Liposarcoma is a malignant tumor that resembles a regular lipoma

Atheroma on the face is not just a cosmetic defect. It occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. If infection penetrates inside, purulent inflammation may develop. Inflammation of atheroma on the face is very dangerous, especially if the process is located above the line of the mouth. This is due to the peculiarities of the blood supply to the head. The veins of the face drain into the venous sinuses of the skull, which leads to the rapid progression of the disease and the development of abscesses in the brain. The degree of danger of atheroma depends on other factors, including the size of the formation and the presence of underlying chronic diseases, such as diabetes. Therefore, when facial atheroma appears, treatment should only be carried out by a doctor.

Rice. 1 Facial atheroma occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous glands

Liposarcoma - what is it?

The content of the article

Liposarcoma (eng. Liposarcoma) is a cancer of soft tissue. Of all soft tissue sarcomas that occur in adults, liposarcoma accounts for about 20%.

The change can develop at different ages. Pediatric liposarcoma is very rare, but possible. These types of tumors most often occur in people between 50 and 60 years of age.

Both men and women can suffer from liposarcoma, however, the disease is more common in women.


What could this mean in an adult?

In principle, all types of bumps on the head in adult patients can be divided into:

  • Consequences of injuries.
  • Bite marks.
  • Various neoplasms (tumors).
  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.

Sometimes you cannot determine on your own why a bulge suddenly appears on your head. If such a lump grows and looks quite suspicious, it is better to play it safe and see a specialist.

Compaction after impact

Perhaps hematomas after injuries are the most common causes of the appearance of hard and painful lumps on the forehead or back of the head under the hair. Of course, it is almost impossible not to notice the moment of damage in this case (the exception is perhaps loss of consciousness), so finding out where the lump grew on the head is not at all difficult. A bump from an impact has several specific signs:

  • It is growing quite quickly.
  • It differs in color from the surrounding skin (at first it looks red, then bluish, and as it heals, yellowish-green).
  • It is quite painful. Most often, after an injury, it is not the lump itself that hurts, but the entire area around it.

The main reason for the appearance of a bump on the head after a blow is the accumulation of fluid under the skin, which penetrates there from injured vessels.

Most often, such an injury does not require targeted treatment, but if it is accompanied by a significant disturbance in well-being (loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting), it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Red bumps from bites

Sometimes single or multiple red bumps on the head of an adult are nothing more than bite marks. Most often, such a nuisance is explained by a mosquito attack. They can bite the head if access to bare parts of the body was closed (for example, if a person covered himself with a blanket). Another cause of the appearance of small tubercles can be lice. Traces from their bites can most often be found behind the ears and on the back of the head; they itch very much and do not go away quickly (like mosquito bites). When infested with lice, tiny, tightly attached nits—parasite larvae—are also found on the hair.

Liposarcoma - causes and types

Liposarcoma develops when certain mutations cause fat cells to grow uncontrollably. However, what the exact causes of this type of genetic disorder are has not yet been established.

  • Local sarcoma.
    The most common tumor type is well-differentiated liposarcoma, which is characterized by local malignancy. This means that the tumor can invade adjacent healthy tissue, but overall it has a very low propensity for distant metastasis. Among its most characteristic features is the fact that it has an extremely high tendency to relapse.
  • Liposarcoma of the mucous membrane.
    Another type of liposarcoma is mucosal liposarcoma, which is now associated with round cell liposarcoma tumor. This soft tissue sarcoma, in turn, is known for the fact that it often leads to distant metastases.

In addition to those listed, there is also multiform liposarcoma, also called polymorphic. This is a fairly rare type of sarcoma and is known to be extremely metastatic. And undetermined liposarcoma, since it has the characteristics of all the previously mentioned types of liposarcoma.

