Dark spots on the face - why they appear and how to get rid of them

From this article you will learn:

  • Dark spots on the face: causes, symptoms and types of spots
  • Products that help remove dark spots on the face
  • Creams that will help remove dark spots on the face
  • How to remove dark spots on the face with folk remedies
  • How to remove dark spots on the face in a beauty salon using hardware techniques
  • How to get rid of dark spots on your face using natural acids
  • Preventing the appearance of dark spots on the face

Dark spots on the face are a common problem that has many different causes. They can appear as small dots or small spots (freckles, age spots or birthmarks) ranging from red to dark brown and black, or they can be large patches of skin on the cheeks or forehead. Why dark spots form on the face will be discussed in this article.

Dark spots on the face: causes, symptoms and types of spots

Pigment spots do not have any effect on a person’s well-being, except that they cause aesthetic discomfort. Women and men do not observe any changes, unless the cause of hyperpigmentation is diseases of the internal organs. If dark spots on the face form in the epidermis, they may be light in color and small in size. In most cases these are freckles.

Hyperpigmentation in the deep layers of the skin has the following distinctive features:

  • a dark shade of brown and even black;
  • modification of the relief of the skin.

Separately, doctors highlight cases where a dark spot on the face appears as a result of a chemical burn. In this situation, it is typical for a person to:

  • itch;
  • observe large lesions (usually the area of ​​the nose, forehead);
  • experience discomfort when touching the spot.

Types of dark spots on the face:

There are a large number of reasons that provoke the appearance of dark spots on the face. Below are the most common ones:

  1. Heredity.
  2. In this case, pigment spots are observed already from infancy. They can only be eliminated through intensive procedures, such as laser resurfacing.

  3. Pathologies and changes that arose due to changes in hormonal levels.
  4. Dark spots on the face of irregular shape can appear during menstruation, pregnancy, the postpartum period, or as a result of hormonal imbalance caused by some disease. Experts call them chloasma. Doctors do not recommend resorting to their elimination. But if there is a disease that contributes to hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to treat it.

    The causes of endocrine pigmentation lie in various pathologies associated with gynecology, neoplasms of the pituitary gland, disorders of the thyroid gland, etc. After eliminating the above problems, dark spots on the face will become lighter and will disappear completely over time.

  5. Skin defects.
  6. In this situation, pigment spots can form as a result of the consequences of severe forms of acne, furunculosis, thermal and chemical burns, unsuccessful peeling, etc. The number of blemishes after acne on the face depends on the characteristics of the skin, as well as the depth of the damage. It happens that local medications are not enough to remove such dark spots, so there is a need for complex therapy.

  7. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
  8. It causes the formation of pigmentation on the skin of the face, which is the thinnest and most vulnerable. Melanin in this case performs a protective function, protecting the dermis from possible burns. Therefore, you should not stay in the sun for a long time and often visit the solarium.

  9. Various pathologies.
  10. Red spots on a woman’s face can form due to problems with the functioning of the intestines. Brown color - in the presence of liver or gall bladder diseases. Yellowish-brown spots are often caused by abnormalities in the kidneys. This type of pigmentation does not require specialized treatment. It is only necessary to restore the functioning of these internal organs.

  11. Nervous stress and mental pathologies.
  12. In this case, the formation of dark spots on the face is due to hormonal imbalance and impaired metabolism.

  13. Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  14. This is a fairly common cause of skin hyperpigmentation. The spots will disappear over time if you saturate the body with the necessary microelements.

  15. Long-term use of medications.
  16. This may cause dark marks to appear. Hyperpigmentation is often caused by taking antibiotics. This should be reported to your doctor, who will replace or discontinue the drug.

  17. Exposure to cosmetics or other products, for example, essential oils or decorative cosmetics of poor quality.
  18. Excessive production of melanin and its uneven distribution, hormonal imbalance and the aging process of the epidermis.
  19. Quite often, such dark formations on the face, neck and hands appear after 40–45 years.

