Technique for performing honey facial massage at home

Honey facial massage is a worthy replacement for common cosmetic injection procedures. Using honey will increase the effectiveness of a massage session and get rid of several problems at once. We talk about the benefits, indications, contraindications and how to properly perform a honey facial procedure for a massage master or a beginner at home.

Effect and benefits of honey facial massage:

  • reduction of age-related changes in facial skin
  • improvement of lymph flow and blood circulation
  • removing waste and toxins from the body
  • strengthening the oval and improving complexion
  • strengthening general immunity
  • cleansing and tightening pores
  • relief from migraines, headaches, insomnia
  • skin nutrition
  • achieving a whitening effect, reducing the appearance of age spots
  • general relaxation of the body, combating stress
  • reduction of unwanted fat deposits
  • scrubbing effect, removing dead skin cells
  • improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • reducing the appearance of scars, pits, post-acne

The effect of facial massage with honey lasts for six months. The session is not only aesthetic, but also provides a general healing effect and result for the body and a calming effect on the nervous system. In addition to the results directly from the procedures, honey massage makes the skin more receptive to subsequent beauty salon or home care.

Precautionary measures

An obvious danger of honey procedures is the possibility of an allergic reaction of the body. Redness, rash, swelling are the most common side effects. Exposure is excluded in case of allergies. Before the session, a sensitivity test to the product is required.

You should refuse honey massage if:

  • disorders of the endocrine system (especially diabetes mellitus);
  • open damage to the integument;
  • diseases of inflammatory, viral nature;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • allergic diseases (asthma);
  • having sensitive skin.

Failure to comply with contraindications leads to complications in the current illness and increases the risk of allergic reactions.

The uses of honey in cosmetics are extensive. Massage using the product is a common option. To get the maximum effect from the session, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with all aspects of the procedure in advance.

Contraindications for honey facial massage:

  • allergy. Always check with the patient for information about allergies to bee products. The day before the procedure, the client should apply a drop of honey to the wrist and leave it for 20-25 minutes. If there are no signs of irritation, a procedure using a sweet product is indicated for the patient
  • rosacea
  • disorders of the thyroid gland
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body
  • herpes or deep scratches

Choosing the right honey

Only a combination of a high-quality beekeeping product with professional use of technology can give an excellent result. The key requirements that honey must have are naturalness and freshness.

The question arises: is it possible to use a high-quality, but candied product? It is not prohibited to use it, but it must first be heated in a steam bath. Care must be taken to ensure that there are no hard candied pieces that could damage the delicate face.

Honey is an ideal option, of any kind. Preferably buckwheat with linden. The first option is to massage your face with a pure product, and the second is to prepare a mixture by adding jojoba, peach, grape seed, sesame oils and vitamins.

How to choose honey for massage?

Natural composition is the main criterion for a useful product for a honey facial massage session. It is best to buy a product for massage treatments directly from beekeepers. If you had to choose in a store, pay attention to three points:

  1. Compound. It should not contain sugar, starch or water.
  2. Smell. The natural composition has a floral aroma. If the product has no aroma, then it is a low-quality option.
  3. Healthy honey can have a liquid consistency only during its collection: in July, August, September. During the remaining months, real honey crystallizes and acquires a thick consistency.

Impact on dryness

What is the most important thing for dry skin? First of all, hydration. This is what honey does when it reaches the surface of the epidermis. For greater effect, there are special combinations of simple products.

Don't throw away the bread crust

You will be delighted as your skin will become renewed and saturated with beneficial substances. Unpleasant dryness will go away, especially around the corners of the mouth.

  1. If there is a piece of black bread left, let it dry.
  2. Then soak in warm milk. Five minutes is enough.
  3. Take an egg yolk and mash it with a large spoon of the main ingredient.
  4. Combine everything and knead thoroughly.
  5. Steam your face and apply the mixture for 25 minutes.

Apple mask

The face will not only be filled with moisture, but will become clean and radiant.

  1. Grate one apple on a fine grater. If it is too juicy, squeeze out the excess juice.
  2. Take honey in the same volume.
  3. Mix and make a mask.
  4. Wait in a pleasant atmosphere for 20 minutes.
  5. To wash off the mixture, it is better to use cold water.

Video on the topic How to tighten your facial skin using a mask of jojoba oil, eggs, lemon and honey

Egg-honey mixture

A face mask with honey and egg will do everything you need to keep your skin smooth, stop aging and eliminate fine wrinkles.

  1. If you take a whole chicken egg, then just add a teaspoon of the main component.
  2. Shake well so that there are no lumps.
  3. Neck, upper chest, face - cover everything with the mixture for 20 minutes.
  4. Cool water is suitable for washing.

Video on the topic Strawberry, honey and lemon face mask

Honey-berry smoothie

Withering and peeling? No, your skin will no longer have such problems if you use cosmetic honey-berry smoothies. When strawberries appear in the garden beds in the summer, use this recipe.

  1. Prepare two tablespoons of berry smoothie.
  2. Add one large spoon of golden honey to the strawberries and stir.
  3. 20 minutes with a mask is enough for the vitamins to penetrate the dermal cells.

