Compatibility of alcohol with drugs

Who, if not pharmacists and pharmacists, should know that ethanol is a typical representative of monohydric alcohols, capable of entering into various chemical reactions. It interacts with alkali metals, magnesium, aluminum, carboxylic, inorganic acids and many other substances, including medicinal ones. According to some data, up to 25% of visits to the emergency room are associated with various adverse reactions between alcohol and drugs [1]. And it is quite natural that such widespread unfavorable events have become fertile ground for various speculations. On the eve of a series of holidays, it’s time to find answers to the most controversial questions about interactions between drugs and alcohol, as well as dispel the myths associated with it.

Thesis No. 1: Alcohol is incompatible with any antibiotics

Status: Myth

Indeed, a number of antimicrobial agents block acetaldehydrogenase, delaying the enzymatic biotransformation of ethanol at the stage of extremely toxic acetaldehyde. Its accumulation in the body contributes to the development of intoxication, which is accompanied by severe sensations. In fact, these drugs work in the same way as the famous disulfiram, used to treat alcohol addiction, which simply causes poisoning of the body. Its typical symptoms are difficulty breathing, tachycardia, nausea and vomiting, low blood pressure, fever or chills.

However, only a few antimicrobial drugs act in this way, in particular: cefamandole, cefoperazone, chloramphenicol, griseofulvin, isoniazid, metronidazole, ornidazole, nitrofurantoin and sulfamethoxazole.

All other antimicrobials do not have strict restrictions when combined with ethanol, but this does not mean that their combination helps to effectively fight infection.


  1. Nishi Katsuzou. Detoxification and renewal of the body [Text]: diets, vibrations, meditation / Katsuzo Nishi. – St. Petersburg: Vector, 2013. – 155, [1] p. : ill.; 21 cm.
  2. Damir, Elena Alimovna. Infusion-transfusion therapy in a surgical clinic [Text]: [Textbook. allowance] / E. A. Damir, Yu. N. Shanin, A. L. Kostyuchenko; Ministry of Health of the USSR. Center. Institute for advanced training of doctors. – Moscow: [b. i.], 1972. – 63 p.; 20 cm.
  3. Zaikovsky, Vitaly Viktorovich. Detoxification in acute ethanol poisoning, complicated by alcohol withdrawal syndrome or delirium delirium: dissertation ... candidate of medical sciences: 03.14.04 / Zaikovsky Vitaly Viktorovich; [Place of defense: Emergency Medical Research Institute]. – Moscow, 2011. – 152 p. : 6 ill.
  4. Issues of addiction. 2022. 2022, No. 8 (168). – 2022. – 106, [1] p. : table

Thesis No. 2: Alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are incompatible

Status: True

NSAIDs are one of the most popular painkillers. In the United States alone, this group accounts for 70 million prescriptions and 30 billion over-the-counter sales per year [2]. They are also used to relieve headaches due to alcohol intoxication. At the same time, most NSAIDs contribute to the development of gastropathy and increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Alcohol increases the severity of GI side effects of NSAIDs, increasing the risk of bleeding, which has been proven in clinical studies [3].

In addition, when acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and indomethacin are taken simultaneously with ethanol, the duration of bleeding increases - an indicator that reflects the elasticity of blood vessels and their ability to contract during injury [3]. This feature further increases the risk of bleeding. Therefore, when dispensing oral and parenteral NSAIDs during the New Year holidays, it would be a good idea to remind visitors about possible drug interactions with alcohol.


  1. What are the objectives of infusion-drip therapy?
  2. Is it possible to drink alcohol after a drip 2.1. What are the consequences of drinking alcohol after a drip?
  3. What steps should you take after IV drips?
  4. Is there a way to drink alcohol in moderation after an IV?

Treatment of chronic alcoholism brings a positive effect with an integrated approach .
One of the stages of the medical program is infusion-drop therapy. This method of intoxication of the body in modern narcology is used to quickly relieve binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, and to cleanse the body of ethanol breakdown products. Detoxification measures help to quickly and safely remove toxins and poisons from the blood and normalize a person’s condition before further medical procedures. Some patients are interested in whether it is possible to drink alcohol after IV drips. And although the answer to this question is obvious, we will try to substantiate the need to give up alcohol during detoxification measures.

Thesis #3: Alcohol should be avoided during treatment with antidepressants.

