Itchy skin: differential diagnosis, principles of rational pharmacotherapy

Symptoms of genital itching

  • Vaginal itching causes a strong desire to scratch the disturbing area. Sometimes the itching also spreads to the labia minora and labia majora, thereby causing even greater suffering.
  • This unpleasant phenomenon is accompanied by redness and swelling of the external genitalia.
  • Scratching leads to abrasions and scratches, into which a secondary bacterial infection penetrates, causing the formation of ulcers and cracks. There are cases when itching in the vagina extends to the anal area, and such itching is diagnosed as anogenital.

Possible causes of itchy body skin: which doctor to consult

Itchy skin is an unpleasant sensation accompanied by the need for mechanical irritation of the skin, that is, it causes a constant desire to scratch the disturbing area. The types of skin itching depend on the reasons that provoked it. Itching is a symptom of various diseases, disorders and conditions. It can be the result of infection, inflammation, allergies, insect bites, or occur during the normal wound healing process. Itching significantly affects the general condition and quality of life of patients. It causes insomnia and, in severe cases, leads to depression.

Why does this problem occur: causes of vaginal itching

External factors include:

  • uncomfortable clothescausing excessive friction, underwear made of synthetic fabric that does not allow air to pass through and does not absorb secretions, personal hygiene products. Remember that to maintain normal flora and prevent vaginal itching, you need to wear cotton underwear or underwear with a gusset made from natural fabrics, change pads and tampons at least once every four to six hours, regardless of the amount of discharge.
    Synthetic materials create a “greenhouse effect”, which is an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

    The same environment is provided by menstrual flow;

  • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules . It is necessary to wash the genitals daily, and you can use various gels and soaps no more than once or twice a day, since they dry out the delicate skin and mucous membranes. When treating vaginal itching, washing too frequently can make the itching worse. It is not recommended to use deodorants for the vagina, as they disrupt the natural microflora and their effect is short-lived. On long trips and hikes, use special wipes for intimate hygiene. Don't forget to change your linen daily;
  • allergic reactions . Slight vaginal itching may occur due to mechanical effects (for example, friction with underwear), due to chemical effects (lubricant, intimate hygiene gel, lubricant). Many women are allergic to contraceptives - creams, pills, suppositories, latex, spermicidal lubricant of condoms.

Among the internal factors, the most common ones include:

  • venereal diseases such as trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, genital herpes, candidiasis, saprophytic vaginosis. Intestinal dysbiosis sometimes leads to such diseases;
  • weakening of general or local immunity . Due to the disruption of the natural composition of the vaginal microflora, pathogenic fungi and bacteria multiply. In this case, the itching in the vagina is accompanied by discharge with an unpleasant odor and a burning sensation during urination. In such situations, treatment of itching is mainly aimed at boosting immunity and restoring microflora. However, taking any medications on your own is not recommended;
  • Often itching of the genitals occurs due to stress or excessive emotional disturbances , mental and physical stress. Psychogenic factors and women's reactions to them are individual and sometimes unpredictable;
  • itching can be a reaction to serious diseases such as blood diseases, hepatitis, ovarian dysfunction, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, atrophy of the vaginal walls, hyperprolactinemia.

To determine the exact cause of itching, it is necessary to undergo an examination and undergo appropriate tests.

Expert opinion

Hormonally-related causes of vaginal itching deserve special attention. This condition is a common companion for pregnant and lactating women, as well as women during premenopause and menopause. In addition, vaginal itching and dryness may be present if the patient has diseases of the endocrine system that are not directly related to the genitals (for example, diabetes and thyroid diseases).

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Oksana Anatolyevna Gartleb

Itching in the vagina - how to cure?

Itchy skin

Itching is one of the most common dermatological complaints, and it can occur not only in patients with dermatoses, but also in a wide range of general diseases. This is an unpleasant sensation, which is accompanied by a continuous need for response mechanical irritation of the skin. Itching can significantly affect the general condition and quality of life of patients, causing insomnia, anxiety, and in severe cases even lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.

