Pus has accumulated under a mole: is it dangerous?

People have many spots on their skin. A huge number of them may not even come into our field of vision. The attitude towards them is also ambiguous, one group of people does not even notice, while the other considers them a kind of decoration and an object of admiration. However, in addition to the decorative effect, nevi carry an important functional load, and inflammation of the mole can lead to undesirable consequences. If the mole turns red or the mole becomes inflamed and hurts, you should urgently consult a doctor, as there is a risk that the inflamed spot will degenerate into a malignant tumor. And in this case we will talk about such an aggressive disease as melanoma.

Changes in the condition of a mole, a good reason for concern

Is it dangerous to have pus in a mole?

The danger of pus in a mole is low. Indicates an infectious skin infection. A sign that the body is struggling with a problem. Harmful cells are removed with pus.

It is dangerous to ignore the alarm signal and squeeze out the white abscess on your own. If the outcome is favorable, it will lead to the formation of a new purulent growth, otherwise it will lead to severe inflammation, thickening of the skin and pain.

The appearance of white liquid near or in the formation itself is not a reason to consult a doctor. An abscess on a mole may turn out to be an ordinary pimple.

A cause for concern is the long-term presence of pus and its increase. Especially if redness, tingling, or pain appears at the site of the birthmark.

Preventive measures

It is easy to injure a mole due to carelessness. Therefore, it is important to monitor the neatness of your manicure and the comfort of your clothing. Rough, uncomfortable clothes and shoes with straight collars have a negative impact on skin tumors, and long nails can cause scratching of the birthmark. Constant trauma can provoke mutation of nevus cells and further degeneration into a malignant formation.

The proposed treatment methods are effective when it is necessary to treat a festering mole. But, I would like to draw your attention once again to the fact that the inflammatory process, and even more so the decay process, cannot be ignored and left to chance, so at the first signs you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible. Modern treatment allows you to get rid of the problem quickly and efficiently.

Causes of pus

An abscess, purulent inflammation in a nevus appears as a result of penetration of bacteria or infection into the skin. A birthmark is not a vulnerable spot, but a special condition of the skin with a high content of melanin pigment.

Reasons preceding the decay of a mole:

  1. A cut, scrape or abscess that has been exposed to dust, dirt or harmful germs.
  2. A skin disease characterized by inflammatory processes (acne, furunculosis, etc.).
  3. Burns, skin trauma, causing necrosis of the layers of the epidermis and basal cell carcinoma.
  4. Excessive exposure to the sun in hot weather is fraught with the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
  5. Skin irritation caused by rubbing clothes, scratching with nails.

People with freckles and unusually pigmented skin are especially susceptible to the disease. It is recommended to spend hot daytime in the shade and avoid long stays in stuffy rooms.

It is possible for a mole to spontaneously transform into a malignant tumor. Preceded by hormonal imbalances or nervous breakdowns.

The main danger is that degeneration is difficult to recognize. Symptoms appear after the disease develops. Treatment will require radical surgical intervention.

A boil under a mole is recognized by an increase in the size of the pigment spot and a sharp change in the usual color.

Types of moles

Science identifies several types of moles:

  • Dark spots
    . Usually chocolate color, sometimes black. The color depends on the presence of melanin in the blood.
  • Vascular moles
    . Usually red, sometimes bluish. Refers mainly to cosmetic defects.
  • Teratomas
    . Such spots appear due to surges in hormone levels in the body.

Moles are usually small in size, but can be large. There are convex, flat, and smooth ones, less often covered with hairs.

Moles can be located in different parts of the body. Sometimes a mole forms on the mucous membrane. The appearance of such neoplasms on the tongue, choroid of the eyes, and genitals is becoming more common. This mainly happens to women.

Moles are not transmitted by airborne droplets.

What to do if a boil has formed under a mole

If there is strong pigmentation on the face, a red halo, swelling, abscesses around the mole, you cannot try to release the abscess on your own. Additionally, it will damage the skin and cause inflammation.

Allowed to do it yourself:

  • free the skin from stale and chafing clothing. If it is a head, discard the headdress;
  • isolate the site of inflammation from external contact, even covering it with a band-aid during a shower;
  • hide the boil from sunlight;
  • avoid stuffy rooms and any skin irritants (if you have allergies, get rid of the allergen);
  • Check the mole periodically for increased pus, discoloration, or redness.

In order not to provoke the appearance of a malignant tumor, you should avoid cosmetics during your illness. It clogs pores and prevents skin cells from breathing normally and exchanging substances.

Do the same with creams, ointments and poultices. Independent use of traditional medicine will aggravate the course of the disease with new problems.

Self-medication is the path to surgery, a scar, and long rehabilitation.

