Bioreinforcement of the face with hyaluronic acid: technique, review of products

Bioreinforcement: what is it?

The latest cosmetological rejuvenation technology, the essence of which is to create a subcutaneous framework using hyaluronic acid-containing biogels. The punctures are performed taking into account the anatomy of the face; the pattern creates a supporting mesh under the skin that forms an oval and tightens the contours. Despite the fact that hyaluronic acid dissolves over time, its formula at the molecular level continues to retain moisture. As a result, the production of your own elastin and collagen is stimulated by stimulating fibroblasts.

In each case, the cosmetologist assesses the patient’s skin condition, its characteristics, type of aging, age, prescribes an individual injection regimen and determines their frequency. Bioreinforcement is a virtually painless procedure that does not require any special preparation and has a small list of contraindications. The technique involves performing vector lifting using liquid threads, fillers, using a non-injection method.

Progress of manipulation

The doctor determines the possibility of performing bioreinforcement surgery during a preliminary consultation. A conversation with a cosmetologist allows you to identify contraindications. The doctor selects a suitable remedy, calculates the required amount of the substance, and considers a plan of action during the manipulation.

The operation begins with the preparation of the integument: the skin is cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. The affected areas are treated with an antiseptic.

Anesthesia is performed at the request of the patient. Many fillers already contain lidocaine. A cosmetologist can use local anesthetics by application or injection.

The doctor performing the bioreinforcement procedure must have certain knowledge and experience. Incorrect actions by a cosmetologist can lead to various side effects.

The manipulation is carried out according to a pre-developed scheme. To choose the course of action, the doctor takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The directions of drug invasion are selected. The doctor marks the contour lines and puncture sites. Vector lifting is carried out along the tension of the integument.

Strictly according to a given scheme, the cosmetologist injects the gel under the skin with injections, evenly distributing the substance along the lines using limited pinpoint injection. As a result, something like a thin thread is formed in the tissues. To evenly distribute some substances, careful massaging of the puncture sites is required.

Bioreinforcement manipulation takes 30–90 minutes. The duration depends on the experience of the performer, the scale, and complexity of the impact. The administration of some substances requires areas to be treated repeatedly. At the end of the procedure, the doctor discusses further actions. Manipulation rarely results in a negative change in appearance. The patient can immediately return to normal activities.


Bioreinforcement is called the golden mean between plastic surgery and techniques that are usually offered by cosmetology clinics. Indeed, vector lifting has absorbed the best of two extremes - safety, quick results, high efficiency and naturalness.


  1. long cumulative effect (up to 2 years);
  2. injection of drugs under the skin is almost painless;
  3. the result is noticeable after the first session;
  4. stimulation of own regeneration processes;
  5. the ability to combine lifting with other procedures from a cosmetologist.

After bioreinforcement, there is no need for recovery time; provided that the doctor’s recommendations are followed, negative consequences in the form of hematomas, redness and local swelling are unlikely.

Side effects

Complications arise due to the incompetent actions of the cosmetologist, non-compliance with the installation protocol, violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, and can lead to serious problems. Incorrect injection of fillers is fraught with the following consequences:

  • insufficient or excessive effect, asymmetric correction - the result of incorrect dosage and distribution of the filler;
  • purulent-inflammatory processes - failure to comply with sanitary standards during the procedure, recommendations after manipulation;
  • puffiness of the face - occurs if the material has sagged;
  • circulatory disorder, embolism, tissue necrosis - the drug is injected into the vessel.

Implantation of threads can be accompanied by a number of problems:

  • Violation of the integrity of the excretory duct or capsule of the parotid salivary gland. Threatens the formation of fistulas.
  • Contouring (candling), protrusion, retraction along the fiber. Problems arise due to superficial introduction of the material.
  • Inflammation, abscess, phlegmon. They are observed due to improper cutting of ends, damage to the salivary gland duct, non-compliance with hygiene standards, and unsatisfactory postoperative care.
  • Limitation of facial movements. Incorrect placement of the material, the tip got under the skin.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

In some cases, even compliance with all rules and regulations also leads to the development of unexplained complications. And then the bioreinforcement technique will have to be abandoned forever.


Vector lifting is indicated for girls aged 30 to 50 years. Before age 30, the procedure is not prescribed due to the fact that the body itself produces a sufficient amount of elastin and collagen, and after 50 years, biolifting may no longer provide a guaranteed result.

What are the indications for the procedure:

  1. sagging skin;
  2. changed facial contour;
  3. wrinkles;
  4. withering;
  5. pronounced folds in the smile area;
  6. decreased skin elasticity;
  7. drooping corners of the eyelids and mouth.

The procedure is recommended for solving many aesthetic problems, helping to get rid of age-related skin changes and disruption of natural ovals.

Cosmetical tools

It is not possible to achieve pronounced skin lifting with the help of cosmetics. Surface application products will provide nutrition, hydration, and slight tightening of the skin. It is recommended to use cosmetic substances to prevent age-related changes and maintain skin condition. Surface applied preparations will satisfy the needs of the integument and will help to slightly delay the manifestations of age. Cosmetics cannot prevent the formation of wrinkles and gravitational ptosis. For comprehensive skin care and achieving a lifting effect, Libriderm Mesolux is popular.