    The phenomenon of hyperpigmentation itself is not dangerous to human life and health, but is a sign of various health problems. You can find out about dark spots on your face, photos of which are available on the Internet, on your own.

Read the material on the topic: How to get rid of dark spots on the face

Let's take a look at the anatomical structure of the eye area.

To understand the reason for the formation of circles, you need to imagine the structure of this area. Let's remember our school anatomy lessons.

Under the skin there is fat hidden - the so-called “fat packets of the face”. Below them are the orbicularis oculi muscles: they are responsible for squinting, squinting, blinking and other facial expressions.

Let's pay attention to the orbit of the eye and remember how many blood vessels and capillaries there are in this area.

It is very important to understand that blood vessels and muscle tissue are rather “dark” formations that are not very visible “on the face” only thanks to the skin and subcutaneous fat that cover these structures. Thus, skin and fat are the main concealers of dark circles under the eyes.

Thinning of the fat layer

The most common cause of dark circles. The skin of the lower eyelids is separated from the orbicularis oculi muscle and blood vessels by a thin layer of superficial fat.

With age, the superficial fat becomes thinner, “goes away,” and even through the thickest skin the orbicularis oculi muscle and blood vessels begin to show through. The muscle is dark red, the vessels are blue-scarlet.

The color of the circles depends on what is more visible - the blood vessels or the muscle. The color of dark circles has no connection with the kidneys, liver and other organs.

It happens that there is very little subcutaneous fat - this is a genetic feature. Then dark circles and semicircles can be seen from childhood.

Thin skin

The skin of the lower eyelids is the thinnest on the entire body. There is a thin layer of fat under the skin, but if there is little fat and the skin is thin, then the same vessels and muscles can be seen through the light. If your blood vessels are located close to the skin , and your skin is light, then it can show through even if there is fat!

Deep-set eyes

The lower eyelid is spatially located in the projection of the orbit of the skull. Anatomically deep-set eyes visually create a “retraction” of the skin relief in the area of ​​the lower eyelid; when illuminated, a shadow part is formed in this area, which visually creates the effect of a dark circle.

To better understand this point, let's look at a visualization of another deficiency - the nasolacrimal trough depending on lighting.

Any age-related problem - be it a wrinkle, a bag, a hernia or bad skin - is noticeable thanks to only one thing: incident and reflected light.

The main essence of anti-aging aesthetic corrections is working with the distribution of light and shadow on our face. Any furrow, fold or bag is a play of light. Look at the illustrations to see how the visual appearance of the nasolacrimal trough varies depending on the direction of the lighting.

We all understand that both daytime natural and artificial light falls mainly on our face from above. It is this direction of lighting that most clearly emphasizes all the irregularities on the face!

It’s the same with deep-set eyes - the darkness of the lower eyelid depends to a greater extent on the lighting.

Dark circles from pigmented skin

Acquired and congenital pigment is the cause of the formation of dark circles in a normal anatomical structure. The peoples of the Caucasus region have a genetic predisposition to pigmented skin of the lower and upper eyelids.

Pigmentation can appear with age; usually such dark circles do not have a clear border at the bottom.

Products that help remove dark spots on the face

To remove dark spots on your face, you can use the following:

  1. Compress . Gauze must be moistened in: herbal infusion, lemon or grapefruit juice, curdled milk or kefir, currant or viburnum juice, parsley or cucumber juice and put on the face. The duration of the compress is 15 minutes, the frequency of execution is once every three days.
  2. Lotions of healing herbs . Infusions of parsley, licorice, dandelion, yarrow or bearberry help very well to get rid of pigmentation if you wipe your face with them every day, morning and evening.
  3. Lotions. Freshly squeezed juice of the above plants or a freshly prepared infusion must be applied to a specific area of ​​the face (post-acne, forehead or spots). You can make lotions three times a week.
  4. Cosmetic cubes . You should freeze the juice, infusion or decoction of beneficial plants (rice can be used) and wipe the skin of your face, neck and décolleté every day.
  5. Brightening masks. They are easy to prepare and the price is affordable. Any medications included in their composition (hydrogen peroxide, white or blue clay, algae, brewer's yeast, etc.) can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  6. Aroma oils . You can add 2-4 drops of anti-pigment aromatic oil to the mask (if there are no allergic reactions): rosemary, citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit), bergamot, turmeric, oregano, patchouli, mint, eucalyptus, sandalwood, black pepper.
  7. Mineral water. It brightens the skin very well when washed or added to masks.

