melted mass. Warm the mixture slightly and apply warm to the face.

    After half an hour, you can wash everything off with warm water.

    Anti-aging cream and masks

    First, talk about what should be included in a good cream?

    • Substances that protect against radiation.
    • Vitamins, antioxidants, tretionin, retinoids.
    • Proteins essential for maintaining elasticity: elastin, keratin, collagen.

    A recipe for an effective anti-aging cream has been offered to you, but it’s good if its effect is supported by masks.

    • A teaspoon of the fattest sour cream is mixed with freshly squeezed carrot juice, the same amount is taken. Add half a teaspoon of grapefruit pulp to them. Everything is mixed and applied to the face. After fifteen minutes it is washed off.
    • One raw yolk, half a teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Mix everything together and apply the resulting product near your lips. After twenty minutes, wash everything off.
    • A couple of drops of lemon juice, a pinch of salt, beat with a mixer. Apply to the problem area. It is washed off only after complete drying. Try to refrain from any emotions until this moment.

    We recommend reading how to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home.

    Facial skin lifting with algae

    Algae are often used as a component for the production of anti-aging cosmetics. At home, you can make a face mask with spirulina.

    It contains microelements, vitamins and valuable amino acids that help stimulate the regeneration of skin cells and accelerate metabolism. This product also perfectly moisturizes the skin. Preparations containing spirulina extract can be purchased at the pharmacy.

    To make a mask, mix 2 tablespoons of gelatin with 50-70 ml of water and leave the mixture to swell. Dissolve 4 spirulina tablets in 2 tablespoons of water. As a result, you will get a thick mass, to which you need to add 2 drops of vitamin A and ½ dessert spoon of lemon juice.

    Place the swollen gelatin to heat in a steam bath. Once completely dissolved, mix it thoroughly with the spirulina mixture.

    Apply the finished mixture to the nasolabial folds for 20 minutes. Rinse off the composition with warm water. The mask must be repeated every 3 days for a month.

    Sets of exercises to get rid of nasolabial folds

    To restore the mobility and elasticity of the facial muscles, you need to do special exercises for the face from the nasolabial folds. Such movements help to cope even with lines that have already noticeably appeared.

    Exercises should be performed regularly. Therefore, experts recommend setting aside 10 minutes every day for this exercise.

    In just 2-3 weeks you will be able to see positive results.

    Facelift: exercises for nasolabial folds

    • Inflate as much as possible and then deflate your cheeks.
    • Pronounce vowel sounds alternately. This should be done with lips with pronounced articulation.
    • Pull your lips forward as far as possible.
    • Move your lower jaw forward. Purse your lips so that you feel the muscle tension. Then open your lips.
    • Draw air into your mouth and, like an apple, roll it from one cheek to the other.
    • Take a deep breath through your nose, then puff out your cheeks and hold your breath for a few seconds. Then push the air out through your mouth in several portions, in sharp bursts.
    • Repeat the previous exercise, only when holding your breath, do not inflate, but retract your cheeks.
    • At the end of the gymnastics, relax all the muscles of your face, take a light breath through your nose and calmly and slowly exhale through your mouth.

    Exercise with a plastic bottle

    Take a 0.5 liter plastic bottle. With your outstretched lips, clasp her neck and hold for 2-3 minutes. The bottle must be empty the first time.

    Sometimes at a certain volume you will have to train not once, but twice.

    The second time (after 3 days), pour 50 ml of water into the bottle and again try to hold it by the neck with outstretched lips. Thus, every 2-3 days increase the volume of water, gradually bringing it to 250 ml.

    Massage to get rid of nasolabial folds

    Massage against nasolabial folds helps restore skin elasticity and make facial muscles more mobile. With its help, impaired blood circulation is restored and enhanced cell nutrition is established.

    It is advisable to perform the procedure at night. Before the massage, prepare the skin with cosmetic oils based on jojoba or wheat germ, rubbing the products into the area of ​​the nasolabial folds.

    Japanese shiatsu massage

    1. Press the corners of your mouth with your thumb and forefinger for a few seconds.
    2. For 30 seconds, press on the lower and upper edges of your lips, gradually moving from the center to the corners.
    3. Make several pressing movements along the nasolabial folds themselves.
    4. Lubricate your skin with moisturizer.

    Asahi massage

    This procedure successfully deals with nasolabial folds, as it involves influencing the deep layers of the epithelium.
    Follow these steps:

    1. Place your fingertips on the wings of your nose. Make 5 movements in a figure eight shape along the folds.
    2. Release the finger pressure, then repeat the 5 figure eight movements again. The movements must be intense so that you feel a burning sensation in this place.
    3. Place your middle and ring fingers on the bridge of your nose. While stretching the skin, run your fingertips from the corners of the eyes to the cheeks.
    4. While making sliding movements across the skin, place your fingers on the bridge of your nose again.
    5. Repeat the entire procedure 5 times.


    Cold refreshes the skin well, so an ice compress is one of the best methods for correcting nasolabial folds. You can freeze not only water; ice made from milk or berry juice is suitable for this procedure. You can use ice with frozen plants. Add a few spoons of plants to a glass of boiled water, leave for 30 minutes, pour into molds and freeze.

    It is advisable to wipe the skin with cubes in the morning, half an hour before going outside. It is necessary to apply ice over the skin without pressure, strictly according to the pattern of massage lines.

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