The danger of atheroma on the face

Sebum and keratin masses accumulated in the atheroma capsule have a cheesy consistency. This is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. An attempt to squeeze out the atheroma can lead to infection getting inside the capsule and causing suppuration. The main symptoms of its onset are:

  • redness of the skin around the atheroma;
  • pain in the affected area;
  • Migraine-like headaches;
  • temperature increase.

Inflamed atheroma can lead to phlegmon - inflammation of adjacent tissues without precise boundaries.

Rice. 3 Self-squeezing of atheroma usually leads to inflammation of facial tissues

Liposarcoma - symptoms

With liposarcoma, symptoms depend both on the type and where exactly the lesion develops. It is possible—especially if the patient's tumor is growing very slowly—that symptoms of liposarcoma will not be present at all for a very long time.

However, possible signs of liposarcoma include:

  • Pain. Whether liposarcoma hurts depends on the location and size of the lesion. Pain may occur, for example, in people who develop abdominal liposarcoma - when the tumor reaches a significant size, it can press on nearby organs and cause discomfort or pain.
  • Thickening under the skin. Most often, liposarcoma is found in the extremities; for example, a tumor may develop on the thigh under the skin; in addition, liposarcoma is also possible on the back.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders - constipation, which can occur, among other things, in patients who develop a retroperitoneal tumor.
  • General symptoms of cancer. Among which, weight loss or a feeling of general, significant weakness are especially common.

Treatment of facial atheroma

Getting rid of atheroma using traditional methods of treatment, drugs of different release forms, or self-dissection is ineffective and dangerous . Atheroma can only be removed surgically along with the capsule. The smaller the formation, the easier the procedure will be and the greater the likelihood of being left without a scar on your face. Several methods of operating on atheroma on the face are practiced.

  • Laser destruction of atheroma is the most effective and painless treatment method, after which there is no scar. Used to remove formations with a diameter of up to 5 mm.
  • Laser excision of atheroma is an innovative treatment method that does not require a recovery period.
  • The classic operation with a scalpel is the removal of atheroma. It is performed under local anesthesia.

During the inflammatory process, the doctor cleans out the contents and disinfects the atheroma cavity, then performs an operation to remove the capsule and, if necessary, the affected tissue. Even if the atheroma does not bother you and “does not spoil the beauty,” it still needs to be removed. Pressure on nearby tissues causes them to become deformed, and the possibility of inflammation puts your health at risk.

Liposarcoma - diagnosis

Patients with different types of tumors under the skin often wonder how to recognize liposarcoma? To make a diagnosis, just one examination is not enough, since the tumor is very similar to a harmless lipoma. Therefore, first of all, in order to distinguish the quality of the tumor, the dermatologist prescribes magnetic resonance imaging.

Magnetic resonance imaging

This study allows, among other things, to suspect liposarcoma, however, the diagnosis requires clarification using a histopathological examination that reveals cancer cells. First of all, histopathology allows us to accurately determine whether the change described in the studies is liposarcoma or lipoma. In addition, microscopic tests allow you to diagnose a specific type of tumor, identifying, for example, liposarcoma, myxoids.

Knowing the type of change is important to determine the patient's prognosis for cure. Material for histopathological examination is obtained by biopsy.


The most effective way to remove atheromas with minimal risk of recurrence is radio wave excision using the Surgitron device (USA). The procedure does not require shaving the hair; removal takes place under local anesthesia in 30 minutes. Bleeding does not occur due to instant coagulation of blood vessels. The scalp and hair are not damaged. Removal of the formation is non-contact; after the procedure, the doctor carries out an antiseptic treatment and a follow-up examination of the patient. The procedure is outpatient and does not require hospitalization.

Liposarcoma - treatment

Surgery plays a fundamental role in the treatment of liposarcoma. Patients who develop a tumor, for example, on the hip, often fear having to amputate the entire limb. Unfortunately, this risk exists, but in general, amputations are only carried out when this is the final possible solution. If possible, conservative procedures are considered first.

