How to make a coffee face scrub at home

Coffee is one of the most effective home remedies for skin care. With its help, you can make your skin soft and smooth in just a couple of procedures, and the first changes will be noticeable after the first use. A coffee-based scrub is especially effective. With its help, you can improve dull skin tone, clean clogged pores, even out skin texture and reduce inflammation.

  • Scrub recipes
      Moisturizing facial scrub with coffee
  • Nutritious with the addition of sour cream
  • Anti-acne with honey
  • For cleansing with clay, gelatin
  • Tonic with citrus juice
  • How the coffee scrub works

    Thanks to the chemical composition of coffee beans, a scrub based on it has an effect on the skin in several directions at once. It cleanses the epidermis of impurities, gives tone and nourishes. This product contains a variety of substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin:

    • caffeine - increases local immunity of the epidermis and protects against the negative influence of external factors;
    • antioxidants - make the skin more elastic, eliminate small wrinkles;
    • polyphenols - activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, which has a lifting effect, tightens facial contours and makes them clearer;
    • carotenoids - improve health, remove unhealthy grayness and yellowness, giving a matte tan, and protect against the development of cancer;
    • chlorogenic acid - protects against the harmful effects of solar radiation during the hot summer months.

    By regularly exfoliating with coffee at home, the skin is deeply cleansed and receives additional nutrition.

    The chemical composition of coffee and its effect on the skin

    Coffee beans are rich in such chemically active components. They contain:

    • Proteins fats carbohydrates;
    • Citric and malic acids;
    • Caffeine;
    • Antioxidants and polyphenols;
    • Magnesium, potassium, iron;
    • Natural fat-soluble pigments (carotenoids);
    • Trigonelline;
    • Vitamin B3;
    • Chlorogenic acid.

    Due to the action of active substances, coffee is widely used in cosmetology. The minerals in the product fight the signs of aging, help smooth out fine wrinkles and restore elasticity. Fatty components retain fluid in the cells, moisturizing the skin.

    Acids saturate cells with water and carbon dioxide. Vitamin B3 improves energy metabolism at the cellular level. Trigonelline ensures the constant presence of vitamin B3 in skin cells.

    The components of coffee, when combined, give the face a healthy appearance, getting rid of dead cells and controlling the activity of the sebaceous glands.

    Benefits of Coffee Scrub

    A scrub based on coffee particles has the following advantages:

    • cleanses the skin of accumulated toxins;
    • it is absolutely harmless and safe, this product can be used even by pregnant women;
    • due to the caffeine content, it prevents the likelihood of developing skin cancer;
    • has an antibacterial effect;
    • has a smoothing effect, makes the skin soft and silky;
    • the result of application can be seen after the first procedure;
    • simple coffee scrub recipes can be prepared even at home.

    Coffee enhances the effect of other components included in the peeling mass, so it is useful to combine it with essential oils and natural honey.

    Top - 5 products

    If you don’t have time to prepare a scrub, it is recommended to use high-quality products from well-known brands.

    BEAUTIFIC Black D-tox - dry charcoal-coffee scrub for deep cleansing of face and body

    The composition is intended to cleanse the upper layers of the epidermis. The formula includes ingredients such as coffee, charcoal, sea salt. With regular use, the scrub removes toxins from the subcutaneous layer, exfoliates dead skin particles, and adds elasticity and firmness.

    When applying the product with massage movements, blood circulation improves, cellular respiration is activated, and metabolic processes are restored.

    Brief information:

    • skin type – for any type;
    • texture – dry;
    • active ingredients – sunflower oil, mint oil;
    • area of ​​application – face, body;
    • cosmetic effect - smoothing wrinkles, exfoliating, cleansing.

    The peculiarity of the product is that the composition does not contain silicones, sulfates, or parabens.

    Cost – 378 rub.

    Levrana – face scrub (Coffee)

    The active formula is developed on the basis of a hydrophilic gel. Upon contact with wet skin, the product transforms into a milky, delicate texture. Small particles of coffee beans stimulate blood circulation in the upper layer of the epidermis. The active ingredients provide a drainage effect, eliminate signs of fatigue, and prevent premature aging of the skin.

    The cosmetic effect is provided by the properties of the components included in the composition:

    • nettle extract – evens out color, relieves inflammation;
    • sea ​​buckthorn extract – wide spectrum of action (anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic);
    • thyme extract – soothes the skin, softens, normalizes water balance;
    • Rapeseed oil – helps increase elasticity, restores regenerative processes.

    Brief information:

    • skin type – for any type;
    • texture - gel;
    • active substances – olive oil, coffee;
    • cosmetic effect - moisturizing, cleansing, exfoliating, giving skin elasticity.

    Cost – 320 rubles.

