Depilatory cream - rules and time of use

Depilation of the bikini area has certain nuances. The fact is that the skin in this area is very delicate, smoothly turning into mucous membrane, which requires even more delicate treatment. An additional factor complicating the process of getting rid of unwanted hair is the anatomical feature of the area. If the surface of the legs and armpits is completely visible, and you can use a mirror to remove mustaches on the face, then getting rid of hairs in the so-called deep bikini area is quite difficult.

Why use depilatory cream

Removing body hair is an unpleasant experience. Shaving and electric epilators often cause irritation and inflammation, while sugaring and waxing are painful, although effective procedures. The cream is considered a safe and painless option for achieving smooth skin.

The substances in the cream soften and destroy the hair, after which it is easily removed: just remove the cream with a spatula. There are several forms of product release: cream, spray and foam. You need to choose a product based on your own skin type. Then the effect will be maximum.

There are three types of remedy:

  • for normal skin;
  • for sensitive skin;
  • for dry skin.

The method has only two disadvantages - price and individual intolerance.

Advantages and disadvantages

The cream for eliminating unwanted hair has gained popularity among girls due to its many advantages:

  • absolute painlessness;
  • ease of use;
  • absence of bruises after the procedure (which are possible if waxing or sugaring is performed incorrectly);
  • You can carry out the procedure at home;
  • Depilation does not last long.

Any method of hair removal has its drawbacks, and the use of depilatory cream is no exception. The main disadvantages of this method:

  • the effect of use lasts up to 5 days;
  • an allergic reaction is possible after the procedure;
  • the cream will not be effective enough if the hair is very hard and thick (it may not be completely removed and small “stumps” will remain);
  • For regular use, the cream must be purchased in large quantities, which is expensive.

Video: advantages and disadvantages of depilatory creams

How to use depilatory cream

Despite the ease of use, there are still nuances.

Choice of cream

First you need to choose the right cream for the treated area. Since body hair, depending on the area, differs in density and texture, there is a depilatory cream with a specific composition for each case.

After purchase, you need to do a test: apply a drop of cream to the inner bend of your elbow or behind your ear. After waiting an hour or two, determine whether inflammation, redness, or other unpleasant sensations appear on the skin. If everything is in order, then you can proceed to the next steps.

The essence of the procedure

Before using depilatory cream, you should pay attention to the features of the technology, which determine possible side effects after the procedure.

The product is distributed over the treated area in a thin layer, and after 10 minutes it is removed with a special spatula along with the hairs. This effect is achieved due to the destruction of keratin, which is responsible for the growth and integrity of hairs. In this case, not only the outer part of the hair is destroyed, but also 1 mm of the deep part, which is why the result of the procedure lasts up to 10-14 days without the appearance of stubble.

The main advantage of the method is its painlessness and relatively high speed of the procedure. A girl just needs to apply the cream and then remove it. In general, such depilation takes no more than twenty minutes, regardless of the zone.

But keep in mind that low-quality depilatory creams can disrupt the water balance of the epidermis, which leads to severe irritation.

How to use cream on different areas

In addition to the composition, creams for different parts of the body also differ in methods of use.

Bikini area

The cream helps to achieve perfect smoothness, avoiding ingrown hairs and skin inflammation. Hair after using the product will become thinner and softer than after using the machine.

The product is applied in a thick, even layer. When performing deep depilation in intimate places, it is necessary to protect the mucous membranes from contact with the cream using a napkin or special underwear. You can get a burn even from the most gentle product. After waiting time, remove the cream and hairs with a spatula.

Removing unwanted hair with laser

Laser hair removal is a modern and safe way to remove excess hair. The principle of its operation is based on the destruction of the hair follicle by light flux.

The laser works by selectively affecting a selected area of ​​the body: it destroys melanin. Each beam has its own wavelength. It is capable of providing efficient and high-quality laser action.

The device heats the hair to the required temperature at which the bulb begins to disintegrate. An important advantage of the method is that it heats only the vegetation itself, and not the skin around it. This feature helps prevent burns.

A laser session lasts a certain time, because you need to influence the beam on all unwanted hairs separately, while the skin surrounding them hardly suffers.

A powerful and high-quality device is capable of treating a large area from which vegetation needs to be removed in a short period of time. Additionally, cosmetologists use professional gels. They help cool the skin and prevent it from heating up.

It is recommended to carry out several hair removal sessions until the hair growth is noticeably reduced or unwanted hair is removed permanently.