How to do honey facial massage at home?

  1. Cleanse your face of makeup and impurities with a cleanser tailored to your skin type.
  2. It is helpful to use a shower cap or headband to prevent hair from getting caught during the session.
  3. Prepare honey. If the product has thickened, keep it in a water bath for a minute to obtain a liquid consistency. The product should become warm, but not hot. Firstly, it is wrong to bring it to a high temperature, because it loses its beneficial properties and becomes a harmful product. Secondly, there is a risk of serious burns during the session. Therefore, always check the temperature of the honey before starting the procedure.
  4. If desired, add a couple drops of avocado oil, grape seed oil, ginger, anise, lavender.
  5. Apply honey to your skin, avoiding the area around your face. Leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes so that the muscles relax and the skin absorbs vitamins and microelements. Do not apply the product in a thick layer, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the massage movements performed. After the allotted time has passed, you will be able to notice in the mirror that the honey is unevenly distributed over your face. In places where the pores “work”, honey will be absorbed, and in the area of ​​clogged pores the product will remain on the surface.
  6. Start the honey massage with light massage pats of the entire face area from bottom to top.
  7. Perform pressure massage movements correctly: along the direction of the massage lines
  • from the center of the chin to the ears
  • from the corners of the mouth to the ears
  • from the center of the nose to the temples
  • from the bridge of the nose to the temples

Perform 5-6 pairs of massage movements along each line on both sides. Movements must be performed at an active pace. After 2-3 minutes, the skin will begin to acquire a red tint, which means that the movements are performed correctly.

  1. Approximately 10-15 minutes after the start of the honey procedure, the honey will acquire a white tint. This is a good sign, which indicates that everything was done correctly, the massage movements were performed correctly. The appearance of a white coating means that impurities and toxins have begun to come out. When the skin becomes almost dry, you can end the session.
  2. After completing the procedure, clean the skin of product residues and pat dry with a warm towel. Do not reuse honey. After the session, the product will be “saturated” with waste and toxins, which will be released from the body during the honey massage session.

Recommendations from experts

Experts recommend adding other ingredients to the mixture to achieve the desired effect.

For example, for those with oily skin with a shiny face, it is better to mix buckwheat honey with lemon juice, keeping the proportions 2:1. If the goal is to defeat wrinkles, you can add lemon extract (5 drops) and rose extract (10 drops) to linden honey (3 tsp).

If you have blackheads, you first need to steam your face so that the clogged pores open. Add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice or tea tree oil to a bowl of hot water.

Next, bend over the bathtub, cover your head with a towel and remain in this position for about a quarter of an hour. There is no need to wipe yourself afterwards. You can immediately start the honey massage.

For aging skin (after 40 years), experts recommend using more intense movements along the massage lines. But the massage itself should take no longer than 10 minutes. It would be useful to touch on the neck and chest area. Honey massage is done not only with your fingers, you can press your entire palm to your face, then quickly but also carefully detach it. You need to massage with light pats, and your hand can be on the surface for no more than a second.

For women over 50 years of age, the procedure should be carried out even more gently and delicately. Honey is applied only to the massage therapist's fingers. Only problem areas with many creases and wrinkles are treated.

Women 50+ need this massage a couple of times a month.

If the skin is oily, then fresh lemon juice (a couple of teaspoons) is added to the honey.

For dry skin that requires hydration, the following recipe is suitable: for 1 teaspoon of honey add 4-5 drops of rose extract, sandalwood, Indian patchouli, bergamot, sage. All these components need to be mixed, apply the resulting mixture to the forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, and then massage.

If you have acne on the skin, honey massage is prohibited, since pressing can cause even more inflammation. However, if you simply apply a honey mask, working only on healthy, non-inflamed areas, the effect on the face will still be positive.

Honey facial massage at home or in a beauty salon: what to choose?

Honey massage at home and in a beauty salon is performed using the same technique, but it is objectively clear that the master will perform the procedure much better. A session performed at home will give you a good cosmetic result, help improve your complexion and skin condition, and slightly tighten your oval shape. Honey facial massage can be effective against wrinkles only if performed correctly by a specialist. Such sessions will allow you to get rid of the problem of a double chin, unwanted fat deposits, and significantly tighten your oval shape. Therefore, if there are pronounced problems, a course of honey facial massage in a beauty salon is recommended.

What are the features and advantages of the procedure?

The result will be smooth, velvety skin with an even, uniform color, tightened, elastic and smoothed from wrinkles.

Any type of massage manipulation has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, since by acting on certain biologically active points, it triggers self-healing processes, mechanisms of regeneration and cellular renewal.

Due to the rich content of biologically active substances, vitamins, and microelements in natural honey, it can have a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes of the epidermis, increase blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, remove toxins from cells, and provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunomodulatory, and wound-healing effects.

The combination of honey with a physical effect on the skin layer, similar to the deep type of peeling carried out in a cosmetology office or beauty salon, helps to speed up the process of restoring metabolism in the epidermis. The result will be smooth, velvety skin with an even, uniform color, toned, elastic and smoothed from wrinkles.

