List of inexpensive available analogues of Contractubex

Description of the drug

The main active ingredients of the drug are sodium heparin, allantoin and onion extract. Contractubex is a water-based gel and has a dark brown color. The combination of active ingredients stimulates the resumption of cell growth without leading to excessive tumors.

The special composition of the drug actively affects the affected skin in a short time.

Onion extract works as an anti-inflammatory agent and is especially effective on fresh tissue damage. Allantoin helps soften and dissolve dead cells.

This is necessary so that the body can get rid of excess connective tissue that appears during the formation of scars. And heparin is a well-known remedy against blood stagnation, thrombosis and edema.


The composition of 100 g of gel includes the following active ingredients:

  • onion extract – 10 g;
  • heparin – 5000 IU (international units);
  • allantoin – 1 g.

The following are used as excipients:

  • sorbic acid;
  • perfume DROM 2700;
  • methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate;
  • polyethylene glycol 200;
  • purified water.

Indications and contraindications

The only contraindications can be identified as increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, which will manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately stop using the medicine, stop the symptoms and change the method of treating scars, scars and other changes in the skin. Indications for the use of Contractubex will be as follows:

  • stretch marks that appear after pregnancy and weight changes;
  • scars from acne, furunculosis;
  • scars resulting from operations, amputations and skin damage;

  • replacement of ligament tissue with connective or scar tissue (traumatic tendon contracture);
  • fibrous fusion of joints;
  • degeneration of tendons into scars, concentrated on the extremities (Dupuytren's contracture).

As a result, they begin to recommend medicine if there are noticeable scars or specific diseases associated with the formation of a large amount of scar tissue. If we talk about removing scars, the drug copes especially well with fresh formations, preventing their growth. The older the scar, the slower the treatment will proceed.

Side effects

As a rule, even with long-term use of the ointment, no adverse effects are observed, however, in some patients the following adverse reactions were noted:

  • On the part of the skin: itching (indicates a structural restructuring of scar tissue), erythema , atrophy of normal skin, local hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia , urticaria , discomfort (burning, tension or irritation of the external integument), single papules.
  • From the immune system: local allergic manifestations by the mechanism of hypersensitivity reaction.
  • General disorders: swelling and pain at the site of application of the pharmaceutical drug.
  • Infectious skin lesions: shallow pustular rashes.

Instructions for use

The gel is always used topically, only to treat the skin. Apply a small amount to fresh scars, rubbing until absorbed. The course of application can last up to four weeks, the procedure will need to be repeated two to three times a day.

Contractubex should not be used on open wounds or in the early stages of healing when the skin is too tender for intervention.

If the scars have been on the skin for quite a long time, they prefer to use night compresses. A soft sterile bandage is applied to the areas of skin to which the product is applied and left in this form for 8-10 hours. In the most difficult cases, the remedy is used daily for up to six months.

In the case of treatment of Dupuytren's disease, the course lasts up to a year, depending on the nature of the changes and the effectiveness of the gel in a particular case. And for preventive purposes, you can apply the drug to already healed damaged areas.


Manufacturer: JSC BIOSINTEZ (Russia)
Release form: ointment for external use

Active ingredient: dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine

Methyluracil belongs to the group of tissue regeneration stimulators. This analogue of Conratubex ointment for scars and scars helps to normalize metabolic processes in cellular structures, accelerates the growth of granulations and the formation of epithelium at the site of the wound surface. The medication inhibits the breakdown of proteins and stimulates the renewal of structural parts of cells.

Analogues of Contractubex

There are a number of drugs similar in action to Contractubex. Some of them are better, some are a little worse, depending on the specific indications for use. There is nothing difficult in finding a Russian-made analogue that is cheaper, but you need to take into account its effectiveness in a specific situation.

