Dubinina facelift: disadvantages and contraindications

Among the variety of cosmetic and surgical methods of facial rejuvenation that exist today, one can also find “natural” ones, which act by triggering skin regeneration processes. These are absolutely safe techniques that allow you to fight age-related changes and prevent their occurrence. One of these techniques is facial gymnastics, developed by fitness instructor Galina Dubinina. This method of rejuvenation is also called facelift. It is a set of exercises that improve the tone of the facial muscles and thereby tighten the skin. Facelift classes do not take much time, do not require the use of any special cosmetics and have no age restrictions. All the exercises are quite simple, but at the same time very effective: performing them regularly will lead to results that can be compared with the effect of cosmetic procedures.

Who is Galina Dubinina?

Galina Dubinina is the founder of the school of youth, a teacher of facial gymnastics, and the creator of more than 30 methods for skin rejuvenation. Since childhood, she has been involved in dancing, shaping, fitness, and aerobics. She never left sports and was always committed to maintaining youth and health of the body naturally.

When I noticed the first wrinkles, I set about developing my own course for rejuvenating the epidermis, which was based on facial exercises. After Galina experienced the results of her technique, she began teaching others.

Galina’s exercises have become popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. This method of combating skin aging is available to everyone, regardless of age, gender and complexity of the problem.

Facial massage

As part of a complex of rejuvenating procedures, Galina Dubinina suggests performing acupressure massage. The technique allows you to influence microcirculation and strengthen thin capillaries. At the cellular level, oxygen respiration is normalized and renewal processes are accelerated. The main technique is vibration (light pressure) for 4 counts, followed by relaxation.

  1. The index finger is placed on a point in the middle of the forehead. Press and release for a count of 4.
  2. In the same way, work the point between the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose.
  3. Massage the points at the beginning of the growth of the eyebrow arches.
  4. Vibrate the points in the center of the eyebrows, then at the end of the arches.
  5. Press and release paired points located in the temporal fossa.
  6. Press on the area under the earlobes.
  7. Massage on the lower jaw, points under the lower fangs.
  8. Dimple in the middle of the chin.
  9. Press on the points above the corners of the mouth.
  10. Work the area above the upper lip.
  11. Press on the points at the wings of the nose to get rid of nasolabial folds.
  12. Massage the lacrimal sacs (at the corners of the inner eye).

You can watch Galina Dubinina’s self-massage technique in the video.

The essence and features of the Dubinina method

The facelift is based on a set of exercises and techniques for working out the facial muscles. With age, it weakens and loses tone, because of this the oval becomes fuzzy, wavy (especially in the chin area), the epidermis sags and becomes flabby. Galina's rejuvenation technique is aimed at eliminating this problem and training muscle tissue:

  • forehead;
  • eye;
  • chin;
  • neck;
  • cheeks

When conducting regular exercises, important acupuncture points are stimulated, which are responsible for the condition of the body. As a result, cellular renewal is launched, blood supply to tissues improves, and the production of elastin and collagen is activated.

While developing her own course, Galina completely immersed herself in the topic of natural skin rejuvenation and tried out many different techniques on herself. Then I chose the most effective ones and supplemented them with my own author’s exercises.

Galina talks about her classes in video lessons, where she also informs about how to perform the exercises and what mistakes should not be made. Her course is supplemented with breathing exercises, elements of facial massage, and yoga. Together, this allows you to achieve a more pronounced and faster effect without plastic surgery, expensive cosmetics, special equipment or devices. You can conduct classes in the comfort of your home at a convenient time.

Care after facelift

After facelift surgery, the patient remains in hospital for about 3 days. Rehabilitation involves wearing a compression mask for at least a week. Swelling after surgery can increase for up to 2 days; after the third, it usually subsides by the end of the week.

Sutures are removed within 6 to 10 days. Head hygiene procedures are allowed to be carried out no earlier than a week. The use of decorative cosmetics for the first week is strictly prohibited. It is recommended to start work after 2 weeks if no side complications have arisen.

