Features of the mesotherapy procedure with pineal gland peptides

From this article you will learn:

  • Facial mesotherapy – what kind of procedure is it, reviews,
  • what drugs are better to choose,
  • before and after photos, price 2022,
  • mesotherapy or biorevitalization: which is better.

Mesotherapy is a method of intradermal administration of active components, which can be aimed at rejuvenating the skin of the face and neck, improving the condition of hair, treating problematic skin in patients with acne and seborrhea, as well as combating local fat deposits and cellulite. The method was invented by the French physician Michel Pistor in the 60s of the last century, and was initially used only for the treatment of cellulite.

There are a huge number of active ingredients that are used in mesotherapy preparations. Preparations for the prevention and treatment of skin aging usually contain various combinations - hyaluronic acid, vitamins, microminerals, antioxidants, amino acids, regulatory peptides, nucleotides. Moreover, the composition of the drugs is selected for each patient individually - taking into account age, type of skin aging, the presence of hyperpigmentation or rosacea.

For local obesity and cellulite, lipolytics (phosphatidylcholine, deoxycholate, L-carnitine, etc.) are used. But the most widely used group of drugs in mesotherapy are vascular and drainage drugs, for example, “Artichoke”, “GAG Complex DVL Capyl” and others. They are used not only in complex treatment programs for cellulite and local fat deposits, but also occupy one of the leading places in rejuvenation programs for patients with deformational (edematous) type of aging.

Classic mesotherapy involves injection of active components into the dermis or subcutaneous fat. Injections are made with very thin 30, 31 or 32G needles (32G needle diameter = only 0.23 mm). The so-called fractional mesotherapy of facial skin, where mesococktails are used in combination with the DermaPen device or mesoscooters, shows good effectiveness. Less effective is the so-called needle-free facial mesotherapy (using pulsed iontophoresis devices), but it is indicated for patients with a tendency to keloid scars.

Indications for mesotherapy of the face and neck –

  • Therapy and prevention of biological aging of the skin - in order to improve the color, texture, elasticity of the skin, reduce the depth of wrinkles and folds,
  • therapy and prevention of photoaging (increasing skin hydration, correction of hyperpigmentation and rosacea),
  • improving the skin condition of smokers,
  • local obesity (double chin, fat bags on the face),
  • problematic skin with acne,
  • preparation for medium/deep chemical peels, plastic surgeries, as well as rehabilitation after them.

Local fat deposits on the face are a separate big topic, which we discussed in the article on correcting a double chin.
Nevertheless, it must be said that the use of lipolytics in combination with drainage drugs is also indicated in complex rejuvenation programs for patients with deformational (edematous) type of aging, making it possible to reduce the volume of soft tissues, the depth of folds, and the severity of gravitational ptosis. Speaking about mesotherapy for acne, it is worth noting that injections of mesopreparations can only bring the patient out of an exacerbation, reducing the number and severity of inflammatory elements. But as for the correction of atrophic scars after acne, fractional mesotherapy (using DermaPen or a mesoscooter) works better here. By the way, the same situation is with stretch marks on the body - classical injection mesotherapy is completely ineffective here, and fractional mesotherapy is quite the opposite.

The best manufacturers

Many manufacturers offer cocktails with peptides for mesotherapy. Experts use only proven, well-known drugs.

Aquashine, Aquashine BR and Aquashine BTX

All three drugs contain the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

Price – about 2700 rubles

The only difference is the number of peptides. In one cocktail they are contained in quantities from 4 to 7.

The use of drugs gives the following results:

  • slow down the aging process and promote rejuvenation;
  • relieve hyperpigmentation;
  • improve complexion;
  • cosmetic imperfections disappear.

Meso-Wharton P199

The cocktail includes the following beneficial compounds:

  • peptides;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • coenzymes;
  • vitamins and other substances.

Peptide mesotherapy using this product gives the following result:

  • moisturizes the deep layers of the skin;
  • promotes recovery after aggressive cosmetic procedures;
  • improves complexion;
  • promotes rejuvenation.

Approximate price – 5000 rubles.

Mesococktails Dermaheal

Dermaheal is a line of products that includes products for the face or individual areas - nasolabial folds, around the eyes and others.

Estimated cost – 2000 rubles

These cocktails work as follows:

  • promote cell renewal;
  • improve the condition of blood vessels;
  • increase elasticity;
  • prevent the occurrence of hyperpigmentation.

