Retinol peeling
Features of yellow peeling. What is its advantage over other types?
Yellow peeling (retinoic) is one of the most effective products in modern cosmetology. It allows
Ointment for diaper rash
Zinc ointment for the face: beneficial properties and methods of use
Pharmaceutical preparation for local external use. Used to combat skin inflammation, fungus and
causative agent of erysipelas
Erysipelas on the hand: what kind of disease is it and how does it manifest?
The causative agent of erysipelas There are 20 types (serogroups) of streptococci. The most significant of them are streptococci serogroup
Hemorrhagic rash around the eyes
Skin rashes in children: rashes, exanthemas, enanthemas
The article was checked by rheumatologist Borodin O.O., is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace consultation with a specialist. For
Lymphatic drainage facial massage
Lymphatic drainage massage - what is it for, how often can it be done
The human face is subject to age-related changes, which can begin even at an early age. To swelling,
Japanese woman in kimono
Japanese rejuvenating lymphatic drainage massage Asahi Zogan in pictures and videos with Russian translation
Despite modern achievements in cosmetology and plastic surgery, every woman, understanding the shortcomings of these methods,
Castor oil for the face: reviews, how to use, benefits, harm, mask recipes
Castor oil for the face: reviews, how to use, benefits, harm, mask recipes
Home » Face Category: Face Castor oil is a vegetable oil obtained from the seeds of the castor plant
Psoriasis on the scalp - symptoms
Modern topical therapy for patients with psoriasis with damage to the scalp
Author: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich Editor: Efremov Mikhail Mikhailovich Date of publication: 08/14/2018 Date
Acne* due to hormonal imbalance: how hormones affect the skin
Last updated: July 24, 2020 Allergic rashes in children are a very common and
What is facial sculpture massage
Sculpting a new look: all about sculptural facial massage
Representatives of the fair sex are ready to make almost any sacrifice just to preserve their beauty and
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