Read material on the topic: Lightening age spots: 11 beauty recipes

Creams that will help remove dark spots on the face

The choice of method suitable to eliminate darkening on the face is based on the type of skin problem. There are some important components that may be present in such a cream, such as niacinimide, vitamin C, licorice and acetylglucosamine.

To remove dark spots, you can use the following products:

  • Clinique Acne Solutions Spot healing gel is one of the best remedies for acne. The effect of its use occurs after several weeks of use.
  • Acne Spot Repair is an excellent cream for removing dark acne spots on the face. It is easily absorbed and relieves inflammation, helps get rid of pigmentation on problem areas of the cheeks and forehead. Other creams in this category are Oriflame Dark Spot Fading Concentrate, Himalaya Clarina Anti-acne Cream.
  • “Pigmentation Repair Formula” is one of the best drugs designed to eliminate pigmentation in men.
  • Microfine Face is a facial cleansing scrub that is an exfoliant with glycolic acid. In addition, it is recommended to use Dark Spot Reduction Moisturizer aftershave, which softens the skin and improves its tone.

Another list of quality dark spot removal products:

  • “Clean and Clear Morning Burst” is a brightening facial scrub.
  • "Obagi Nu Derm Clear for melanoma" - cream for dark spots.
  • "Achromin" is a drug that has a large number of positive reviews on various forums, and is also recommended by experts. It is used to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, decomposes melanin and removes pigmentation. Cost – 90 rubles.
  • "Melanative" is a cream that is a licensed drug against skin hyperpigmentation from an English manufacturer. Helps eliminate age spots of any origin (post-acne, freckles, senile, etc.). Cost – 150 rubles.
  • "Clearvin" is a cream that is highly effective in combating dark spots on the face. Among the disadvantages, many note its pungent odor and overly greasy texture. The results of use appear within a week, and after two months of regular use, the skin noticeably brightens. Cost – 80 rubles.
  • "Clotrimazole" is an ointment that is an antifungal drug that has the property of lightening age spots. Cost – 40 rubles.
  • “Badyaga Forte” is a product popular for removing dark spots on the face at home. However, it is not recommended for use on hypersensitive skin, as it may cause discomfort. Cost – 90 rubles.
  • “Boro Plus” is a cream that not only protects the skin from acne, irritation and stretch marks, but also has whitening properties. There is an opinion that the drug is less effective compared to those described above, so it is more logical to use it to prevent pigmentation. Cost – 95 rubles.
  • “Idealia Pro” is a serum that eliminates all kinds of age spots and prevents their appearance on skin of any age. Cost – 2500 rubles.

Read the material on the topic: Chemical peeling of the face: your skin will breathe a new breath!

Hereditary causes of dark circles under the eyes

Heredity is a key player in the list of causes of dark circles under the eyes. But the concept of “heredity” itself is very broad.

Hereditary factors that provoke the formation of bruises under the eyes include:

  • Specific facial anatomy (deep-set or slightly bulging eyes);
  • Thin skin;
  • Close location of blood vessels to the skin in the eyelid area;
  • Constitutional features – excessively thin physique, in which there is a general deficiency of subcutaneous fat;
  • Less commonly, chronic genetic diseases (for example, heart or liver).

Dark circles under the eyes associated with hereditary causes appear early - sometimes even in childhood. Indirectly, those bruises that arose in youth - before 20-25 years old (normally this does not happen) can be attributed to “heredity”. If parents develop dark circles at a young age, it is possible that the same fate will befall their child. And pathological “components” are not necessary for this.

