Face building: everyone is obsessed with facial gymnastics. Is it really that useful?

Today, the “natural” trend has taken a strong position in the market. Proper nutrition, organic cosmetics, natural beauty. All these are different manifestations of the same process: humanity is beginning to think about its health, and not just about external beauty. Natural rejuvenation methods are of interest to women aged 30+. One of the popular trends online is facial gymnastics or “face building.” We'll talk about it today.

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First, let's think about what hardware techniques and injections actually are, why are they dangerous? For the last 15 years in Russia and more than 40 years in the West, women have been persistently imposed the belief: cosmetology is necessary for the beauty and youth of the face. In fact, if you look at the effects of regular injections for at least five years, you will see that the muscles weaken and become accustomed to constant interventions. What's happening? Natural physiological mechanisms are disrupted, the capillaries through which oxygen and nutrients enter the skin atrophy, scleropathy occurs or, more simply put, vascular gluing. The skin becomes rough and sallow-gray in color due to a chronic lack of cell nutrition. Facial muscles become decrepit and tissue fibrosis occurs.

However, in recent years, the world has been captured by the fashion for naturalness. A technique that is suitable both for maintaining the condition of the skin and for giving tone is face building. The set of exercises was invented more than 60 years ago by German plastic surgeon Reinhold Benz. Today, facial gymnastics is talked about on all TV channels, written in all kinds of magazines, the topic is surrounded by myths and different opinions. Some consider facial gymnastics a “miracle”, others claim its uselessness.

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Myth No. 1. “Facebuilding gives an instant effect”

Gymnastics for the face is also fitness, but for the facial muscle groups. There are 57 of them in total and they need regular training. If you go to workout once or twice and then don't show up for six months, you're unlikely to see any improvement. The logic is similar here - if you want to look a few years younger, don’t expect a miracle. Systematic exercises will help tighten the oval of the face, get rid of fine wrinkles, remove puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. But get ready to treat your face with love and patience for at least 3-6 months.

Exercises for nasolabial folds

Let's talk more specifically about how to eliminate excess nasolabial folds. Of course, it is better to do all the exercises from a young age, then your appearance will remain attractive. These exercises require little time.

  • Curl your lips into a tube and say a long “oooh”.
  • Pronounce the vowels A, O, Y, U I, E, etc. loudly and with expression near the mirror.
  • Puff out your cheeks as much as possible and hold the air for a few seconds.
  • Open your mouth wider, your lips should take the shape of a circle.
  • With your jaw forward, clench your teeth tightly.
  • Pull your cheeks inward.
  • Puff out your cheeks one at a time.
  • Puff out your cheeks and release the air in short bursts.

All exercises should be repeated 15 times. You should not stop doing gymnastics, even if your nasolabial folds are in good condition.

Myth No. 2. “The more you pump the muscles on your face, the better the effect”

Facial muscles are different from body muscles: they are thinner, flatter and are attached differently. The facial muscles, unlike the skeletal ones, are attached to the bone at one end and woven into the skin or neighboring muscles at the other. Some of them are almost constantly tense, others are almost constantly relaxed. One muscle in spasm (hypertonicity) pulls neighboring muscles and skin along with it - this is how many wrinkles are formed: on the forehead, bridge of the nose, nasolabial folds, etc. If you pump a spasmodic muscle mdsah; then you will only make the problem worse. First, you need to relieve the spasm using special relaxing and massage techniques, and only then proceed directly to gymnastics. Other muscles are relaxed (hypotonic) and gravity pulls them down.


Each area of ​​the face requires a special approach. Alternate exercises for muscle tension with massage for relaxation, and do not overuse it.

Isn't this fashion?

As they say, everything new is well forgotten old. In the 60s of the last century, women who paid special attention to their appearance corrected facial imperfections using a set of facial exercises.

In the early 2000s, the fashion for face building increased again. A lot of literature was published on this topic, but soon the excitement died down. It's all about a woman's character, the distinctive features of which are eccentricity and inconstancy of desires. Beautiful creatures expect immediate results, and face building requires patience and continuous practice. Only in this case will you be guaranteed results.