    ECO Laboratorie – face and body scrub Coffee & chocolate

    The product is called a panacea for beauty and youth. The effect is achieved thanks to the properties of components of natural origin. With regular use, skin dullness is eliminated, turgor and lymphatic drainage increase.

    Brief information:

    • skin type – for any type;
    • texture – dry;
    • area of ​​application – body, face;
    • active ingredients – coffee, cane sugar, cocoa mass, hazelnut oil, avocado oil, tocopherol;
    • effect – smoothes wrinkles, evens out color, enhances fat burning, provides intense nutrition and hydration, deep cleansing.

    Features of use: apply the composition to damp skin, massaging different areas of the body in turn. When used in a sauna and steam bath, the scrub is left on the skin for 10-20 minutes.

    Cost – 125 rubles.

    Banna – facial scrub (Facial Scrub Coffee)

    The exfoliating effect is provided by coffee bean extract. Regular use of the product prevents aging of the skin, increases elasticity and firmness. The result of the product’s work is noted after one peeling procedure, but the maximum benefit can be obtained from the scrub with a course of use.

    Brief information:

    • skin type – for any type;
    • texture – cream;
    • active ingredients – coffee beans, crushed nut peel, fatty acid ester, tocopherol;
    • cosmetic effect - increased elasticity, cleansing, exfoliation, smoothing of microrelief;
    • peculiarity of use - the product is distributed with massaging movements over damp skin, after 5 minutes the residue is washed off with warm water.

    Cost – 385 rubles.

    Fito cosmetics – coffee face scrub (Rejuvenating with peach oil and aloe vera)

    A delicate product based on coffee beans is suitable for those with sensitive skin. The exfoliating effect is provided by tiny coffee particles and fruit seed powder. Regular use of the composition starts metabolic and regenerative processes and restores water balance. Signs of irritation are eliminated and premature aging is prevented.

    Brief information:

    • skin type – for any type;
    • texture – cream;
    • active ingredients – aloe vera extract, coffee, hibiscus infusion, peach oil, apricot kernel powder;
    • effect – deep cleansing, intense moisturizing, color evening, exfoliation.

    Feature of use - the product is distributed over the skin with light massaging movements for 3-5 minutes. After 10 minutes of exposure, the residues are washed off with water.

    Cost – 51 rub.

    Indications and contraindications

    Like other cosmetic procedures, cleansing the epidermis with coffee has its own indications and contraindications. It is recommended to perform this procedure in the following cases:

    • for rejuvenation of mature, aging and wrinkled skin;
    • as a regular cleanser for any type of epidermis;
    • to improve the shade and give a matte appearance in case of an unhealthy complexion.

    There are several contraindications, in the presence of which scrubbing with a coffee-based composition is not recommended:

    • blood diseases;
    • dermatological diseases in the affected area;
    • individual intolerance and tendency to allergies;
    • sensitive, thin skin that is easily injured.

    Preparing for the peeling procedure

    You need to carefully approach the issue of choosing coffee for a cleansing procedure. The greatest benefit comes from natural fried finely ground product. It should not contain additional flavorings. Only in this case, during the procedure it is necessary to act as carefully as possible so as not to injure the skin with sharp edges.

    You can use coffee grounds as a base. In this case, the drink must be prepared without adding sugar or other aromatic or flavoring additives. There is no need to take a regular instant drink to prepare a scrub; it does not have any beneficial effect.

    If the grounds from a drunk drink are used as a peeling base, it is necessary to cool it to a warm state. This will prevent the possibility of burns.

    A scrubbing composition prepared from the dried grounds left over from a natural drink has a milder effect on the skin than a product made from ground grains. In this case, the abrasive particles have undergone heat treatment, which smoothes out sharp edges, and this composition no longer has a strong traumatic effect even on the most sensitive skin.

    After mixing the scrubbing mass, it must be checked for an allergic reaction. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of it on your wrist and, after washing it off after a few minutes, evaluate the result. If no rash or itching appears, the composition can be used for cleansing.

    You need to prepare the scrub in the amount required for a single use. The mass should not be stored, as it will lose most of its beneficial properties.

    Cleaning procedure

    Before starting cleansing, the skin of the face must be steamed. This will allow the pores to open better, and the result of the procedure will be more effective. In this way you can clean not only the skin of the face, but also the neck, décolleté, arms, hands and feet.

    The cleansing composition should be applied to the entire surface of the face, with the exception of the delicate area around the eyes and mouth. Movements should be smooth and light, the skin should be massaged in a circle. The exposure time depends on the mixture used:

    • If ground grains were used for mixing, then the effect of the scrubbing mass should not exceed 1 minute for each zone.
    • If the mass was prepared from coffee grounds, then its exposure time can be increased to 2 minutes.