Status: True

It is not recommended to combine alcohol with all antidepressants, although the mechanism of drug-ethanol-drug interaction and the severity of the consequences vary. Thus, in combination with tricyclic blood pressure medications (amitriptyline, maprotiline), ethanol can contribute to hypersedation. It disrupts the metabolism of drugs of this group in the liver, which leads to an increase in their concentration in the blood. If, in addition, the alcohol consumer has a history of alcoholic liver disease, the risks increase even more, since in this case the breakdown of antidepressants slows down and, accordingly, their level in the bloodstream increases. Increasing the dose of tricyclic antidepressants in the blood, in turn, causes cardiac arrhythmias, convulsions, hallucinations and other severe consequences, including coma [3].

The combination of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and alcohol is much less dangerous. Drugs in this group generally have a higher safety profile than tricyclic antidepressants and are less likely to enter into drug interactions. However, despite the absence of documented reactions between them and ethanol, their use in combination is still not recommended. This is largely due to the fact that combining SSRIs with alcohol can exacerbate the disease [4]. In addition, it has been proven that when venlafaxine is combined with ethanol, memory and cognitive abilities may decrease [4].

What steps should you take after IV drips?

If the addict has already sought medical help for a detoxification course, this indicates an awareness of the problems with excessive alcohol consumption. It is very important not to stop after several droppers, when the acute manifestations are stopped. After all, this is just temporary relief, and complete victory over the “green serpent” is still far away.

Consultations with a narcologist, psychologist or psychotherapist will help you make the right decision. Only a specialist can determine at what stage of addiction the patient is and develop an optimal plan of medical support. The list of necessary measures for the full treatment of alcoholism, in addition to detoxification procedures, includes:

  • drug therapy for complications and concomitant diseases;
  • psychotherapeutic support, providing various methods of influence: individual and group sessions, self-analysis, hypnosis, creative and behavioral approaches;
  • coding using medication, hardware or combined methods;
  • physiotherapeutic sessions, massage, acupuncture;
  • rehabilitation and social adaptation.

The best option would be if a person spends the entire treatment period in the clinic under the close attention of medical personnel. In this case, the patient will not be able to put his thoughts into action about whether it is possible to drink alcohol after IV drips. If the patient spends the entire period in a hospital, and recovery takes place in a specialized center, then he simply will not have the opportunity to drink.

The addict is completely protected from external temptations; he will not be able to meet his former drinking buddies or buy alcohol. The combination of the healing process, feasible work with rest, sports and cultural events accelerates healing and a return to a sober life.

Thesis No. 4: If you have a headache from drinking alcohol, it is better to take paracetamol

Status: Myth

Paracetamol is metabolized by the CYP2E enzyme to form the hepatotoxic metabolite N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine. Normally, it is quickly inactivated by glutathione. When consuming alcoholic beverages, especially chronically, the activity of CYP2E1 increases, which leads to increased production of a toxic metabolite. In addition, during prolonged drinking, glutathione reserves are depleted, which is associated with the accumulation of a toxic metabolite in the blood and an increased risk of developing liver failure [5].

The likelihood of drug interactions between ethanol and paracetamol also increases when taking more than 4 grams of the drug per day. The American regulator FDA recommends that those who take more than 3 alcoholic units per day (remember, an alcoholic unit is 30 ml of 40% alcohol, 100 ml of wine or 250 ml of beer) consult a doctor before taking either paracetamol or over-the-counter analgesics [ 5]. During the New Year holidays, it is important for residents of the capital to draw the attention of consumers to the increased likelihood of hepatotoxic reactions when combining paracetamol and combination drugs containing it with alcohol.


Active components of the injection solution Combilipen:

  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride)
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin hydrochloride)
  • lidocaine hydrochloride
  • Vitamin 12

Excipients of the drug:

  • potassium hexacyanoferrate
  • sodium tripolyphosphate
  • purified water
  • benzyl alcohol

Active components of tablet form:

  • benfotiamine
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride
  • cyanocobalamin

Additional substances:

  • microcrystalline cellulose
  • carmellose sodium
  • Povidone K30
  • sucrose

Thesis No. 7: Alcohol should not be combined with certain antidiabetic drugs.