The face is literally made of muscles. But a person uses 10% of their amount. Basically, the process of muscle work is maximally involved during food consumption. Low activity of these muscles causes the skin to sag, become wrinkled and sagging. When relaxed, the face quickly loses its youth and attractiveness.

To avoid many problems with appearance, exercises for facial rejuvenation were invented. They can be carried out at the computer, at the mirror, in the bathroom. They do not require you to have exercise equipment and waste energy.

Myth No. 4. “If you stop doing gymnastics, everything will become even worse than before”

When you just start doing face building, your face begins to gradually change for the better. There are exercises that give a 3D lifting effect, and there are those that can model certain areas on the face. Therefore, with the right selection of exercises for your face type and specific needs, you will become prettier day after day. The skin will turn pink from the flow of blood and nutrients, the oval of the face will become clearer, wrinkles will smooth out, and dark circles under the eyes will disappear. You will feel the first obvious results in a couple of weeks, notice them in the mirror in a month, and your loved ones will see them in about a couple of months.

What happens if you stop doing exercise? After a few months, the result will return to what it was before the exercises began. If you don’t have enough time for daily practices, then do several support complexes a couple of times a week. This is enough to maintain the effect for years.

Facebook building - reviews


Facebook building gives results only when done for 40 minutes to an hour, and with 10-15 minutes a day you will see practically nothing. In 1-2 months you will see the first results of your work and they are very significant. After 5 months, it is necessary for your face. The facial muscles will not tighten more than, this is possible and you will not completely eliminate very deep wrinkles. You will not look younger than 15 years you will be 10 years old, this is a more optimal option, but you will look well-groomed. Don’t believe the nonsense that there is no result, those who do nothing write about this

Alyona Sim


I did a facial massage, which combats swelling, and it helped quite well. And my facial expressions couldn’t be more active anyway))) I’m just one of those people who, from my own experience)))

Yulia Karpova


Yulia, 47 years old. I’ve been interested in Facebook building for a long time, I tried to do the exercises on my own, but I came to the conclusion that it was better to turn to specialists. I recommend it to all beginners and those who are trying to learn and apply the exercises on their own. Svetlana gives a lot of information and answers all your questions, shows how to apply knowledge correctly, without harming yourself, motivates, and charges with energy. Thank you, Svetlana!!!!


Pros: You can exercise almost anywhere, it’s inexpensive, it doesn’t require much time

Cons: It doesn’t help someone and even harms them, if you are lazy, then this is not for you, long-term result, post

Good day to all!

I have one problem that bothers many people - I don't like my nose. With age, it lengthened and became, in my opinion, completely ugly - especially the tip of the nose, which is cartilaginous tissue. Rhinoplasty is out of the question right away, because A) I’m afraid B) there’s no money.

And I asked myself: is it possible to reduce my nose without surgery? I went online and found a great site (which I will also write a review about now), which reveals the secrets of face-building - that is, gymnastics for the face. And supposedly this very Facebook building can be an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. A brief educational program on what the word Facebook building means:

Facebuilding (face - face and building - construction) - exercises that smooth out wrinkles and make facial skin more elastic. The difference between regular facial gymnastics and face building is that the latter is strength exercises using resistance.

Everyone knows the name Carol Maggio, I sincerely thought that facial gymnastics was her original invention, but I was surprised when I learned that face-building has many schools and directions authored by Eva Fraser, Maria Runge, Camilla Wohler and many, many more. The difference in their methods is the ideas of exercises for different types of faces (thin, dense, wide, etc.). In general, I discovered a whole world that I still have to understand and understand!

But now I want to talk about the already tested exercises for the face and what the effect was. I started with what I think is most necessary in my particular case - strengthening the oval of the face and shortening the nose with the help of exercises. I was initially skeptical about the nose. I took pictures of my nose before the start of gymnastics, tried to shoot in profile, full face and from above, so that the scale of the disaster could be seen.

