Hyaluronic acid: what are the benefits and where is it found?

How to use hyaluronic acid at home

Procedures and cosmetics can be quite expensive, so many women resort to using homemade cosmetics. To do this, you will need to purchase sodium hyaluronate powder at the pharmacy and prepare a solution for external use.

To do this, you need to dilute 2 g of the active substance in 30 ml of warm drinking water. leave to infuse for 40-60 minutes. The finished solution can be used as a cream. It should be applied to previously cleansed skin. Apply any other anti-aging product of similar effect on top.

Definition of the concept

1934 - German biochemist Karl Mayer first isolated acid from the vitreous humor of the bull's eye. In subsequent years, scientists discovered it in all tissues of the human body. Hyaluronic acid should not be confused with other types of acids (pyruvic, glycolic), because it does not have dissolving or exfoliating properties and is not used in peelings. The name of the substance is associated with scientific research.

The appearance of the skin, elasticity, turgor are determined by the state of the intercellular substance (cellular “filler”), which contains proteins, mucopolysaccharides and metabolic processes.
Hyaluronic acid (from the Greek “hyalos” - glassy, ​​“uronicacid” - uronic acid) is a type of natural polysaccharide that is found in biological structures and normalizes the functioning of the intercellular matrix. It is a jelly-like substance to retain and preserve moisture. Hyaluronate has regenerating and general stimulating properties, due to which it is used in medicine to moisturize and restore the skin. Hyaluronic acid can often be found in contact lens solutions: it helps maintain the moisture level natural to the human eye.

Features of cosmetic products

For topical application, hyaluronic acid is found in creams, masks, lotions, and serums for the face and body.

External products superficially moisturize the skin, protect against adverse environmental factors, prevent premature aging and maintain results after cosmetic procedures.

Specifics of nutraceuticals

Dietary supplements are used regularly and in courses. The products are available in the form of tablets, capsules or drinks.

To maintain the required amount of hyaluronic acid in the body and general health, the daily dosage when taking medications is no more than 150 mcg.

Properties of products for home use

When choosing cosmetics, pay attention not only to the molecular weight of the substance, but also to the release form, since they all perform different roles and functions and complement each other.

  • Creams - create a protective film on the surface, moisturize the skin and complete the care. The composition includes emulsifiers - special components for a thick, viscous consistency and to hold the cream on the skin. With this effect, it is more rational to use creams with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (for example, Moisturizing Cream).
  • Serums contain a large amount of active substance and carry it deep into the skin to achieve noticeable visual rejuvenation in a short time and effective internal stimulation. Taking into account the characteristics of the types of hyaluronic acid, it is optimal to choose a serum with a low molecular weight or a combination of three types of hyaluronate (for example, Mesomatrix Hyaluronic Mix - compensates for moisture deficiency and activates physiological processes in the skin).
  • Masks - to prevent dehydration and restore the skin. For example, Filler Effect Hyaluronic Acid 4D - contains 4 types of molecules for super-hydration and correction of age-related changes, Revital Express - for regeneration; Meso Frost - for rehabilitation after aggressive procedures.
  • Tonics - to increase the hydration of tired skin (DMAE Complex with elastin and hyaluronic acid to activate microcirculation).
  • Concentrates for mesoscooters - preparations penetrate the skin using thin needles to a depth of 1-3 mm, depending on the area of ​​​​treatment. For example, Revital Bio with 3 types of hyaluronic acid for maximum penetration, Lifting Mix for a tightening effect, Sebo Control for restoring oily skin.
  • Cleansers - enhance the effect of serums (Cleaning Lotion for degreasing the skin; DMAE Complex gel-foam for softening the skin; Enzyme Cleaning Gel for a loosening effect).
  • Eye gel - complements the effect of basic medications. For example, Eye Contour Neo for deep hydration and reduction of puffiness.

When purchasing cosmetics, it is important to understand that products must be selected individually and taking into account your goals.

Hardware techniques

If there are contraindications for injections, hardware methods are used to administer hyaluronic acid with an assessment of effectiveness after completing course cycles.

Laser biorevitalization - using a focused beam of light, products are introduced into the deep layers to stimulate metabolic processes, moisturize and regenerate the skin.

Electroporation - electrical impulses introduce drugs into the structural components of the skin to activate biochemical processes.

Oxymesotherapy is the penetration of a substance under the influence of an oxygen stream to moisturize and nourish the skin.

Phonophoresis is the ultrasonic introduction of components to normalize extra- and intracellular processes.


Since the injection of hyaluronic acid is in demand in aesthetic cosmetology, contraindications to these procedures must be taken into account. Anti-aging techniques are not performed in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Multiple nevi in ​​the treatment area.
  • Autoimmune processes (scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus).
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin at the site of exposure (wounds, dermatitis, pustular rashes).
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases in the acute phase.
  • Rehabilitation period after aggressive manipulations (grinding or deep peeling).
  • Individual intolerance to components is rare, since the latest generation of biosynthesized hyaluronic acid in cosmetic products is subject to a high degree of purification.

Side effects

Predicted reactions occur during injection methods of administering hyaluronic acid. These include: pain (the degree of pain depends on individual characteristics and the injection technique used), redness (a natural consequence of increased blood circulation), hematomas (observed when the vascular wall is damaged), allergic reactions (a response mechanism to components of products containing impurities).

Taking into account the characteristics of the types of hyaluronic acid, it is most rational to choose a serum with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (Mesomatrix Hyaluronic Mix serum), and a cream with high molecular weight (Mesomatrix Moisturizing Cream)

When receiving negative effects, you can use hyaluronidase, an enzyme that locally destroys the injected hyaluronate.