Application areas

Bioreinforcement is carried out for the most sensitive and delicate areas - the neck and face. The main areas that can be improved with vector lifting are:

  1. facial contour (elimination of natural gravitational ptosis);
  2. chin;
  3. forehead;
  4. thighs (inner part);
  5. shoulders (lower part);
  6. stomach;
  7. neckline;
  8. neck.

Thus, bioreinforcement is applicable in almost all areas that need correction. The procedure helps to permanently get rid of sagging, laxity and other defects that often reveal a woman’s age.

Patient reviews

Bioreinforcement is often assessed positively. The results of the procedure are noticeable, but do not last as long as we would like. In some cases, patients' expectations from reinforcement are too high, and the level of effect does not meet the requirements.

The patient does not see the result of the procedure.

A patient with experience in performing various procedures is satisfied with bioreinforcement, but is saddened by the short duration of the effect.

The patient speaks enthusiastically about bioreinforcement.

Bioreinforcement with liquid threads

Liquid threads are an alternative method to traditional bioreinforcement with mesothreads. In fact, they are not threads, but represent a special chemical formula with hyaluronic acid and zinc. The active components of the composition act on the deep layers of the dermis at the cellular level, form a framework, restore skin elasticity and increase its density.

Unlike classic threads, there is no mechanical tension, so the subcutaneous fibers are not injured. Biogel acts delicately, moisturizes the skin, improves quality, evens out the contour and color. The puncture sites are practically invisible, the procedure does not require pain relief, and the healing process is fast.

Rehabilitation period

After reinforcement, traces of injections may remain on the face for up to 48 hours. Swelling, small hematomas, and redness often occur. It is not recommended to mask traces of manipulation with cosmetics.

The reinforcement procedure does not require significant rehabilitation. You can immediately return to your usual activities. You will have to exclude for 7-14 days:

  • visiting a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool;
  • playing sports, heavy physical labor;
  • enhanced effects on the skin (peeling, massage, cosmetic procedures).

Be sure to keep the covers clean. The skin is washed with delicate products, excluding strong friction. A cosmetologist may recommend the use of antiseptics and regenerating agents.

After the puncture sites have healed, it is permissible to return to using cosmetics. After the recovery period is completed, the remaining restrictions are gradually lifted.

The result of reinforcement is noticeable immediately, develops, and intensifies over 2–3 months. The effect usually lasts 6–12 months.

When using long-acting drugs, the result can last up to 2-4 years. Some substances are administered in courses of 2–4 sessions, 14–30 days apart.

Important! It is recommended to carry out repeated manipulation after eliminating the previous effect, no earlier than a month after the previous effect.

Recommendations before and after

2 weeks before the procedure you should stop taking anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory therapy. During the first visit, the doctor will announce a list of contraindications:

  1. pregnancy;
  2. lactation;
  3. acute infectious processes;
  4. diseases of the hematopoietic system.

After the procedure, for the first three weeks you need to refrain from baths, solariums, do not massage your face, sleep only on your back and do not perform physical activity. You can get bioreinforcement done by a certified cosmetologist at the VOSK salon in Moscow. We do everything to make you happy with yourself and feel like a millionaire. Make an appointment with a specialist on the website and receive a 15% discount on your first visit.

Cost of the procedure in salons


Name of the salon/clinicAddressPriceTelephone
"White Garden"Zubovsky lane, 118 0+7 (499) 500 0 51
"Golden Mandarin"Vernadsky Ave., 37, bldg. 1B 15 0+7
"Comb"Milyutinsky lane, 13, building 155 0+7


Name of salon/clinicsAddressPriceTelephone
Cosmetology clinic “Loveliness”st. Korotchenko, 4 10 0+7 (937) 005 69 1
"Mathur"st. Academician Glushko, 10A 39 0+7
"Effect"st. Chistopolskaya, 79 25 0+7

Nizhny Novgorod

Name of salon/clinicsAddressPriceTelephone
"Beauty System"st. Beketova, 60, building 1 20 0+7
Aesthetic Medicine Clinic "Euromedica"st. Oboznaya, 4 17 0+7
"Beauty and Health Center Day SPA"st. Maslyakova, 4, building 2 25 0+7


The method has its own limitations for use. Therefore, it cannot be used if you have problems such as:

  • chronic diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature in the acute stage;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • malignant lesions, regardless of their location;
  • diseases ;
  • pronounced ptosis.

In addition, reinforcement is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Reinforcement in cosmetology is a correction technique for the oval of the face. According to many professional estheticians, 90% of beauty depends on factors such as the elasticity of the skin, clear and even contours.

Facial reinforcement is carried out as a mid-term procedure, when biorevitalization is no longer enough and it is too early for surgical correction.

The method consists of introducing fillers and threads made of different materials. This allows you to fill the missing volume and create a frame on which the facial skin will rest.

To maintain youth, you need not only to get rid of unwanted wrinkles and folds, but also to maintain volume, which gradually disappears with age. In the presence of such defects, it is recommended to use the reinforcement procedure.

Reinforcing the face with acids will allow you to get the most natural result.
Fillers or threads can “lift” just a few millimeters of loose skin. The procedure is carried out without the use of general anesthesia, which allows you to return to everyday activities the very next day.

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, laser therapist.

Nachoeva Irina Nasredinovna

7 years experience

This cosmetic technique involves introducing fillers or special threads under the skin, which help create a strong frame and eliminate signs of age-related changes.

The formation of a frame network occurs according to vectors that are previously applied to the surface of the facial skin to indicate the injection sites. In this regard, the procedure was also called vector reinforcement.

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