Dark armpits: why they appear and how to get rid of dark armpits


The most common cause of acanthosis nigricans is being overweight. Other reasons include:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • conditions that affect hormone levels, such as Cushing's syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, or an underactive thyroid
  • taking certain medications, including steroids or hormones such as birth control pills
  • in rare cases, cancer - usually stomach cancer
  • in rare cases, the defective gene is inherited from your parents

Sometimes acanthosis nigricans occurs in healthy people without any other diseases. More common in people with dark skin.

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How to remove dark armpits at home - folk remedies

You can also use folk remedies to lighten the skin of your armpits. They are quite effective, affordable and at the same time completely safe for health.

The most effective and popular procedures at home:

  • Lemon. A universal skin lightening product. Can also be used to whiten the skin of the armpits. Just rub half a lemon on your skin after a shower.
  • Kefir. Kefir is also an excellent remedy for whitening armpits. It contains beneficial ingredients that reduce dark spots and heal the skin. It is enough to apply kefir to cleansed skin and rinse with warm water.
  • Soda and chickpea flour. Using these components, you can prepare a natural scrub to remove dead skin cells. To prepare it, mix a little soda with chickpea flour and natural yogurt.
  • Turmeric. To prepare a lightening paste, mix turmeric with lemon juice. Use daily after an evening shower until dark spots disappear.
  • Sandalwood paste. One of the most effective remedies against dark spots. Regular use of sandalwood paste not only brightens the skin, but also eliminates the unpleasant odor of sweat and relieves irritation after removing unwanted hair.
  • Rice vinegar and flour. To prepare the paste, mix rice flour with a small amount of rice vinegar and apply for 10 minutes. This product brightens the skin and makes it fresh and velvety.
  • Cucumber juice. To prepare a brightening lotion, you need to grind the cucumber using a blender and give the juice. Use the juice with a small amount of turmeric to rub the armpit area daily.
  • Honey. To soften and whiten your skin, apply a thin layer of honey and lemon juice to your underarms. Then take a shower and moisturize your skin with lotion.
  • Potato. Potatoes are also a natural bleach. Therefore, you should prepare potato juice and apply it for 20-25 minutes on clean skin. For optimal results, use potato juice daily.
  • Coconut oil. An optimal product for lightening the skin of the armpit, as well as reducing the odor of sweat. You should use coconut oil after taking a shower.
  • Talc. If darkening of the skin occurs as a result of using alcohol deodorants, it is recommended to use talc. It will keep your skin dry and clean, but at the same time protect your armpits from darkening.

Treatment of acanthosis nigricans

Once your doctor determines what is causing your condition, he can recommend appropriate treatment. The spots should disappear over time once the cause is eliminated.

If you are severely overweight, your GP may recommend trying to lose weight.

Depending on the cause, they may also recommend:

  • medicine to balance your hormones
  • medicine to balance insulin levels
  • change your medicine to one that does not cause this reaction

There is no special treatment. A dermatologist can suggest treatments to improve the appearance of the skin, but it is usually recommended to first find and treat the underlying cause.

ServicePricePromotion PricePromotion Price
Appointment (examination, consultation) with a therapist1800 rub. primary 1500 rub. repeated free appointment with vitamin therapy course
Autohemotherapy650 rub. 1 session 3000 rub. 5 sessions 6000 rub. 10 sessions
Ultrasound therapy procedure450 rub.
Plasma therapy8000 rub. 1 session 13500 rub. 3 sessions 22500 rub. 5 sessions
Vitamin therapy (course of 10 injections)4000 rub.3000 rub.free appointment with a therapist
Recovery course of IVs after COVID-19 (Coronavirus)950 rub. 1 session 4050 rub. 5 sessions 8100 rub. 10 sessions
Intravenous drip administration of drugs (without drugs, 1 bottle)950 rub. 1 session 4050 rub. 5 sessions 8100 rub. 10 sessions
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 1 bottle)
1000 rub. 1 session 4500 rub. 5 sessions 9000 rub. 10 sessions
Intravenous drip administration of drugs
(without drugs, 2 bottles)
950 rub. 1 session 4050 rub. 5 sessions 8100 rub. 10 sessions
Intravenous drip administration of medications
(with existing clinic medications, 2 bottles)
1150 rub. 1 session 5200 rub. 5 sessions 10500 rub. 10 sessions
Intravenous administration of drugs (jet)450 rub. 1 session 2240 rub. 5 sessions 4050 rub. 10 sessions
Subcutaneous-intradermal administration of drugs (course)250 rub. 1 session 1180 rub. 5 sessions 2250 rub. 10 sessions
Intramuscular administration of drugs (course)350 rub. 1 session 1750 rub. 5 sessions 3000 rub. 10 sessions
Registration of a certificate for the swimming pool500 rub.
Registration of a sanatorium-resort card400 rub.
Examination program Men's health passport12350 rub.9999 rub.free appointment with a therapist
Examination program Women's health passport10840 rub.8999 rub.free appointment with a therapist
Comprehensive body cleansing program23660 rub.18999 rub.free appointment with a therapist
Complete check-up for male athletes18500 rub.14999 rub.
Complete check-up for female athletes18900 rub.14999 rub.