I did the exercise twice a day (sometimes once a day), consistently for about 10 minutes in the evening - always while reading a book before bed. Here is a direct description of the exercise for shortening the nasal cartilage:

Take the starting position: pull in your stomach, tighten the muscles of the front surfaces of your thighs and tighten your buttocks. With your thumb and forefinger, grab the bridge of your nose, squeeze your fingers and press on your nose. Place the index finger of your other hand on the bottom of your nose. Pull your lower lip down, and the tip of your nose should also move down. Stay in this position for a second. After a second, release your lip, relax. Repeat the exercise 40 times.

It's that simple. If anyone is interested in the execution details, you can find them on the Internet. The exercise is really simple, you can combine it with watching your favorite TV series or reading a book, if only you wish.

And today I decided to do another photo shoot on my nose to make sure that there are changes.

Just like that. there are no changes. However, I thought so - after all, nasal cartilage is not a muscle and I don’t understand how you can pump up your nose. So you have to save up for rhinoplasty!!!

But the exercise to strengthen the oval of the face pleased me; already on the first day after performing it, I felt pain under the chin, in the sublingual area. I didn’t even know there were muscles there!!! This is the exercise I did:

Stand in front of the mirror and round your lips in the shape of the letter O. Press your tongue to your cheek and your cheek to your tongue. Try to keep the pressure between them as maximum as possible. Move your tongue across your cheek. Do about 20 strokes on each cheek.

And this:

Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks, evenly distributing the air inside them. Keep your lips tightly closed. Place your palms on your cheeks so that your fingers are on your ears. Press on your cheeks, but use your cheeks to resist the pressure of your hands. Hold for 5 seconds and then relax your face. The exercise must be repeated 5-10 times.

And I plan to do these exercises at least until spring, they seem effective to me. so, everything related to face-building, you need to filter and look for exercises that would suit you individually, then it makes sense to wait for the result. And of course, before doing the exercises, be sure to read the contraindications; Facebook building has plenty of them.

Thank you everyone for stopping by!!! Bye!

And I got all the information about Facebook building from this mega-informative site.

Lyubov Nogai


Over the course of 3 weeks of playing, I noticed the following changes on my face:

Improving the condition (increasing tone and reducing the depth of wrinkles) of the forehead, eyelids, cheeks, bridge of the nose, nasolabial lips, facial contours, creases at the tragus and neck

I took more photographs of my face from the front and in profile.

The changes are clearly visible!!!

I also took a photo of myself leaning over the camera (I have an old photo somewhere in the depths of my computer from many months ago, I have something to compare it with). It can be seen that the cheeks have tightened up very much (yoo-hoo!!!!)))), before they hung like a shapeless mass (((.

Anabelle offline


Hi all!

Thanks to the girls who came to my thread and gave me the idea to create a new one related to Facebook building!

Now I’ll tell you what kind of animal this is

We don’t think at all about the fact that our face also needs support in the form of a muscular frame. Have you seen fitness trainers or just people playing sports? Yes, they have a gorgeous, toned body (you can’t tell from their figure that they’re 40-50, the skin is stretched over the muscles, everything is sculpted and beautiful), but you look at an ordinary or age-related face... Dissonance arises!

And all because the face is not given due attention, the body, therefore, is pumped to be young, and let the face live its own life

Therefore, 3 years ago I began to touch on this topic (and also because my husband is 7 years younger, no one notices this, and maybe the merit of Facebook building is also big here), read information, watched videos with exercises.

And for myself I chose a scheme that I successfully use 2-3 times a week (no more!!! otherwise there is a risk of “over-pumping” and being muscular on the face

For eyes

1. I pinch the skin near the eyes with my fingers on both sides and, through tension, try to lift the upper eyelid upward, do this 30 times

2. I blink often and usually count to 100.

3. I look with my eyes right-left-up-down-diagonally - I draw figure eights, I also do this 100 times before going to bed.

By the way, eye movements are the only exercise that is not forbidden to do every day.