Hereditary reasons can also include the properties of the skin : if the skin is thin, then the vascular network of the periorbital region “shines through” through it. This is usually the case for those with fair skin - dark circles can form as early as the age of 20, when fat packets begin to thin out.

It happens that hereditary factors are combined - a person has thin skin in the periorbital area and problems with blood circulation. The approach to such problems must also be comprehensive . Fortunately, in modern cosmetology there are fillers and other drugs that act at different levels: for example, the American MesoEyeC17 has a positive effect on the processes of blood and lymph microcirculation.

How to deal with hereditary causes?

As you understand, heredity can hardly be cured, so there is only one correction option - correcting the lower eyelid area with fillers (contour plastic methods). Even surgery won't change the situation much.

The cost of such a correction is from 15,000 rubles, the duration of the effect is up to 10-14 months.

How to remove dark spots on the face with folk remedies

Once you have found out why dark spots form on your face, you need to start removing them using the following masks:


There are a large number of whitening masks for dark spots on the face. The main task is to choose the one that is right for you, but this can only be done through trial and error.

Below are recipes for the most effective options:

  1. Cucumber mask. This vegetable is regularly used in whitening treatments because it is safe, affordable and quite effective. Preparation: grate the cucumber; The resulting slurry can be used independently, or you can add lemon juice, olive oil, and parsley. The mask must be applied to the face for 5–10 minutes. You can repeat the procedure in a week. For best results, you need to conduct 5-7 sessions.
  2. Parsley whitening mask. Preparation: chop the parsley, mix with one tablespoon of sour cream, apply to the face for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Frequency of application – two to three times a week.
  3. Yeast mask. Preparation: 25 g of yeast must be diluted in 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice mixed with 1 tbsp. l. milk. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Then you need to wash off the mask with warm water.

After using whitening masks, apply a nourishing cream to the skin. It is best to do procedures in the evening, and use sunscreen during the day.

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  • How to remove wrinkles on the face: the most effective methods
  • Microcurrent facial therapy is a beneficial treatment for your skin

Plant extracts

  • Lemon juice.

Able to remove dark spots on the face, especially effective against acne. The acid and natural vitamin C found in lemon are needed to eliminate toxins and dead cells. Moreover, it is a simple procedure that can be easily performed at home. You need to squeeze a small amount of lemon juice and apply it with a cotton pad to problem areas. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. These steps should be repeated daily after taking a bath or shower.

  • Papaya.

This fruit is loaded with powerful enzymes that are designed to combat dark spots on the skin. It is necessary to gently wipe problem areas of the face with papaya pulp.

For dark acne spots, it is recommended to use ripe papaya and apply it to the affected area. You need to wash your face after 15 minutes.

  • Buttermilk and lemon.

Mix a little buttermilk (low-fat dairy cream) and lemon in equal proportions. This mixture serves partly as lactic acid in alpha-hydroxyl products.

  • Aloe vera gel.

It is a powerful antioxidant with natural ingredients such as enzymes and vitamins that can quickly lighten dark spots on the face and protect the skin from the sun. Preparation: take an aloe leaf and squeeze the pulp out of it; clean your face and pat dry with a towel; Apply the gel-like mixture to the affected areas of the skin, gently massaging and rubbing.

  • Onion + honey

They are excellent and effective natural remedies in the fight against pigmentation. Onions are loaded with natural, effective ingredients including minerals and vitamins, and their acidity helps remove dark spots caused by shaving and injury. Preparation: mix a small amount of honey and onion in a bowl. Using a soft cotton cloth, gently apply the mixture to your face. After 10 minutes, cover the skin with a thin layer of natural honey. You can use garlic juice instead of onions.

  • Turmeric, yogurt and honey.

Mix turmeric powder, yogurt and honey in equal proportions to form a thick paste. Apply the mask to clean facial skin using gentle massage movements. Let it dry, then rinse with warm water after 10 minutes. The procedure should be carried out twice a day.

  • Lemon juice, cucumber and rose water.