All heavy loads, including sports, are canceled for almost two months. Sunbathing is recommended after 3-4 weeks. The result will be visible in two months.

READ ALSO: Nasolabial wrinkles

Whatever type of facelift is chosen, facial exercises are designed to solve the problem in a non-surgical way.

Innovation and advantages of Dubinina's facelift

Gymnastics for the face by Dubinina does not require any special financial investments, but it really works:

  1. helps make wrinkles less noticeable;
  2. strengthens facial muscles;
  3. makes the oval of the face clear;
  4. reduces soft fatty tissue in the chin area, swelling, bags under the eyes;
  5. evens out the contour of the lips;
  6. improves complexion;
  7. raises the tone of the muscles of the cervical-mental area;
  8. normalizes blood flow, lymph flow, accelerates cellular metabolism;
  9. raises the outer corners of the eyes.

During gymnastics, the subcutaneous layer, muscles, and lymphatic system are involved, so facial treatment is carried out much deeper than the surface layer of the epidermis. Using her example, Galina shows that you can slow down the clock with a minimum of effort.


A facelift for the face with Galina Dubinina should be performed to reduce signs of aging, as well as to prevent new wrinkles. It is recommended in the following cases:

  1. sagging skin;
  2. wrinkles, nasolabial folds;
  3. ptosis of eyelids, cheeks, forehead;
  4. bags under the eyes, swelling;
  5. double chin;
  6. “jowls” that deform the face and give it a wavy appearance;
  7. decreased skin elasticity;
  8. cheek creases;
  9. drooping of the outer corners of the eyes.


It's time to find out how it “works” and what results should be expected from charging, the so-called facelift from Galina Dubinina:

  1. Increased tone of facial muscles;
  2. Oval restoration, face lift, double chin reduction;
  3. Improving tissue nutrition by increasing blood circulation;
  4. Unclogging pores, restoring skin smoothness;
  5. The ability to have a youthful face in 15 minutes. in a day.

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Contraindications and possible difficulties

Facelift with Dubinina has virtually no contraindications.

But it is not recommended to do this:

  1. If the integrity of the facial skin is damaged (scratches, injuries, etc.), bleeding may occur.
  2. If Botox injections or plastic surgery on the face have recently been performed, the tissue healing process may be disrupted, the implant may shift, the sutures may come apart, etc.
  3. With Bell's palsy, there may be stiffening of the muscle fibers of the face, a sedentary and frozen expression.
  4. With exacerbation of infectious diseases on the epidermis (for example, herpes). The infection may spread.

Exercise sets

For oval face and neck

Pull your chin forward. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Then make circular movements with it (but only if the temporomandibular joint is not damaged) in one and the opposite direction 8 times.

Then hug the upper lip with your lower lip and lift your lower jaw up. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

To reduce nasolabial folds

Place your thumbs on the upper canines so that the nasolabial folds straighten. Press your fingers with the orbicularis oris muscle 8 times. Then place your right finger on the lower left canine and press it upward with your lower lip 8 times. Do the same on the lower right canine, but make sure that the finger is under the nasolabial wrinkle and not in the cheek area.

For cheek lift

Clasp your teeth together, place your thumbs on your teeth and press them with your cheek. In this case, there should be no creases on the nasolabial fold. There is no need to strain your lip muscles. Repeat 8 times.

For the forehead

Place your hand on your forehead at the border with your hairline. Pull it back and leave for 30 seconds. Lower your gaze down your eyelids and hold the position for 30 seconds. Then you need to add the lowered upper lip and jaw to these exercises. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Then repeat the last exercise, pulling back the lower lip 8 times.

For eyelid and eye lifting

Before gymnastics, you should massage the eyebrows: from the beginning of growth, work the entire length of the eyebrow with “sculpting” movements. Repeat 3 times. Then raise your eyebrows as high as possible. Place your fingers on the wrinkles that have formed on your forehead and thus smooth them out. Leave the muscles tense and lower the eyelids (for 2 minutes). Repeat 2 times.

