Allergies and allergic reactions

Symptoms of streptoderma in children

The initial signs of streptoderma in children are often quite severe:

  • temperature rise to 39°C;
  • general intoxication;
  • enlarged lymph nodes and their pain.

The condition of the skin differs depending on the form of the disease.

  • Superficial (streptococcal impetigo). First, red spots appear on the skin. After 2-3 days they transform into blisters with a cloudy liquid inside. The blisters increase to 2 cm in diameter, then burst. In their place, yellow crusts form. Subsequently, the skin in this place heals, and the disease spreads further.
  • Dry (lichen simplex). This form is more common in boys. White and pink spots up to 5 cm in diameter form on the skin. They are located on the face, neck, ears, arms and legs, and are gradually covered with a scab. After healing, scars may remain. These areas remain lightened and do not tan under the sun.
  • Streptococcal infection (slit-like impetigo). The disease affects the corners of the mouth and occurs when there is a lack of vitamin B. Microcracks appear on the skin, which hurt and bleed. Then they transform into pustules that become crusty. It hurts the child to open his mouth, eating becomes difficult. Less commonly, streptococcal seizures occur in the corners of the nose or eyes.
  • Felon. If streptococcus affects the periungual ridges, panaritium occurs. It is more common in children who are accustomed to biting their nails. Over time, the ulcers open up.
  • Streptococcal diaper rash. This form of the disease is typical for infants. Blisters form in the folds of the skin. They gradually merge. If they are opened, pink, weeping surfaces are exposed.
  • Deep (vulgar ecthyma). Develops in weakened children with poor skin care. The affected area is usually located on the legs, thighs, lower back, and buttocks. In the initial stages, blisters appear on the skin, but after they open, deep ulcers form, causing severe pain to the baby. The elements scar only after 2-4 weeks, and deep scars remain in their place.

Knowing how streptoderma begins in children, parents will be able to contact a dermatologist in time and begin treatment. If you delay going to the doctor, the disease becomes chronic, and achieving a complete cure becomes very difficult.

Clinical picture of dyshidrosis

Dyshidrosis is considered a chronic skin disease. Exacerbation occurs in spring and autumn. Pathology usually appears unexpectedly, but with enviable regularity. Dyshidrosis is characterized by single or group small subcutaneous rashes ranging in size from 1 to 4 mm. Over time, they can increase to the size of a pea and merge into one large blister. The blisters have a dense shell and are filled with serous fluid. It is believed that they are a consequence of blockage of the sweat gland ducts.

Dyshidrosis is also called dyshidrotic eczema. The pathology is popularly known as dropsy.

The rashes are localized mainly on the palms and soles, less often on the fingers and the back of the limbs. They are often accompanied by increased sweating. Usually the patient discovers a new vesicle by accident: only after scratching the itchy spot does he feel a lump on the surface of the skin. The clinical picture is complemented by severe itching, redness, swelling and a slight burning sensation.

Dyshidrosis is not contagious, but it looks unsightly and causes discomfort to the patient. It can be diagnosed in a person at any age, including children. More common in women. The disease is independent in nature and acts as one of the symptoms of some dermatoses, such as mycoses and toxicoderma.

Causes of streptoderma in children

The causative agent of the disease is group A streptococcus. The bacterium affects the surface of the skin. But not every encounter with a microorganism leads to the development of a disease. Infection occurs if there are aggravating factors:

  • cuts, abrasions, cracks and other damage to the skin into which pathogens easily penetrate;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • weak immunity;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • concomitant dermatological diseases;
  • stress;
  • avitaminosis;
  • washing the skin too often, as a result of which the protective film is washed off;
  • intense exposure to low or high temperatures;
  • intoxication;
  • blood flow disturbance.

If at least one of the listed reasons is present, the likelihood of developing pathology increases significantly.

What causes blisters on fingers, toes and between the fingers? What to do: treatment and prevention

the phenomenon of blisters on their hands, on their fingers or between their toes. Sometimes they appear on the hands as a result of physical labor that is unusual for a person or wearing new shoes.

Often such bubbles go away on their own and when there is one or several of them, no one pays much attention to them.