Status: True

In case of diabetes mellitus, drinking alcoholic beverages is generally extremely undesirable - this threatens a sharp drop in blood sugar levels and the development of hypoglycemia, which is associated with a violation of the release of carbohydrates stored in liver cells against the background of alcohol intoxication. The risks of hypoglycemia in diabetic patients who drink alcohol are further increased due to possible drug interactions between ethanol and some sulfonylureas, in particular glipizide [3].

Combining alcoholic beverages with the first-line drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, metformin, can lead to increased levels of lactic acid in the blood and the development of lactic acidosis. The likelihood of its occurrence increases with a low-calorie diet, poor nutrition and liver failure. Therefore, metformin is incompatible with alcohol in both alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing medications [3].

Insulin also interacts with ethanol. Alcohol can enhance or weaken the hypoglycemic effect of the drug, which can lead to the development of hypo- or hyperglycemia and, accordingly, worsening disease control [7].

Is there a way to drink alcohol in moderation after an IV?

Even when a person fully understands the gravity of his situation, he still often tries to find an excuse and a reason for drinking after infusion therapy. The main arguments sound like this:

  1. I'm not like that degraded type, I know how to control myself.
  2. Am I an alcoholic, because I’m not lying under the fence.
  3. I will be able to drink little by little so as not to go into binge drinking.
  4. I will only drink alcohol on weekends and holidays.

But these phrases in the mouth of an alcoholic are just words designed to justify his desire to return to drinking strong drinks. And even a small portion of an alcohol-containing product can again plunge a person into the whirlpool of continuous drunkenness. Because no matter how passionately the patient may want to drink moderately and civilly, he is unlikely to succeed.

Therefore, you should refrain from such an ill-considered step as drinking alcohol after an IV. If the craving for alcohol is irresistible, and you feel that you might relapse, then be sure to contact a specialist in a drug treatment clinic. Doctors will suggest the best solution to your problem and help you cope with your psychological and physical cravings for intoxicating drinks.

Thesis No. 8: If you have a hangover, you can take regular “cold powders”

Status: Myth

Anti-cold combination drugs contain several components, and at least two of them can interact with ethanol. Firstly, most drugs in this group contain paracetamol, sometimes in a dose of 1000 g. When it is combined with alcohol, the risk of hepatotoxic reactions increases. Secondly, many anti-cold combination drugs contain 1st generation antihistamine components. Alcohol can potentiate their depressant effect on the central nervous system, promoting the development of hypersedation and drowsiness [3]. Therefore, drugs from this group should not be recommended as remedies to relieve hangover symptoms.


  1. Alcohol-medication interactions. Alberta Health Services. – [Electronic resource] – URL: (Access date 12/09/2019).
  2. Alcohol-medication interactions. Alberta Health Services. – [Electronic resource] – URL: (Access date 12/09/2019).
  3. Green GA Understanding NSAIDs: from aspirin to COX-2 //Clinical cornerstone. 2001; 3 (5): 50–59.
  4. Weathermon R., Crabb DW Alcohol and medication interactions //Alcohol research. 1999; 23 (1): 40.
  5. Adams WL Interactions between alcohol and other drugs //International journal of the addictions. 1995; 30 (13–14): 1903–1923.
  6. Noureldin M. et al. Drug-alcohol interactions: a review of three therapeutic classes //US Pharm. 2010; 35 (11): 29–40.
  7. Moore AA, Whiteman EJ, Ward KT Risks of combined alcohol/medication use in older adults //The American journal of geriatric pharmacotherapy. 2007; 5 (1): 64–74.
  8. According to GRLS data as of December 12, 2019.

When are antibacterial medications needed?

This is one of the most extensive classes of drugs. In Russia alone, about 30 groups of various antimicrobial agents are used in clinical practice, and the total number of drugs (we are not talking about trade names, but about international names of active compounds) exceeds 200. Their mechanism of action is associated either with inhibition of growth and the further development cycle, or with the destruction of the pathogenic cell. Many have both effects depending on the dose taken.

The indication for use is a bacterial infection. They are prescribed only by a doctor, based on test results (ideally culture), medical history and course of the disease. On average, the duration of the course of use is from 5 to 7-10 days, in severe cases - up to 2 weeks, sometimes the drug is administered by injection during the first 2-3 days (usually in a hospital), then the patient is transferred to the tablet form.

