Itching and burning in the intimate area. Should we be afraid?

The article was checked by an obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D. Sazonova Yu.M. , is for general informational purposes only and does not replace specialist advice. For recommendations on diagnosis and treatment, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Itching and burning in the intimate area, which occur against a background of redness and inflammation, is the most common reason for visiting a gynecologist and dermatovenerologist. Before starting treatment, specialists at the Yauza Clinical Hospital establish the cause of this discomfort by conducting all the necessary laboratory tests. Etiotropic treatment (aimed at eliminating the cause) usually quickly leads to the elimination of the symptom.

Most often, such complaints arise with the development of vulvovaginitis and contact dermatitis. Itching and burning in the anogenital area not only disrupts an active life, but also contributes to the occurrence of pain during sex, and the appearance of these symptoms in postmenopause is a serious problem for a woman, which can sometimes lead to cancer.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist

Classification of drugs

Irritation in the genital area occurs for various reasons, including during relapses of chronic diseases. And when choosing external agents, it is necessary to take into account the factor that provoked the appearance of itching, burning, pain, and an unpleasant feeling of tightness:

  • for vaginal dryness during natural menopause, foams, mousses, and gels with pronounced moisturizing, cooling, and regenerating effects are used;
  • when opportunistic fungi are activated after weakening of the immune system, antimycotic creams and ointments are used;

  • itching and redness after creating a beautiful intimate hairstyle are removed with preparations with essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants;
  • allergic rashes that occur after hygiene procedures with new soap or gel are eliminated with ointments with an antihistamine effect.

Modern products for local or external use simultaneously relieve all discomfort that manifests itself as irritation of the mucous membranes and skin in the intimate area. Only in severe cases is it necessary to use “heavy artillery” - ointments with antibacterial and (or) hormonal components.

Why are itching and burning dangerous?

Due to unbearable sensations, a woman sometimes cannot work, refuses to relax with friends, or intimate intimacy with her partner. Other problems accumulate like a snowball: self-doubt, irritability, insomnia. However, these are not the worst complications.

Itching and burning in themselves sometimes indicate dangerous pathologies that threaten dysfunction of the genitourinary system. If the problem is related to vaginal dryness, then bacteria and other microorganisms will quickly accumulate in the microcracks that appear, so several more will be added to the main pathology.

Gel Epigen

The effect of this drug is determined by ammonium glycyrrhizinate, first isolated from licorice roots. It also contains useful organic acids - malic, ascorbic, fumaric. In combination, the components of the gel stimulate the immune system to destroy viruses, bacteria, and fungi that have become active in the genital area, and increase the body’s defenses against the effects of negative factors.

The use of Epigen leads to improved blood supply to irritated mucous membranes, which significantly accelerates their recovery.

An ointment with a delicate consistency is intended not only to inhibit the spread of the infectious and inflammatory process, but also to eliminate discomfort in the vagina. It copes well with all signs of irritation:

  • itching;

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • redness;
  • swelling.

Epigen is an excellent alternative to traditional hygiene products, especially if the mucous membranes are irritated quite often. Its use becomes a good prevention of dryness during menopause, which occurs due to a decrease in the production of female hormones. The genitals are rinsed with warm water, the gel is applied to the intimate areas, foamed, and then washed off and the skin and mucous membranes are dried with a cotton towel. If necessary, you can use Epigen constantly.


The price for treating groin rashes depends on: the experience of the dermatologist, the level of the clinic, and the complexity of the disease. If the dermatologist deems it necessary, then after the consultation you may be prescribed tests, the price will include: consultation with a doctor, passing the necessary tests, prescribing treatment.

You shouldn’t neglect your health, especially in such a delicate and intimate area; it’s better to turn to specialists in time.

Prices for appointments in Moscow
Initial appointment900 rubles
Repeated appointment700 rubles
Blood tests for RW600 rubles
Calling a dermatologist to your home2800 rubles
Prescription of treatment regimen600 rubles

This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

Montavit ointment

The active composition of the gel is represented only by hydroxyethylcellulose with powerful moisturizers. But the presence of glycerin and chlorhexidine hydroxychloride in Montavit is therapeutically significant. As well as milk sugar - a nutrient medium for beneficial lactic acid bacteria that constantly live in the vagina. They break down an organic compound, actively grow and reproduce. The use of the gel for irritation of any severity has a positive effect on well-being:

  • vaginal discomfort disappears: dryness, burning, itching;

  • the mucous membranes of the vagina are moisturized;
  • the deficiency of natural lubrication is replenished;
  • mucous membranes soften;
  • inflammatory processes weaken;

  • prevents repeated tissue damage;
  • recovery is accelerated.