Mesoeye C71 for the skin around the eyes

The cocktail is used only to rejuvenate the area around the eyes. Action of the product:

  • moisturizes the skin;
  • improves the condition of blood vessels;
  • normalizes metabolic processes occurring in cells;
  • eliminates dark circles under the eyes;
  • helps smooth out facial wrinkles.

The drug can be used by women over 25 years of age, but experts recommend using the product after 40 years of age.

Approximate cost: 5,000 rubles.

REVI Mesopeptides 2%

The drug Revy is a gel containing peptides and hyaluronic acid. Operating principle:

  • improves complexion;
  • evens out skin texture and moisturizes;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • promotes cell renewal;
  • have a positive effect on metabolic processes;
  • eliminates age-related changes;
  • eliminates rashes;
  • normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Approximate price – 1500 rubles

Features of facial mesotherapy and its differences from biorevitalization -

Many patients do not understand how mesotherapy differs from biorevitalization, because in principle these are very similar techniques, which use both the same injection techniques and similar active components. But nevertheless, these differences are very important, and will allow you to decide how suitable one or another method is for you. The main differences lie in the characteristics of the drugs used, so let's take a closer look at how mesopreparations differ from biorevitalizants.

The first difference is that mesotherapeutic preparations use much lower concentrations of active components. For example, in mesopreparations the concentration of hyaluronic acid (HA) is usually 0.3-0.5% (rarely up to 0.8-1.0%), and in biorevitalizants it is most often no less than 1.8-2.0%. The second difference is that mesopreparations contain, as a rule, low molecular weight HA (with a molecular size of 200-800 kDa), while biorevitalizants contain high molecular weight HA, from 1800 to 3000 kDa.

It should be noted that the larger the size of the hyaluronic acid molecules, the more pronounced the moisturizing effect of the drug on the skin will be, and secondly, the slower the HA molecules will be destroyed under the influence of the hyaluronidase enzyme, which means the effect of the drug will last longer. The third difference concerns the form of release of the drugs. Mesopreparations are produced on a water or sol basis (sol - liquid gel), which means rapid distribution in tissues, as well as very rapid elimination.

That is why mesotherapy procedures on the face and neck are done once a week. But biorevitalizants are always produced in the form of viscous gels, which improves the deposition of active substances at the site of each injection. The gel will dissolve more slowly, which means the active substances in its composition will act on the tissue longer. Therefore, biorevitalizants are usually administered once every 2 weeks, but there are preparations containing stabilized HA that can be administered only once every 3-4 weeks.

Important: thus, for biorevitalization, drugs are used that allow achieving more intense rejuvenation (the cost of biorevitalizants is many times higher than the cost of meso-preparations). Based on all of the above, you should understand why the cost of 1 mesotherapy procedure usually starts from 2,500 rubles, and biorevitalization - on average from 9,000 rubles or more for 1 procedure. Different properties of the drugs create differences in the frequency and number of procedures.

For example, mesopreparations are done once a week, and in patients 35+ the course will usually consist of 10-12 procedures, while biorevitalizants are done once every 2-3 weeks, and the course will consist of 3 to 7 procedures (depending on the severity of age-related changes). As for relatively young patients who seek prevention or only minor correction of changes, short courses of mesotherapy will be preferable for them. But for patients 45+ (and even more so after menopause), mesopreparations will no longer work at all.

→ Rating of drugs for biorevitalization

Dermaheal SR

  • Active ingredients: biomimetic peptides, copper tripeptide-1, amino acids and minerals.
  • Age category: used for preventive purposes in patients over 30 years of age.
  • Therapeutic method: introduced under the skin by performing mesotherapy or biorevitalization.
  • Action: smoothing out small facial wrinkles and the first age-related furrows, preventing the appearance of deep folds (nasolabial, marionette, nasolacrimal), stimulating the growth of new healthy dermal cells, increasing skin elasticity, optimizing water balance, enhanced hydration, activation of collagen and elastin production.
  • Indications: the cocktail is used to prevent aging in young patients in order to awaken the natural barrier functions of the skin. Also indicated for dehydration, excessive porosity, acne proneness, and photoaging.