But, unfortunately, the appearance of blisters and an increase in their size and number is a symptom of one of many dermatological diseases .

It is very important to monitor even the most minor changes in your body, including the condition of the skin on your fingers and toes, because this will first of all help diagnose the disease in time and increase the chances of a successful recovery .

In order to be able to recognize the cause of blisters , you need to know what symptoms indicate that these blisters are a consequence of a more serious disease.

In addition to pain and discomfort, blisters can cause more serious problems with the body, such as allergies, eczema and others. Let's figure out what blisters are, what causes them, and what to do if they appear.

A blister is a small bubble formed from the top layer of skin and filled with watery fluid. It has clear and even contours, although it may differ in shape, size and origin.

If you run your finger over such a bubble, you can feel a dense small bulge that appears suddenly for various reasons. The lifespan of blisters can vary from a few hours to five to seven days. After the bubbles disappear, no traces in the form of scars remain.

The size of the blisters can also vary greatly and range from a few millimeters to 10 or more centimeters in diameter, it all depends on what caused the blister to appear.

There are cases when several blisters are localized in a certain area of ​​the skin. Then there is a chance that they will merge into one big bubble.

In color they are no different from the color of human skin, but due to the watery liquid that fills the resulting capsule, they have a somewhat pale tint, and sometimes even with a pinkish outline.

If watery formations are not associated with some other disease, but are due to mechanical damage, then they are usually isolated and should not cause concern.

Otherwise, small small blisters appear on the fingers, toes, and in the area between the fingers, which are very itchy and cause discomfort .

If such a blister is accidentally damaged, the watery liquid filling it can change its color and even consistency, turning into purulent discharge.

If you do not consult a doctor and do not begin treatment, the disease will begin to progress, the blisters will begin to burst, the liquid will gradually leak, provoking the development of erosion in the areas where the blisters are located.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the bubbles begin to dry out, burst, and the contents begin to leak, which is accompanied by a feeling of severe itching.

In such cases, it is necessary to refrain from scratching the damaged area of ​​​​the fingers, since even the slightest damage can lead to fungal and other types of infections, which in turn will complicate the treatment process and prolong the recovery period.

As a rule, in such cases, the doctor prescribes corticosteroid ointments, talkatives that relieve itching, creams or herbal baths for mild cases of the disease. But these drugs are not the main drugs in the treatment of blisters.

They should be used in combination with other medications, the action of which will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that caused the skin rash.

Most often, blisters can appear on different parts of the body during the hot season. It is at high air temperatures that the body sweats, creating a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora, which provokes the appearance of various allergic and infectious diseases .

The process of formation of blisters on the fingers is a kind of protective factor of the body from all external irritants. Also in the summer, blisters are an allergic reaction of the body to the bite of mosquitoes and other insects. The bite is accompanied by severe itching, but if you do not scratch it, the blister goes away quite quickly.

The same applies to blisters, which are caused by direct contact with certain plants, such as nettles.

Blisters that are filled with clear fluid may be the result of prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Such blisters are burns and their formation on the skin can be avoided if special cosmetic creams, gels and sprays are used before and after exposure to the sun.

But often bubbles can appear without any reason, do not disappear for a very long time and even grow, their number increases. This is already a serious reason to consult a doctor, since such blisters can be a symptom of a serious illness.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of blisters on the hands and feet But the most common are the following:

  • reaction to insect bites;
  • allergy;
  • infectious diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • mechanical damage;
  • burns and others.

Blisters due to an infectious disease

Burn blister

When bitten by an insect

Mechanical damage to the finger

Autoimmune disease: systemic lupus

Many often do not attach great importance to blisters and try to cope with such annoying formations on their own using improvised means. Regardless of the nature of the origin of the bubbles on the fingers, they must be processed and disinfected .

If the location of the blisters is not clean, then there is a high probability of infection and infection. The damaged area should be washed thoroughly with soap and the skin should be lubricated with cosmetic or petroleum jelly to soften the top layer of skin and reduce friction.

If possible, in order to avoid mechanical damage and accidental opening of the vesicle, it is better to seal the area with an adhesive plaster or bandage it. This dressing should be changed regularly (2-3 times a day). The bandage or adhesive plaster should not be applied to a dry surface.