Itching is one of the forms of the skin analyzer, close to other types of skin sensation (touch, pain). Unlike pain, which causes a “withdrawal, avoidance” reflex, with itching a “processing” reflex occurs. Scratching, rubbing, kneading, warming, pinching itchy areas leads to instant, but not long-term, satisfaction. This is due to the fact that during the scratching process, stronger impulses are simulated in the nerve endings, which suppress the conduction of weaker itching signals from the affected areas. Severe itching is relieved only through severe self-harm, leading to the replacement of the sensation of itching with a feeling of pain. If itching exists for a long time, then a focus of pathological excitation is formed in the cerebral cortex and itching from a defensive reaction turns into a standard skin reaction to various external and internal stimuli. At the same time, in response to prolonged scratching, the state of peripheral nerve receptors also changes, which leads to a decrease in the threshold for the perception of itching. Thus, a “vicious circle” is formed, the presence of which explains the difficulties in treating itching.

Itching is caused by mechanical, thermal, electrical or chemical stimulation of unmyelinated nerve fibers, the free nerve endings of which lie at the border of the epidermis and dermis. They are excited either directly or indirectly, through the release of various mediators (histamine, serotonin, proteases, neuropeptides, etc.).

Physiological itching occurs in response to environmental irritants (crawling insects, friction, temperature changes, etc.) and disappears after the cause is eliminated. Pathological itching is caused by changes in the skin or throughout the body and causes a strong need to get rid of the itching by scratching or other means.

Itching can be a symptom of various dermatoses (scabies, pediculosis, atopic dermatitis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, mycoses, psoriasis, lichen planus, etc.) or occur on intact skin due to diseases of the internal organs. Endogenous causes of skin itching are very diverse:

  • endocrine and metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, menopause, hyperparathyroidism);
  • liver diseases (biliary cirrhosis, extrarenal cholestasis, hepatitis of various etiologies, etc.);
  • chronic renal failure;
  • blood diseases (iron deficiency anemia, polycythemia vera, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia, mastocytosis);
  • tumors of internal organs, melanoma;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infectious and parasitic (HIV infection, helminthiasis);
  • neurological diseases;
  • psychoneuroses;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking medications;
  • age (senile itching).

If the cause of the itching, even with a thorough examination, cannot be identified, then it is defined as itching of unknown origin (pruritus sine materia).

To accurately assess itching, it is necessary to carefully collect anamnesis and question the patient. You should pay attention to the following characteristics of itching: time of occurrence, provoking factors, intensity, course, localization, character.

The intensity of itching can vary - from mild to very severe. For a more objective assessment, you should clarify: does itching interfere with falling asleep; whether the patient wakes up from itching; Does itching interfere with daily work? Itching leading to sleep disturbance is considered severe.

Depending on the time of occurrence, they are distinguished - nocturnal, daytime, permanent, seasonal. For example, with scabies and widespread eczema, the itching intensifies when patients go to bed; anal itching caused by pinworms occurs between two and three o'clock in the morning; in psychoneuroses - permanent.

Limited itching of the skin in one anatomical area, as a rule, is caused by local causes. The presence of widespread and symmetrical itching suggests its internal nature.

The itching sensation can be “deep” or “superficial”, it can have a hint of burning, tingling (for example, dermatitis herpetiformis is characterized by burning itching, especially of the scalp). Itching - parasthesia is a feeling of tingling, mild burning, crawling, etc., develops with increased pain sensitivity of the skin and decreases with stroking or light pressure on the itching area. Biopsy itch leads to deep damage to the skin.

As a result of prolonged itching and scratching, excoriation, pigmentation, scars, lichenification, and pyoderma occur. The free edge of the nail plates wears off, leaving the nails looking polished. Objective signs are not necessary to make a diagnosis of itchy skin.

Features of itching in syndromes of different origins

Cholestatic (liver) itching is one of the most painful and persistent symptoms of chronic cholestasis. It occurs in 100% of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and in almost 50% is a reason to consult a doctor. Most often precedes all other symptoms of cirrhosis. Usually generalized, more pronounced on the limbs, thighs, abdomen, and with obstructive jaundice - on the palms, soles, interdigital folds of the hands and feet, under tight clothing.