Mesotherapy and types of skin aging: important

From the outside it may seem that mesotherapy is a very simple technique - you just need to take a more expensive drug with a large number of active ingredients and inject it over the entire area of ​​the face and neck. And so several times, and continue to wait for the onset of rejuvenation. And it seemed like everything was done, but for some reason rejuvenation never came.

Of course, perhaps you initially had too high expectations from the course of mesotherapy, and you refused biorevitalization due to price considerations. However, it is also possible that the treatment was carried out without taking into account individual characteristics, for example, the type of skin aging. Russian women are characterized by 2 main types of aging - these are primarily deformational (edematous) and finely wrinkled types of aging. But, of course, no one has canceled the mixed and tired types of aging either.

Types of peptides in cosmetology

More than ten varieties of peptides are used, which contain amino acids used in cosmetology. The complex design of the substances makes it possible to influence internal structures, allowing the initiation of restoration processes. Thus, different types of peptides in cosmetics nourish the deep structure of subcutaneous cells, preserving youth. The following types of peptides are distinguished:

  1. Signal. They are used to begin the regeneration of the internal structure of tissues and are used in many processes in the body. When these peptides are used in cosmetology, messages are sent to all cells that nutrients are needed for restoration. The production of collagen and other proteins is stimulated.
  2. Geroprotective peptides in facial cosmetology are used to maintain the condition of all cells of the body, which gives stability and strength. They make the appearance attractive, allow you to maintain the shape and internal structure without surgery or separate medications.
  3. Remodeling. Due to the decrease in natural fibers that maintain shape and structure, aging processes begin. With age, recovery processes slow down. In young people, all molecules and fibers are arranged in the same order, which maintains skin elasticity and allows it to recover faster. Due to age-related changes, negative environmental influences, and poor nutrition, the elasticity and rate of cell division decrease.
  4. Stimulating. Over time, the connection between the deep and outer layers of the skin becomes increasingly thin, causing the skin to become flabby. The binding components are type VII collagen and syndecan. Their number decreases over the years, which leads to the destruction of the structure of the skin and the appearance of the first wrinkles.
  5. Stabilizers. These substances are responsible for stabilizing the skin. They contain restorative proteins that regulate collagen and other substances in the composition. Peptides in cosmetics reduce the negative effects of sunlight and other factors faced by residents of large cities.
  6. Muscle relaxant peptides reduce the mobility of muscles responsible for facial expressions. Because of this, the face becomes smoother, but loses its natural features. Such formulations have become popular among those seeking non-surgical rejuvenation techniques. These injections are used in limited cases and situations where there are no other solutions. When the medicine is administered, the muscles are paralyzed, cell aging slows down - the face and the treated area lose sensitivity, acquiring a stable appearance.
  7. Affecting pigmentation. They are responsible for the appearance of pigments on different skin areas. The drugs contain components containing melanin. They contribute to the acquisition of natural immunity to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. These include pigment components that are responsible for tanning and lightening the skin. These are the basic principles and directions of how peptides work in cosmetics.
  8. Opioid. The principle of operation is reminiscent of opium, which has a relaxing effect on the treated area. As a result, the sensitivity of the skin decreases, which leads to relaxation and simplifies all manipulations by the doctor.
  9. Immune. They are responsible for the internal immunity of the skin, therefore they are the most important. These include popular proteins that stimulate resistance to negative influences.

The use of all peptides depends on the expected result. It is recommended to entrust any procedures to a specialist. He knows which methods will be safe in a particular case. Preliminary checks and analyzes are carried out.

How does the mesotherapy procedure work?

Injections of mesopreparations: photo

As we said above, injections of mesopreparations are made using a syringe and very thin needles 30, 31 or 32G (needle diameter 32G = only 0.23 mm). In mesotherapy, there are 4 main injection techniques - nappage, papules, tubercles, and linear-retrograde technique. Anesthesia will be required before the procedure begins. Pain relief during mesotherapy of the face and neck is carried out using a cream or gel based on the anesthetic lidocaine (in concentrations from 5 to 12%). The cream is applied to the face under the film for 20 minutes.

Above, we already told you about lymphatic drainage vascular injection of the face and neck (capillary mesotherapy), which is necessary to activate lymphatic drainage and blood supply to the skin. This is necessary both for patients with finely wrinkled type of skin aging, and especially for deformational/edematous type of aging. But if with the finely wrinkled type the vascular injection is done only in the first 1-3-5 procedures (we look at the condition of the skin and age), then with the deformation type the vascular injection should be done in each of the 10-12 procedures.