The main condition for an effective therapeutic course is compliance with all doctor’s recommendations regarding dosage, duration and frequency of use - pills must be taken at equal intervals, preferably at the same time of day.

pharmachologic effect

The drug is a multivitamin complex, among the components there are several components:

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) provides the necessary amount of glucose to nerve cells. Glucose deficiency provokes deformation and enlargement of nerve cells, which causes disruption of their functions.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) is a direct participant in the metabolic processes of the central nervous system
  • Vitamin B 12 is involved in the combination of myelin, folic acid, nucleic acids

Overdose and its dangers

When using large dosages, the symptoms of the negative effects of the drug intensify.

Signs of overdose:

  • dizziness
  • tachycardia
  • allergic reaction
  • nausea, vomiting

If you have symptoms of overdose, you should:

  • perform gastric lavage
  • carry out symptomatic therapy
  • take activated charcoal


Psychotropic drugs for relieving anxiety and fear are a group of anxiolytics, most of which belong to the class of benzodiazepines. Drugs in this group have hypnotic, relaxing, sedative and anticonvulsant effects. The result of the simultaneous use of drugs along with alcoholic beverages is a sharp depression of the nervous system, which is manifested by severe intoxication, impaired coordination, and thought processes. Unexpected motor disturbances and respiratory arrest may occur.

Nasal drops

Swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of colds, which, together with a runny nose, leads to difficulty in normal breathing.

A symptomatic remedy to alleviate this condition is vasoconstrictor drops. Preparations of naphazoline and its analogues affect the walls of blood vessels, causing contraction of the muscle layer, thereby achieving the necessary effect of relieving swelling and improving breathing through the nose. Few patients think about the fact that such drugs are derivatives of adrenaline; they act in the body like this adrenal hormone. Ethyl alcohol also affects the secretion of stress hormones as an adrenergic agonist, so the combination of these substances in the body can be fatal. The main symptoms of an overdose are increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, emotional swings, and aggression.

Is it possible to take small doses after stopping binge drinking?

Most people suffering from chronic alcoholism are confident that if they are helped to get out of a drunken state, they will be able to further control themselves and drink “like everyone else” without problems. This is one of the most common and insidious false beliefs.

Alcohol addiction has the ability to paralyze the human will and adequate assessment of the situation. Over time, alcoholics completely lose the ability to self-control and control the amount of alcohol they take.

Even a small portion causes compulsive (uncontrollable) cravings. In this case, the person immediately forgets all his promises and loses his sober disposition. Craving paralyzes any willpower, any character.

The presence of chronic alcoholism is always a contraindication for taking any dose of an alcohol-containing product. Only absolute sobriety makes it possible to live a normal and fulfilling life. Even if 10-20 or more years pass, the roots of the disease will remain. And if a former alcoholic touches alcohol, the disease will quickly return in its entirety. And this will happen in a matter of days, and sometimes hours.

Drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Histamine H2 receptor blockers, such as cimetidine, ranitidine or famotidine, reduce the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract. This leads to rapid absorption of alcohol and increased effects. It is important to remember that if you have gastritis or peptic ulcers, drinking alcohol is absolutely contraindicated. Violation of the ban can lead to the formation of ulcerative defects in the gastric mucosa.

Another group of medications that are prescribed to improve gastrointestinal motility, bile secretion and other processes for digesting food are antispasmodics. The well-known “No-shpa” and its analogues relax the muscles of the internal organs. Ethanol potentiates the effect of the drug, causing stronger muscle relaxation effects, which makes it difficult to choose a safe dose of the antispasmodic.

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Reviews from our clients

Called a doctor to your home

Finally, I got around to writing a review about the Botkinsky clinic.
I didn’t have much time to choose a clinic, because the situation with my husband was critical... But I was very lucky that the first clinic that... I came across on the Internet was the Botkinsky clinic. I chose it based on location, since the main clinic is located not far from our house. The brigade was with us literally 10 minutes after the call. They are very calm, friendly, responsive people and understand such problems. They quickly brought my husband back to his senses, left him some medications and gave him recommendations. I didn’t expect it, but my husband listened to them. They probably have some special gift of persuasion, which I miss so much with him... Read more “They called a doctor to the house” Ekaterina