Cucumber is loaded with beneficial ingredients to repair damaged cells and remove dark spots. Grate the cucumber and mix it with rose water and lemon juice. Using a cotton cloth or cotton wool, rubbing lightly, apply the mask to your face. Rinse with water. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily, lasting 5 minutes.

  • Almonds, milk powder and honey.

Make a thick paste by mixing milk powder and almond powder. Apply to cheeks and neck for about 30 minutes and then rinse with water.

Read material on the topic: Almond peeling for the face: features of the procedure

How to remove dark spots on the face in a beauty salon using hardware techniques

It is possible to lighten pigment spots or remove them completely using cosmetic procedures. It can be:

  • Different types of chemical (superficial, medium) peels that help dissolve the upper dead epidermis:
    1. In fruit acids AHA;
    2. In retinol (medium “Yellow peeling”);
    3. In stronger trichloroacetic acid.
  • Microdermabrasion and dermabrasion are the mechanical exfoliation of dead cells using a flow of micro- or regular crystals.
  • Laser skin resurfacing – destruction of dead epithelial cells with dark spots due to heating (during the procedure, an extremely pleasant warmth is felt).
  • Phototherapy is a method of exposing cells with melanin to infrared flashes of a certain wavelength of light. In addition, this method activates the formation of collagen and elastin fibers.
  • ELOS therapy is a combined effect of light energy and electric current on pigmentation.
  • Cryotherapy - makes dark spots on the face lighter by exfoliating the stratum corneum of the epidermis using freezing with liquid nitrogen (quite traumatic, unlike laser resurfacing).
  • Mesotherapy is the introduction of safe therapeutic cocktails into the middle layers of the skin, helping to effectively remove pigmentation and activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Anti-aging programs that include a whole range of measures to combat the formation of dark age spots on the face.
  • Ozone therapy has a strong antiseptic effect, activates the biodegradation of spots, therefore it is effective in cases of post-traumatic and inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • Radio wave therapy is the effect of high-frequency radio waves on defective areas of facial skin. Surgitron is a device that helps remove pigmentation. The method does not cause pain and does not lead to tissue swelling.
  • Fractional thermolysis is a procedure for “steaming” a dark spot. The method is painless and has the only drawback: a brownish coloration of the skin for one to two days after therapy.

Read material on the topic: Retinoic yellow peeling done by Hollywood stars

Be careful: TOP 7 most unobvious signs of skin cancer

Oncologist Ekaterina Vertieva calls for careful monitoring of your health: sometimes a dangerous disease can “sleep” for years.

According to the World Health Organization, cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. In 2020 alone, experts recorded 1.2 million deaths from skin cancer. And every year this figure is growing.

Unfortunately, malignant neoplasms are not always detected in the early stages. The “insidious killer” can lie dormant for many years and kill a person overnight. In an exclusive interview with 5-tv.ru, Ekaterina Vertieva, a specialist at the Skin Diseases Clinic of Sechenov University, dermatologist, oncologist, told what non-obvious signs may indicate the development of a serious illness.


The expert called for monitoring the condition of the skin on an ongoing basis: it is important to be critical of any neoplasm. Thus, one of the clinical manifestations of oncology is the appearance of small scars. They form regardless of whether there were wounds in their place. It’s just that the tissues suddenly become coarser and change their appearance.

“If you see that for no apparent reason you have a pink scar with a smooth surface, this is a reason to be wary and consult a doctor,” Vertieva emphasized.


The doctor added that small round growths, similar to pearls, are especially dangerous. They usually appear around the eyes, on the eyelids, or near the sides of the nose. Vessels can be clearly visible through the nodules. This is the so-called basal cell carcinoma, a type of oncology in which a mutation occurs in the basal cells of the skin. It differs from others in that it almost never metastasizes.

Dark spots

Ekaterina Vertieva notes that when examining the integument, you should not ignore the area of ​​the fingers. Dangerous processes can easily begin under the nail plates.

“We should pay attention to the appearance of black or brown pigmentation, which may indicate both a hematoma and melanoma,” the expert concluded.