Lymphatic drainage vascular puncture technique –

During mesotherapy of the face and neck, a vascular puncture will activate the regional lymph nodes of this area, improve lymphatic drainage, relieve swelling of the dermis and subcutaneous fat, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and also reduce the volume of fat bags on the face and neck. For example, your wrinkles, jowls or double chin will also be reduced. For vascular/lymphatic drainage injection, drugs such as “GAG Complex DVL Capyl formula”, “Gingko Biloba”, “Artichoke”, “Rutin + melito extract” are used.

Small injections are made into certain areas: the entire cervical-collar area (to the level of the shoulder blades), on the face and neck - in the projection of all groups of lymph nodes. If there is a large volume of fat on the face and neck, we can also pierce the middle/lower third of the face along the massage lines + the entire second chin. The volume of vascular preparations for 1 procedure is 5 ml. And only after this (in the second part of each procedure) we do injections of mesopreparations aimed at rejuvenation.

Another option is not to use age-correction drugs at all during the first 2-3 procedures, but to combine vascular lymphatic drainage injection on the face and cervical-collar area with the use of soft lipolytics. Lipolytic injections are made in the area of ​​excess fat, such as lip bags, nasolabial folds, jowls and double chin. And starting from the 3-4th procedure, we begin to combine vascular drugs with mesopreparations intended for age correction.

Mesotherapy injection techniques –

There are only a few of these techniques, and below you can read not only their descriptions, but also see videos demonstrating them. Please note that injection techniques in mesotherapy and biorevitalization are completely the same, so do not be embarrassed if the term biorevitalization sometimes appears in the videos below. The process of injecting the mesopreparation usually takes no more than 15-20 minutes (not including time for lymphatic drainage vascular injection, anesthesia, and a regenerating mask after the procedure).

1) “Nappage” technique (superficial, middle, deep) – with superficial nappage, the tip of the needle does not penetrate the dermis, i.e. the doctor works only at the depth of the epidermis, which will mean the absence of blood discharge from the needle insertion points. This technique is characterized by too much consumption of the drug, which must dry on its own. In theory, this should help the active substances penetrate the dermis, but in fact this is the most ineffective of mesotherapy techniques.

The median nappage technique is much more effective, and in this case microdoses of the drug will enter the upper layers of the dermis to a depth of 1-1.5 mm (hence, there will definitely be blood dew from the injection sites). With each needle insertion, only 1 drop of the drug is released, which usually does not cause the formation of papules, or they quickly disappear. But the deep nappage technique is used in patients with thick skin and is distinguished by the fact that the needle is inserted already at 2-3 mm.

Nappage: superficial (video 1) and middle (video 2)

2) “Papules” technique (superficial or middle) - this technique involves injections into the upper or middle layers of the dermis, so that at the site of each injection a “papule” will appear, which looks like an elevation above the surface of the skin. The size of the papules will depend on the volume of mesopreparation injected into the tissue at each needle insertion point. Papules can be small (about 1-2 mm) - in this case they are called micropapules. The volume of the drug at each point will be about 0.01-0.02 ml, and the distance between them will be from 0.3 to 0.5 cm. Such papules are made in areas with thin skin, for example, in the periorbital zone.

In areas with denser skin, papules are made to a standard size, i.e. with a diameter of 3-4 mm. The volume of the drug at each point will be about 0.03-0.04 ml, and the distance between injections will be about 1.0-1.5 cm. Keep in mind that the larger the papules, the slower they will dissolve. Usually papules disappear within 2-3 days, less often - up to 5-7 days. Sometimes papules can take up to 2-3 weeks to resolve, but this is usually due to a doctor’s mistake (when a cosmetologist administered a drug based on stabilized HA in the form of standard papules, which cannot be done).

Papule technique: video

3) “Tubercles” technique – if the previous technique involves introducing mesopreparations at an angle of 15 degrees to the surface of the skin (into the superficial and middle layers of the dermis), then in this case the drug is injected with a 32G needle at an angle of 45 degrees to the entire depth of the needle. In this case, the drug depot is created in the deep layers of the dermis, at a depth of approximately 3 mm. This technique is distinguished by the absence of elevations on the surface of the skin in the form of papules, and after the procedure only traces of needle injections will be visible. However, this technique has a greater risk of hematomas.