Thanks to the Botkinsky Clinic

Last month, a team was called to the house, the husband could not come out of his drinking bout on his own, and it was difficult to get him to the clinic.
I didn’t know what to do, I just gave up... I was lucky that the doctors... arrived very quickly and did everything right. I myself would not have found a way out of this situation. And I didn’t want to attract the attention of strangers. By the way, and importantly, doctors arrive in ordinary clothes, in an ordinary car, so now you don’t have to blush in front of your neighbors... The main thing is that such situations do not happen again. I recommend the Botkinsky clinic to everyone! Read more “Thank you to the Botkinsky clinic” Raisa

Help in quitting smoking

I didn’t think that I would ever go to a clinic to get rid of nicotine addiction.
For some reason it seemed like something frivolous. But serious health problems began, and smoking was completely undesirable. But I myself...couldn’t quit. As a result, at the Botkinsky clinic they gave me an intravenous injection. This method really works! Thank you very much to the clinic! Now my health situation has improved significantly. Largely thanks to you! Read more “Help in quitting smoking” Alexey

Thanks to the doctors

I myself quit smoking several times, but then started again... And so on in a circle.
I couldn't cope with this problem myself. My wife found the Botkinsky clinic and says that according to the description on the website... they help me quit smoking. I decided to apply. Two weeks later I quit smoking completely. Two months have already passed, and I don’t feel like it at all. So I decided to write a review and thank you. You really work at a high level! Read more “Thank you to the doctors” Andrey

Thank you

I quit smoking thanks to the doctors at your clinic.
I was afraid that I would gain weight when I quit, so I put it off for a long time and prepared myself! In fact, everything turned out to be not so scary. Now my weight is normal... and my health is much better. It was difficult at first, but it's worth it. The doctors at the clinic are professionals in their field. They treat each patient with understanding and respect, and sincerely want to help each patient. Read more “Thank you!” Galina

Thank you! Finally I quit smoking!!!

When I was young, I became addicted to cigarettes... I lacked consideration.
Without even noticing, I started smoking more and more. And then I noticed that I was starting to look worse. I wanted to fix this. And how?... I quit smoking, some kind of withdrawal began, I started eating it all... In the end, the situation was also so-so. On advice, I contacted the Botkinsky clinic. Now I can advise everyone. Of course, with great willpower it is possible to do this on your own. But if you go to the clinic, everything will happen much faster. Trust my experience! Read more “Thank you! I finally quit smoking!!!” Maria

Thanks for the help

Many thanks to all the clinic staff for the treatment and procedures!
I didn’t get treatment myself, my dad did. In this hospital, professionalism is combined with humanity, the conditions for patients are very pleasant and comfortable! … />Thank you! Read more “Gratitude for your help” Zoya

Thanks for helping my daughter

Through my own example, I was convinced that only a clinic can help in treating a teenager for drug addiction.
Moreover, in a clinic of such a level as Botkinsky. I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through what… we went through. But thanks to the timely help of doctors, I hope these problems will forever remain a thing of the past. In addition to treatment, we also underwent a long course of rehabilitation. I would like to say a special thank you to the psychologists who work at the highest professional level. Continue reading “Thank you for helping my daughter” Elena

Gratitude to the Botkinsky Clinic

I would really like to thank the team at the Botkinsky Clinic for their high level of professionalism and well-coordinated work.
The clinic staff is very delicate, careful, but at the same time efficient, everything is done masterfully. This combination doesn't happen... all that often. Special thanks to psychologists. And... the cooks get very tasty food! Read more “Gratitude to the Botkinsky Clinic” Nikolay M.

The best clinic

I don’t hide the fact that I was treated at the clinic.
What I would like to note. Cleanliness, order. Friendliness, delicious food!!! A special sincere THANK YOU to my doctors. They are the best! I have never met such an attitude towards myself!!! Alexander M.

Many thanks to the doctors of the clinic

I would like to say a huge thank you to the doctors at the Botkinsky Clinic for helping my husband.
They say that you can’t stop drinking, that it needs to be treated... And this is really true. The husband was in the clinic for 6 days... coding was carried out. I can say that he returned home a completely different person. The conditions for recovery in the clinic are as comfortable as possible. Moreover, what is important, relatives can always be in touch, they are always aware of the condition of their loved one. Thanks to the whole team! I hope that the treatment results will last for all patients. Read more “Many thanks to the doctors of the clinic” Natalya

I thank the doctors of the clinic

I am a graduate of your wonderful place. I underwent various auxiliary procedures - IVs, electrosleep, yoga, massage, etc. I thank my attending physician, as well as my irreplaceable psychologist. It’s especially good to come to your senses... groups helped me, where everyone talks about themselves without affecting the personality of others. The experience of people with the same problem as you saves you from many pitfalls and problems. Thanks to the clinic for organizing these groups, I hope that I can continue to attend them! Continue reading “I thank the doctors of the clinic” Anna

Huge gratitude!!!