Reviews about use at home

Looking beautiful and well-groomed means respecting yourself and the people around you. Hyaluronic acid is just one of the components that help you prolong your youth. Be truly beautiful from the inside, and let your appearance reflect the splendor of your soul!

Elena, 45 years old

I have been using homemade hyaluronic serum and kefir mask for 2 years now. I do the course for 10-12 days with a break of 20-25. I apply it mainly under the eyes and on the nasolabial triangle. Now they won’t give me more than 35. Of course, I use the entire range of skin care products. If you urgently need to refresh your face, I make a tightening clay mask, and then apply a cream with the addition of hyaluronic acid. The effect is obvious, try it!

Svetlana, 48 years old

Not long ago I tried a hyaluronic acid mask in combination with collagen, and the result simply amazed me! I didn’t think that in just a few procedures you could achieve such a result, without going to a beauty salon. I use a fabric-based collagen mask and apply a glycerin hyaluronic mask under it. Girls, you won’t regret it, this is a real cost savings! Why pay at the salon if you can achieve this result at home??

Galina, 42 years old

Not long ago, on the advice of friends, I decided to try a protein face mask on the advice of friends. I do them regularly, for about six months. The effect is not that amazing, but I definitely see improvements. Wrinkles have noticeably smoothed out, and I think their appearance is slowing down significantly.

Points of application in aesthetic cosmetology and dermatology

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid differ in purpose and form:

  • to improve skin quality - mesopreparations, biorevitalizants, biological products;
  • to correct volume deficiency - fillers;
  • for reinforcement and lifting - liquid threads;
  • for the protection and healing of damaged skin - gels, films, creams;
  • to moisturize the skin - serums, creams, masks.

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid differ in the method of application:

  • injection administration;
  • local application;
  • ingestion.

Characteristics of injection methods of administration

Injections with hyaluronic acid are popular methods of rejuvenating and healing the skin. The procedures are carried out according to the rules of antisepsis and asepsis after preliminary preparation (collecting anamnesis, tests, choosing the correct application technique). There are several methods of administration.

The human body independently produces hyaluronic acid up to 25 years of age, since during this period active growth and final formation of all tissues and organs occur. Then the process of hyaluronic acid production slows down tenfold.

Mesotherapy is the intradermal administration of hyaluronate with biologically active components (vitamins, minerals, trace elements) to correct aesthetic imperfections (for example, acne, pigmentation, rosacea, cellulite; KOSMO DMAE KOSMOTEROS with hyaluronic acid 1.2%).
To start synthesis processes in cells, a course of 7-10 procedures is required, once every 7-10 days. Biorevitalization is the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the middle layer of the skin to moisturize and correct signs of aging (Hyatulon M COSMOTEROS, VELUDERM HYALURONIC ACID 3%). To achieve remodeling, a course of 3-5 procedures is required with an interval of 1 time every 10-14 days.

Contour plastic surgery (fillers) - the introduction of high-density hyaluronic filler to change volumes, restore tissue proportions, fill deep wrinkles, correct the oval of the face, cheekbones and lips. They operate for up to 1 year due to the content of enzymes that do not destroy acid due to special cross-links.

Bioreinforcement is the introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid according to a vector scheme to maintain the subcutaneous framework, eliminate soft tissue prolapse and harmonize the physiological properties of the skin.

Bioreparation is the introduction of a dense gel with active components to achieve a true lifting effect. A course of 1-3 procedures is required every 3 weeks to initiate self-regeneration of the skin and antioxidant protection.

Filler injections are also associated with the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the skin, but they have nothing to do with replenishing its deficiency in the skin: contour plastic supports the facial frame physically, not physiologically.


Hyaluronic acid is the main component of connective tissue, a spatial moisturizer between cells and organs. It is present in the body constantly, in different types and concentrations, therefore it plays a significant role in the life of the skin and performs the following functions:

  • moisture retention to maintain water balance (1 hyaluronate molecule binds 1000 water molecules);
  • absorption of free radicals to protect organs from oxidative stress caused by ultraviolet radiation and other negative factors;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes, transport functions of nutrients for proper respiration and cell renewal;
  • regulation of metabolic processes - removal of harmful compounds and breakdown products from tissues;
  • maintaining turgor and the internal skin framework to form a healthy volume and resist age-related changes;
  • stabilization of the work of cellular producers of hyaluronic acid (fibroblasts) for skin elasticity;
  • activation of protective mechanisms for softening, elasticity, growth and healing of soft tissues.

Preparations for the procedure

In the manufacture of preparations for facial mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, various components are used in cocktails. In this case, the technique can be:

  1. Allopathic. The cocktail is supplemented with components that improve its effect on the skin. To enrich the composition, synthetic minerals, acids, vitamins A, B, E, plant and animal extracts, and fat burners are used. To achieve different effects, substances are usually mixed with each other; they are very rarely used in their pure form.
  2. Homeopathic. When making a cocktail for the face, homeopathic herbal ingredients are mixed. Thanks to this recipe, the naturalness of the technique increases. The main disadvantage of using homeopathy is the occurrence of an undesirable reaction in people prone to allergies.

Mesotherapy preparations can be used to influence different areas of the epidermis, some of them improve the overall condition of the skin, while others nourish, help achieve a lifting effect or reduce weight. Sometimes the huge selection can be confusing or confusing. After consultation with an experienced cosmetologist who has been trained in all possible variations and methods of influence, you can choose a meso-cocktail that is suitable specifically for your skin.

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