4) Linear-retrograde technique - technically this technique is the most complex, and it came to mesotherapy from contour plastic surgery. If for all previous techniques 4 mm needles are most often used, here they are 12-13 mm long. After injection, the needle moves into the dermis parallel to the surface of the skin over its entire length. The drug is eliminated when the needle moves backwards in a retrograde manner. This is the most effective mesotherapy technique, although it is more traumatic. But the fact is that in this case, additional trauma to the dermis is a plus - the body responds to it with regeneration and an increase in collagen synthesis.

Linear-retrograde technique: video

Healing period

Immediately after the procedure, the patient may see red dots, injection marks, as well as slight swelling and bruising on the face. All these are considered natural consequences of injections. The face returns to normal within a few days, a maximum of a week. During the same time, traces disappear, as well as pain and itching. After this, the patient will be able to assess the condition of his skin and see the first changes after injections of drugs with peptides.

While healing is underway, it is important to follow medical instructions so that rehabilitation ends faster and without complications:

  • for the first few days, try not to touch the areas that the doctor treated: do not massage them, do not paint your face;
  • Make an exception if the doctor has prescribed you a cream or ointment to eliminate swelling and bruises (Troxevasin, Panthenol, etc.). Apply the products with light movements, but not immediately after the procedure;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol for 14 days;
  • Do not play sports for the same amount of time, reduce physical activity;
  • Do not visit the bathhouse, solarium, or beach for 2 weeks;
  • choose cosmetics with sun filters.

Precautionary measures

Insufficient qualifications of the doctor, incorrect injection technique or poorly chosen drug with peptides, patient disregard for rehabilitation rules - any of these factors can cause the development of complications.

These include various allergic reactions, nodules and seals at injection sites, new age spots, bags under the eyes and swelling that do not go away for a long time.

In addition, the patient should be alerted to an increase in body temperature to 38 °C. If you discover these symptoms, you should immediately contact a cosmetologist who performed biorevitalization or mesotherapy with peptides.

Factors that can cause side effects also include the patient's poor health. It is for this purpose that the doctor must insist on a mandatory medical examination. The specialist will refuse to do anti-aging injections in the following cases:

  • allergic reactions, individual intolerance by the patient to certain substances;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems;
  • damage or inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • tendency to form scars;
  • autoimmune diseases, etc.

How to neutralize the effect

Peptides usually do not cause allergic reactions or rejection by the body, especially if they are biomimetics. If trouble does occur, most likely the person is intolerant to other components in the cocktail for mesotherapy or biorevitalization. Allergy tests will help find out the cause. After this, the doctor will decide whether to remove the drug from the patient’s body. For example, if allergies or complications are caused by hyaluronic acid, drugs based on hyaluronidase will help.

Facial mesotherapy before and after: photos, reviews

On the websites of cosmetology clinics you will almost never find real photos before and after facial mesotherapy, because... To sell procedures, clinics only post photos of successful treatment cases, or even more often, they post photos of patients after hardware rejuvenation techniques - as if they had undergone a course of mesotherapy. However, you should know 2 important points. Firstly, the effectiveness of the same drug (even though the same number of procedures were performed) can vary greatly in different patients.

And secondly, facial mesotherapy, by definition, is much weaker than biorevitalization, and therefore it cannot achieve very pronounced changes, especially if you have aged but well-groomed skin. But if you have never paid much attention to your facial skin before, the effect of mesotherapy will certainly be obvious. Below we present cases of clinical treatment in patients aged 35+ and 45+.

Example #1 –

Shows the effectiveness of facial mesotherapy with a single preparation of hyaluronic acid. The following photographs are taken from an independent clinical study. Each patient was injected with 2.0 ml of Restylane Vital (a monopreparation of 2% partially stabilized hyaluronic acid) during 1 procedure. Moreover, the course of treatment consisted of 3 procedures performed with an interval of 4 weeks.

Facial mesotherapy: before and after photos

As you can see, the effect of using even a single course of hyaluronic acid in patients aged 35 and 46 years is practically not noticeable. Such drugs, in our opinion, are best used to prevent aging at a younger age, but not for age correction.

