Neckline massage - possible methods and useful tips

The neck can reveal a woman’s age, because the skin in the neck and décolleté area is very thin and most open, so age-related changes are especially noticeable here. This area of ​​the body has very little subcutaneous fat and a limited number of melanocytes (cells that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation).

It is advisable to start caring for the skin of the above zone at a young age in order to slow down the aging process. Preventive measures are one of the most effective ways to maintain a good appearance of the décolleté and neck area.

Classic massage of the décolleté area

The massage lines are directed from the sternum in an arched manner upward through the pectoralis major muscle to the subclavian and axillary lymph nodes.
From the thoracic xiphoid process and the base of the mammary glands you need to move towards the collarbones. The large pectoral muscle is attached to the humerus, the beginning of which is located at the edge of the sternum. The muscle fibers begin at the sternum and collarbone and go to the shoulder bone. The massage movements correspond to the given direction of the fibers. With the palm of your right hand you can move from the collarbone to the armpit, and with your left hand - from the sternum to the shoulder joint, then vice versa. When massaging the breasts and décolleté, the nipple should be bypassed.

If it is not possible to visit a massage parlor, it is convenient to perform a massage in your own apartment in front of a mirror, sitting on a chair or lying on your back. First you need to study the diagram of the massage lines; they correspond to the flow of lymphatic and blood vessels.

In the salon, the massage begins with superficial planar and grasping stroking with the palms. Next they move on to ironing and stroking: rake-shaped, spiral-shaped or circular.

When performing self-massage, place your right palm on the middle of the sternum along the décolleté area and perform a stroking movement from bottom to top. Then repeat on the left side.

Don't forget about the chest. Place your palms on your nipples, lift and press your breasts against the bone. Perform circular movements with your chest clockwise and counterclockwise 5-10 times.

Rubbing and kneading is performed: with fingertips in a circular or spiral manner; the back of the phalanges of the fingers, resting the thumb on the chest.

Vibration is performed by shaking the muscle with your fingers and a slight stocatto. When using a small ball, you can remove a double chin, massage your neck and décolleté by rolling your palm in clockwise circles from the center line of the sternum to the collarbone and armpits on both sides.


Self-massage is a procedure designed to replace the therapeutic effect provided by a massage therapist. It is also useful to acquire the skill of self-massage of the neck and shoulders to relieve spasms during the working day. Restoring good health may be necessary both during a hike and before performing physical exercises, which sometimes - without warming up the muscles - cause discomfort in the body. Anyone can quickly master the technique performed with their own hands, thanks to relatively simple techniques that are easy to repeat.


The exercise can be performed either sitting or standing - the effectiveness of the effect does not change depending on the position of the body. However, uncomfortable positions that cause muscle tension should be avoided.

Method of neck and shoulder self-massage:

  • Neck.
    First, you grab it with both hands, which touch the cervical vertebrae with your fingertips, but do not press on them. Then strokes are carried out, descending from top to bottom (amplitude from 1 to 3 cm). Stimulation options: with both hands simultaneously or with each hand alternately.
  • Shoulder girdle.
    Having begun to rub the neck in a circular motion, the person, without leaving the body, moves his hands to his shoulders and rhythmically grasps the skin (the technique of squeezing the fingers is reminiscent of the process of sculpting plasticine). Gradually, the massage area of ​​the neck-collar area shifts to the shoulders.

  • Upper back.
    Together with the shoulder girdle, the adjacent skin areas are kneaded. The maximum amount of time should be devoted to the upper trapezius muscle, which is often very tense.
  • The entire neck and collar area.
    At the end of the massage, any actions are performed that can be repeated with your own hands - patting, tapping, chopping (20 times each technique). Kneading the muscles should be completed by stroking.

If during self-massage you were able to detect trigger points that cause pain when pressed, then you should rub them very carefully.

Only specialists in the field of massage have the knowledge and skills to help bring exceptionally beneficial effects to these areas of the body.

Medical fact.

You can massage the CVZ area even through clothing, so you can provide a therapeutic effect not only at home.

Elements of lymphatic drainage of the décolleté area

By performing a neck and décolleté massage, the massage therapist accelerates the flow of lymph and drains the cervical lymph nodes. Lymph flows into them, then flows into the blood system. In order for the nodes to accept more lymph, they need to be released.

The massage therapist lightly touches the neck on the left, checking the condition of the nodes. On the right, it acts on the lymph nodes in a outlined circle with the tips of the fingers, fixing the position on the neck under the ear in the center and at the base of the neck, thereby relieving the load from them. The outlined circle is more like an ellipse, which is pressed with your fingers, placing one brush on top of another.

Next, pressure is applied in a circle along the back of the neck between the trapezius muscle and the back of the head. Then movement is carried out with the injection of lymph at the cavity of the base of the neck in front. This is where the thoracic canal enters the vein above the collarbone. Lymph is expelled to this point during a drainage massage.