Peeling and itching

Men should carefully take care of their scalp. Especially if there is practically no hair. The appearance of extensive pink foci with peeling on the surface and bleeding wounds should alert you. This may be a clear sign of the onset of the development of actinic keratosis and, as a result, squamous cell carcinoma.


The spontaneous appearance of ulcers is as bad a sign as the appearance of pink scars. Especially if the wounds do not heal even with adequate therapy.

“Normally, the defect heals within four weeks; if healing is accompanied by lumpiness, bleeding and heals very poorly, this should be alarming,” Vertieva explained.

False bites

The so-called bite-like elements also pose a great danger. They are rarely noticed, attributing everything to echoes of an invasion of mosquitoes or household fleas. But unlike real insect bites, these marks do not heal and can sometimes even grow. In addition, they are never accompanied by itching.

Pink spots

The dermatologist also noticed ordinary pink spots on the skin of different sizes and shapes. They don't just appear. This is an obvious sign of some kind of disorder in the body. If even serious treatment does not help, it’s time to seek help from specialists.

“If you carefully monitor these signs, you will be able to detect malignant neoplasms on the skin in the early stages,” the doctor concluded.

News.ru notes that there are countless risk factors for the development of cancer. A person may not drink alcohol at all, not smoke or go out in the sun, but still end up in a hospital ward. Even healthy foods can provoke unfavorable changes. For example, scientists recently found that excessive consumption of citrus fruits increases the risk of developing skin cancer by 63%.

Video: Depositphotos / Genrix20061.mail.ru; 5-tv.ru

How to get rid of dark spots on your face using natural acids

In order to make the skin lighter, the following types of acids are used in cosmetology:

Boric acid for dark spots

In nature, boric acid is present in the form of the mineral sassolin in hot springs and health resorts. This substance effectively eliminates inflammatory processes, accelerates blood circulation and relieves pain, therefore an alcohol solution of boric acid is one of the most common disinfecting, healing, anti-cold and anti-rheumatic agents. However, boric acid can also help those who want to get rid of dark spots at home.

It is known that when this substance is applied to a dark area of ​​the skin on a regular basis, it helps to inhibit the activity of melanocytes and promote melanin from the deep layers to the surface. At the same time, it is not recommended to smear your face every day with an alcohol solution of boric acid, even a weak one (2-3%), especially if the age spots occupy a significant area. It would be more correct to add the solution to natural whitening masks: one teaspoon of boric alcohol greatly increases the effectiveness of lemon or cucumber.

The most effective whitening masks with boric acid:

  • One cucumber must be peeled, cut into small cubes, add half a teaspoon of an alcohol solution of boric acid, mix everything and apply to the face for 10-15 minutes. Or you can wrap the mask in gauze and apply it to the age spot.
  • Prepare a medicinal composition for use in a course: you need to pour one glass of crushed oatmeal into a glass jar, pour in a glass of 3% boric alcohol, stir, cover and let it brew at room temperature for 12 hours. Then put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator. Every morning use 1 tbsp. l. mass: dissolve it in boiled water to the desired consistency and apply to age spots for 15–20 minutes.
  • An excellent tonic for dark spots on the face can be obtained from freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2% boric alcohol, which must be mixed in equal proportions. Store it in the refrigerator and wipe your face every day, morning and evening, for two weeks.

Salicylic acid for dark spots

Salicylic acid helps eliminate dark spots left behind by acne and pimples, and at the same time prevent the formation of new inflammations. It has a keratolytic (exfoliating) effect on the skin, removes melanin to the upper layers of the skin and euthanizes melanocytes.

Salicylic acid is used in almost all known whitening creams and gels against acne. It is also used for salon chemical peeling and can be used at home to eliminate dark spots and treat acne. Buy a weak alcohol solution (1-5%) from the pharmacy and apply to the pigmented area using a cotton pad for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse completely with cool water.