Example No. 2 –

The following photos were taken by cosmetologist Victoria Petrovskaya. The patient underwent a course of 4 procedures (with a frequency of 1 time every 2 weeks). At the beginning of each procedure, a lymphatic drainage vascular injection was first performed with the drug “GAG Complex DVL Capyl”. Then, for each procedure, the mesopreparation “Hydro Line P-Anti-wrinkles” was used for the periorbital area, and “Hydro Line Peptide” was used for all other areas of the face. The after photos were taken after the second procedure.

Example No. 3 –

The photographs below were taken by cosmetologist E. Kuvshinnikova. The patient underwent a course of 5 procedures. The first 3 procedures used the drug "Hydro Line" (with a frequency of 1 time - every 7-10 days), and in the last 2 procedures - the meso drug "Hydro Line Peptide" (with a frequency of 1 time in 2 weeks). Capillar mesotherapy was not carried out, but, of course, a positive effect was achieved. But in the following example you can see how effective biorevitalizants or their combinations with mesopreparations can be.

Example No. 4 –

The photos below were taken by cosmetologist Irina Pyagai. The patient underwent a course of eight procedures (with a frequency of 1 time in 10 days). At the beginning of each procedure, a lymphatic drainage vascular injection was first performed with the drug “GAG Complex DVL Capyl”. After this, rejuvenation drugs were used in each of the eight procedures. Please note that in this course of treatment a combination of biorevitalizants (in the first 5 procedures) and mesopreparations was used in the last 3 procedures.

  1. "Nucleospire Revitalizing Complex A"

  2. "Hydro Line Revitalizing Complex B formula",
  3. "Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%",
  4. "Hydro Line Revitalizing Complex B formula",
  5. "Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%",

6,7,8 procedures – mesopreparation “Nucleospire DNA-RNA 1% DM Peptide”.

Preparation and carrying out the procedure

Like any other cosmetic procedures, mesotherapy and biorevitalization with peptides require careful preparation. First, decide on a clinic and a doctor. Read reviews about different specialists, ask if the doctor has all the necessary licenses and certificates that give him the right to perform injections.

At your appointment, ask the cosmetologist about everything that worries and interests you. The doctor will explain in detail what role peptides play in skin rejuvenation, how the procedure works and what needs to be done for speedy rehabilitation. The specialist is obliged to refer you for a medical examination to find out whether there are any health contraindications or a threat to the development of complications. After this, the doctor will ask you to sign an agreement on the provision of cosmetic services and set a date for the procedure.

Do not choose days of the menstrual cycle for peptide biorevitalization or mesotherapy.

Preparatory stage

In addition to undergoing tests and examination by doctors, the patient should comply with a number of conditions that will make mesotherapy or biorevitalization with peptides more effective and speed up the process of skin restoration after injections:

  • 3-4 days before the procedure, stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • Stop taking certain medications - anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory drugs. This should only be done in consultation with the doctor!
  • during the preparatory period, do not visit the solarium, sauna, bathhouse and beach;
  • About a day before injections with peptides, stop wearing makeup.

If the patient has weak blood vessels in the face, the doctor may prescribe additional medications.

Injection technique

The procedure itself consists of the following stages:

  1. The specialist cleans the patient’s face of dust and impurities and performs superficial peeling.
  2. Next, the doctor disinfects the area of ​​skin that he will work with.
  3. At the request of the patient, the cosmetologist uses an anesthetic. Most often it is a cream.
  4. Next, the doctor begins to perform injections. To do this, he opens the package of the drug with peptides so that the patient can see it. When giving injections, the doctor will choose the technique that is most suitable in your case: linear, micropapular or another. The specialist will also determine the number of injections. The procedure time depends on this, as well as on the size of the treated area: from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  5. Finally, the specialist disinfects the face again and, if necessary, applies a sedative.
  6. After this, the doctor gives recommendations for care and explains when you can come for a repeat procedure.


One procedure with peptides in Moscow cosmetology clinics will cost from 6,000–7,500 rubles. As a rule, this is true when using 1 ml of the drug. If more is required, the cost increases accordingly. In the regions, the procedure usually costs less, but it also depends on the price of a specific biorevitalizant or meso-cocktail with peptides.

