Lemon for blackheads: 7 proven recipes describing how to remove open comedones

There are different options for getting rid of blackheads (open comedones). Beauty salons offer cleansing and peeling, but they are expensive and the results last no longer than 2-3 weeks. Store-bought cosmetics are not always effective.

Lemon for blackheads is used as an alternative to salon procedures and expensive cosmetics. It cleanses pores, removes sebaceous plugs, whitens and evens out the complexion, and has anti-inflammatory properties. With the help of simple and affordable citrus-based recipes, you can get rid of comedones without going to a cosmetologist.

Why do you need deep skin cleansing?

Human skin is the most important barrier and protection of the entire body from external negative influences from the environment.

  • In winter, the skin suffers from dehydration, because... Less sebum is produced, the air is dry. The skin becomes dull, tight and even flaking.
  • In summer , the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands is activated, and the sun's rays are actively exposed. The risk of comedones and inflammatory acne rashes increases.
  • Residents of megacities receive an increased dose of toxins and skin pollutants from the surrounding air.

The skin reacts to stress, lack of sleep, temperature changes and any ailment.

Deep skin cleansing is designed to rid the skin of impurities and toxins, eliminate hyperkeratosis (skin reaction to adverse factors) and, if necessary, clear the pores of comedones.

Daily cleansing does not cope with these tasks; moreover, deep cleansing cannot be performed daily, because... affects skin barriers.

Selection and preparation of ingredients

Stores often sell unnatural honey, but it’s not always possible to buy high-quality products “from hand,” so you need to approach the process of choosing a component responsibly .

It can only be stored from -5 to +50 degrees; at lower and higher temperatures, the product loses its beneficial properties and will not be able to remove blackheads.

Lemons need to be chosen juicy, with smooth and elastic peel, but slight porosity of the fruit is allowed (but without damage!).

Types of skin cleansing

Superficial cleansing is cleansing using regular cleansers: gel, milk, micellar water, etc. Their goal is to remove makeup from the surface of the skin and dissolve and remove surface impurities and fatty films.

Therapeutic cleansing is skin cleansing, which is performed once every 1-3 days and is aimed at correcting a specific skin problem. For example, keeping pores clean, preventing the development of acne, etc.

Deep cleansing – performed 1-2 times a week and is aimed at:

  • Elimination of dead scales lingering on the surface of the skin and containing external toxins and impurities;
  • Dissolving comedones and cleansing pores of sebaceous plugs;

How does lemon work on blackheads?

Lemon effectively cleanses the skin of blackheads Lemon from blackheads on the nose and other parts of the body is an effective remedy that allows you to cope with skin defects without the use of cosmetics. The product has properties unique to the skin:

  • dries;
  • whitens and evens out complexion tone;
  • regulates acid-base balance;
  • strengthens local immunity;
  • tightens pores;
  • normalizes sebum production;
  • eliminates pathogenic microbes;
  • nourishes with vitamins and minerals.

These qualities of lemon for blackheads on the face are possible due to the presence of a large amount of vitamin C and other beneficial compounds in it. Together, these substances make lemon indispensable for acne and blackheads.

Products for deep cleansing facial skin at home

Products for deep self-cleaning of the skin contain acids and/or kaolin.


DermaKlia mask for problem skin DermaQuest is designed to weekly cleanse the skin and eliminate harmful particles that linger in the surface layers of the skin and are not washed off with conventional cleansers.

Double action of the mask:

  • kaolin 20% - absorbs impurities from the surface of the skin and from inside the pores;
  • salicylic acid 5% - delicately exfoliates and removes all impurities both from the surface of the skin and inside the pores;

Cleansing milk with glycolic acid and peptides - designed for deep cleansing of aging skin. Effectively cleanses and saturates the skin with rejuvenating peptides. Use once a week as a mask for 5-7 minutes.

The DermaQuest pumpkin mask has the status of a home peel and is performed once a week. Dissolves impurities, horny layers, comedones.

Designed for deep cleansing and keeping oily/combination/problem skin clean and well-groomed.

Rules for applying face masks

When using masks, several contraindications should be taken into account.

Lemon juice has a bad effect on skin affected by wounds, purulent inflammations and rosacea, and honey should be used carefully for diabetes.