Glycerin softens tissues and saturates them with moisture. Even after a single application of the ointment, dryness, tightness, and discomfort after urination disappear. If an area of ​​skin is damaged by a razor, then chlorhexidine from Montavit will prevent the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into it.

A single dose is a 2-3 cm strip of ointment taken from the bottle. The hygiene product is distributed evenly, do not rub in, or wash off with water. Montavit can be used for an unlimited time, especially during menopause and the postpartum period.

Products from the Lactacid line

One of the most effective drugs for irritation of the genital mucosa are the products from the Lactacid line. Especially the gel, the composition of which is ammonium glycyrrhizinate and lactic acid. Due to this combination, it actively fights viruses, Candida yeast, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Lactacid is characterized by diverse therapeutic effects:

  • elimination of irritation and itching caused by it;

  • strengthening local immunity;
  • saturation of the skin and mucous membranes in intimate places with useful substances;
  • high-quality hydration, restoration of the water-lipid layer;
  • softening, stimulation of cell renewal.

After applying Lactacid, a woman is no longer bothered by discomfort arising from shaving, hormonal imbalance, or exacerbation of chronic diseases, such as diabetes.

Course use of the gel helps restore vaginal microflora by increasing the population of lactic acid bacteria.

To eliminate redness and itching, shake the bottle, remove the gel, mousse, foam by pressing the dispenser, apply to the genitals, and foam. And then wash off with a stream of warm water and dry. Lactacid is suitable for daily intimate hygiene for an unlimited time.

Remedies for fungal irritation

In pharmacies, ointment is especially in demand for redness in the intimate area caused by opportunistic fungi. In small numbers they always live in the genitals of women and men, without showing themselves in any way. But as soon as the immune system weakens, microorganisms become more active, provoking the development of an infectious-inflammatory process. In such cases, only a course of use of ointments with an antimycotic effect can relieve irritation, eliminate the feeling of dryness and redness of the mucous membranes.

Name of antifungal agentRelease formsActive substance
PimafucinCream, vaginal suppositories, tabletsNatamycin
NystatinOintment, vaginal suppositories, tabletsNystatin
BetadineOintment, vaginal suppositories, solutionPovidone-iodine
ClotrimazoleOintment, cream, solution, vaginal suppositoriesClotrimazole
MiramistinOintment, solution, sprayBenzyldimethyl [3-(myristoylamino)propyl] ammonium chloride monohydrate

For a mild or moderate fungal infection, it is sufficient to treat it with ointments only. In case of severe irritation, it is necessary to take pills and use suppositories. Therapy is carried out for 1-3 weeks depending on the drugs used, the clinical situation and the severity of mycosis.


The examination of women complaining of a burning sensation in the intimate area begins with a standard gynecological examination. The doctor assesses the condition of the external genitalia, performs vaginal examination in speculums, and bimanual palpation. To understand the causes of the pathological condition, the information obtained during a physical examination is usually not enough, so instrumental and laboratory methods are used:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
    Sonography of the genital and urinary organs in women is carried out if complaints of burning are accompanied by pain in the lower abdominal cavity, dysuric disorders or fever. On ultrasound, the obstetrician-gynecologist finds signs of inflammation, neoplasms, and foreign bodies.
  • Colposcopy.
    A targeted examination of the cervix is ​​indicated if precancerous processes are suspected. With leukoplakia, white or yellowish lesions with an unexpressed vascular pattern are detected. To confirm the diagnosis, a Schiller test is performed, with the help of which areas of altered epithelium are visualized. Additionally, vulvoscopy is performed.
  • Analysis of secretions
    . Microscopic examination of a smear in women reveals a large number of epithelium and leukocytes, an increase in secretion pH of more than 6.5, and the presence of pathogenic bacterial flora. To identify possible causative agents of inflammation, the secretions are inoculated onto nutrient media, where specific colonies of bacteria or fungi are found.
  • Blood tests.
    Serological tests are required for the main pathogens of STDs (gonococci, chlamydia, Treponema pallidum). To exclude allergic causes of burning, a hemogram is performed to determine the level of eosinophilia, an extended immunogram to measure IgE.


Preparations with dexpanthenol

Often the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs become irritated after shaving, creating intimate hairstyles, wearing tight underwear or made from synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through well. In such cases, the use of ointments that accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissue is required. And the drugs of first choice are almost always those whose therapeutic activity is due to dexpanthenol:

  • Panthenol;
  • Bepanten;

  • Dexpanthenol;
  • Pantestin;
  • Depantol.