To strengthen the chin muscles

Place your fists on your chin. Open your mouth, resisting your fists. The anterior neck muscles should work. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Then press the middle of your tongue on the upper palate and hold for 30 seconds. Then repeat 8 times, periodically pressing and relaxing the muscles of the tongue.

Text of the book “Gymnastics for the face. Practices for preserving beauty and youth"

Galina Dubinina Gymnastics for the face. Practices for preserving beauty and youth

© OJSC Publishing Group “Ves”, 2020


There is a photo of me on the cover of this book and I am 54 years old. You know, I am not at all embarrassed by the question about my age, and I think that every year I will be more and more pleased to answer it. Why? Because my face is the best proof that I have chosen my life’s work correctly and that it is working. That I know how to maintain youth and beauty, and I can teach this to other women. This is my business card, which speaks better than any words about the benefits of gymnastics for the face. And I also admit that I like to see surprise and sometimes admiration on the faces of those who ask me about my age.

And how are you? How do you feel when people ask you how old you are? And what do your feelings depend on at this moment? I address this question to women over 35 years old. Until this age, we are usually happy with everything and it seems to us that this beauty in the mirror will never disappear. But, alas, there are things in life that are inevitable, such as aging. In nature, everything is cyclical: the process of origin, growth, flourishing and withering. What do you think, at what age does heyday begin and when does the next stage of human cyclicity come? The process of physical growth ends at the age of 25, and then a period of withering and aging begins, no matter how funny it may sound, especially now, in our time, when age limits have shifted significantly. Remember your parents and grandparents: if previously the peak of prosperity, both in personal and social life, was at 20–30 years old, now at 40, 50 years old, and sometimes even later, people embark on the path of professional fulfillment or new relationships. Therefore, looking decent, being fit, beautiful and energetic at any age is not a whim, but a vital necessity for a modern woman.

When I said that the process of fading, or simply aging, begins after 25 years, I did not intend to upset you - I just want you to understand that nothing will be preserved by itself, and age-related changes will become more and more apparent every year. Look at older people, they were young too, but time takes its toll. I assure you: we have the power to stop, slow down this process, and sometimes even reverse it. Only on the condition that you are ready to make efforts to maintain health, beauty, and youth. First of all, you need to figure out which path is right for you and get down to business. Don't be afraid that now all your time will be busy. 5-10 minutes a day is enough, the main thing is regularly. Isn't your beauty worth it?

Looking decent, being fit, beautiful and energetic at any age is not a whim, but a vital necessity for a modern woman.

Many books have already been written about maintaining youth and beauty. There are a lot of videos on the Internet with exercises for the body, as well as programs for a balanced diet, body and facial care, descriptions of breathing practices, information on maintaining water balance and much more. Yes, these are all necessary components of methods for maintaining health, beauty, attractiveness, femininity, strength, youth, enthusiasm, self-confidence, uniqueness and individuality.

And one day, having decided not to give in to age and stop age-related changes once and for all, you begin to adhere to all these tips and recommendations, conscientiously following every point of the material you read. But there is not enough time for everything, and self-care turns into hard work and a burden, especially if the result is not yet visible. The enthusiasm disappears, and gradually you return to your usual routine. Has anything like this ever happened to you?

In this book I want to talk about the fact that, in an effort to preserve youth and beauty, it is not at all necessary to break yourself and radically change your lifestyle. You can and should remain yourself, and first, just think: what do you want to see in the mirror image? which one?

Put down the book and go to the mirror. Look at yourself: what features do you particularly like? What do you consider your advantages? For example, good color, open look, beautiful shape of eyebrows, lips...

Write everything down and don’t skimp on complimenting yourself: __________

Now write down what you want to improve. For example, the oval of the face, the condition of the skin, or removing wrinkles on the forehead, reducing nasolabial folds...