    To wash off the peeling mass, it is necessary to use water purified with a household filter or left to stand for several hours. As an alternative, you can use mineral drinking non-carbonated water and herbal decoctions for washing.

    You can do coffee scrubbing 1 or 2 times a week.

    Scrub recipes

    The simplest way to cleanse your face is to apply the warm liquid left in the cup after drinking the drink and lightly massage the skin along the massage lines. After treating all areas of the face, the mixture should be washed off and the skin dried with a towel. Then it is recommended to apply a light moisturizer.

    If you have time, you can try a more complex composition by mixing several ingredients together. For coffee scrub use:

    • egg or honey as additional nutrition;
    • sour cream and vegetable oils for high-quality hydration;
    • sugar and salt for deep cleansing of pores.

    Coffee mixture recipes must be selected based on the existing problem and the type of skin.

    Moisturizing facial scrub with coffee

    This procedure is recommended for all skin types, except sensitive. It should be done weekly during the cold season. Coffee grounds stimulate regeneration processes in the skin, and natural vegetable oils qualitatively moisturize, nourish and revitalize the complexion.

    To prepare the mixture you will need:

    • 3 tbsp. l. coffee grounds or ground beans;
    • 1 tbsp. l. almond oil (can be replaced with wheat germ, grape seed or olive oil);
    • 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar.

    Preparation and use:

    1. Combine all ingredients and mix until smooth.
    2. Distribute the mixture over pre-steamed skin and rub in circular movements, moving along the massage lines.
    3. Leave the mixture on your face for another 10 minutes.
    4. Rinse off with purified cool water.

    Nutritious with the addition of sour cream

    This scrub is especially gentle, making it ideal for dry or sensitive skin. It does not cause discomfort or irritation. Exfoliation with a coffee-sour cream mixture is gentle and provides additional nutrition.

    Ingredients for coffee scrub:

    • 1 tsp. coffee grounds;
    • 1 tsp. fat sour cream;
    • 1 tsp. olive oils;

    Preparation and use:

    1. Combine all ingredients.
    2. Place the container in a steam bath and heat until a comfortable temperature is obtained.
    3. Distribute the warm mass over the face, moving along the massage lines.
    4. Leave to act for a quarter of an hour.
    5. Remove the remaining mass with settled water.

    Anti-acne with honey

    Coffee mixture with the addition of honey has antiseptic properties. Therefore, this scrub is recommended for oily and combination skin prone to acne. The cleansing procedure in this case has an anti-inflammatory effect, removes redness, dries out acne and prevents the appearance of new rashes.

    To prepare the scrub you will need:

    • 1 tablespoon of natural honey;
    • 1 tablespoon of coffee grounds or ground coffee beans;
    • 0.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
    • 0.5 teaspoon brown sugar.

    Preparation and use:

    1. Connect all components.
    2. Warm up in a water bath.
    3. If the mass is too thick, add a little alkaline mineral water.
    4. Walk along the massage lines, first distributing the mass over the face.
    5. Leave the product on your face for 15 minutes.
    6. Remove residues with purified water.

    For cleansing with clay, gelatin

    Natural cosmetic clay enhances the cleansing abilities of coffee mass. This procedure is suitable for normal and oily skin. Clay can be used blue, black or green.

    To prepare the scrub you will need:

    • 1 tsp. cosmetic clay;
    • 1 tsp. water;
    • 2 tsp. ground coffee or coffee grounds.

    Preparation and use:

    1. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
    2. Distribute the mixture over the skin and massage lightly.
    3. Rinse off immediately with purified water or after a quarter of an hour. In the latter case, the skin will become more matte.

    A gelatin mask perfectly cleanses pores and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The collagen contained in gelatin penetrates the skin, gives it elasticity and smoothness, and prevents loss of moisture and nutrients.

    To prepare the scrub mixture you will need:

    • 20 g gelatin powder;
    • some water;
    • 2 tbsp. l. coffee grounds.

    Preparation and use:

    1. Pour warm water over the gelatin so that the liquid covers it.
    2. When it swells, add coffee grounds.
    3. Apply the mixture to your face and massage a little.
    4. Leave as a mask for 30 minutes.
    5. Remove any residue by rinsing with warm water.

    Rules for applying masks

    Applying coffee masks is practically no different from the others:

    • use only freshly prepared products;
    • check the skin’s reaction to the components that make up the mask;
    • the skin must be prepared before applying the product;
    • You can apply the composition with a brush, or you can use your fingertips. Thin and delicate skin around the eyes should be treated especially carefully;
    • Start applying from top to bottom and preferably along massage lines.

    The picture shows the directions of the massage lines along which the mask should be applied

    After applying the product, it is better to sit in a chair or lie down, first placing a towel under your head.

    Important! If you feel discomfort after applying the mask, it is better to wash off the composition immediately.

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