It's great that there is such an opportunity.
To undergo treatment in a place where they care about you, where you feel, truly feel cared for... Thank God! And many thanks to the doctors and nurses of the Botkinsky clinic... for real help in getting rid of drug addiction. Continue reading “Much gratitude!!!” Anton

Low bow to the doctors

Many thanks from a patient brought back to life.
Doctors are honest, kind, hardworking, treat patients warmly, and charge them with their positivity. Here they actually help people get back on their feet... start a new life. May everything be fine with you all!!! Continue reading “A low bow to the doctors” Sasha

Thank you for efficiency

They called a narcologist to the house.
For dad to get him out of a long drinking binge. There was no longer any strength to endure, and he himself would not have been able to get there, everything was so bad. The doctor arrived... very quickly. As far as I remember, not even half an hour had passed. He explained everything correctly, put in an IV, left recommendations, and prescribed medicine. The next day dad was already in service. Thanks to the Botkinsky clinic! Read more “Thank you for your promptness” Anastasia

Help with panic attacks

I went to the Botkinsky clinic with a terrible problem that had been tormenting me for about a year... I no longer hoped for anything.
And the anxiety kept growing. But the clinic helped me. There are amazing... psychologists who work here, masters of their craft. I was also surprised by how tasty the food is here. It felt like you were not in a rehabilitation center, but in an expensive restaurant. Read more “Help for panic attacks” Natalya

Quit smoking quickly

It was very important for me to quit smoking quickly because my wife and I were expecting a baby.
I decided to quit smoking once and for all. Thanks to the Botkinsky clinic, I was able to do this... in the shortest possible time. The doctors selected a treatment regimen that was right for me. In general, the clinic treats every patient with great attention and care! You can feel it from the first visit! Thank you all very much! This is a great achievement for me! Read more “Quickly quit smoking” Valery

Thanks for the transfer!

We chose a clinic that has a transfer service to the clinic.
We don’t have our own car, it was extremely difficult to get there ourselves. Moreover, I was on nerves, I didn’t know what to do, I was crying... Even when talking on the phone, they calmed me down, I somehow believed that the situation could be corrected. And so it turned out. After the call, 15 minutes passed, the brigade was with us. The husband was taken to the clinic, two days later he was completely fine. Thank you, thank you so much!.. Read more “Thank you for the transfer!” Maria

Quit smoking!!!

I contacted the Botkinsky clinic for help in quitting smoking!
Helped! The most difficult moment in the whole treatment was the withdrawal when I quit. I tried it myself several times, but it didn’t work. He broke down and started... again. The clinic employs competent specialists, they know very well what needs to be done in such cases. Now I am a free person from this terrible addiction! I wish the same for everyone else! Don't hesitate to ask for help. Health is much more important! Read more “Quit smoking!!!” Konstantin

Help at home

I realized that it was time to pull myself together and stop drinking, but I didn’t have any strength to do it on my own.
I decided to call a doctor to my home to start home treatment. I chose the Botkinsky clinic, I heard... good reviews about this clinic. I don’t regret it, I recommend it to everyone. It turns out that home treatment can be no worse than hospital treatment if you go to a good clinic! Read more “Help at home” Oleg

Thank you

I don’t hide the fact that I have visited similar establishments several times... At the Botkinsky clinic you immediately notice the cleanliness and order.
And then it’s impossible not to notice the friendliness of the doctors and nurses, and then -... the food!!! In general, everything is friendly, neat and tasty. Read more “Thank you” Peter

Thanks a lot

Thank you very much to the Botkinsky clinic, we were really able to understand that this is a professional and competent team.
Dad is alone in a double room. He was brought into complete order. The nurses and orderlies are attentive and... friendly. Of course, there is still a lot of work ahead, because he is physically very weak now, but a physiotherapist is personally working with him, so we really hope that the treatment will be effective. Read more “Thank you very much” Anna

You have the gift of persuasion!..