Uremic itching, in chronic renal failure, can be local or diffuse, more pronounced on the skin of the neck, shoulder girdle, limbs, genitals, and nose. Intense, worse at night or immediately after dialysis, as well as in the summer months.

Diabetic itching most often occurs in the anogenital area, ear canals, and in some patients it is diffuse in nature.

Hyperthyroid itching is observed in 4–10% of patients with thyrotoxicosis, diffuse, faint, and inconsistent.

Hypothyroid itching is caused by dry skin, generalized, sometimes very intense, even excoriation.

Menopausal itching is observed mainly in the anogenital area, in the axillary folds, on the chest, tongue, palate, and often has a paroxysmal course.

Itching in hematological and lymphoproliferative diseases . Generalized or local: Hodgkin's disease - above the lymph nodes, anogenital - with iron deficiency anemia, with polycythemia - on the head, neck, limbs. With polycythemia, stabbing, burning, aquatic itching may precede the disease by several years.

Paraneoplastic itching sometimes appears several years before the onset of the disease. Can be local or generalized, of varying intensity. For some forms of cancer, a specific localization of itching is observed: for prostate cancer - itching of the scrotum and perineum; for cervical cancer - vaginal itching; for rectal cancer - perianal area; with a brain tumor infiltrating the bottom of the fourth ventricle, itching in the nostril area.

Psychogenic itching is often associated with depression and anxiety. It is characterized by: absence of skin changes, widespread or limited to some symbolic, significant area for the patient, intensifies in stressful situations, conflicts, sleep, as a rule, is not disturbed, patients often describe their sensations in a whimsical, exaggerated manner. Itching is relieved by taking sedatives or antipruritic drugs, and is much less easily relieved by external means. The presence of deep excoriations, bizarre self-harm, and parasitophobia is more likely to indicate the presence of psychosis rather than neurosis. A conclusion about the psychogenic cause of itching is possible only after excluding skin and systemic diseases.

Senile itching occurs in almost 50% of people over 70 years of age, more often in men and occurs in the form of night attacks. The causes of senile itching are mainly endocrine disorders, atherosclerosis, and dry skin. Senile itching is a diagnosis of exclusion; to make it, you must reject another cause of itching.

Localized itching

Itching of the anus is an extremely painful suffering, observed almost exclusively in men, especially after 40 years. It is often complicated by the appearance of painful cracks, streptococcal or candida intertrigo, the formation of boils, and hidradenitis. Causes: untidiness, hemorrhoids, helminthic infestation (enterobiasis), diabetes mellitus, constipation, proctitis, prostatitis, vesiculitis, intestinal dysbiosis.

Genital itching . It occurs in women over 45 years of age in the area of ​​the external genitalia, less commonly in the vagina. The itching is painful, accompanied by the appearance of excoriations and skin dyschromia. Causes: leucorrhoea, urogenital infections, endocrine disorders (menopause), inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, sexual neuroses. In girls, genital itching is observed with enterobiasis.

Itching of the scalp is often a manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis, and can also be a sign of diabetes. Excoriation and bloody crusts, as well as impetiginous elements as a result of a secondary infection, are usually observed on the scalp.

Itching of the ears and external auditory canals can be observed with eczema, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis.

Itching of the eyelids can occur when exposed to volatile irritants, allergic dermatitis to cosmetics, and also as a result of parasitism of the Demodex mite in the hair follicles of the eyelashes.

An itchy nose can be a manifestation of hay fever, as well as intestinal helminthiasis in children.

Itching of the fingers is observed with eczema, scabies, and bird mite infestation.

Itching of the skin of the lower extremities can be caused by varicose veins, varicose eczema, and dry skin.