For the spout

We bring our finger to the tip, lift the nose up, and with the muscles of the nose we try to resist the finger and press down. It turns out that the nose moves up and down. This exercise should be done counting to 50, thereby we prevent the growth of cartilage tissue and strengthen everything there, because. It is known that the nose grows throughout life. I read that some people changed the shape of their nose. Using those muscles, the tip is raised, the nose is shortened, which visually rejuvenates the face.

For cheeks

Let's blow! Let's inflate an imaginary balloon! We inflate our cheeks together, one at a time, pushing the air in front of the front teeth. We look like a hamster, but the muscles are working. Have you noticed that when you inflate a balloon, your cheeks and around your ears hurt? So these are pumped up muscles, it helps with jowls! So, we blow for 3 minutes, I do this a couple of times a week, the oval does not float (although for some it already floats at 30).

For nasolabial lips

Blowing goes well with this too. But we also do this: we open our mouth, stretch our lips wide into an oval, and begin to move the upper and lower lips down over the teeth. We also fix the area near the nose with our fingers and raise only the upper lip into a grin.

For full lips

We make the lips like a duck and move them as if we wanted to kiss someone. Until you get tired. You also imagine that you will tighten your lips, stretch them out as far as possible, and squeeze them well.

For a strong neck

Pull your jaw forward and lean your head back - you will immediately feel the tension in your neck. Repeat this 10-20 times.

Press your fist into your chin, while resisting them and trying to push your fist down. You will feel a strong tension, the exercise is based on the force of resistance!

Basically, that's enough!

It is also useful to slap yourself on the face, driving in the cream. Sometimes I beat myself so much that my husband says stop beating my wife

But by doing so, we force the skin to breathe, and cellular metabolism improves.

It’s by some of these principles that I live my life little by little.

And regarding cosmetics, I’ll immediately note - I only have drugstore brands



I decided to take up Facebook building just out of interest. They promised that the result would be noticeable in a week, so I decided to check it out. I’ll say right away that I was skeptical about all this, I thought that I was just wasting my time, but still I promised myself to do Facebook building within a week….

And now seven days pass. I met with a friend, we were chatting, and she told me that my appearance had changed, my face had lost weight, and my nose seemed narrower. I admit honestly, my nose has a wide tip, which has always confused me. And after Facebook building I wouldn’t say that he became much smaller, no, but he began to look neater. And I began to like my reflection in the mirror much more, because when everything is in order with my face, it greatly improves my mood.

The only disadvantage of the exercises is that if you are lazy, then it is better for you not to engage in face-building. After all, at first you need to train your facial muscles two or even three times a day.


I have studied facial gymnastics from many specialists in this field; there is something to compare with. The course of Larisa Zavrazhnova’s Sport Face gymnastics school is accessible and consistent. Everything is clear and understandable, there are exercises for each area of ​​the face and neck, recommendations are given on time management of classes and the order of incorporating exercises into your life. I am very glad that we continue to cooperate with Larisa after training, this is valuable to me. You can learn a lot from Larisa, and her desire for beauty and perfection is inspiring.


Marina, thank you!



I became acquainted with Evgenia’s technique about a year ago – I found a video on YouTube. I liked the author’s approach, the way of conveying information, and the author’s charisma. And then I found this book. I read it with pleasure. It is clear that the author is not just “on topic”. Evgeniya very competently and structuredly explains, warns and inspires to practice.

It's good that a lot of attention is paid to the anatomy of the face. I consider this important and necessary for starting classes and easily mastering the material.

To be honest, I was surprised to see her photos “BEFORE” and “AFTER” the start of classes. I kept wondering - Evgenia is young, I am more than 10 years older and my age-related changes are quite impressive. Naturally, I doubted it. And then I saw the photo and my doubts went away. Thanks to classes using Evgenia’s method, you can not only get a youthful face. Everything is much more interesting! You can get more refined, refined, aesthetic facial features. And look not just young, but noble!