It is important to remember where the lymph nodes in the neck are to perform self-massage. In the area of ​​the sternocleidomastoid muscle (near the jaw) the upper superficial nodes are located. In the grooves above the collarbone there are deep and inferior nodes into which lymph flows from the pharyngeal tonsils and the tissues of the pharynx itself.

Lymph drainage can be performed using vacuum tubes using a special massage gel. To improve muscle tone and blood flow to tissues, lymph circulation, maintaining normal metabolism and opening non-functioning capillaries, tubes should be moved along the lymph drainage paths.

Elements of lymphatic drainage, like massage, are necessary to activate blood flow with fresh oxygen and nutrients, microelements and vitamins. With the help of adequate tissue nutrition and activation of metabolic processes, we fight skin sagging and decreased elasticity, wrinkles and excess ballast in the subcutaneous tissue, especially in the chin area.

Oils and creams for massage

The décolleté area , like the neck, must be massaged with massage oil, mask or cream.

To activate lymphatic drainage, essential oils of sage, rosemary or calamus (10 drops of each of them) are added to a base of flaxseed oil (30 ml).

To slow down the aging process and accelerate cell regeneration, soften the skin, mix 1 tsp. oils: jojoba, avocado, rosehip and olive. The mixture has antioxidant properties and vitamins, which promotes a rejuvenating effect.

The cream can be prepared from thick, fatty sour cream, adding olive oil (1 tablespoon each) and 1 raw yolk.

Dry and normal skin of the décolleté area with signs of wilting is well lubricated for massage with a nourishing cream: pass through a fine grinder or grind tea rose and jasmine (flowers), rowan and currant leaves, green nettle and parsley in equal parts by weight in a blender. Mix the mass (10 g) with melted butter (50 g) and beeswax (10 g), vegetable oil (1 tbsp), then add oil vitamin A - 1 tsp.

oily skin with a moisturizing jelly cream. Soak 6 g of gelatin in half a glass of water. As soon as it swells, mix 80 g of glycerin, 1 g of salicylic acid, hold the container in a bowl of hot water to dissolve the mixture. Add honey (50 g) and beat the cream.


Like any procedure, facial and neck massage has limitations. You should not sign up for a session if you are feeling unwell or unwell. It should also be avoided if you have chronic pathologies.


  • damage to the integrity of the skin - wounds, abrasions, burns;
  • rashes of an allergic and infectious nature;
  • viral diseases;
  • dermatitis in the acute stage;
  • the presence of large moles, papillomas;
  • high, low intracranial pressure;
  • pathologies of the endocrine and circulatory systems;
  • rosacea;
  • postoperative period;
  • plastic surgery;
  • lifting procedures;
  • oncology.

You should start taking care of your face from adolescence. Don't forget about the neck and décolleté area. Cosmetic massage is prescribed after 25 years to prevent the aging process. Procedures in adulthood are effective for restoring turgor, improving color and structure.

Honey massage of the décolleté area

1. Apply honey to the décolleté area with a flat spatula and spread over the surface with dry fingers. 2. From the center of the sternum in the area of ​​the thymus gland, gently and deeply press the pads of your fingers against the skin and sharply tear them off. 3. Move your fingers along the massage lines to the axillary lymph nodes and higher from the center line of the sternum to the clavicular. Some of the honey is absorbed through the pores and enters the blood vessels, nourishing the skin, blood and internal organs from the inside. During this movement, sebaceous plugs with dead cells are removed from the pores with your fingers. They mix with the rest of the honey, turning it into a whitish, sticky mass that is filled with harmful toxins and carcinogens, so it must be removed by washing your hands and wiping dry. 4. If it is difficult for your fingers to come off the skin and pain appears, stop the massage and thoroughly wipe the décolleté area with a hot, damp cloth several times, and then cover the skin with another hot, damp cloth and a terry towel on top until it cools.

Fire massage of the décolleté area

Fire massage was used to treat the body and strengthen the immune system back in Ancient Tibet.

In modern times, it came from Chinese healers. Active exposure to heat dilates blood vessels, relieves nervous tension, relieves insomnia, pain and inflammation, strengthens the immune system, activates lymph circulation and metabolic processes.

Fire massage promotes active sweating, which removes waste and toxins from the body. The massage smooths out wrinkles and folds. After warming the skin of the décolleté with classic massage movements, it is lubricated with aromatic oil. A terry towel is soaked in an infusion of medicinal herbs with bouquets of essential oils. A couple more of the same moistened towels are placed on top. Alcohol infused with herbs is additionally applied to the top, then set on fire. The alcohol solution is applied so that the fire does not reach the chin. At the request of the patient, the massage therapist can hold a damp towel aloft, separating the flame from the face.