Write down, knowing that all this is real: __________

For better motivation, I suggest you find a photo in which you really like yourself. Of course, if you are now 50 years old, then you should not take a photo from your student years, but a photo from five or ten years ago is quite suitable. The main thing is that you really like it. If the photo is printed, attach it to the mirror; if it is electronic, put it as a screensaver on your phone. Now it will most eloquently remind you of the purpose of your studies and inspire you!

Find such a photo right now, remember this image and know that you can do everything yourself, with your own hands, and without strict diets and expensive procedures offered by cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. You can save your face and body, love yourself even more, gain confidence, discover your individuality and potential, and simply become happier. And at any age!

One of my students said: “Life is a high-speed train.” We live in an age of abundance of information and lack of time. Every day we try to fulfill all our plans as much as possible, but sometimes we don’t have time, we put it off, then we make up for lost time, there are more and more things to do, but less and less time, and we begin to “run” through life. Today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow... So weeks, months, years go by.

In constant haste and the desire to beat time, we do not have time to do the most important thing - take care of ourselves.


We forget that we need to stop, take time for ourselves, look carefully at ourselves in the mirror and understand that time is irrevocably running out and making its own adjustments to the state of our face. Just as it is impossible to instantly stop a train running at full speed, it is impossible to instantly stop the process of age-related changes. But this can be done gradually. By gradually reducing the speed, that is, by performing a daily set of exercises according to my method of non-surgical rejuvenation, you will slow down the aging process day by day and will soon be able to stop it.

Isn't this a miracle? You won’t need to waste time going to specialists or investing serious money in anti-aging programs. And all by yourself, with your own hands!

There is, of course, another way to stop the train - pull the stop valve handle. That is, undergo a course of injection procedures or use the services of a plastic surgeon. You can imagine what will happen to people traveling on a train during a sudden stop. In short, this will not end well: injuries, fractures, bruises. It's the same with the face.

Natural physiological changes occur gradually. Therefore, we also need to make a plan for caring for our appearance and regularly allocate time to implement it. Regularly!

Chapter 1 Who did I write this book for?

A woman is as old as she looks

Usually women come to me who suddenly no longer like their reflection in the mirror. I now remember the phrase: “Either smart or beautiful.” Youth is always beautiful, but does not have life experience and wisdom, understanding of oneself and life, which come with age. True, age-related changes also come with them: the oval of the face “floats”, wrinkles appear, circles under the eyes and other “charms” of mature age.

How offensive it is - after all, at 40 years old, life really just begins! The children are more or less adults, there is plenty of energy, ideas and opportunities too. I want to create, create, communicate with people and at the same time have fun and feel at my best. Remember how much confidence boosts a trip to a beauty salon before an important meeting can give you. Now imagine that an “important meeting” is your entire future life, and a “beauty salon” is always with you.

“A woman is only as old as she looks” - this phrase has long become an axiom; biological age has no meaning! However, let's look at the facts. As I already wrote, the first signs of aging appear after 25 years. At this age, fine lines and wrinkles appear (usually around the mouth and eyes), natural elasticity changes, the skin begins to break down and loss of muscle tone leads to sagging of the face.

Scientists have found that, starting from 40–45 years, there is a progressive decrease in the number of working capillaries, which determines the physiological basis of aging of the body. The face becomes more mature, facial wrinkles become deeper, and new wrinkles appear. The skin sags in places, and bags form under the eyes. Other signs of aging slowly appear: a double chin, drooping corners of the mouth, and a wrinkled neck.

Coco Chanel said: “At 20, nature gives you your face, at 30, life sculpts it, but at 50, you must earn it yourself.”

Sad statistics

At 25 years old, everything is fine and there are no flaws on my face. But we live in the age of advertising, when beauties with unnatural facial features, overly enlarged lips, static faces look at us from the pages of glossy magazines, and many take these examples as a standard. Hence the sad statistics: already at the age of 25, every second girl wants to increase the volume of her lips, eliminate folds on the forehead and between the eyebrows, or at least do something for prevention so that folds do not form. By any means! Forgetting that there are two ways: artificial and natural. The artificial method of change gives an instant effect, but temporary. This is an expensive and risky approach (possible negative consequences). Another, natural way requires self-love and regularly finding time for yourself - five minutes every day. I was not mistaken - only five minutes! And no risk, investment or harm to health. I call this method a natural stop of time on your face.