Before this procedure, it is better to lubricate the surface of the blister with calendula oil or aloe juice . Under no circumstances should blisters be treated with products containing alcohol, as the skin will dry out and begin to burst.

But if possible and there is no risk of damage to the blister, it is better to abandon the bandage, because every wound and rash goes away faster when the skin can breathe freely.

For severe itching, you can make herbal baths . Chamomile, string, and calendula work well. A handkerchief or napkin soaked in cold water also effectively relieves itching.

There are times when the bubble bursts, and then it is necessary to treat the area with antiseptic agents and seal the area with a plaster.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must determine the true cause of the blisters , and only then prescribe the necessary medications. Depending on the origin of the rash on the toes and hands, the treatment regimen may vary.

For example, when the rash is of an allergic nature, the doctor prescribes antihistamines such as suprastin, tavegil, citrine, cetirizine, loratadine and others.

If the appearance of blisters is caused by subcutaneous mites or parasites, then antiparasitic agents are also prescribed.

As a rule, the course of treatment is carried out comprehensively. Depending on the nature of the rash and the cause of its appearance, sedative, desensitizing and proallergic drugs are prescribed.

In addition to oral medications, the doctor also prescribes external agents that relieve itching, redness, inflammation and soften the skin. These can be ointments, special recipes for mash, creams, compresses and others.

In this case, the patient must monitor the hygiene of his hands and feet , regularly treat the damaged area with antiseptics and change the bandages. Very often, the complex of therapy includes adherence to a daily routine and diet (if the appearance of blisters is caused by some food product).

If the condition worsens, you should:

  • Avoid stressful situations;
  • Eat only healthy foods;
  • Get a good night's sleep;
  • Use corticosteroid (hormonal) creams and ointments;
  • Regularly wash your hands with soap and treat with a disinfectant (if necessary, wear rubber gloves to avoid contact of the damaged skin with various chemical components);
  • Don’t forget to use petroleum jelly or a rich hand cream containing glycerin;
  • Take vitamins E, A, B (synthetic or natural), drink plenty of fluids (water and diuretic teas);
  • Use special wet antiseptic dressings;
  • Do not try to tear off the burst skin of a blister yourself or with non-sterile instruments; it is better if a doctor does this in a hospital setting.

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If the blisters are not very annoying and do not cause much concern, and their number does not increase, then they can be cured using various traditional medicine. As a rule, the following herbs are used for this purpose:

  • chamomile;
  • celandine;
  • calendula;
  • sequence;
  • plantain and others.

In addition to herbal infusions, from which baths and compresses are made, various oils are also used. For example, tea tree oil, sea buckthorn oil. They soften the skin and have an excellent bactericidal effect.

It is important to understand that to treat blisters you can only use herbal infusions that do not contain alcohol.

Herbs have excellent healing, antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and also relieve itching and prevent the development of inflammatory processes.

Depending on where the blisters appear, there are different reasons for their appearance.

The appearance of a rash on the toes may be a consequence of:

  • Mosquito, flea, mosquito bites;
  • Allergic diseases such as urticaria, contact dermatitis and others;
  • Infectious diseases (chickenpox, lichen, scarlet fever, herpes);
  • Autoimmune diseases (lupus erythematosus, seborrheic dermatitis and others);
  • Increased sweating;
  • Calluses.

Blisters on the fingers can be due to the following factors:

  • Mechanical damage;
  • Burns (chemical and thermal);
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Infectious diseases.

Blisters between fingers or toes can be the result of a fungal infection or mechanical injury.

external medications are mainly used , but if such treatment does not give the desired result, then conservative complex treatment is necessary, which can only be prescribed by a doctor.

It is highly not recommended to open the blisters yourself, as this can lead to undesirable consequences, such as scarring, inflammation, suppuration, and infection. It is highly undesirable to treat the area where blisters appear with alcohol and other burning solutions that have an aggressive effect on damaged skin.

Few people consider the appearance of blisters on their toes or hands to be a good reason to see a doctor, especially if the blisters are small. Often such rashes can be cured on your own using various healing baths, compresses and patches. But there are times when such treatment can only worsen the situation.