In order for products to give all their benefits to your skin, you need to apply them, focusing on certain rules:

  • The skin is well cleansed and steamed. To do this, you can take a steam bath or just take a bath;
  • for dry skin, before using a mask with lemon juice, apply a thin layer of rich cream;
  • distribute the product more effectively with a brush, so it will penetrate the skin better;
  • You can keep the mask with lemon for a maximum of 25-30 minutes; the drier the skin, the shorter the procedure lasts;
  • After completion, wash with cool water and apply nourishing cream.


The fruit has significant benefits that are used to treat acne. It can be included in the daily diet and combined with external use for whitening, eliminating acne and post-acne.

The positive effects of the fruit are associated with drying out acne, reducing pore size, evening out skin tone and launching skin regeneration processes. However, you should also be aware of the undesirable effects that the use of the fruit may cause.

If you have sensitive skin, undesirable effects may occur. The most common side effects include:

  • local redness of the skin;
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations (burning or itching);
  • development of rashes.

Attention! To prevent the occurrence of undesirable reactions, it is necessary to first conduct a simple test to determine hypersensitivity.

Contraindications are due to the fact that the product can cause severe irritation. This indicates the need for careful use of fruit-based masks and lotions.

The use of lemon juice for acne is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • the appearance of allergic reactions;
  • the presence of inflammation or stomach ulcers (for internal use).

Important! Using the fruit on dark skin may cause spots to appear on the face.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists note that it is not advisable to use the product externally if there is skin damage. Penetration of lemon juice into fresh wounds can cause discomfort. For dry skin, it is advisable to add lemon juice to creams and lotions.

A selection of 11 recipes

You can make many skin-healthy products using lemon. But when choosing a recipe, you need to carefully study its composition and the effect that this product provides.

For whiteness of the face

Characteristic. A whitening face mask with lemon is a remedy that allows you to get the “porcelain” skin that all young ladies with freckles dream of. The mask will lighten pigment spots and provide an even tone.


  • lemon juice - one large spoon;
  • parsley juice - one teaspoon;
  • kefir - two large spoons;
  • white clay - one large spoon.

Cooking process

  1. Juice is squeezed out of fresh citrus.
  2. It is added to clay.
  3. Next, parsley juice is injected into the mask and kefir is poured in.

From stains

Characteristic. A lemon-based whitening mask will help even out skin tone, get rid of age spots on the face, and lighten freckles. The product can be used for both dry and oily skin.


  • yogurt (without additives) - two large spoons;
  • lemon juice - one teaspoon;
  • parsley (finely chopped) - two large spoons;
  • oat bran - half a large spoon.

Cooking process

  1. Yogurt is diluted with lemon juice.
  2. Fresh chopped parsley is added to the mixture.
  3. Add oat bran and knead the mask well.

For peeling

Characteristic. To soothe dry skin and provide it with high-quality hydration, a mask containing sour cream is recommended. This product will provide easy lightening of the skin.


  • cottage cheese (fat) - one large spoon;
  • sour cream (20%) - one large spoon;
  • olive oil - one large spoon;
  • lemon juice - one teaspoon;
  • salt - 3 g.

Cooking process

  1. The cottage cheese is thoroughly ground.
  2. The product is combined with sour cream and kneaded well.
  3. Olive oil is slightly heated and added to the curd mixture.
  4. Add salt and lemon juice to the mask.

Deep cleansing

Characteristic. To eliminate dead cells and deeply cleanse pores, use a mask combining lemon, egg white and sea salt. But this product is only suitable for oily skin.


  • egg white - one;
  • lemon juice - three teaspoons;
  • sea ​​salt - a pinch.

Cooking process

  1. The whites are whipped into foam.
  2. Salt is introduced into the air mass and juice is poured.
  3. The mask is carefully kneaded.
  4. It is recommended to wash off the product with chamomile decoction.

For acne

Characteristic. The combination of lemon and soda has great cleansing power. This mask disinfects, reduces inflammation, and protects against the development of new rashes. This remedy will even get rid of large accumulations of pimples and blackheads.


  • lemon juice - two teaspoons;
  • orange juice - one teaspoon;
  • soda - one teaspoon.