With active sweating and dilation of pores, the beneficial substances of herbs and oils will penetrate deep into the skin tissue and blood vessels, causing a healing and lifting effect. In addition, adrenaline is released due to the appearance of fever. It speeds up metabolism and changes the chemical state of the body.

Common Mistakes

It is recommended to avoid the following when using the cream:

  • applying a large amount of cream - the skin will not absorb more than it can, but the product can clog pores and give an unsightly shine;
  • using the composition on dirty skin - if you forget about cleansing and toning, the product will not have an effect, but will contribute to the formation of acne and comedones;
  • wrong choice of cream - an unsuitable product for a certain skin type will aggravate existing problems and add new ones;
  • violation of technique - failure to follow massage lines leads to stretching of the skin and destruction of its own collagen;
  • incorrect movements - if you rub the skin, squeeze it again, it will lose its elasticity and firmness.

Herbal bags for massage of the décolleté area

Cotton or linen bags are filled with herbs, for example, thyme, ginger, lavender, lemon balm, mint, sage. There may be about 20 names. To enhance the effect, essential oils are dripped into the herbs: pine, rosemary, lemon or grapefruit.

The purpose of the massage is to simultaneously apply light heat, apply aromatherapy and herbal medicine.

1. Four bags are placed under streams of steam and heated. 2. Two of them begin to massage, applying it to the skin and moving the hand along the massage lines. 3.Preliminarily, the skin of the décolleté area is cleaned and lubricated with base oil: grape seed, olive, avocado or other. The warmth of the bags relaxes the muscles of the neck and décolleté, the work of blood and lymphatic vessels is activated, the skin is saturated with oxygen, nutrition, and actively breathes. 4. After removing excess fat, carcinogens and toxins, velvety, elasticity and turgor return to it. 5. After cooling, the bags are returned to steam and the massage is continued with the other two hot bags.

It is beneficial for the skin to use contrasting temperatures: two hot and then two cold bags.

How to do it

1. Start massage movements along the décolleté area from the central line (thymus gland) to the sides towards the lymph nodes. 2. From below, using squeezing techniques (shifting), you need to move upward, grabbing the front surface of the neck and chin.


If the skin on the neck and décolleté is dry, then place wild mallow, linden, chamomile and yarrow (3 tablespoons each) into a bag. The antiseptic collection will make the skin velvety and moisturized.

For oily and combination skin you will need nettle, chamomile, plantain, cornflower (walnut leaves or celandine) - 3 tablespoons each. The collection eliminates inflammation on the skin, eliminates oily shine, strengthens local immunity, and improves appearance.

Neck: procedure

The main purpose of massage lines is to ensure minimal stretching of the integument. By following the technique of movements during any skincare procedure, you will be able to limit the negative impact.

The effect on the skin, taking into account massage lines, will allow:

  • maintain clear contours, tighten the oval;
  • achieve expressiveness of features, formation of correct proportions;
  • improve skin color and texture;
  • eliminate swelling, congestion, flabbiness;
  • get rid of age-related changes, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and sagging.

The classic scheme of action involves the neck. Many people forget an important element. A neglected neck can instantly reveal age and make the number more impressive. It is imperative to take care of the skin of the problem area.

The procedures begin by treating the décolleté area, paying attention to the neck. Smoothly moving higher

The lines of minimal stretching of the skin of the neck area are not uniformly located. In front, movements are made, moving from the chest to the border of the chin. The side surface and back are worked from top to bottom.

Vacuum massage of the décolleté area

Perform oil massage with appropriate attachments (cans) measuring 33-40 mm in diameter for 5-10 minutes, take a break of 2 days between procedures. Course – 8-10 sessions. The jar is placed in the center of the sternum near the thymus gland and directed along the massage lines towards the axillary and clavicular lymph nodes. You should not create an excessive vacuum in the jar, as it will be difficult to move it. This can cause pain and stretch the skin.

The vacuum helps remove excess waste, fats, cholesterol and toxins from under the skin. Metabolism and regeneration processes at the cellular level are activated in the skin. There will be an outflow of lymph and an influx of blood with oxygen and nutrition. Your skin will look younger literally before your eyes!

Expected results

It is not surprising that many people ask the question of what to expect from lymphatic drainage massage. After a certain number of procedures, the skin color noticeably improves, it becomes toned and velvety. Bags and dark circles under the eyes disappear, you will look refreshed and rested.

It is clear that a one-time procedure will not give a positive effect. It is recommended to do massage in courses: 8-12 procedures. You can achieve the desired result faster by incorporating other methods of healing and cleansing the body. After 2-3 months, lymphatic drainage massage should be repeated.