Azelaic Acid for Dark Spots

This natural substance is obtained from wheat, rice and barley. Azelaic acid is also produced in small quantities by our skin cells, which is necessary for regulating the functioning of melanocytes. It neutralizes the synthesis of tyrosinase, the main enzyme involved in melanogenesis.

This acid has the most powerful effect on active cells - melanocytes, which is why it copes well with newly formed pigmentation, which is hormonal in nature. A substance with a 20% concentration is a component of the well-known Skinoren ointment. Using this product at home to combat dark spots is very simple and convenient: you just need to apply it to pigmented areas of the skin twice a day.

Kojic Acid for Dark Spots

Another natural tyrosinase inhibitor is kojic acid, which is a waste product of penicillin fungi and aspergillus. Its effectiveness is significantly higher than that of azelaic acid, but it can cause allergies. In addition, this is an unstable chemical compound that is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation.

In cosmetics, kojic acid is contained in the form of a more complex but stable substance - kojic acid dipalmitate in a concentration of 1-4%. If this substance is included in a whitening cream, you can safely count on its high effectiveness in the fight against freckles, chloasma, lentigo and dark spots on the face.

Glycolic Acid for Dark Spots

This is the most well-known component of salon chemical peels, along with salicylic acid. Glycolic acid is isolated from sugar cane or synthesized artificially. It lightens age spots, activates collagen synthesis, and perfectly cleanses the skin of dead cells. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend it to older women who want to eliminate dark spots on their faces.

Using 30% gel with glycolic acid on a regular basis helps smooth out fine wrinkles, regenerate skin and normalize complexion. At home, the procedure time should not exceed 10 minutes. Glycolic acid should be used no more than twice a week, and the day after the procedure you should avoid bright sun and do not use serums with hyaluronic acid.

Read material on the topic: How to care for facial skin: home care and salon treatments

Preventing the appearance of dark spots on the face

Relapse is possible even after face whitening in a salon.

To avoid this, it is recommended to take the following preventive measures:

  1. You should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. When going to the beach or other sunny place, be sure to wear a hat and use sunscreen. Autumn or winter is the most favorable time for cosmetic procedures. During this period, it is recommended to take tyrosinase blockers.
  2. After whitening, you should always use a cream with protection of at least 15. The cream should be applied evenly, 20 minutes before going outside. It must be remembered that its layer must be updated every four to five hours, removing remnants of the previous one.
  3. To avoid relapse, you should wipe your face with cucumber or parsley juice every day. It is also possible to use special ice cubes.

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Bruises under the eyes due to illness, pigmentation.

Any pathological processes in the body have a bad effect on appearance. It is interesting that such aesthetic defects are the easiest to correct, but the problem is not solved at a global level. And a good cosmetologist (and a cosmetologist is a doctor) is obliged to warn the patient about this.

Increased skin pigmentation often occurs due to impaired functioning of melanocytes.

A simple example: due to liver disease, a patient develops so-called “liver spots”. “Suppressing” the activity of abnormally active melanocytes (cells that produce the pigment melanin) is an easy task for a cosmetologist. This can be done by the IPL method, vitamin meso-cocktails, additionally leveling the relief of the lower eyelid area with fillers. But will this make the liver healthier? No! This means that the problem will soon return, which will cause distrust in the cosmetologist and kill his authority in the eyes of a person. The same applies to heart, endocrine and other diseases.

Before dealing with external signs of illness, check and get your health in order. This will guarantee a successful and “long-lasting” facial transformation.

The list includes some of the diseases that cause dark circles under the eyes:

  • Heart and kidney failure;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Adrenal dysfunction;
  • Parasitic infestations;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Anemia;
  • Vascular pathologies (circulatory disorders);
  • Hepatitis and other liver diseases;
  • Chronic intoxication;
  • Hypovitaminosis.

Bruises under the eyes, caused by pathological processes in the body, usually do not appear spontaneously and are “chronic”.

Correction of the regime, rationalization of nutrition and other tricks are powerless against them. If you notice a similar problem along with specific symptoms, you should contact not only a cosmetologist, but also a therapist, and if you discover a disease, undergo appropriate treatment.

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