Diagnosis of skin itching requires special attention, since it can precede the manifestation of serious diseases. At the first stage, a physical examination is carried out with an in-depth study of the skin condition and, in the presence of skin manifestations, an in-depth dermatological examination. Every patient suffering from itching should be tested for dermatozoonoses. In cases where itching cannot be associated with any dermatosis, other causes should be sought. Screening for a patient with pruritus should include:

  • clinical blood test, ESR;
  • general urine analysis with determination of protein, sugar, sediment;
  • biochemical blood test (functional liver tests: ALT, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase; fasting glucose level; cholesterol level; urea, uric acid, creatinine, acid phosphatase; determination of total protein and protein fractions; iron level and iron-binding capacity of serum, saturation of erythrocytes with iron) ;
  • stool analysis for occult blood, helminths and their eggs;
  • chest x-ray;
  • functional examination of the thyroid gland, thyroxine level.

At the second stage, additional laboratory, ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopic, and histological studies are carried out, based on feasibility.

Patients with unexplained itching should be re-evaluated periodically, as the disease causing the itching may appear later.


The most effective treatment for itching is to treat the underlying condition. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, so in such cases symptomatic therapy is prescribed. General therapy includes the use of sedatives, antihistamines, mast cell membrane stabilizers (ketotifen), hyposensitizing agents (calcium preparations and sodium thiosulfate), sequestrants and enterosorbents, salicylates. A wide range of physiotherapeutic methods are used: electrosleep, adrenal inductothermy, contrast showers, sulfur and radon baths, sea bathing. External therapy plays a major role in the treatment of itching, but most local drugs act for a short time. They are prescribed in the form of powders, alcohol and aqueous solutions, shaken mixtures, pastes, and ointments. For dry skin, antipruritic agents based on ointments and oils are more suitable. Antipruritic effects have: corticosteroid ointments, 5–10% anesthesin, 1–2% phenol, 5–10% Diphenhydramine solution, water with table vinegar (3 tablespoons of vinegar per 1 glass of water), lemon juice, chamomile infusion (10 –20 flowers per 1 glass of water), etc.

Also, for itching of any origin, it is necessary to eliminate provocative factors, such as dry skin, contact with irritating substances, degreasing the skin (rough, alkaline soap), consumption of certain products (alcohol, spices), as well as environmental temperature changes.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that, despite the wide range of therapeutic methods and agents, treating itching remains a difficult task.


  1. Adaskevich V.P., Kozin V.M. Skin and venereal diseases. M.: Med. lit., 2006, p. 237–245.
  2. Romanenko I.M., Kulaga V.V., Afonin S.L. Treatment of skin and venereal diseases. T. 2. M.: Medical Information Agency LLC, 2006, p. 342–34.
  3. Skin itching. Acne. Urogenital chlamydial infection. Under. ed. E. V. Sokolovsky. SPb: Sotis. 1998, p. 3–67.

I. B. Mertsalova , Candidate of Medical Sciences

RMAPO, Moscow

Contact information for authors for correspondence

Treatment for vaginal itching

Correct treatment of the genital organs can only be prescribed by a gynecologist after an examination, so taking any medications on your own is highly not recommended. Incorrectly selected medications can only worsen the situation.

But before you see your doctor, you can relieve the itching by doing the following:

  • following a hypoallergenic diet: cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products. Try to exclude spicy, pickled and spicy foods;
  • Wash your genitals as often as possible, but without using detergents. You can add furatsilin to the water, but not potassium permanganate, which can dry out the mucous membrane. Talc and baby powders also help;
  • Avoid long stays in stuffy rooms and in the heat, serious physical activity is contraindicated, and sexual activity is undesirable.

Washing gels for intimate hygiene "Ginocomfort" are recommended for daily use, including during menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth. These products were developed by specialists from the pharmaceutical company VERTEX from ingredients that are safe for health and have a full list of necessary documents and certificates. Gels provide a feeling of cleanliness and comfort throughout the day.

If the itching does not go away within three days, you should immediately consult a specialist.