With each subsequent procedure they will become lighter and thinner.

The most modern and effective device is a diode laser. It is optimally absorbed by melanin, at the same time protecting the skin without damaging it, and also protecting blood vessels and nerve endings. When choosing a laser, we recommend choosing this option. Its wavelength is 820 nanometers.

This procedure is often performed by girls to remove unwanted facial hair.

Read material on the topic: Body care procedures for skin tone and weight loss

Can pregnant women use the cream?

If the allergy test shows a negative result, then you can use this cream during pregnancy. This is even better than a razor, because if you feel awkward with a big tummy, it’s safer to remove hair with a cream. There are no special products for pregnancy, so choose products from proven brands that you trust.

Hair removal with cream makes it possible to quickly tidy yourself up anywhere. The result will last longer than a razor, and the feeling of the procedure is more pleasant than other methods.


Using depilatory cream is a good solution for girls whose hairs are thin and light. The procedure is a salvation for those who are not suitable for sugaring or waxing, but not everyone can use such cosmetics. You need to refuse the procedure if:

  • presence of rash, irritation, inflammation, wounds and scratches;
  • oncology;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the treated area.

During pregnancy, you should choose the most gentle creams

Pregnancy is a conditional contraindication for the use of creams. There is a possibility that a rash may appear on the treated area. You need to clarify in advance whether the composition is suitable for the skin of a pregnant woman, who is highly sensitive.

Preparation for low pain thresholds

The following actions will help reduce discomfort:

  1. Discuss with your cosmetologist the choice of a topical pain reliever. This is normal practice!
  2. Focus on the menstrual cycle. Do not perform laser hair removal during menstruation; during this period, the pain threshold decreases, sensitivity increases, redness, and irritation last longer than usual - up to 24-48 hours ().
  3. Experts note that the procedure is much easier to tolerate if you are in a good mood. Be positive and throw away bad thoughts. It is better to endure the execution if you are upset about something or tired after work.
  4. Allow more time for the procedure. Take your time! The calmer you are, the better your skin will respond to the changes. When removing hair, take a deep breath, do not hold your breath.
  5. Throughout the day, try not to drink alcoholic beverages, strong tea or coffee. Stop smoking. It has been proven that drinks that contain caffeine increase sensitivity to pain several times.
  6. Don’t keep your emotions to yourself – talk to a specialist about the pain. The specialist will adjust the intensity of the impact.


I won’t say that my mustache is very visible, but upon closer examination there are still noticeable hairs that I decided to remove. There was a choice to take wax strips, but it seemed to me that it was painful, unlike cream. I bought Byly cream, which removes facial hair above the lip. It cost me 163 rubles, which is relatively inexpensive, considering that there are five voluminous sachets of cream and five napkins with aloe to moisturize the skin after the procedure.

I did everything according to the instructions. Result: after the procedure, the hair above the lip was gone, the skin was swollen and reddened within the area where the cream was, and did not subside for about an hour. The next day the result was amazing: there were no hairs. But this happiness turned out to be short-lived - after four days, barely (but still noticeable) hairs appeared in places, short, small ones. Very quickly, it seems to me.

I decided to repeat the procedure, but I was not pleased with the result, so the rating is THREE! Apparently, short hairs are less easily removed, and wounds have also appeared after depilation. So I don’t know if it’s just me or if the cream is not suitable for my skin, I still don’t understand.


Time passes, but the habit of getting rid of the dark fuzz around the mouth remains. And Byly Depil facial depilation cream helps me with this.

Hair removal has always been a problem for me. The skin is very sensitive, you look at it the wrong way and it immediately starts to hurt. Neither a razor nor wax strips were suitable for the face, because after them unpleasant irritation and sometimes minor bruises appeared. And the cream acts very softly and painlessly. The consistency is soft and moderately thick, distributed unevenly over the skin and practically does not sting.

I don't spend much time on the procedure. Everything goes quickly and painlessly. A week later I repeat everything again, as the effect subsides and the hairs grow again. But it is only suitable for soft hairs, for example on the hands. I recommend testing for an allergic reaction before use!


I used to have “fuzz”, but it was not so noticeable... and recently I began to see that the hairs were dark and long. Of course, over time it began to irritate. I read the reviews and decided to try the Avon facial depilatory cream. I did everything according to the instructions, checked for allergies - nothing. As a result, I applied it and kept it on for two minutes. Two! No discomfort. I started cleaning it with a cotton pad and felt a tingling sensation (do you know what happens if you touch glass wool? Well, I just encountered this as a child, and I remember this feeling), and when I rinsed my face with water, it started burning...