Problems at different ages and their solutions

Let's imagine that we are walking in the garden. Various trees grow in it: both very young ones and trees with a thick spreading crown, under which you can hide from the rain and the heat of the sun; there are trees with tasty and juicy fruits. Answer yourself honestly: which trees will you admire, which ones will your gaze linger on longer. Think and answer. Only honestly. And no matter how many options you give me now, I will give the answer first and I am sure that you will agree. Our eyes are attracted by well-groomed

trees. In their appearance one can feel health, harmony and beauty.

It is pleasant to look at a person at any age if he is well-groomed.

This also applies to us: a person at any age is pleasant to look at if he is well-groomed. And this, of course, is regular, daily work. No, I don't want to scare you. You'll see: self-care and facial exercises will become your faithful companions and needs. It's important to start.


● At 25 years old, we want to increase the volume of our lips, increase our cheekbones, remove folds from the forehead and between the eyebrows.

● At the age of 30, we want to remove puffiness from the eyes, fatigue, and bruises under the eyes. Remove the slouch and straighten your shoulders.

● At the age of 35 we notice a double chin and we are upset by the nasolabial folds that appear.

● At the age of 40, you want to cope with the drooping of the upper eyelid, puffiness of the eyes and already filled nasolabial folds.

● At the age of 45, you want to tighten the contour of your face and return your skin to a healthy color.

● At 50 years old – all combined.

All this is true, but...

● You can remove wrinkles on the forehead without injecting Botox, which, as you know, simply paralyzes the functioning of the forehead muscle. In this case, the neuromuscular connection is disrupted and the forehead becomes immobile, like a mask, which, in turn, leads to swelling and premature aging of muscle tissue. You can remove wrinkles on the forehead by strengthening the forehead muscle and relieving tension from the back of the head. Yes, imagine: the cause of horizontal wrinkles on the forehead is overstrain of the occipitofrontal muscle and weakness of the muscle in the forehead (after all, if the muscle is toned, a wrinkle cannot form on it, but on a weak muscle that is not able to return to its original position, creases form - these are future folds on the forehead).

● The cause of a vertical fold on the bridge of the nose is overstrain of the muscle that wrinkles the eyebrows. From the name of this muscle it is already clear what it does - of course, it connects our eyebrows, and at the same time, due to the displacement of the skin tissue, a crease is formed. The fact is that muscle tissue can contract quickly (a jump, a jerk, a quick rise of the eyebrows, an expression of severity), but skin tissue cannot contract quickly, so facial wrinkles form - in other words, this happens due to overexertion and shortening of the muscles. In this case, to eliminate vertical wrinkles in the space between the eyebrows, it is enough to relieve tension (perform a massage that relieves tension from this muscle). The muscle will return to its original position, and thereby you will remove the cause of the formation of this wrinkle. If there is no reason, there are no consequences... This means that you will not need to resort to botulinum therapy and, as a result, fight eye swelling - you can do without it! Now that you understand what to do, you can naturally deal with these wrinkles yourself.

● Almost every girl dreams of increasing lip volume. After all, it is so seductive, beautiful, tempting, sexy. Is it true? When performing gymnastics for the facial muscles, you will not need injections of hyaluronic acid, no. Why take a risk and get something that is not at all what you expect. It is enough to do exercises aimed at increasing blood flow to the lips, and add massage, thanks to which you will eventually get the volume and color of the lips that you dream of. You agree that blood flow increases volumes? Moreover, doing this is easy and pleasant, and your lips become sensual and voluminous.