Cooking process

  1. Mix both fresh juices.
  2. Add baking soda to the liquid.
  3. Rinse your face after a ten-minute procedure only with cool water.

Video on the topic: Face whitening with honey and lemon from Beauty Ksu

For comedones

Characteristic. This mask is recognized as an effective remedy for getting rid of blackheads on the skin. A product based on shaving foam not only allows you to thoroughly cleanse your face, but also prevents the reappearance of comedones. The mask narrows pores, eliminates oiliness and gives the face natural elasticity.


  • shaving foam (cream) - one teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - two teaspoons;
  • hydrogen peroxide - one teaspoon;
  • sea ​​salt - one teaspoon.

Cooking process

  1. Foam is released into a glass container.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide is added to it and juice is poured. Stir.
  3. Pour sea salt (preferably pre-crushed) into the mixture and knead the mask.

It is recommended to apply a mask against comedones after steaming your face. For this procedure, it is best to use herbal decoctions. Examples such as chamomile and sage are suitable.

For wrinkles

Characteristic. A mixture containing honey and lemon will help tired and aging skin. It will provide light refreshment, make the epidermis smooth, smooth out wrinkles and make the face glow.


  • lemon pulp - one large spoon;
  • white wine (necessarily dry) - two and a half large spoons;
  • almonds - 10-12 pieces;
  • honey - one teaspoon;
  • sugar - one dessert spoon.

Cooking process

  1. Crushed citrus pulp is added to natural wine.
  2. Almonds are pre-ground. It is mixed with honey.
  3. Sweet nougat is added to the wine-lemon liquid.
  4. Add sugar and mix the mask thoroughly.
  5. Be sure to infuse the product for about a quarter of an hour and only then apply it to the face.

For lifting

Characteristic. To tighten the oval of the face, make the skin more elastic and firm, a mask containing lemon juice and egg white is recommended. It is better not to use this type of lifting for people with dry skin, as the protein makes the face very tight. As a result, it can provoke increased peeling.


  • white - one egg;
  • honey - one large spoon;
  • lemon juice - two large spoons;
  • orange ether - three drops.

Cooking process

  1. Initially, the whites are whipped.
  2. Add lemon juice to the thick foam.
  3. Add honey and add essential oil.

Orange ether can be replaced with jojoba, lavender, chamomile or grape seed oil. All these esters combine well with honey, lemon and protein.


Characteristic. To improve the appearance of tired skin, cosmetologists advise using a mask of eggs and sour juice. This combination will narrow the pores, provide the skin with tenderness, and nourish it with vitamins. Already after the first procedure, the tone of the dermis improves significantly.


  • lemon juice - one large spoon;
  • egg - one;
  • sour cream - two teaspoons.

Cooking process

  1. Beat the egg with a whisk.
  2. Sour juice is poured into it and sour cream is added, continuing to knead.
  3. After the mask, it is recommended to wipe your face with black tea.


Characteristic. The product includes only two components, but allows you to soften your face and provide it with a healthy appearance. This mask can be used to eliminate acne marks and cleanse the skin of bacteria.


  • olive oil - two tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - two tablespoons.

Cooking process

  1. Both liquids are mixed in a glass container.
  2. Applying such a mask, in the absence of discomfort, is allowed for 20 minutes.
  3. Finally, contrasting water treatments for the face are recommended.

Video on the topic Anti-wrinkle mask with starch and lemon from Beauty Ksu

Deep peeling

Characteristic. To achieve deep cleansing of the skin, eliminate acne, cure inflammation, you can resort to a face mask with citric acid and sour cream. But applying such a mixture to wounds or purulent rashes is strictly prohibited.


  • citric acid - half a teaspoon;
  • sour cream - two tablespoons;
  • salt - one teaspoon.

Cooking process

  1. Citric acid is poured into sour cream.
  2. Next add salt.
  3. The mask is thoroughly kneaded until a paste is formed.
  4. When applying the product to problem areas, it is recommended to lightly massage your face.

A lemon face mask will help hide all the “symptoms” of a sleepless night in the morning. To do this, just dilute lemon juice in equal proportions with water. After moistening a napkin in such a liquid, it is applied to the face for literally five minutes. And in order to always have such an “ambulance” at hand, it is recommended to freeze diluted lemon juice and use cosmetic ice as needed.

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