In addition, the positive effect of such massage on nerve receptors located in the deep layers of the dermis, which activate the processes of respiration and cell nutrition, has been established.

Why does a master need to learn the technique of honey facial massage?

Techniques that allow you to preserve beauty and reduce the manifestations of age-related changes are always relevant. Honey massage is suitable for a wide range of people at any age. Possession of this technique, which in many cases can replace expensive and not always safe injection procedures, will allow the master to increase the number of satisfied patients.

Author of the article:

Practicing: 27 years, Teaching: 20 years

Indications for use

Recommended for women with age-related changes. Sessions are scheduled for the following problems:

  1. Dry dehydrated skin;
  2. Peeling;
  3. Sagging skin;
  4. Pigmentation;
  5. Acne, pimples;
  6. Dull color of integument;
  7. Scars, cicatrices;
  8. Bruises under the eyes;
  9. Wrinkles.

The result is obtained due to high-quality honey and execution technique. Before performing a massage, you need to study the technique. It must pass strictly along the massage lines. The skin must first be prepared.

Why do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

The first signs of aging appear around the eyes. Expression wrinkles are visible in the mirror as early as 25 years old. As you age, wrinkle patterns become clearer and your eyelids turn into small pouches. This is a consequence of a decrease in the subcutaneous fat layer, the skin becomes thinner, and vascular tissue shrinks. Depending on the type of skin: oily or dry, the manifestation of wrinkles occurs differently, but by the age of 40 they are immediately noticeable.

Adolescence is approaching, the hormonal system gradually begins to change, which can affect excessive dryness of the skin around the eyes, and there is a need for additional procedures and stimulation of collagen production.

Insufficient hydration is the main reason for rapid skin aging!

What else can affect wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. Insufficient daily intake of water.
  2. Incorrect daily care, use of expired products.
  3. Sudden weight loss, which affects skin tone and elasticity.
  4. Stress, which actively affects the destruction of collagen and elastin. Blood circulation worsens, frequent mood swings, and tearfulness can cause wrinkles to appear.
  5. Heavy tanners may be damaged by ultraviolet rays. The sun greatly ages the skin if you do not use cream with SPF protection.
  6. Features of the profession - people who work at a computer or various devices often squint their eyes.
  7. Chronic diseases. Problems with the functioning of almost all organs negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  8. Tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse.

There can be many reasons, women should remember to take care of themselves early and correctly. Then the first manifestations of skin aging will be less noticeable.

Daily skin care

Daily care is required at any age, and is the same for everyone, but the composition of the products used is already different.

Basic order of facial hygiene (sequence is required):

  1. Cleansing (makeup removal) – foam or micellar water.
  2. Tonic - moisturizing.
  3. Serum – additional vitamins and extracts.
  4. Cream for the eye area.
  5. Day/night cream.

If you plan to do light peeling at home, this procedure should be carried out after applying tonic. Follow the time instructions, longer is not always better. After the peeling procedure, be sure to use sunscreen to prevent unnecessary pigmentation. And most importantly, do not steam your face before peeling!

How to care for facial skin after 40 will help you find out the advice of professionals on choosing a cosmetic product. To begin with, we should dwell in more detail on the composition of cosmetics for those aged 40+.

Recommended composition:

  1. Plant stem cells will have an antioxidant effect and increase collagen synthesis.
  2. Peptides – these include half of all hormones and most enzymes, so an additional source of such substances is required.
  3. Matrixyl peptides will tighten and tighten sagging skin around the eyes.
  4. Argireline peptides will block the formation of wrinkles.
  5. Retinoids are substances derived from natural vitamin A. They provide control of cell growth and differentiation of mature tissues, and help suppress the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Actively used for acne and photoaging of the skin.
  6. Hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture and protect intercellular substances from dehydration, slowing down the aging process.
  7. Allantoin is snail mucus or an extract from the comfrey plant. Affects the renewal of the epidermis, neutralizes harmful substances.
  8. Shea butter has a combination of complex compounds that eliminates inflammation, removes age spots, toxins and helps fight dry skin.

Recommendations from cosmetologists for daily skin care will help keep a woman fresh and youthful for a longer time. You just need to carefully study the composition and select the necessary product.

Anti-Aging Options

In fact, all honey face masks save you from new and old wrinkles. But there are recipes aimed directly at solving this problem.

Remember Cleopatra

This famous person was madly in love with honey and milk baths for the whole body. You can use her tricks.

  1. Take milk and honey in equal quantities.
  2. Stir thoroughly.
  3. Make a face mask. And after washing your face 20 minutes later, feel like a queen.

Herbal mask

All the wealth is under our feet, and it's true. Herbs combined with honey are a winning blow to old age.

  1. Collect nettles, lemon balm and mint. Grind the leaves in a blender to a paste.
  2. Take a large spoon of herbal mixture and mix with the same amount of curd.
  3. Add a small spoon of liquid honey.
  4. Lubricate your face and neck. Let them soak in vitamins and nutrients for 20 minutes.
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