How to get rid of dark armpits - advice from dermatologists

According to research by dermatologists, almost half of women are dissatisfied with the skin of their armpits. Advice from dermatologists will help you not only maintain your skin in perfect condition, but also get rid of dark spots in this area.

The main product for armpit skin hygiene is deodorant. His choice should be taken very carefully. It makes no difference whether you use a spray, roll-on deodorant or stick. The main thing is that the product does not contain parabens, which dry out the skin and cause darkening of the armpit area. The formula of deodorants should be hypoallergenic. It is also recommended that the product contains licorice root, which prevents darkening of the skin.

Dermatologists also recommend paying special attention to armpit hygiene. Ideal hygiene looks like this:

  1. To cleanse the skin of your armpits, use only detergents for sensitive skin.
  2. Lather and rinse skin thoroughly. Pat your skin dry with a towel. It is damp skin that causes the growth of bacteria, skin rashes and other problems.
  3. Use deodorant. It should be applied in a thin layer.

Carry out this procedure at least twice a day.

An important condition for healthy and beautiful armpit skin is proper hair removal. Regardless of the hair removal method you choose, there are general rules that will help maintain the beauty and health of the underarm area.

  • Before removing unwanted hair, the skin must be perfectly clean and dry. To clean it, you should not use antibacterial bar soap, otherwise you will dry out the skin. It is better to give preference to liquid detergent.
  • If you use a razor or tweezers to remove hair, disinfect them.
  • All hair removal products and preparations must be of good quality.
  • Hair can only be removed in the direction of growth. If you remove hair against the grain, germs can enter the pores, causing redness, inflammation, and clogged pores. This is what causes darkening of the skin.
  • After removing hair, be sure to moisturize your skin. An excellent option is a deodorant with moisturizing ingredients.


First attempt: I used the A'PIEU Deo Armpit Brightener whitening cream as it was written on the tube: that is, I applied it, waited until it dried and washed it off. It was written to wait a minute, but as I was applying it, doubts crept in; I had to wait more than one minute for it to dry. The skin lightened slightly, but not terribly. Attempt number two: after using Korean names, I found out that the translation on the label is inaccurate (and this happens often). It turns out that you don’t just have to apply it and wait until it dries, but apply it to dry skin and massage for a minute! Next, rinse with warm water. So in this case it really only takes a minute. I liked the result much better, the skin became lighter, but again the stumps darken the whole picture. The skin also became smoother, which is precisely the effect of rolling. I would also like to note the caring effect; after using the cream, the skin becomes tender and soft. A nice addition to the lightening. Regarding the deodorizing effect - lies, lies, lies, it doesn’t exist. Probably the same as in the entire series.

The use of A'PIEU Deo Armpit Brightener cream significantly lightened the skin of the armpits



I read a lot about lemon juice... once I applied it and ran around the house with “happiness”... then I tried to apply lemon juice a day and a half after hair removal, and the skin actually brightened a little. I repeated the procedure as often as possible, and my armpits became lighter; now after epilation it looks as if there was no hair there at all.



But lemon juice didn’t help me at all! I applied it for 30-60 minutes, sometimes longer, and I applied the slices myself, it didn’t help, and neither did peroxide...



The skin of the armpits can darken for various reasons. Therefore, if the cause is known, it should be eliminated. To lighten the skin of the armpits, you can use both traditional methods and ready-made products.

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Gray armpits

The skin in the armpit area is thin and delicate. If you have naturally fair skin, then any darkening of the axillary area will immediately catch the eye of the people around you, because on very fair skin any dark spots are immediately very noticeable and cause serious complexes and communication problems in such people.

The skin in the armpit area is thin and delicate

Causes of gray skin under the arms:

  • frequent shaving of the armpit area;
  • the use of antiperspirants and deodorants with chemical ingredients;
  • improper hygiene - infrequent or inadequate body washing causes the growth of bacteria under the arms, which can cause discoloration of the skin;
  • wearing uncomfortable clothes made of synthetic fabric that cause friction.