A drugActive ingredientsManufacturerPrice
Cameloxonion extract, allantoinVertex (Russia)from 250 to 310 rub.
Venitan Forteheparin sodium and escinSalutas Pharma GmbH (Germany)from 230 to 400 rub.
Dolobenedexpanthenol, dimethyl sulfoxide and sodium heparinMerkle GmbH (Germany)from 310 to 720 rub.
Zeraderm Ultrapolysiloxane (surface adhesion elastomer)Rofil Medical Aesthetics (Holland)from 3000 to 4000 RUR
Dermatix Ultrapolysiloxane (surface adhesion elastomer)ICN Pharmaceuticals (Holland)from 1800 to 2500 RUR
Medermacepalin and allantoinMerz Pharma (Germany)from 580 to 750 rub.
Gel Solcoseryl 10%Diasalate from the blood of dairy calves, deprived of proteinSolco Basle AG (Poland), Legacy Pharmaceuticals (Switzerland)from 500 to 780 rub.
Imoferase creamimmobilized hyaluronidase (enzyme)NPO Petrovax Pharm (Russia)from 300 to 750 RUR

In order to choose the most suitable product, it is worth understanding how they work. Contrary to popular belief, cheap ointments and creams can be no less effective than expensive ones. The same can be said about the manufacturer - in Russia, companies offer cheaper, high-quality analogues of Contractubex.


A domestic manufacturer offers an easy and effective remedy to combat scars. It contains the same active ingredients, with the exception of heparin. This indicates a similar effect to Contractubex and similar indications for use.

In addition to the active ingredients, the composition includes extracts of aloe and rosemary. The inclusion of natural extracts will require attention from those with high sensitivities. However, it is these extracts that help soften the skin and speed up the reduction of scars.

Venitan Forte

This drug is a venotonic and decongestant. It will help more in the initial stages of healing of skin damage. The medicine will cope especially well with bruises, strengthen damaged and brittle veins, and reduce stagnation of fluids in tissues. It is used up to three times a day, it promotes rapid healing of damage and softens the skin, preventing the formation of large scars.

Venitan gel is applied in a small amount to the affected area of ​​the skin and slowly rubbed in. In case of inflammatory processes of the venous system, it is not recommended to rub it in, so as not to provoke an enlargement of the affected area of ​​the veins. It is also used to treat trophic ulcers, namely, to treat the edges of wounds.


The widely known gel for external use has a wide range of indications. Among them there is the treatment of stretch marks, scars and scars. The presence of heparin in the composition helps stimulate the renewal of normal skin tissue and stops the growth of connective tissue. Dolobene contains several ingredients that are responsible for softening the skin, accelerating metabolic processes and healing.

Dimethyl sulfoxide, which is part of the gel, causes the presence of contraindications. The medicine is not used in the following cases:

  • liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age less than five years;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • open wounds at the site of application.

The drug helps to numb the injured area of ​​skin, relieve swelling and help cell regeneration. The complex of active ingredients helps reduce thrombus formation, eliminate pain from joint injuries and neuralgia. When using Dolobene, hematomas resolve much faster.

Zeraderm Ultra

This is a specific product whose action is based on the formation of a silicone-like barrier on the skin. It protects the scar from external influences, and the correct microclimate is created under the protection of the film. Such conditions help the resorption of scar tissue and the removal of dead cells, significantly and quickly reducing the scar.

Itching during healing with Zeraderm becomes less, the flow of oxygen increases, the skin is moisturized and smoothed. In addition, the effect of the drug helps reduce inflammation in small vessels. This factor helps to quickly heal the affected tissue and restore its appearance.

Dermatix Ultra

Dermatix has the same properties as Zeraderm, since the principle of their operation is identical. Before use, wash the area to be applied with warm water and soap and pat dry. The gel should be applied in a thin layer directly to the affected area of ​​the skin and then allowed to dry.

If the gel was unable to form a film in 5 minutes, it means that the product was applied too greasy, it needs to be washed off and applied in the correct volume.