● You want to keep high, clearly defined cheekbones forever, it’s stylish and beautiful, and most importantly, it’s one of the signs of youth. If your cheekbone area is as full as possible, this indicates youth. The volume of the cheeks falls in the middle - this is typical for middle-aged people, and if the volume of the cheeks falls below the corner of the lips, this is a portrait of people with extensive life experience. Stop! There is no need to do contour plastic surgery and run to plastic surgeons. And here you can cope on your own, namely: strengthen the cheek muscle and relax the orbicularis oris muscle. It's simple. You just need to figure out what and how to do. Maybe something is not clear yet - don’t worry: we will analyze the exercises and common mistakes when performing them further. Now I just want you to understand that all your facial problems can be solved much easier than you think, and there is no need to be upset - everything is in your power and hands.

● Bruises under the eyes give the face a tired, haggard look. And it’s true: such problems appear when you are tired, don’t get enough sleep, or worry. It’s enough to get enough sleep, do a massage to improve blood circulation and a massage to drain lymph from the eyes, think about something good - and all problems are solved! Your eyes shine, you smile, and there are no signs of fatigue under your eyes at all. This is an ideal solution to the issue, but if you have small children, a responsible job or session, there is no time for relaxation. Then only facial gymnastics will help in this matter. It will improve blood circulation, muscle work will start the outflow of lymph from your beautiful eyes, and the problems will go away.

Let's do the exercise right now.

1. Straighten our shoulders, build physiologically correct posture. We open the chest, the line of the lower jaw is parallel to the floor. We stretch the top of the head up, the facial muscles are absolutely calm.

2. Set the timer on your phone for one minute and start blinking. Honestly. Just a minute.

3. Close your eyes and feel which muscles worked, which ones are tired, which ones are weak and which ones need to be trained.

4. Now open your eyes and look at yourself in the mirror.

Has your face changed? Have problem areas around the eyes become smaller? Then there is a reason to seriously engage in these changes and get rid of the problem that worries you naturally.

● Double chin. Oh, that double chin... I suggest moving from theory to practice without further ado. Ready for an experiment? Then we begin: in five minutes we will remove the double chin.

1. Stand up, straighten your back, shoulders back, chin parallel to the floor.

2. We stretch the top of the head up, only focusing on stretching the lumbar region. Imagine that you are going to a ball and put on a corset, it is narrow and you need to stretch out as much as possible at the waist so that the dress fits.

3. Are you stretched out? Great. Maintain this body position. Let's dress up further: place a beautiful necklace on the chest in the décolleté area, connect your shoulder blades and show how beautiful the decoration is, lift it up on your chest - let everyone notice it!

4. Don't forget to wear long earrings, but you'll have to stretch your neck so they don't touch your shoulders.

5. Look in the mirror. The neck has become longer, the posture is perfect, but where is the double chin?.. It’s not there!!

Did you succeed? Then remember my tips and apply them in life more often. It's simple. My transformation method is based on logic, anatomy, physiology and correct execution technique. Your beauty is only in your hands.

● The formation of nasolabial folds usually has several reasons: weakness of the muscular corset that holds the volume of the cheeks, drainage of fatty bags

on the face, loss of volume of the orbicularis labii muscle, overstrain of the masticatory muscles, changes in the length of muscle tissue, and more. All these changes cause the formation of nasolabial folds. Having made a diagnosis of your face and understood which of the listed reasons led to the formation of your nasolabial fold, you can solve this issue by choosing the right exercises and massage techniques. And therefore, by eliminating the cause, you will remove nasolabial folds. Note: yourself, without risks and consequences!

For example, after increasing the zygomatic volume and pumping up the zygomatic major muscle, the nasolabial fold will go away. Raise your cheek a little. Have you noticed how the crease has decreased? And for some it completely disappeared.

In this situation, cosmetologists suggest using fillers. This is filling a fold, a gap in muscle tissue with hyaluronic acid. It seems so simple. But this is only at first glance. The gap is filled, the skin tissues move apart, and after the filler is absorbed, the gap, the wrinkle, becomes even larger. Then take a larger amount of the drug and repeat the procedure. And then you will need an even larger dose and... the road to nowhere begins. I won’t talk about the aesthetics of the face, yes, now there are no wrinkles on it, but does it look natural? Here everyone decides for himself what he will do. I want to talk about natural ways to rejuvenate and support the face, at any age!