Tightens the oval of the face. I managed to smooth out the wrinkles of the forehead a little, which in life I like to wrinkle when I think.))


Did not see. Except that after exercise, my facial muscles hurt.

Good day, dear readers of the Otzovik website! I would like to draw the attention of the female population of this site to this Training video “Gymnastics for the face - Facebook building”. And even though this is an unpaid review, I just want you to try it. As I already wrote, I like to test all the exercises on myself. I have already mentioned exercises for the face, only the author there was Marina Korpan:

Book “Bodyflex for the face” - Marina Korpan. What can be said is that some elements are repeated. You make faces no worse than with the Korpan exercises, but I liked the effect on the facial muscles more. And again I remembered the cartoon with its notorious: “He’s making faces!”)) Of course, I recommend it, that’s the only reason I wrote a review.




Interesting, useful, exciting, skin tone improves, good mood in the process


Deep wrinkles are not removed

The video presents a Facebook building course for beginners, everything is told and shown very clearly, the explanations are interesting and really useful. It feels like you are working with a professional instructor. It really improves your mood and facial tone. But at the initial stage it is better to work out with a “live” instructor, and then move on to self-gymnastics)




Really works


Requires constant self-discipline

Naturally, I became interested in Facebook building when I began to notice age-related changes on my face, plus the fact that I had lost weight had a negative impact on my face. Somehow, from various types of massage, I switched to face building, and since I am actively involved in physical exercises for the body, I did not doubt for a minute that facial exercises would have their effect. And indeed, after a relatively short period of time (about 2 weeks), I noticed changes. I did exercises to correct nasolabial folds, as well as swelling under the eyes. The effect of eye exercises is visible immediately, but to see how the nasolabial folds are smoothed out, you need to try longer, but the game is worth the candle. I recommend this type of rejuvenating practice for disciplined, consistent people, since the effect of face-building will be obtained only with regular practice.




Exercise restores the tone of the facial muscles.


You need to take time to exercise every day!

Three years ago I found Galina Dubinina’s course “Face Exercises”. At first I actively did this fun exercise, and even in a couple of months I saw changes on my face for the better! But, as always, things and worries started spinning and spinning... And only the other day I remembered about her again. Starting today I'm starting to make faces again! This time I’ll try not to leave the distance and make exercise for my facial muscles a habit! The video shows and explains everything in great detail; all exercises are divided into separate complexes for problem areas. You only need to allocate 20-30 minutes a day to tone your muscles! Who's with me? Join us! The video can be found on You Tube.




The oval of the face is tightened, the skin is more elastic and pink


Improper training can backfire

When you are already over 40, you begin to think about the eternal :)) My thoughts on this matter are described in the review of the book

Search within yourself, so I won’t repeat myself here. So, in the new year I decided that I needed to do something about my face. I watched a lot of different videos on the Internet and created a set of exercises for myself. First of all, on the oval of the face, chin, nasolabial folds, forehead and wrinkles around the eyes. For the first three weeks, I tried very hard to follow the recommendation and exercise twice a day. The result really appeared. And then I began to allow myself to relax and reduced the number of classes - once a day, now and then I can even skip them. Ideally I start by applying

serum by stroking, patting and pinching the skin of the face. Then I proceed to the main part. I try to do several exercises for each area. It’s best in front of a mirror - you can clearly see how the facial muscles work. When finished, I apply eye and face cream. If I don’t have time, I do the exercises on the go - in the kitchen in front of the pots without any mirror. Or right in bed before going to bed with a small mirror in your hands. Every week I took photos. Unfortunately, for some reason I can’t attach the result of the work to this review, but believe me, it exists. The skin became more elastic and toned, the oval of the face tightened, the double chin began to disappear (before, I generally thought that these were features of the structure of my face).

Ella Mirifica



A really working technique for tightening facial muscles.


Find time for this - at least half an hour a day every day. Cosmetologists have a concept - gravitational ptosis of the SKIN - don’t forget about it.