On the first day, the skin turned slightly red, but then it got worse: dryness, tightness appeared, and when I moved my lips I felt like the skin was about to crack. On the third day, severe irritation appeared.

In general, this is my experience, and then it’s up to you to decide. There’s just one more thing I can’t understand - it’s still a face and the hair on it isn’t as coarse as on other parts of the body. How can you make such an aggressive cream and why?! Even regular depilatory cream is not so aggressive.


I bought mustache removal cream from Avon, in a small tube - 15 ml, which should last for a long time. I was too lazy to check for allergies, because not a single product from this series caused any negative effects. I won’t be lazy anymore - the cream removed the hairs, but at the same time it caused a burn. Apricot oil saved the day.

The product was applied strictly for one and a half minutes, that is, much less than indicated in the instructions. Literally from the first seconds it began to burn noticeably, but I endured it. In vain, it was necessary to wash it off immediately. After the allotted time had passed, I removed the cream with a napkin along with all the unnecessary hairs that fell off on their own (“ahhh! chemical attack!” the hairs said and jumped out of their houses). In defense of the product, I will say that for two weeks after this, the hair did not even think of growing.

I do not recommend this cream, but I fully admit that my experience is just an individual reaction. In general, the only thing I wanted to say with this review: you shouldn’t skip such an important thing as a preliminary test... even if all the other products in the series, with almost the same composition, are perfect. The cream is really powerful. I repeat, I have not had such a reaction to any depilatory product, neither from Avon nor any other, and my skin is not thin and sensitive.

Anais Lyudmila

Yes, yes, a problem so familiar to many - mustaches, mustaches or even MUSTACHS! Some people have terrible complexes, others don’t pay attention to them. Well, or he pretends... One day I thought about it, I was tired of deleting this horror in my photos in Photoshop, I decided that I had to fight. Yes, it was very scary, my mother scared me that a thick and black man’s mustache would grow, the Internet contained conflicting opinions... But it was the Sally Hansen Creme Hair Remover Kit that was praised, so my choice fell on it.

You can’t imagine HOW my hands shook when I first used it! I was worried about what would happen if it didn’t work out. That the next day long, black hair-like mustaches will grow! But the result was very good! Everything was removed and for the next week I rejoiced at my perfect skin. A week later, hairs appeared. I wouldn't say that they have become thinner and more lifeless. No, they're the same. But these hairs were visible only during macro photography; in life everything was still fine! Someone writes that the effect lasts for 2 weeks. But I still do this procedure every week.

And girls, be careful! That week I overexposed the cream and got redness. After a couple of days, the skin was terribly peeling. I scrubbed it off and it seems to be easier, thanks to the panthenol cream! In general, the cream is very good, but it seems to me that it’s all chemicals and it dries out the skin. Therefore, I have already ordered a special spring, I will use it to remove the mustache, although it will be more painful, but more reliably.


The effectiveness of chemical depilation depends on the characteristics of the skin, the structure and rate of hair growth. If you still decide to purchase a cream to remove unwanted facial hair, then focus not so much on the popularity of the brand, but on the composition of the product itself. A high-quality product without unnecessary chemicals will make the procedure safe, and an allergy test will help avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

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Electric hair removal

Electrical hair removal has three methods: electrolysis, thermolysis and blend method. Any of them is based on the use of a small thin needle, with which the doctor pierces the follicle of the unwanted hair.

Electrolysis (or galvanic hair removal) is the most famous of the existing electrolysis technologies. It is also the only option for permanently removing unwanted hair.

This technique mentions terms that we will now decipher. Electrolysis is a complex chemical process using the basic principles of galvanic current.

The latter is passed through the skin using two electrodes. This chemical reaction, which is monitored on a negative electrode (needle), is capable of releasing hydroxyl ions from water. They have destructive qualities. They destroy the hair follicle to its very base.

That is why this type of hair removal, due to the complete destruction of the follicle of each hair using electric current, is the most effective. Compared to laser removal of unwanted hair, which is not suitable for all types of hair and skin, electrolysis can help absolutely everyone without exception.

Please note that this option treats each hair individually, so the procedure itself will take longer than all other manipulations (on average, 15–30 sessions are required).

The effect of removing unwanted hair on the face, bikini, i.e. on small areas, will be visible faster than on the arms or legs.

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