The skin on your hands is very dry, flaky and itchy

Other possible causes of itchy body skin:

  1. Scabies. The disease is caused by female scabies mites. An infected person is bothered by intense skin itching, which intensifies after a hot shower, in the evening and at night.
  2. Head and pubic lice.
  3. Insect bites: bees, wasps, mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs.

The skin of the hands is very dry, flaky and itchy - a condition characteristic of a fungal infection, and can also signal a metabolic disorder or result from contact with aggressive environments. A dermatologist must make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Why does the skin on my legs itch and redness appear? Symptoms may indicate either a skin or allergic disease, or an endocrine or autoimmune pathology.

Itching may be a symptom of infection:

  1. Chickenpox or other viral infection.
  2. A fungal infection (athlete's foot) that causes itching between the toes.
  3. Ringworm.
  4. Vaginal candidiasis, causing itching of the genitals and surrounding skin (inner thigh).

Itching in intimate areas, video

is not responsible for the accuracy of the information presented in this video clip.
Source - KVD - dermatovenerological dispensary Sources:

  1. FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF TREATING BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS. Gabdullina L. R., Vorobyova E. P. // Bulletin of modern clinical medicine. – 2012. – No. 1. – P. 40-42.
  2. COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF ESTROGEN-DEPENDENT UROGENITAL DISORDERS: CLINICAL ASPECTS AND PHARMACOECONOMIC ANALYSIS. Ledina A.V., Kulikov A.Yu. // Pharmacoeconomics. Modern pharmacoeconomics and pharmacoepidemiology. – 2009. – No. 1. – P. 13-18.
  3. Bacterial vaginosis: clinical features, diagnosis and treatment / A.S. Ankirskaya, V.N. Prilepskaya, G.R. Bayramova, V.V. Muravyova // Russian Medical Journal. - 1998. - T. 6, No. 5. - P.276-282.
  4. Disturbance of vaginal microbiocenosis, ways of its correction. V.N. Prilepskaya, G.R. Bayramova // Gynecology. - 2007. - T. 9, No. 4. - P.25-27.
  5. Bacterial vaginosis: what's new? I.A. Apolikhina, S.Z. Muslimova // Gynecology. - 2008. - T. 10, No. 6. - P.36-37.

General diseases that may be accompanied by itchy skin

Endogenous causes of itching:

  1. Hemorrhoids are dilation of the veins of the rectum with the formation of external and internal nodes.
  2. Pathologies of the thyroid gland. Read more about thyrotoxicosis on our website
  3. Iron deficiency anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin content in red blood cells.
  4. Polycythemia is an increase in the concentration of red blood cells in the blood.
  5. Uremia is self-poisoning of the body in severe kidney pathologies.
  6. Liver diseases, for example, primary biliary cirrhosis, hepatitis.
  7. Renal failure is a disorder of kidney function.
  8. Metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus).
  9. Some types of cancer: liver, pancreatic, leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Sometimes itching is associated with a psychological state (depression, anxiety). In women, itching can be caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy or after menopause. Senile itching of the skin in older people occurs in approximately 50% of people over 70 years of age in the form of nocturnal attacks. The main causes of senile itching are endocrine disorders, atherosclerosis, and dry skin. Senile itch is a diagnosis of exclusion, that is, other causes of itching must be excluded before making it.

Popular questions

I am concerned about itching and unpleasant smell.
Hello! The appearance of odor and itching in the genital tract may indicate an inflammatory process, dysbacteriosis, or a more serious disease. Therefore, you need to see a specialist and undergo an examination: a smear for flora, examinations to identify specific and nonspecific microflora (for example, vaginal culture or femoflora analysis). This will allow you to prescribe etiotropic therapy. At this stage, before receiving the results of the examinations, you can use Gynocomfort gel with tea tree oil to prevent the spread of inflammation. The composition will help eliminate itching and odor, relieve swelling and restore the condition of the mucous membranes. The gel is used in 1 dose 1 time per day for 7-10 days. It is introduced into the genital tract using an applicator.

Both my partner and I began to itch. Before this we took antibiotics. Will Gynocomfort gel help?