● Some women at a certain age begin to notice that their skin has become sallow, dry, and rosacea. This happens because with age, capillaries stop working and nourishing the skin layers, therefore, the access of oxygen, nutrients, and minerals to the skin is blocked and the outflow of metabolic products worsens. The skin stops breathing and functioning normally.

This will not happen if you regularly do facial exercises. After all, it is the work of muscle tissue that can provide the flow of oxygen and other necessary products necessary to restore the functioning of the vascular system, including the restoration of the capillary network, which nourishes, moisturizes, cleanses the skin, restores complexion and the quality of the skin.

And again the exercise. We tighten the contour of the oval face.

Press the middle of your tongue against the upper palate and hold this position for one minute. Don’t forget about correct posture, otherwise you won’t be able to return a clear oval face. Now take a check look in the mirror. Great! A start! It is within your power and capabilities to restore the clear contour of the oval face. Every problem and pain reduction is solved by intelligent muscle training and massage techniques.

See for yourself.

Starting point for life changes

Perhaps reading this book will become the starting point of a new stage in your life, which will divide it into “before” (when everything went by itself) and “after” (when your transformation begins and you take competent comprehensive care for yourself and your face ). You understand: without a gardener, even the most beautiful garden will fall into disrepair...

This book is for you if you care about yourself and your appearance, if you always want to look decent, young, and well-groomed. If you want to feel admiring glances, hear compliments, and be an example for your children.

This book is for a woman who wants to remain feminine and attractive at any age. This book has no age limits; I don’t know a single category of women who would not want to look younger than their calendar age. This book is for those who want to reveal their age without being embarrassed, but causing admiration from others.

Disadvantages of the technique

A facelift has several disadvantages. It requires self-control and regularity. If the exercises are performed sporadically, the results will not be noticeable.

The technique does not help everyone. You should not expect a stunning effect, like after injections of hyaluronic acid, with deep wrinkles. In addition, each person's regeneration processes occur individually - for some it is faster, for others it is slower.

Doing exercises too hard, not following the technique and putting excessive pressure on the epidermis can cause the appearance of new folds, so you need to take precautions.

As a result of active effects on the blood flow, lymph flow, inflammatory processes and acne may appear on the skin. But they usually go away on their own after a few days.

Possible complications and consequences

As with any operation, there is a possibility of undesirable consequences in the form of complications.

There are some possible complications:

  • The appearance of swelling of the face and the presence of bruises. But they will pass with the use of special medications.
  • The appearance of pigmentation on the skin. It is typical for sensitive skin, but goes away without any intervention within six months.
  • Hair loss in the area of ​​the incisions, but everything will be restored after a certain period of time.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, non-standard complications may appear, which are rare:

  • There may be some bleeding after surgery.
  • Necrosis of the edges of the skin on incisions.
  • Injury to parts of the facial nerve or ear. Temporary loss of earlobe sensitivity.
  • Wound infection.
  • Weakening of some facial muscles.
  • With the individual qualities of the body, the appearance of rough scars.

What do the doctor's say?

Dermatologists and cosmetologists have a positive attitude towards Dubinina’s facelift, but only if the exercises are performed correctly. From a medical point of view, facial exercises are an excellent way to combat puffiness. During training, lymphatic drainage improves, excess fluid leaves, and blood supply to tissues improves.

Experts believe that the muscles of the face are also susceptible to movement disorders, like the muscles of the trunk and limbs. Sudden muscle spasms (myoclonus), muscle contractions (dystonia), tension (hypertonicity), twitching under the skin (myokymia) and other muscle disorders can be corrected with the help of gymnastics. Therefore, facelift can rightfully be considered an effective therapeutic and preventive procedure.

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