gravitational ptosis-1
Do you have gravitational ptosis and what can you do about it?
What it is? Ptosis is a general term that means prolapse of an organ or area
What is salt peeling and how to perform the facial procedure? Best Recipes
Regular scrubbing of the skin helps remove dead cells and stimulate intracellular metabolic processes. Procedure
Treatment of ARVI and colds
Features of the course of ARVI and influenza in children
September 9, 2022 Colds in children are one of the most exciting topics
How to disguise age spots on the face
Pigment spots on the face - how to disguise? Why do age spots appear on the face and how to get rid of them?  
Not every girl can boast of clear, “porcelain” skin. Most ladies' mood is spoiled by pigmentation
Soda and salt for the face: 10 recipes for masks, scrubs and peelings
Dear Site Readers, soda and face salt are considered the most effective, but aggressive
The elbows are rough and dark. Causes, signs of the disease, skin treatment in adults and children
April 5, 2020 Diathesis is not just an allergy, but the body’s predisposition to the occurrence of
Problem skin - causes of imperfections and care tips
Ideal skin by nature is extremely rare, and with problems such as acne, comedones,
Applying cream to face after scrub
Is it possible to apply a cream or face mask after the scrub?
A scrub is a good way to cleanse your face. It makes it possible not only to restore healthy
How to get rid of closed and open comedones on the face
85% of the population faces the problem of comedones on the skin of the face and body, and not
Skin hypersensitivity: a look at the problem from the perspective of a cosmetologist
Types of sensitive skin Causes of skin sensitivity: skin hypersensitivity, which is characterized by a sudden onset, after which
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