Stone massage or stone therapy

1. Natural and cosmic healing energy is contained in hot minerals: tourmaline, basalt, jade or malachite.
They retain heat for a long time, so they are placed on the décolleté area while warm in order to eliminate muscle tension, unblock nerve endings, neutralize negative energy and activate local immunity. 2. Then they need to be replaced with cool marble, which quickly gives off coolness. The contrast temperature promotes a sharp blood flow, restoration of metabolism and restoration of skin tone.

3. Next, hot minerals are used to massage along the lines. Rectilinear, circular and spiral movements are used.

4. Finish the procedure with cooled stones.

Which banks to choose

The pharmacy sells several types of jars; you just have to decide which ones are best to choose.

Rubber ones are the cheapest. The depth of impact on the treated area depends on the pressure applied with your fingers. They are inconvenient because they get dirty quickly and the odors of oils linger for a long time, which are difficult to “kill” with anything. There is a danger of dangerous bacteria appearing.

Silicone ones are good because they seem to “float” on the skin, maintaining a vacuum inside. But they have a drawback - they do not hold their shape for long. Plastic with a silicone nozzle are comfortable and practical, can be used for static massage.

You can buy glass ones with a rubber or silicone nozzle. They are extremely convenient to “work”.

For manipulation you will need devices of different sizes:

  • 1 cm in diameter are used for the skin around the eyes and nasolabial folds.
  • Medium jars, 2-3 cm in diameter, are necessary for treating muscles, deep layers of skin, as well as for working on the forehead and cheeks.
  • Large jars will be needed for the décolleté area.

Exotic snail massage

Achatina fulica snails are imported from Korea; they have preventive, therapeutic medical and cosmetic effects with the mucus they secrete.
Mucus nourishes and rejuvenates the skin, heals wounds, treats burns and warts, and gets rid of age spots.

Massage procedure: 1. Rinse the snails in water at room temperature. 2. Cleanse the décolleté, neck and face of makeup and dirt. 3. Apply regular milk to the massage areas. 4. Place the snail on your skin and let it move freely over it. 5. After the snail licks the milk and leaves mucus on the skin in the desired areas, place it in its place. 6. After 30 minutes, rinse off the healing mask with plain water.

Preparing for the session

Before the session, the area of ​​the face, neck, and décolleté is cleansed using soft, hypoallergenic products. For dry skin, use cosmetic milk; for oily skin, use herbal lotion. When preparing, you should also remember the direction of the massage lines.

After cleaning, the covers need to be dried and warmed. More often, a wet steaming compress is used to help partially remove the keratinized epithelium.

Apply a terry towel soaked in hot water for 2-3 minutes. Dry dermis must be lubricated with moisturizing cream, and only then steamed. Areas such as nose and mouth are not covered.

Mood also matters, maximum muscle relaxation is important. During the cosmetic treatment, peace comes. After the session, you feel like after a long rest or deep sleep.

Original fish massage

Garra Rufa fish massage has deservedly gained popularity. They simultaneously perform micro-massage of the body and peeling, including the décolleté and neck area. In addition, the procedure effectively treats eczema, dermatitis, and burns.

Patients immerse themselves in the bath and relax quietly, enjoying the numerous touches of live fish, which eat all the dead cells, cleansing the skin.

At the same time, dethranol (a bactericidal substance) secreted by fish quickly heals problematic skin and slows down cell division, and has a rejuvenating cosmetic effect. After the procedure, the skin becomes silky and smooth, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Efficiency of the technique

The effect achieved after completing a massage course:

  • the skin texture is smoothed;
  • a beautiful oval and neck line is formed;
  • mesh wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • a healthy, even tone is restored;
  • deep cleansing occurs, comedones are removed;
  • pores narrow;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Attention! The results will depend not only on the chosen technique, but also on the condition of the skin. Massage of the face and neck should be included in the complex of caring procedures to maintain the achieved effect.

Useful tips

Since the front and sides of the neck and décolleté area are cared for simultaneously, it is recommended:

  • rising up along the surface of the neck from the front to the chin, massage with the pads and fingers under the lower jaw to its corners and then move down along the side surfaces, repeat 3-5 times;
  • perform vibration by puncturing, tapping, quilting and patting with the palm and back of the fingers;
  • on the front surface of the neck (left and right), apply pressure using the acupressure method on 4 biologically active points, starting at the level of the earlobe near the corner of the jaw and ending at the collarbone;
  • make a vibration (shock) of the larynx by grabbing it with your thumb and the next two fingers and moving it left and right, up and down;
  • massage the upper and lower nerves of the larynx. The superior nerve is massaged with vibration using the tips of the thumb and forefinger by grasping the soft tissue behind the thyroid cartilage. Lower nerve - massage by grasping the area of ​​tissue between the inner edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the larynx itself;
  • use “MORPHO BUST” masks for the chest, décolleté and neck areas. The active ingredients of the masks promote the distribution of adipose tissue, restore skin density and elasticity;
  • Apply warm water and oil compresses to the neck and décolleté.
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