The skin in the armpit area is thin and delicate, so it instantly reacts to the above-mentioned unfavorable factors that cause discoloration of the armpits.

Diagnosis and treatment

It all starts with examination and taking samples of the epithelium from the inflamed areas for analysis. Clinical studies are carried out using various methods to accurately determine the pathogen, the degree of development of the disease, and select adequate treatment.

As for therapy, it includes:

  • antifungal drugs for oral administration;
  • immunity enhancing agents;
  • antifungal ointments.

When a person consults a doctor at the initial stage of the disease, it is possible to limit himself to using only external remedies.

Today, the most effective antimycotic ointments and creams are:

  1. Clotrimazole is a drug with a wide spectrum of effects that allows you to fight various fungi.
  2. Pimafukort is a universal ointment that has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  3. Lamisil has proven itself as a remedy against yeast-like microorganisms.

Preventing the appearance of axillary spots

The following measures will help prevent darkening of the skin pigment in the armpit area:

  • give up regular shaving with a machine in favor of depilation with hot wax or laser. As a last resort, shave your armpits correctly - move the razor along the hair growth. Before starting manipulation, treat the machine with boiling water;
  • use gel or liquid soap - ordinary Russian soap is not your option if there are pigment spots on your body;
  • quit smoking - nicotine increases the risk of skin discoloration several times;
  • minimize the use of alcohol-based deodorants and antiperspirants;
  • Once a week, lightly exfoliate problem areas. Use a soft scrub as an exfoliator and do not rub it too vigorously;
  • Do not wear synthetic items - only natural fabrics. Lack of ventilation is one of the reasons for darkening of the skin;
  • Do not apply cosmetics and care products from dubious brands to your body.


This skin disease belongs to the group of pseudomycoses and is caused by one of the types of corynebacteria. Specific spots with erythrasma affect the upper layers of the skin, they have clear boundaries and can be of different shades: from pink to gray-brown and bright burgundy. Sometimes the lesion is covered with light scales with fine peeling, the skin is dry and may crack.

In addition to the armpits, erythrasma can spread:

  • on the groin, thighs, abdomen;
  • in women under the breasts;
  • in men near the scrotum and anus.

In the initial stage of the disease, no sensations arise, the formations are painless and do not cause discomfort.

Dark spots under the arms and between the legs in the hot season, due to friction of the folds, can become inflamed after a secondary infection occurs. In this case, the affected lesions may grow, merge with each other, ache slightly, and itch. Periods of exacerbation alternate with remission. Since the absence of symptoms forces one to postpone a visit to a specialist, the disease most often has a chronic course.

Measures to prevent discoloration of armpits

If the cause is known, the consequence of which may be darkening of the armpits, then it must be eliminated, and then the problem will not arise at all. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You should strictly follow the rules for various types of depilation in order to minimize skin injury. If this does not help, and your armpits still darken, you need to think about other methods of hair removal (for example, laser or photoepilation);
  • since it is impossible to exclude the use of deodorant cosmetics, it is necessary to select deodorants without perfume components that cause darkening of the skin, or switch to the use of environmentally friendly and recently fashionable crystals of freshness;
  • When choosing clothes, you should give preference to natural fabrics. As for models, you need to choose things with a free sleeve opening to eliminate unwanted friction;
  • You need to take care of your health, and if certain problems are identified, be sure to contact qualified specialists who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Athlete's inguinal

The fungus most often affects the stronger sex. Dark spots under the armpits and in the groin in men can involve the scrotum, the fold between the buttocks, and the anus. In women, the lesion, in addition to the armpits, is located under the breasts, on the pubis, and buttocks.

Spots with inguinal epidermophytosis are often located symmetrically, have round, fuzzy, intermittent boundaries with convex edges in the form of a roller, on which small bubbles, scales, and crusts are visible. The spots grow from the center of the fold, the boundary of the inflammation is constantly changing, the red-brown rings merge with each other, causing discomfort and pain to the person.

Characteristic symptoms of athlete's foot:

  • severe itching, burning;
  • discomfort when walking;
  • discomfort with any movement;
  • pain with simple touch;
  • rubbing with clothes.

The disease often has a chronic form with wave-like relapses. Decreased immunity, stressful situations, hormonal changes, and increased sweating complicate the course of the disease. The route of infection with the fungus is through household contact when using contaminated objects or through direct contact with a patient.

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