You should see a doctor if:

  • blisters appeared suddenly;
  • they crack, leak, and pus is released;
  • the number of bubbles increases;
  • the blister is damaged;
  • there are signs of inflammation in the affected area.

If the rash that appears is not a callus or a mosquito bite and does not go away for a long time, then this may indicate a deeper and more serious reason for its appearance. Therefore, it is very important to promptly contact a dermatologist at the clinic, who will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe a course of treatment.

In order to prevent blisters that are a consequence of chemical and thermal burns, it is necessary to use special emollient protective creams and oils , and when contacting household chemicals, it is better to use gloves.

To prevent an allergic rash in the form of blisters, it is necessary to avoid eating foods high in allergens and wear only high-quality items made from natural fabrics. The same goes for shoes. It should be comfortable, fit properly and “breathe”, preventing excessive sweating.

Prevention measures may vary depending on the cause of the blisters. But the main general rule is to maintain hand and foot hygiene. Of course, this does not always save, but in most cases it can prevent the appearance of a rash on the fingers.

A blister appears - this is an unpleasant factor that can be a symptom of other diseases. And only a dermatologist can accurately determine the nature of the origin of the rash and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Self-medication can lead to aggravation of the situation and complicate the recovery process. Therefore, at the slightest sign of the appearance of bubbles, you should contact a specialist.

Watch the video: what to do for allergic dermatitis.

The appearance of blisters on the fingers may indicate various disorders. They are filled with clear liquid or resemble small white, flesh-colored pimples. Localized on the arms and legs. A similar pathological condition is found in children and adults. The water bubbles that appear on the fingers spread to the palms. Sometimes they disappear on their own if the factor that caused the rash is eliminated.

Transparent blisters on the fingers are a consequence of exposure to negative agents that penetrate the body. This is most often the case with contact dermatitis.

This type of allergy can develop as a result of contact with aggressive substances. Usually these are cosmetics, household chemicals, and medications.

There may be other reasons for the appearance of blisters on the skin of the hands, for example, toxic substances such as insecticides and pesticides.

If irritating factors occur periodically, chronic allergies develop. In this case, bubbles with liquid form on the hand in large quantities. Often they merge with each other. Sometimes quite large blisters may appear on the fingers. They itch, which leads to their deformation. As a result, the hands become unattractive, but the worst thing is that the skin begins to peel off.

Open wounds on the extremities (feet, hands) are a kind of gateway for the penetration of secondary infections. As a result, an inflammatory process develops, and treatment becomes significantly more difficult. For this reason, it is recommended to get rid of small blisters on your fingers in a timely manner. Then you can avoid unpleasant consequences.

In severe cases, complications develop, such as dyshidrotic eczema. This condition worsens in certain seasons: spring, autumn. Other common reasons for the appearance of water bubbles on the fingers: lack of nutrients in the body (vitaminosis), moving, climate change, severe stress. As a result, a rash appears in the form of blisters.

Formations under the skin on the fingers are a consequence of the development of scabies mites. As a result of its parasitism, blisters appear between the fingers. Formations are localized in different areas. Subcutaneous pests gnaw inconspicuous passages in the deep layers of the epidermis. Ticks also lay microscopic eggs, making them impossible to see. Irritation appears on the skin, and the outer layers peel off.

The symptoms that appear indicate that the body is infected with parasites. They can live in different parts of the body. When a tick lays eggs, small blisters form on the outside of the skin. They may itch.

If you try to remove only small watery blisters on the hands or other parts of the body, nothing will work, since subcutaneous mites will continue to exist.

The rash itches more intensely in the evening and at night. To diagnose a disease caused by a subcutaneous mite, the biomaterial of an infected person (particles of the epidermis) is examined. Such parasites live in most people on the planet. However, when the immune system is weakened, they begin to actively reproduce. As a result, watery blisters appear on the fingers. The subcutaneous tick enters the body in different ways: contact with the source of the parasitic disease, through contact with door handles, in public places, with the things of an infected person and itchy blisters on his skin.