The drug is used for up to two months. During this time, scars and scars will become much less noticeable. The skin will begin to renew itself with high intensity. If necessary, you can repeat the course of using the gel after 6-9 months.


The product contains allantoin and cepalin, also known as onion extract. The drug has a specific odor, but its effectiveness has been proven by numerous positive reviews after use. It helps restore the normal structure of skin cells, not only fights scars and stretch marks, but also normalizes pigmentation.

Mederma can be used in the same cases as Contractubex. Moreover, the contraindications for these two drugs are completely the same - the only obstacle to use can be individual intolerance to the components. Before use, the scar is cleaned and dried, after which a gel-like medicine is rubbed into it. The frequency of use is up to three times a day. The course of treatment can last from three months to six months, depending on the dynamics of improvement.

Gel Solcoseryl 10%

The specific active ingredient, obtained from the blood serum of dairy calves, has proven its beneficial properties through many clinical studies. It accelerates the restoration and renewal of body cells, increases the volume of collagen synthesis. In addition, the product helps to increase oxygen consumption by cells, normalizes the delivery of glucose to affected tissues, and activates metabolism.

During pregnancy, the medicine should be used with caution, since there is insufficient data to conclude the extent of its effect on the fetus. When using Solcoseryl, allergic reactions may occur due to high sensitivity to the components of the drug. No other prohibitions have been identified for treatment with this gel or ointment at the moment.


This medicine is designed specifically to get rid of scars and scars. Its action is based on the work of the body's enzymatic system. Stabilized hyaluronidase stimulates natural regeneration processes. The cream helps reduce excess pigmentation on the affected area of ​​the skin, make scar tissue less noticeable and promotes its replacement with normal dermis.

Imoferase should be used no earlier than two weeks after the skin injury.

The cream is applied twice a day directly to the affected area. It is quickly absorbed and usually does not have time to leave marks on clothes.

It does not cause allergies, so it can be safely used to treat the skin of people with high body sensitivity. To treat the effects of acne, it is applied pointwise using a cotton swab.

Contratubeks or Imoferase - which is better for scars

Manufacturer: PETROVAX PHARM (Russia)
Release form: cosmetic cream

Active ingredient: hyaluronidase

Both medications help the patient get rid of skin defects and scars. This is especially true if they are on the face. Imoferase is a cheaper analogue of Contratubex for scars. Its effectiveness remains at a high level and is no less than the activity of the base drug.

Imoferase copes well with fresh skin defects, which within 1–2 months can be completely eliminated or become less noticeable.

What to choose from Contractubex analogues?

The described drugs provide an opportunity to choose the best option for most situations and for any budget. The success of their use will depend on compliance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. It is possible to remove unaesthetic scars, stretch marks, scars in a relatively short period of time. Thanks to the development of pharmaceuticals, this has become available to everyone who needs it.

You should choose the drug that is most suitable in a particular case. It is necessary to take into account the degree of sensitivity of the skin, the healing time of the wound and the age of the scar tissue. If in doubt you cannot choose a specific option, you can consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. They will help you find the remedy that will be optimal for each individual case.


Release form: silicone-based gel

Active ingredient: polysiloxane, silicon dioxide

Kelo-coat gel is used to treat keloid and hypertrophied scars of various origins. They can replace Contratubeks gel, which, when applied to the scar, forms a waterproof and airtight film. Under such a framework, collagen synthesis is normalized, which does not allow the scar to grow. The medication reduces itching, discomfort, the severity of scars, and restores the color of the skin.


Manufacturer: NIZHFARM (Russia)
Release form: ointment for external use

Active ingredient: dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, chloramphenicol

Levomekol is a combination product for external use. The medication has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating effects. A cheap analogue of Contratubes purchased in Russia stimulates regeneration, maturation of granulations and epithelial growth in the wound surface.

The active ingredients of the ointment easily penetrate deep into tissues without damaging biological membranes. The antimicrobial activity of the ointment remains in the presence of pus and the presence of necrotic masses.

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