Ointments have a regenerating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. They improve cellular metabolism and restore damaged tissue.

Dexpanthenol has been shown to have antioxidant properties—the ability to protect cells from the premature destructive effects of free radicals.

Use ointments with dexpanthenol up to 4 times a day. The skin and mucous membranes are first washed with water, dried, and, if necessary, treated with antiseptic solutions. And then the medicines are distributed in a thin layer, capturing some healthy tissue.

It is recommended to apply them immediately before bedtime, since at night the mucous membranes are restored somewhat faster. The duration of the therapeutic course is not limited - ointments are used until the irritation is completely eliminated.

Reasons for appearance

There are many reasons for the appearance of a groin rash: lack of personal hygiene, irregular showering, infrequent changes of underwear, or underwear made of low-quality material. It can also appear from low-quality synthetic bedding. Popular causes of rashes are: fungus, oncology, skin diseases, dysbacteriosis.

When contacting a specialist, you will be asked in detail about when and how the rash appeared, whether you consumed allergens, did not take antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription, whether or not you are following hygiene, will do an examination and draw up a complete picture of the course of the disease. Next, effective treatment for groin rashes


The doctor may prescribe any of the following treatments for you:

  • local therapy with gels, ointments, powders, lotions;
  • drug treatment.

In any of these treatments, you need to listen to the doctor and not deviate from the course of therapy. Take medications strictly as prescribed by your doctor. You can consult a doctor about the use of traditional methods of treatment.


Women often complain of constant irritating itching, a feeling of dryness, and redness of the vaginal mucous membranes during menopause, after childbirth, and in the premenstrual period. Carrying out hygienic procedures with intimate hygiene products with moisturizing, soothing properties - Bark, SebaMed, Ivomed, Gynocomfort, Carefree Aloe - usually helps to cope with discomfort and prevent its occurrence. If the skin in the genital area is severely irritated, the following ointments are used:

  • Nezulin
    , the composition of which is represented by extracts of celandine, chamomile, licorice, plantain, essential oils of basil, lavender, mint, dexpanthenol;

  • Gistan
    with extracts of violet, birch buds, calendula, dropsy, milkweed, speedwell, dimethicone, lily of the valley oil, betulin, lupine.

After applying the ointment to the skin, swelling resolves, pain disappears, and tissue restoration accelerates. Nezulin and Gistan are especially in demand for irritation, which is one of the symptoms of an allergic reaction. For example, caused by the use of soap with excessive amounts of dyes and preservatives.

Due to the successful combination of components, ointments have antipruritic, wound-healing, antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. Such drugs are also suitable for men whose itching of the penis is caused by excessively dry skin.

Causes of burning in the intimate area in women

Physiological factors

A burning sensation in the intimate area usually worries women during menopause.
Hormonal changes lead to disruption of the secretory activity of the glands, so the vaginal mucosa dries out, which causes discomfort. Burning sensations and aching pain in the perineum occur after rough or too long sexual intercourse, with insufficient production of natural lubrication and the absence of intimate lubricants. Short-term episodes of burning in the perineum occur after using too aggressive intimate hygiene products, which cause irritation of delicate skin and mucous membranes. The symptom is observed when using regular soap not intended for sensitive areas. A woman feels a burning sensation immediately after washing, unpleasant symptoms persist for 1-2 hours and are complemented by dryness in the intimate area.


Vaginal candidiasis is the most common cause of burning in the vagina and perineum. Discomfortable sensations appear suddenly and bother women constantly, periodically intensifying or disappearing. Intense burning pain is observed when urinating, at the time of sexual intimacy. The symptom is accompanied by painful itching in the vulva area. For thrush, abundant cheesy discharge with a sour odor, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes are pathognomonic.

The symptoms of thrush intensify after water procedures and physical activity. Symptoms often worsen several days before the onset of menstruation. Sometimes chronic vaginal candidiasis develops, which is characterized by moderate discomfort in the intimate area and scanty thick discharge. With a long course of the fungal process, atrophy of the mucous membrane is observed, as a result of which the patient feels a constant burning sensation and dryness.

Burning in the intimate area in women


Inflammation of the vagina is manifested by burning, itching and pain in the intimate area in women. Symptoms intensify during urination and during hygiene procedures. Unpleasant sensations are complemented by vaginal discharge of a different nature: with gonorrhea - thick yellow-green, with trichomoniasis - foamy, greenish and foul-smelling, with chlamydia - mucopurulent. For nonspecific vaginitis, profuse yellowish leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor is typical.