Hello! Most often, after taking antibiotics, dysbiosis develops associated with a yeast fungus of the genus Candida. To clarify the nature of the itching, you still need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist and urologist, respectively, and conduct an examination - a smear on the flora. Until you get the result, you can use Gynocomfort gel with tea tree oil. This will relieve itching and accelerate the anti-inflammatory effect. The gel is administered 1 dose 1 time per day for 10 days using an applicator.

Hello, I have a burning and itching of the genitals, please tell me what can be done?

Hello! At this stage, you can use Gynocomfort gel with tea tree oil, which will have an anti-inflammatory effect and eliminate swelling and burning. And then you need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist for an examination to identify the cause of the disease.

After sexual intercourse, itching and burning began and it is very itchy, sometimes there is pain, it hurts to walk small to the toilet, sometimes but not often there is a white discharge, and menstruation should begin soon. I apply clotrimazole 2 times a day, the itching subsides during the day and appears in the morning.

Such manifestations indicate an inflammatory process in the genital tract and a possible ascending infection in the urinary system. See a doctor as soon as possible, conduct an examination to identify the inflammatory factor and carry out treatment to the required extent. For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist

Causes of itching

Itching is often caused by a skin condition, but can sometimes be a sign of a serious medical condition. In some cases, it is not possible to identify the specific cause of itchy skin.

Skin diseases that cause itching:

  1. Eczema. Severe skin rashes with itching in adults, accompanied by dryness, redness, and peeling. Separately, children's eczema is distinguished. Red rashes on the skin of a child with a pronounced exudative component may indicate eczema.
  2. Contact dermatitis. A skin reaction that occurs upon contact with an irritant or allergen.
  3. Hives. Dermatitis of an allergic nature with a red, itchy rash.
  4. Lichen planus. Itchy rash of unknown etiology.
  5. Psoriasis. First, pink spots on the skin (papules) appear, then they merge to form plaques.
  6. Prurigo (scratchiness). Small blisters on the skin that are very itchy.
  7. Dandruff. A condition that causes dry white or gray flakes of dead skin to appear on the scalp. Dandruff can cause itchy scalp.

Itching can be caused by an allergen or irritant: cosmetics, metal in jewelry, latex. Allergies to certain foods and medications are also accompanied by itching. Skin allergy ointment relieves itching and relieves the condition.

Material and methods

Patients examined ( n

=160) with a clinical picture of skin itching and the nature of the pathology, typical for outpatient care. Patients with a confirmed systemic etiology of generalized itching, infectious skin diseases, primary skin lesions, and developed complications were excluded.

To study the characteristics of therapy with various drugs (according to the dynamics of itching) of patients ( n

=160) were divided into three groups.
Patients were distributed randomly into groups. No statistically significant differences were found between the groups. In the main group ( n

(sehifenadine) at a dose of 50 mg 3 times a day
as antipruritic therapy In the 1st comparison group (1AG, n
=50), the first generation antihistamine chloropyramine was used to correct itching in a standard dose of 25 mg 2 times a day.
In the 2nd comparison group (2AG, n
=50), the second generation antihistamine drug desloratadine was used to correct itching in the recommended dose for the treatment of skin itching, 5 mg 2 times a day. For treatment, standard doses of drugs recommended for treatment were used for a course of 14 days.

The duration of observation was 1 month. All patients underwent a clinical examination of blood and urine, a biochemical study of blood serum in order to differentiate the causes of itching and exclude inflammatory, infectious, autoimmune causes of itching, as well as other pathological conditions accompanied by this symptom. The severity of the disease was assessed according to the clinical picture of the disease. At the end of the course of therapy, a confirmatory clinical and laboratory study was carried out to monitor the condition during treatment, the quality of life of the patients and their adherence to treatment were assessed.


