Pustular diseases of the external ear - boils

Factors of origin of the pathological condition

Before choosing therapeutic therapy, it is important to establish the exact cause of the development of rashes on the earlobe. Acne that does not pose a threat to the body occurs due to:

  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules, especially with dehydrated epidermis. In this case, infection with pathogenic microorganisms occurs when touching the face and ears with unwashed hands, using someone else's phone or headphones, which cause not only skin abscesses, but also fungal and viral diseases leading to dangerous complications.
  • Mechanical damage due to regular picking of the ears with a stick or non-sterile means, which remove the protective cellular layer and open the skin to various infections. After penetration into an unprotected area, microorganisms begin to actively multiply, developing an inflammatory process.
  • Disturbances in the functionality of the endocrine system, for example, during pregnancy or adolescence, are fraught with the occurrence of hormonal imbalance. Therapeutic therapy here should be aimed at eliminating the internal problem, while banal squeezing is dangerous due to infection.
  • Regular stress, causing numerous internal and external diseases. An ordinary pimple sometimes occurs as a result of weakened immunity due to constant nervous strain.
  • Allergic reactions to specific foods, medications, jewelry, or clothing. To get rid of hives or pimples, you need to eliminate the irritant.
  • An unbalanced diet , leading to disruption of the sebaceous glands of the skin.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for example, dysbiosis, gastritis, colitis or vitamin imbalance.

It is also important to pay close attention to the condition of your hat, since a dirty hat primarily affects the ear. In summer, pimples on the lobe often form as a result of sand or soil entering the organ of hearing when swimming or sunbathing on the beach.

The earlobe, due to the abundance of sebaceous glands and vellus hairs, is quite often affected by purulent pimples.

Usually the reasons are poor hygiene, skin injuries, endocrine disorders, and stress.

Diagnosis is carried out with earlobe atheroma, keloid scars, and cancer. Treatment is carried out after determining the causes of the pimple.

The skin is treated with local antiseptics and antibacterial ointments if necessary; general treatment often accompanies surgical opening of the formations.

Hypothermia leads to colds, which cause inflammatory rashes. The lack of a hat in winter also leads to otitis media and mycosis.

Cold pimples are the most unpleasant rash. Lack of treatment results in boils, which are removed surgically.


A small pimple on the ear, if not properly treated, can cause a lot of trouble. The most common complication is inflammation of the deep layers of the skin. If the infection spreads over a large area, treatment can only be surgical.

Another complication is the infection spreading to the ear. Otitis may develop.

If the internal pimple becomes large, pus may enter the bloodstream. In this case, the infection will quickly spread throughout the body.

Clinical manifestations of the disease

Before treatment, it is necessary to determine the type of tumor, since not all pimples can be squeezed out. Initially, a red pustule that causes painful discomfort is easier to eliminate than a dense rash that does not cause discomfort.

There are many reasons for a rash on the earlobe.
In most cases, an in-person consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. Dermatoscopy may be needed.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

You should not squeeze a pimple while it is red, as such a process will not bring anything other than severe pain. Removal of purulent rashes from the earlobe is carried out only if internal pathologies are excluded.

A dense pimple without redness and discomfort is much more difficult to eliminate. It is forbidden to squeeze out such a cyst with sebum inside, especially since the wen is not dangerous to the body, it only causes aesthetic discomfort.

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Sometimes a pimple in this area indicates certain diseases. Atheroma is considered a serious pathology. Such a cyst, which forms inside the earlobe, can reach enormous sizes.

Timely removal of the formation reduces the likelihood of damage to the facial nerve. Atheroma is also dangerous because the purulent mass that accumulates inside the wen becomes denser and inflames the surrounding tissues, causing an abscess.

Acne is also confused with keloid scars. These growths of connective tissue structures remain after damage and surgical procedures. Sometimes scars occur due to the removal of atheroma or after a puncture for an earring.

When dermatitis occurs, the outer ear becomes red, covered in rashes and blisters. In this case, the patient suffers from severe itching. The danger of the disease lies in the spread of the rash to the face and other neighboring areas.

Advantages of treatment at an ENT center

Treatment of ear, nose and throat diseases at the ENT CENTER is a comprehensive and individual approach to each patient. By making a preliminary appointment on the medical center’s website or by phone, you can:

  • get face-to-face consultation with a specialist;
  • undergo treatment of ENT diseases using progressive techniques;
  • receive recommendations for further conservative treatment and prevention of ENT diseases.

Contact the ENT CENTER : here they will help you solve any problem within the competence of ENT doctors as efficiently, safely, quickly and painlessly as possible.

Diagnosis of education

The main goal of diagnosing the disease is to determine the type of pimple and exclude atheroma. To do this, an external examination of the affected area is carried out with further palpation.

If, when pressed, the formation seems to be a subcutaneous and round compaction, causing pain, then there is a possibility of atheroma.

It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out a cyst yourself at home, so you need to contact a specialist. If the pimple has affected the outer layer of the epidermis of the earlobe, then surgical intervention will not be needed.