Risk factors

According to recent, numerous scientific experiments, it was found that women, unlike men, have a greater tendency to develop melanoma. It is important to highlight that a malignant tumor can be localized separately on an area of ​​the skin or on the nevus itself. Most often, the legs are affected by the pathological process, and a little less often the upper limbs and abdomen. A mole on the face and neck can also become inflamed, swollen, fester and cause many other problems.

People who are characterized by fair skin covered with freckles, as well as patients with a hereditary predisposition, constitute the main risk group. It is in these people that inflammation of the nevus or redness of the mole can result in malignant degeneration.

The above category of people should undergo regular examination by an oncologist and pay maximum attention to any change in the birthmark.

Pale skin and freckles are one of the risk factors for melanoma

How to remove inflammation

Purulent inflammation has dangerous consequences. Accompanied by pain without touch or exposure to the sun. The site of inflammation is itchy, painful and constantly hot.

You should act according to the recommendations of an oncologist or dermatologist. For instant pain relief, turn to universal folk and classical methods.

MeansMode of applicationHow many times a dayHow does it work
Alcohol or alcohol tinctureMoisten the area of ​​the hanging mole1 to 3 timesDisinfects the wound, eliminates the symptoms of inflammation
Tincture of homemade herbs (yarrow, ginger, etc.)Wipe or apply lotion3 times a dayKnits, eliminates inflammation
Ointment with zinc, salicylic acidLubricate boils and scratches1 timeKills harmful bacteria
Hydrogen peroxideFor open boils, soak with cotton wool.1-2 times for 7-10 minutesDisinfects and cleanses the wound from harmful bacteria
AntisepticGrind into powder, lubricate (if tablet)1 time for wound post-treatmentKills germs

A scratch, injury, stye, scrape or abrasion can cause bleeding that is difficult to stop.

Immediately fix the wound and apply a sterile bandage moistened with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.

What not to do if a boil appears under a nevus:

  • try to release the pus on your own;
  • remove inflammation yourself. Performed by a surgeon without any health consequences;
  • try to hide with cosmetics;
  • scratch the itchy area;
  • contact with long-haired animals to avoid infection.

What to do?

If a mole becomes suppurated, you should immediately consult a doctor for help.
If there is no time to go to the doctor right away or there is no opportunity to immediately visit the hospital, then you will have to provide first aid to yourself. It is necessary to treat the inflamed part of the skin with an alcohol solution or tincture of medicinal herbs. You need to adhere to this therapy until the color of the tumor becomes the same. At the pharmacy you can buy a special antibacterial ointment that contains salicylic acid.

If necessary, the damaged nevus is treated with powder from streptocide tablets or the mole is lubricated with linseed oil. At night, you can make a lotion from calendula or celandine tincture. If even after such procedures the mole festers and the inflammation process does not go away, a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide is applied to the damaged area for 10 minutes. After this, treat with brilliant green or an alcohol solution to disinfect the body and seek help from the hospital.

A festering nevus should not be treated on your own, but it is better to immediately go to a doctor who will choose a treatment regimen. You may need the help of a surgeon to remove the mole.

When to see a doctor

The consequence of the appearance of pus is melanoma - skin cancer. A timely visit to dermatology or an oncologist will get rid of the abscess under the mole quickly and painlessly.

Symptoms for urgent medical attention:

  1. Increase in size, change in borders, colors.
  2. Thick skin with pain when touched.
  3. Cracks, ulcers, abscesses on the surface, near the birthmark. They begin to fester.
  4. The wound bleeds periodically.
  5. Unreasonable fatigue, amorphousness.
  6. Uncontrolled weight loss.

Signs of complications, the appearance of tumors in the human body. Early detection will reduce the damage done to the body.

Instructions for identifying a tumor:

  • visual analysis;
  • computer diagnostics;
  • biopsy (removal of skin for laboratory analysis).

What will help prevent the development of melanoma?

To reduce the risk of developing cancer, you need to:

  • protect all benign formations from mechanical damage, ultraviolet rays, contact with aggressive substances - all this can disrupt the integrity of the skin and increase the risk of infection entering it;
  • immediately treat all wounds and abrasions on the surface of the nevus and near it with safe antiseptics and cover with a band-aid;
  • Treat all skin diseases in a timely manner, using only products prescribed by a doctor.

Doctors consider removal of benign tumors, which often become inflamed and injured, as another way to prevent malignancy. However, a procedure carried out at home using folk remedies can only increase the risks. To get rid of an annoying growth or spot, you need to contact an experienced dermatologist. The doctor will choose a safe method, tell you how to prepare for the procedure and care for the wound after it to avoid the development of an inflammatory process. Do you want to remove moles at the clinic on Bratislavskaya? Sign up for a preliminary consultation by phone. The specialist will tell you what equipment he will use and answer all your questions.

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