About three months ago I started doing Facebook building using the method of Evgenia Baglyk. Very accessible and understandable videos. Evgenia herself is a very personable and open person. Explains it literally from the fingertips. Strength exercises are based on the ability to concentrate on a specific muscle, feel the force of resistance and the ability to relax the face. The first days I had a headache all over my face and even a headache. But then these feelings passed. Not everything worked out right away, especially tensing the zygomatic muscles, but now I’ve learned how to do it. Of course, the face changes before our eyes. Muscles that were out of tone acquire clarity, and the face becomes more elastic. But I want to say right away, looking at the results of Evgenia’s school, that they are not achieving such results through Facebook building alone. There are expensive natural cosmetics, massages, and constant monitoring of your facial expressions. For example, after three months of daily exercise, my nasolabial rashes have not gone away. There is a concept of a muscular frame - yes, it’s wonderful when it’s pumped up and in good shape. But there is a concept called gravitational ptosis of the skin, and face-building alone will not tighten sagging skin. There is a similar example in my review about breast cream. Before using it, I pumped up my chest muscles, and I did pump them up, but the sagging breast skin after childbirth was still sagging and remained hanging on top of the pumped up muscles until the cream helped. It seems to me that we must understand that muscles are muscles, and skin is not muscles - it is skin. And if you have creases and folds on your face, don’t expect miracles from Facebook building alone. As Anastasia Burdyug said, do the exercises and you won’t need anything at all. Burda! Pump up your muscles, but you won’t pump up your skin; gravity takes its toll. The skin needs vitamins, hyaluronic acid, peptides, collagen, elastin - then there will be results. But Burdyug’s opinion didn’t work for me. The nasolabial lips never went away. This is the central part of the face and it is the most problematic. I wrote to you so frankly about everything. So I thank Evgenia Baglyk for her video, but skin is not a muscle, and it also needs care.



Facebook building not only eliminates age-related changes. He is able to enlarge lips, reduce nose, etc. (as far as I know). In general, it is beneficial to correct your face. I am 25 years old and have no wrinkles. And judging by my genes, they won’t exist for another 10 years. So this review is not about wrinkles.

Facebuilding is a practice aimed at training the muscles of the face, neck and décolleté, combined with their massage. The concept is similar in meaning and functionality to bodybuilding (body building). Facebuilding combines facial exercises of varying levels of complexity, performed at home.

What can such gymnastics do besides reducing wrinkles (and training facial muscles in general):

  • Raise your eyebrows
  • Lift the upper eyelid
  • Get rid of circles under the eyes
  • Make your nose smaller
  • Shrink face
  • Form an oval face
  • Give cheekbones
  • Raise the corners of your lips
  • Enlarge lips
  • Improve skin quality
  • Remove double chin

I think it’s clear that for young skin there is a “field in which you can roam” (especially true for chubby people).

I studied according to the “Super Face” program from Anastasia Burdyug . She is almost 40 years old, and this girl looks gorgeous (I can't even call her a woman). She conducts seminars and online courses, for money accordingly. The lowest price for an online course is RUB 2,000. But this gymnastics is freely available, and on her working Instagram all the exercises are sorted out “piece by piece” for correct execution.

What do I like about this program?:

  • Simple exercises that work several muscles at once. I watched some other gymnastics and noticed that they were working one specific muscle at a time. And there are exercises that require you to put your fingers in your mouth. Anastasia doesn’t have this at all, thank God.
  • It only takes 10 minutes to complete. Some people do gymnastics in the morning and evening, but I do it once a day and sometimes I skip it (due to laziness).
  • Quick results, since the facial muscles are small and active.

And now the result for the month (since I sometimes missed classes):

ps. Don’t expect global results in a month (especially with a face like mine, narrow and already quite prominent). I started studying out of interest. Of course, I would like more symmetrical eyes (which I don’t have), a reduction in bruises under the eyes, well, if my lips become bigger - well, that’s great...

What changes have I noticed:

  • The eyebrows and eyes raised a little, the look became more open. I was hoping that my left upper eyelid would lift, but so far it doesn’t want to.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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