If you ignore ear rashes, the following dangerous consequences are possible:

  1. Atheroma is a neoplasm that forms in the earlobe. If left untreated for a long time, rapid growth is possible. In such cases, surgery is usually performed. If pus begins to accumulate in the atheroma, this will lead to inflammation of neighboring tissues.
  2. An epidermoid cyst is the formation of a lump due to the rapid division of skin cells.
  3. Colloidal scar - it appears due to injury to the skin of the ear.
  4. Dermatitis - with this disease, the skin of the ear becomes covered with a small rash and turns red, severe itching appears. If treatment is not started, the disease spreads to neighboring tissues.

Medical therapy

Only comprehensive treatment will help get rid of rashes. The first step is to determine the exact reason why the pimple appeared on the earlobe. For large, single formations, it is recommended to check for a tumor, while small rashes are most likely due to an imbalance.

To eliminate allergic symptoms, antihistamines and antiallergic medications are prescribed to the skin of the ear. To treat dermatitis, a special ointment is used to relieve irritation and disinfect the damaged area.

To protect against the multiplication and spread of pathology, a single pimple that occurs due to non-compliance with hygiene rules should be treated with an antiseptic. After this, you need to regularly keep your ears clean.

How to get rid of acne quickly

Acne is a common skin problem, affecting about 85 percent of the population.

A lump or tumor is initially eliminated with anti-inflammatory drugs. If there is an inflammatory process, the pimple is opened surgically.

If the skin grows, then excess tissue is completely removed. Cysts are cut out along with the capsule. During the recovery period, antibacterial agents are prescribed to speed up regeneration.

If the inflammatory process develops further within a week, you should consult a doctor. To protect against infectious infection, the rash should not be squeezed, combed or scratched.

In case of a breakthrough, the affected area should be treated with a disinfectant. To protect unprotected skin, a patch is used.

Preventive measures

If you follow the basic recommendations of prevention specialists, you can avoid the manifestation of various dermatological disorders and pathologies, which can be very difficult to cope with. Numerous reviews from patients and dermatologists themselves indicate that the development of pustules on the ear can be prevented in the following cases:

  1. Maintain standard hygiene. The delicate skin of the ears needs regular cleansing of dirt.
  2. Timely washing of hair. This rule is very important. Greasy hair can come into contact with the surface of the ears, which is why infection can penetrate microcracks. The sebum and dirt secreted by the glands can be called an ideal environment for the rapid development of numerous pathogenic organisms, due to which numerous rashes can appear.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that all costume jewelry and jewelry are clean. Experts recommend avoiding jewelry that is made of ordinary metals and can oxidize upon contact with the skin. Earrings must be treated with a high-quality antiseptic solution, which will prevent the development of pathogenic microflora.
  4. It is necessary to promptly wash clothes that come into contact with the surface of the ears. This category includes caps, hats, scarves, bandanas, high-neck sweaters, scarves, as well as sweaters and jackets with a hood.

Many experts say that you can avoid the spread of pathogenic microorganisms by regularly cleaning mobile phones, which have a lot of bacteria on their surfaces. For these manipulations it is better to use special antiseptic agents. Dermatologists recommend wiping your hands and various objects that come into contact with your ear with wet wipes.

Prevention rules

Regular implementation of preventive measures will avoid the formation of inflammatory rashes on the earlobe and face. To do this you should:

  • Constantly monitor gestures. Do not touch your ears or other parts of your head with dirty hands.
  • Maintain hygiene standards at all times.
  • Do not damage the epidermis and mucous membranes of the ear canals on your own.
  • Wash regularly , because greasy hair has favorable conditions for the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Clean scarves, high collars, hats and hoods.
  • earrings and other fashion jewelry clean
  • Clean telephone handsets with damp sanitary wipes.
  • Refuse other people's headphones.

It is important to remember that computer keyboards and banknotes also harbor harmful bacteria, so you should wash your hands after using them.

Rashes that appear on the ear lobe in most cases indicate non-compliance with hygiene rules. However, sometimes such inflammatory processes indicate more serious pathologies.

In this case, you should not squeeze out even the rash that has formed on the surface of the skin, and timely contact with a specialist will allow you to begin complex treatment therapy.

An important point in diagnosis is the exclusion of atheroma, since such a cyst causes severe pain and is also dangerous for blood poisoning, so inflammatory formations should be treated with sensitivity.

Folk remedies

Time-tested recipes allow you to cope with various skin rashes. But before using this or that product, you should consult your doctor. To combat acne on the earlobe, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Decoctions for which you can use plantain, chamomile, string and celandine have good effectiveness. Each plant is filled with hot water for 40 minutes. After this, a tampon soaked in the broth is applied to the problem areas.
  2. Lotions made from Kalanchoe and aloe juice can get rid of growths in just a few days.
  3. If the pimple is located on the outside of the ear, you can get rid of it using the following recipe: mix honey, a little chopped white cabbage, garlic and figs in one container. The product is applied to the pustules for 5-7 hours.
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