If you are interested in the reasons for the appearance of rashes on the fingers, internal factors should also be considered. These include:

  • hormonal changes;
  • liver damage by hepatitis viruses of various types;
  • the appearance of small watery blisters on the fingers may be a consequence of a disruption of the endocrine system;
  • pathological processes in the digestive tract;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • small blisters on the fingers also occur under severe stress, when a person experiences constant fear or is depressed;
  • itchy red blisters on the fingers and toes are one of the symptoms of poisoning when aggressive substances (chemicals, food) have entered the body;
  • disruption of the sweat glands;
  • fungal diseases.

If a rash that resembles small blisters is detected, it is necessary to exclude possible factors. This should be done by a specialist, since to remove pimples, treatment is prescribed for a particular organ. First, the general condition of the body is assessed, attention is paid to other symptoms, and if necessary, an examination is carried out, including laboratory tests, which will make it possible to find out why bubbles appeared between the fingers and on the feet.

If a child periodically develops blisters on their hands and itch, the most likely factor is a malfunction of the sweat glands. With this diagnosis, irritation of the outer integument develops, which leads to blockage of the ducts. If there are few clogged sweat glands, there will be fewer pimples with a transparent center. A characteristic feature of such formations is liquid inside. The fact is that a child is less likely to have organ dysfunction than an adult, so the possibility of blockage of the ducts is first considered.

When the blisters on your fingers itch, you want to get rid of the discomfort as quickly as possible. However, you cannot try to cure the disease on your own. This pathology may have different causes. If you try to remove the consequence without eliminating the factor that provoked the formation of bubbles, there will be no result.

In this case, the rash on the fingers is removed gradually, for which the doctor may prescribe an antihistamine. However, the child’s skin may be very itchy, so they use special products - talkers.

If you are deciding how to treat a rash caused by an allergy, you should remember that children’s bodies react faster to antihistamines, which means the dosage should be small.

Ointments with corticosteroids can relieve severe itching, but they are not prescribed to treat a rash in a child. For allergies, sorbents are recommended, with the help of which you can remove toxins from the body. If this is not done, the allergy will take longer to treat. In addition, it is very important to determine the cause of its development. The faster the allergen is eliminated, the sooner antihistamines will work. If the cause of the allergy cannot be found, allergy tests are prescribed.

In both cases, it is recommended to use different types of drugs. Antifungal agents are presented in the form of gel, ointment, cream and solution, as well as tablets. What exactly will work best on pimples is decided by the doctor in each specific situation . To confirm or exclude a fungus, biomaterial is taken for analysis (particles of the affected epidermis). Blisters on the hands can transform into something else: they burst, the skin begins to peel off.

If the development of subcutaneous parasites is suspected, a universal remedy, benzyl benzoate, is used to eliminate them. Another effective drug is Spregal. With the help of such medicines, the external integument that is affected is treated. However, this is not enough for a complete recovery. Disinfection of bed linen, personal belongings, and clothing will also be required.

The reasons for the appearance of skin pimples on the hands were discussed above. Most factors lead to serious complications, so blisters on the outer skin are not the worst thing. However, it is still necessary to eliminate the pathology. Based on the results of the examinations, treatment is prescribed for the organ or system that has failed. There is no single scheme.

If the body is infected with a virus, antiviral therapy is prescribed in combination with immunomodulatory drugs. In cases where the rash is caused by stress, it is recommended to take sedatives, and in special situations - antidepressants. It is also important to exclude the cause of the development of neurosis. At the same time, the treatment is cumulative in nature, which means that the desired result will not come immediately. In most cases, a diet is recommended, especially if the digestive system is affected.

Skin diseases are often treated with herbal infusions. You can get rid of rashes on your hands by taking baths with chamomile, string, and calendula. If the pimples are very bothersome and become wet, it is recommended to dry them with a solution of potassium permanganate or Fukortsin. To clean the skin of your hands, you should take general strengthening baths using anti-inflammatory agents.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to eliminate the risk of deformation of the formations. If the pimple bursts, a wound may appear, which increases the likelihood of a secondary infection. During the period of treatment, it is advisable to stop doing physical housework. If the sweat ducts are blocked, hygiene rules must be observed. Hands are washed more often, after which they should be dried with a clean towel, which is changed daily. If subcutaneous parasites appear, it is recommended to treat hygiene items.