Due to the close location, the urinary tract is usually involved in the process, so the patient feels an intense burning sensation throughout the intimate area, especially in the urethra and vulva. Sometimes there may be burning pain at the end of urination. Women with vaginitis have a dull pulling sensation in the pubic area and lower abdomen, which intensifies with physical activity, sudden turns and bending of the torso. Sexual intercourse becomes sharply painful (dyspareunia).

Genital herpes

When infected with a herpes virus, a woman feels itching and burning in the genital area even before other signs of infection appear. Symptoms are sometimes combined with paresthesia, the appearance of thick leucorrhoea and discomfort during urination. After 1-2 days, bubbles with transparent contents form on the genital mucosa, quickly turning into erosions, and as a result, the burning sensation sharply intensifies.


When the gland located in the thickness of the labia majora becomes inflamed, pain occurs with a burning sensation on the affected side. Discomfort becomes more severe when wearing tight underwear that rubs the skin and intimate intimacy. The affected area becomes hyperemic, the tissues swell and block the entrance to the vagina. When bartholinitis is complicated by an abscess of the gland, women experience severe pain and discomfort when walking, fever and general weakness increase.

Genital allergy

A painful burning sensation with itching in the intimate area is a common symptom of an allergic reaction in women. Burning sensations are preceded by redness and swelling of the genital mucosa. Constant itching provokes scratching of the affected area, as a result the burning sensation and pain intensify. Sometimes allergic manifestations in the intimate area act as a component of a broader symptom complex (with urticaria, eczema, dermatitis).

Diseases of the genitourinary system

With urethritis and cystitis, women often experience a burning sensation in the perineum. Discomfort reaches its maximum intensity when urinating, often accompanied by painful pains in the lower abdomen. The burning sensation is accompanied by a change in the appearance of the urine: it becomes cloudy, acquires a foul odor, and sometimes streaks of blood can be seen. The mucous membranes of the perineum are hyperemic and swollen, and when touched, there is a strong burning sensation.

Condylomas acuminata

Condylomas in women cause a burning sensation in the perineal area due to accidental touching, friction with underwear, sexual intercourse and the penetration of foreign objects into the vagina. With constant trauma, erosion and bleeding occur, resulting in increased burning pain. Condylomas are most often located on the labia minora and in the vestibule of the vagina, so a woman can detect them on her own.

Rare causes

  • Gynecological diseases
    : endocervicitis, vulvar vestibulitis.
  • Surgical pathology
    : vaginal fistulas, female hypospadias.
  • Precancerous conditions
    : kraurosis and leukoplakia of the vulva.
  • Psycho-emotional factors
    : severe stress, neuroses, depression.
  • Somatic diseases
    : diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, chronic liver failure.

Ointments with natural ingredients

If the active components of ointments are natural substances, then they can be applied to the skin and mucous membranes of intimate places. They are as effective as medications with synthetic ingredients, but are much safer. An ointment with a concentrated extract of calendula flowers helps to get rid of irritation. This medicinal plant has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and antiseptic effects. After application, pain, burning and itching disappear, tissues are cleansed of toxic substances and quickly restored.

Girls, as well as women during menopause, are recommended to relieve irritation with sea buckthorn ointment. The natural oil included in its composition has a diverse effect on the mucous membranes of the intimate area:

  • forms a film that protects tissue from damage;
  • inhibits pathogenic fungi, viruses, bacteria;
  • promotes the formation of new, healthy cells in pathologically affected areas of the mucosa;

  • relieves chronic, sluggish inflammatory processes.

For frequent irritation, propolis ointment is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Due to the high content of bioactive substances, applying the drug to red itchy areas helps improve well-being within an hour.

The effectiveness of ointments against irritation

A properly selected ointment immediately eliminates specific symptoms of irritation of the mucous membranes in intimate areas and prevents their reappearance. But in some cases, a course of treatment with antibacterial agents for topical use, for example, Levomekol with chloramphenicol and the regeneration stimulator methyluracil, will help get rid of discomfort. And in case of severe itching caused by an allergic reaction or an infectious disease, hormonal drugs (Sinaflan, Prednisolone) are used. They should be used in strict accordance with the recommendations of the instructions, since the components are quite toxic to tissues.

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Treatment of groin rashes

can be done if you consult a doctor in time. Having discovered them, you need to urgently consult a dermatologist.

After all, not all rashes are safe, it can be either ordinary irritation from shower gel or a serious sexually transmitted disease; in certain cases, a rash in the groin can indicate the presence of a low-quality tumor.

Such treatment in Moscow is carried out in all specialized clinics.

You can make an appointment with a dermatologist from our consultants by calling +7 (495) 125-49-50

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