Cryomassage of the face, how often can you do it. Indications for the cryomassage procedure
Cryomassage is one of the methods of massage influence on the human body, during which it is used
Corrector for hallux valgus deformity
A wart on my toe hurts, what to do?
Lumps, formations and other growths on the toes can appear at any time. If
Systemic and topical retinoids: what are they and how do they act on the skin?
Retinoids for acne - preparations for the skin and internally: list, names, reviews. Rules for taking retinoids for the treatment of acne and psoriasis
Retinoids are included in various modern acne treatments. These are effective drugs, ointments,
How to remove marionette wrinkles
Puppet wrinkles: how to get rid of the wrinkles of grief?
Services Doctors Results Reviews Verified by an expert Elena Vladimirovna Avdeyuk Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist Publication date: 05
Total alopecia in men. Development of the disease and methods of control
Alopecia, or hair loss. Causes of hair loss and types of baldness
Share: Total alopecia is a disease that causes severe hair loss.
5. Actovegin
Stimulating cell regeneration: the most effective ways
— Stages of damage regeneration — What to consider when choosing a product — Selection criteria —
Microbes staphylococci
Purulent wound on the leg: treatment at home
Any punctured, chopped, torn or cut wound can be complicated by the process of suppuration. Even if you
Argan oil for the face: properties, application, benefits for the skin
The invaluable benefits of vegetable oils, along with absolute naturalness, are widely used by modern women in their care.
Removing stubborn makeup
Which makeup remover milk is best - review of 7 brands
Updated: 03/07/2021 15:18:51 Expert: Ekaterina Alekseevna Savitskaya *Review of the best according to the editors of ABOUT
Soft chancre on the shaft of the penis
Hard chancre (syphiloma): how does it appear, signs, types, localization, how to treat?
A chancre is an inflammatory dense accumulation of cell mass, blood and lymph, on the surface of the chancre
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