At the start of observation, the groups were comparable in gender, age and structure of complaints. All patients included in the study were tested using a 100 mm itch scale to determine the severity of symptoms, which qualitatively confirmed the severity of symptoms in patients. At the start of therapy in the main group, the intensity of itching corresponded to 86 points: in the 1st comparison group - 88 points, in the 2nd - 84 points. During 1 week of therapy, positive dynamics were observed in all groups. This trend continued in the 2nd week of therapy, more pronounced in the main group - up to 22 points, in the 1st comparison group - up to 29 points, and less pronounced dynamics in the 2nd comparison group - up to 48 points. After completion of the course of therapy, there was a slight increase in symptoms in both comparison groups (32 and 43 points, respectively, versus 22 points in the main group; p

(Fig. 4)

Figure 4. Dynamics of itching during treatment and after the end of therapy (itch scale 100 mm, differences between groups are significant; p
Thus, patients treated with Gistafen
had a more pronounced clinical effect compared to antihistamines of the 1st and 2nd generation.

During treatment, there was also a decrease in serum histamine levels. In the main group, the histamine level decreased more intensively - from 12.4 to 9.8 and 6.7 U/ml over the 1-2 weeks of therapy, respectively. In the comparison groups there is also a dynamics of decrease in histamine levels: for example, in group 1 - from 12.1 to 9.7 and 9.5 U/ml, in group 2 - from 12.2 to 10.1 and 9 .7 U/ml, respectively ( p

After the end of therapy in the main group, the achieved histamine level was maintained; the differences between the 4th and 6th weeks were not significant. In the comparison groups, the achieved histamine level was also maintained; the differences between the 4th and 6th weeks were not statistically significant ( p
(Fig. 5)

Figure 5. Serum histamine level during therapy and after the end of treatment, U/ml (differences between groups are significant, p
<0.05, differences between 4 and 6 weeks are not significant,

It should be noted that a more pronounced decrease in histamine levels was noted in the main group, which is explained by the pronounced effect of sehifenadine on diamine oxidase, through which the concentration of the mediator decreases. In the future, if there is itching in this group of patients, the increased level of histamine will contribute to greater reactivity of the body and the occurrence of relapses of symptoms.

During therapy, all patients assessed the quality of life in the areas of work, business activity, quality of sleep, communication, family life, communication with children, sexual and physical activity, recreation and tourism using a special P-QoL questionnaire (Fig. 6)


Figure 6. Self-assessment of the integral quality of life by patients on a 100-point P-QoL scale (differences between groups are significant; p
The overall integral level of quality of life P-QoL at the start of observation had low values ​​and amounted to 32 points in the main group, and 34 and 33 points in the comparison groups, respectively. During treatment in all groups, there was a tendency to improve the quality of life and increase the index values. In the main group, a more rapid increase was detected, reaching a significant 78 points after the 1st week and continuing to increase to 85 points by the 2nd week. In the 1st comparison group, the P-QoL indicator showed slow dynamics, increasing after 1 week to only 69 points and by the 2nd week - to 76 points. In the 2nd comparison group, even less intense dynamics were found. Thus, from 33 points the indicator increased to 53 and 71 points, respectively. Patients of the main group gave higher assessments of quality of life during treatment with Histafen
compared to those in the comparison groups.

After the study, it would be interesting to study the opinions of patients and doctors about the possibility of using Histaphen

compared with antihistamines of the 1st and 2nd generation in terms of antipruritic effect.
The majority of doctors (70%) will continue in their practice to recommend that patients use a course of sequifenadine therapy in the treatment of skin itching (Fig. 7)

Figure 7. Doctors' preferences in choosing a drug. Among the patients in the main group, 93% were satisfied with the effect of Gistafen
, as they were convinced from their own experience of the effectiveness and ease of use of the drug
(Fig. 8, a, b, c)
. Figure 8. Patient preferences in choosing a drug. a — group taking Gistafen; b — group 1AG; c — group 2AG. Patients of the 1st comparison group noted a satisfactory effect from taking the drug, but drew attention to severe sedation during treatment: in this regard, a significant part of the patients will try another drug to treat itching. Among patients in the 2nd comparison group, a significant portion will also be looking for a new drug for treatment due to lack of effectiveness and high cost of treatment.

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