My husband and I never thought that we would face such a problem... It’s scary to even write about it.
Our son fell into bad company and became addicted to drugs. It didn’t immediately become obvious... he carefully covered his tracks. But then money and other things started disappearing from our apartment... It became clear that he had big problems. Several times he felt bad, they called an ambulance... They didn’t know what to do. He did not give in to our persuasion. We were looking for a solution to the problem. We found information on the website of the Botkinsky clinic that doctors are providing motivation to get rid of addiction, we called a doctor to the house so that the hospital conditions would not frighten our son... We hope that he will undergo further treatment, since after a conversation with the doctor he developed a persistent desire to get well, to be cured. Thank you for helping our child... Read more “You have the gift of persuasion!..” Maria

Treatment in the clinic

I’ve been planning to write a review for a long time, but I kept putting it off.
At the beginning of August 2022, I ended up in the Botkinsky drug treatment clinic in serious condition. At that time I had acute psychosis. I was... in the clinic for a month. And in one month everything disappeared!!! For me it was a miracle, although in fact all this was thanks to the experienced psychologists of the clinic. I also want to say that the treatment consisted not only in relieving the acute condition, but also in searching for the causes. Therefore, now I can control my condition. This is a big help. Thank you! I can recommend the clinic to my friends. Read more “Treatment in the clinic” Elena

Best clinic

I think this is the best clinic of its kind.
So I'm lucky! To be more specific, I was impressed by the professionalism of the doctors and all the staff. Absolutely everyone, not only doctors, but... cleaners and cooks. Next - modern, high-quality equipment and, in general, the most comfortable conditions for those who are there. Next are interestingly organized sessions for patients. I never got bored there! The only thing I was missing was a yard for walking. It would be great to walk there. Read more “The best clinic” Alexander

Review of treatment at the clinic

Good afternoon, I was treated at your wonderful institution.
I went through a lot of procedures. These include IVs, electrosleep, massage... A lot of things. I thank my attending physician and psychologist, they really... helped me fight the disease, supported me, and were very soft and affectionate. Psychotherapeutic groups especially helped me come to my senses, where everyone said what they could or wanted about themselves. The experience of people with the same problem as you can really help, because you begin to think that you are not alone, other people cope. And you can help them with your word and your own example. I would like to visit my group further, I hope this will be possible. Read more “Review of treatment at the clinic” Raisa

Review. Gratitude

At the clinic I met wonderful doctors - kind, fair, caring.
And most importantly, they respect their patients... It’s rare to come across something like this. Moreover, the people who end up in the clinic are different... But these are people, each has their own problem, each has their own story... And here they treat this with understanding. I asked a lot of questions and got answers to everything. A smile, like the sun, gives light and hope. Now I want to live and help others, just as they helped me. There are so many interesting things in the world. It's really not worth drinking. Read more “Review. Gratitude" Viktor Yurievich

Well done!

I would like to say a special thank you to our chefs!
I think that not all expensive restaurants serve such delicious food! Well done!!! Keep it up! My admiration! You will be greatly missed! Alexei

Thank you for bringing me back to life...

During the treatment, I realized that I need to start with myself.
Relationships at work, relationships with mom are an important part of life. I was very upset about these reasons, quarreled, tried to prove... that I was right. Once I got to the clinic and talked with other patients and doctors, I realized that the most important thing for me at the moment is to calm down, reconsider my life, my rules, listen to myself, and learn to hear other people. Thank you very much! Treatment at the Botkinsky clinic was the beginning of a new life for me... Read more “Thank you for bringing me back to life...” Tatiana S.

You are super!

I would like to say thank you for your good attitude, help, and high level of professionalism.
You are super! True masters of their craft! There are few of them. Now I have a calm life. And this is only thanks to your... efforts. Read more “You are super!” Natalia

Thanks a lot!