Treatment of streptoderma in children

Streptoderma in children requires complex and often long-term treatment, which depends on the cause of infection, the severity of the main symptoms and signs, as well as the general health of the child.
The first step is to put the baby on a therapeutic diet limiting sweets, fatty and salty foods. The course of therapy involves avoiding bathing: water procedures contribute to the spread of the disease. It is recommended to wash healthy areas with chamomile decoction, and never touch inflamed areas.

It is important to choose the right clothes for a sick child. Synthetic and wool items should be excluded from your wardrobe. These tissues cause discomfort and contribute to the spread of the disease.

If crusts form on the skin, they are treated with antibacterial gels or ointments.

In severe cases, a number of other oral medications are prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-allergy medications;
  • immunostimulants;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • antipyretic drugs.

The list of medications must be agreed upon with your doctor. Only a specialist knows how to treat streptoderma in children correctly. Self-medication can provoke the pathology to become chronic. With an adequate course of therapy, the symptoms disappear after 7 days, but after curing the deep form of the pathology, scars remain on the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor as early as possible.

Treatment of dyshidrosis

Therapeutic therapy for the disease is prescribed after determining the cause of its occurrence. It requires an integrated approach, since it is aimed not only at eliminating external manifestations of dyshidrosis and discomfort, but also at strengthening the immune system. In the first case, hormonal ointments containing corticosteroids are prescribed externally, and diuretics and antiallergic drugs are prescribed internally. If the blisters become infected, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Treatment is carried out at home, but always under the supervision of a dermatologist.

The use of hormonal ointments accelerates the maturation of the vesicles. The larger they are, the more painful and longer they take to heal. After maturation, the bubbles burst, and dyshidrosis enters a regressive stage. It is accompanied by peeling and roughening of the skin, the formation of crusts and shallow cracks. The formation of new rashes is not observed. The affected area of ​​the hand gradually begins to be covered with a renewed layer of epidermis.

When stress and emotional turmoil become the cause of dyshidrosis, the main emphasis in treatment is on restoring the nervous system. To do this, the doctor includes in the therapy the use of sedatives - adaptogens and nootropics.

Often, the treatment regimen is supplemented with adsorbents, including activated carbon, polyphepane, sorbex, etc. These products allow you to cleanse the body of toxins.

The list of auxiliary measures that can affect the outcome of treatment for dyshidrosis includes:

  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • change in diet;
  • hardening;
  • use of gloves when in contact with household chemicals.

Dyshidrosis is difficult to cure completely: some time after recovery, the disease recurs.

In the treatment of dyshidrosis of the hands, non-traditional methods are widely used: acupuncture, hirudotherapy, apitherapy. The use of folk remedies is also acceptable. Dermatologists have nothing against hand baths based on medicinal herbs, such as string, sage, St. John's wort, oak bark or chamomile. Unlike drug treatment, traditional medicine is not as effective, but it is quite capable of reducing discomfort in the form of itching.

Prevention of streptoderma

To reduce the likelihood of developing streptoderma in a child, follow the rules of prevention:

  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • treat skin lesions with antiseptics;
  • strengthen your immune system with vitamin complexes and good nutrition;
  • do not wash your child with soap too often;
  • At the first symptoms of any disease, consult your doctor.

Streptoderma is a curable disease, but you need to see a doctor in time. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it is to avoid complications and transition to a chronic form. You can undergo a qualitative examination of your skin condition at the SM-Doctor clinic. Qualified pediatric dermatologists will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Causes of hand dyshidrosis

Dyshidrosis as an independent disease was studied and described in detail back in 1873. However, its pathogenesis and etiology have not yet been fully established. What is known is that this disease has many causes.

Scientists believe that the development of dyshidrosis is promoted by:

  • metabolic disease;
  • decreased immunity;
  • nervous stress;
  • emotional instability;
  • autoimmune conditions;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • mental and physical fatigue;
  • taking certain medications, often antibiotics;
  • frequent contact with household chemicals.

In some cases, it is problematic to identify the true causes of dyshidrosis. Then the disease takes a chronic form, exacerbating from time to time. This outcome is also caused by delaying a visit to a dermatologist and self-prescribing medications.

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