The most important thing in the treatment of these changes is their complete removal with a supply of healthy tissue.

In addition to surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are used. They are especially useful when a patient's existing tumor has invaded important structures, such as major blood vessels, and the tumor cannot be completely removed. In this case, radiation therapy is effective. Then, when the patient develops multiple metastases, chemotherapy becomes the main treatment option.

Chemotherapy for the treatment of liposarcoma

Reasons for development

Factors contributing to the development of atheroma on the head are:

  • metabolic disorders leading to changes in the properties of the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • hair dyeing, head shaving with damage to hair follicles;
  • hyperhidrosis (especially in combination with seborrheic dermatitis);
  • inflammatory diseases of the scalp;
  • low-quality hygiene products for hair care;
  • Irregular hair washing with the accumulation of viscous oil on the scalp.

Atheromas often form not only on the scalp, but also around the ears and on the chin.

Liposarcoma - prognosis

The prognosis for liposarcoma depends primarily on the type of lesion. For example, people with well-differentiated liposarcoma can have a 5-year survival rate of up to 90-100% after appropriate treatment. Patients with liposarcoma multiforme, which is more likely to metastasize, have a much worse chance.

Another aspect to consider is the propensity for recurrence, which also varies depending on the type of tumor. Relapse of liposarcoma can occur after different times; it happens that the tumor recurs even several years after the end of treatment. This is due to the fact that lipomas grow very slowly.


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What are closed comedones and why is it important to remove them?

Closed comedones are non-inflamed cysts that arise as a result of the accumulation of sebaceous gland secretions at the mouths of the sebaceous gland duct. Normally, skin secretions freely come to the surface of the skin without getting stuck in the ducts.

Closed comedones are not amenable to simple mechanical extrusion, because... have no free exit. In essence, it is a sebaceous plug that has no exit through the natural sebaceous duct.

They are located in seborrheic areas, most often in the forehead and cheeks.

How are closed comedones formed?

The mechanism of formation of white comedones involves 2 disorders:

  • Hyperkeratosis - a violation of the exfoliation of keratinized cells inside the ducts of the sebaceous glands, scales accumulate and block the duct;
  • Changes in the composition of sebum - it becomes thicker and denser, gluing the scales together, making it even more difficult for skin secretions to come out.

Closed comedones are formed in the presence of both disorders, as well as due to the narrowness of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. The release of the contents of the pores becomes impossible and a blockage forms.

Why you need to remove closed comedones

According to the international classification of acne, the formation of comedones is the zero or initial stage of acne development. Treatment for comedones is necessary to prevent the development of more severe forms of acne.

What products to use for skin with closed comedones

Therapy with external agents includes the use of 2 types of agents:

Sunscreen with SPF based on mineral photo filters.

The sun's rays activate the sebaceous glands, which increases the number of blockages. The choice should be made in favor of physical photo filters - mineral screen .

Chemical photo filters are contraindicated. Their operating principle is based on converting the energy of UV rays into heat, which additionally activates the work of the sebaceous glands.


Mineral cream SPF 30 with zinc DermaQuest based on micronized zinc oxide 18.6% is a universal sunscreen for all family members!

  • Does not penetrate deep into the skin and does not cause blockages
  • Safe and hypoallergenic
  • Blocks up to 97% of sun rays
  • In 2022, the composition is enriched with BlueLight filters against blue light

Tone cream SPF30 with zinc for the face DermaQuest - for those who do not like pale skin color. An analogue of mineral cream with SPF30, which contains pigments that give the skin a light tan.

CBD “Blue Light” face cream SPF 30 DermaQuest is a complete day cream with the functions of protecting the skin from UV rays and blue light.

  • Indicated for sensitive, irritated and dry skin
  • Nourishes and moisturizes
  • Restores, heals and soothes irritated skin

The advantages of modern creams with SPF are not only photoprotection, but complete care products that do not require the application of additional creams in the morning.

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