Good afternoon, I was treated at the clinic for 3 weeks.
I ended up there with acute neurosis. I would like to leave a review about working in the therapeutic group that I joined at the clinic. This is a place... where people share experiences and problems... I had the feeling that I was in touch with the problems of the rest of the group members, and they, on the contrary, empathized with me... This method really works, now I feel more confident, needed, protected from problems. This helps me fight further. I plan to attend the group regularly. Read more “Thank you very much!” Henry

Gratitude to the clinic staff

I would like to express my gratitude to the clinic staff!
Thank you very much to my attending physicians for their individual approach, for their care and real desire to help! I especially want to thank the psychologists, the group classes were very interesting and... useful. Thank you very much to all the orderlies and nurses for your help, for your politeness, for your equal treatment. My plans are to continue visiting the group; I want to consolidate the results of therapy. You make the world healthy, which means happy!!! Read more “Gratitude to the clinic staff” Oleg

Thanks a lot!!!

I am very pleased with the treatment at the clinic in general, but I would like to express special gratitude to the cooks and orderlies.
I couldn’t even hope that everything would be so tasty and neat. Bow to the administration!...And bonuses to the cooks and orderlies. Everyone without exception!!! They do their job very well. I saw it with my own eyes. Read more “Thank you very much!!!” Alexei

I recommend to everyone

I recommend everyone who needs it to visit the clinic!
Thanks to my stay here, I was able to remember that I am a HUMAN, I became calmer and more confident in myself. The doctors helped me... understand from what moment everything went WRONG. And only after understanding where this moment was, I was able to begin to climb out. It is difficult and painful, but it is necessary to continue a NORMAL life. I think that the help at the Botkinsky clinic is simply colossal! Read more “I recommend it to everyone” Pavel

Amazing clinic

The clinic is amazing!
I can say with confidence! Many thanks to psychologists and massage therapists! They are excellent specialists, they try very hard to understand the essence of the problem, they really try to help all patients! But we all... know that a kind-hearted attitude and understanding gives strength like nothing else... This is the only way to defeat the terrible disease that is drug addiction. Read more “Amazing clinic” Victor

Gratitude to the clinic

I, S******* Anastasia, really want to express my gratitude to my attending physicians for their competent treatment, caring, attentive attitude.
I especially want to thank our psychologists for their kind attitude towards people and sensitivity. They find an approach to everyone, and people involuntarily open up and solve their internal problems. They talked to me alone for 2–2.5 hours beforehand, everything was interesting, in my head one thing was connected to the other. Thank you... Thanks to the chefs for the reusable and varied menu. Thanks to the orderlies for the perfect cleanliness of the hospital and for serving the patients. This is an incredibly important factor. Thank you girls! I wish you all great happiness. Mutual understanding with loved ones and at work. I wish you to strengthen yourself and dare, because your work is so hard, but important! Read more “Gratitude to the clinic” S******* Anastasia

Huge help

I was admitted to the clinic at the end of April with intensified attacks of PA against the background of the treatment proposed by the neurologist.
At that time, I could neither sleep nor eat for two weeks. But... as soon as I got to the clinic, I felt calmer, literally from the first minutes. Thank you very much to the doctors for your patience, understanding and prescribing the right medications. All the staff were friendly, it was not scary at all, there were no unpleasant sensations at all. But the biggest thanks go to psychologists. It’s surprising to me that other people can figure out exactly what’s happening to you, and most importantly, they can tell you what to do. Thank you! Read more “Huge help” Nastya

Treatment at the Botkinsky Clinic

I spent three weeks in the clinic on the third floor.
The hospital staff is professional and friendly, thank you to everyone. It would be like being in a sanatorium if it weren’t for the IVs, injections and pills. I hope... that now I can handle everything. Read more “Treatment at the Botkinsky Clinic” Alexander

Thanks to the doctors and nurses of the Botkinsky Clinic

Good day!
I would like to say thank you to the doctors and nurses of the Botkinsky Clinic. The workers are neat and responsible, they carry out all procedures on time and carefully. They always suggest what the patient needs. Good luck, my dears! Read more “Thank you to the doctors and nurses of the Botkinsky Clinic” Valery

Review of treatment

I just got around to writing a review.
I was in the hospital five months ago. I couldn't stop drinking. During 14 days in the clinic, I realized how much I was mistaken about my alcoholism, how much I... did not recognize my problem! It turned out that I had a long path of treatment ahead of me... But I happily took this path, because this is the path to salvation. The clinic is cozy, clean, the food is very tasty, just like at home. The atmosphere is generally friendly. I remember you with great warmth and respect... Read more “Review of treatment” Galina

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