How much does facial mesotherapy cost – price 2022

If you decide to undergo facial mesotherapy, the price for 1 procedure will depend on the cost of the drugs administered, as well as the pricing policy of the clinic. In advertising you can often see that for facial mesotherapy the cost of 1 procedure starts from only 2,500 rubles, however, if we are talking about high-quality drugs, then this amount is only the minimum cost of consumables.

For example, we decided to do a lymphatic drainage vascular injection with the drug “GAG Complex DVL Capyl”. Only its cost for 2022 will be 300 rubles. Then we take the cost of one of the above drugs - this is another 800 to 1400 rubles. You also need all kinds of consumables (several expensive 30 and 32G needles for injections, sterile sheets, gloves, the cost of anesthesia and many other little things) - that’s another few hundred rubles. Thus, 1600-2000 rubles is only the cost of materials.

But prices should take into account the costs of training a mesotherapist, and rent, and depreciation of equipment, and wages. Typically, for frequent cosmetologists the markup is + 100-150%, and for private cosmetology clinics the markup is + 150-200% (to the cost of all consumables). Thus, the normal price, for example, for the above complex with vascular injection and the drug “Hydro Line Extra” should be at least 4000-4500 rubles.

Important: but if we take more expensive drugs from a series of biorevitalizants, for example, “Nucleospire DNA-RNA 2%” (2.0 ml), only the cost of which is 4000 rubles, then the final cost of the service together with the vascular injection should not cost any less 9000 rubles. And here we gradually come to the question of why some patients have negative reviews of mesotherapy, and they say that it does not work. Yes, simply because, for example, cosmetologists almost never perform capillary mesotherapy on patients.

The latter takes a lot of time (and time is money), plus it takes a long time to explain to patients why this is needed at all. It's easier not to do it at all. Secondly, the right drugs and their combinations are not always used - which we told you so much about above. As a rule, this is due to the low qualifications of specific mesotherapists. Well, as we have already said, in older patients with well-groomed skin, mesotherapy of the neck and face will not give a good effect; other drugs are needed.

→ Cost of facial biorevitalization procedures → Cost of hair mesotherapy procedures

la beaute medicaleCommercial production company


Surgeon, dermatologist,

Head of scientific laboratory

Russia. Moscow.

The history of the creation of peptides dates back to 1913. Swiss doctor Paul Niehans decided to test embryonic material for the first time and administered a drug obtained from sheep cells to a dying patient. The result was stunning: the woman survived. The following years were devoted to studying the influence of embryonic cells on the human body. The results obtained during the research made a real revolution in medicine when they were made public at the International Congress of Endocrinologists. Embryonic cells began to be used in practice in medicine. However, for a long time, such treatment was the prerogative of the rich and famous. For example, embryonic cells were actively used in the treatment of Charles de Gaulle and Marlene Dietrich. To their surprise, against the backdrop of improved health, doctors noticed obvious external rejuvenation. After this, Paul Niehans did many experiments to create cellular cosmetics. However, he never found a method for preserving peptides that would preserve all their valuable properties. It was discovered after the death of the famous professor, the founder of a new direction - biorevitalization, i.e. rejuvenation at the cellular level. The effect of peptides on the body was initially called biorevitalization, but not the injection of hyaluronic acid, which is so common in our time. Only in the 70s, students of a famous Swiss doctor managed to “preserve” embryonic cells. Dr. Warburg, a Nobel laureate in the field of biology, proved experimentally that a cell culture that has undergone such treatment retains its basic properties. After this, the world's first cellular cosmetics appeared, which later grew into a very large and promising area - dermal reductants.

For many years, peptide-based cosmetics could not break through newfangled injection technologies. Global marketing was fixated on super-profitable injectable drugs based on hyaluronic acid, and only by the first half of the modern millennium, after receiving unclear results of anti-aging therapy from injectable drugs, peptides began to displace hyaluronic acid injections from the arsenal of rejuvenation methods of most cosmetologists. The modern market of peptide-based cosmetics is replete with a huge variety of products, however, not all peptide components and their components have the correct rejuvenating effect on the aging process of the body and its visible part - the skin. Let's first figure out what peptides are and which of them are really important and needed in medical and aesthetic cosmetology.

Peptides (Greek πεπτος - nutritious) are a family of substances whose molecules are built from α-amino acid residues linked into a chain by peptide (amide) bonds -C(O)NH-. These are natural or synthetic compounds containing tens, hundreds or thousands of monomer units - amino acids. In 1900, German organic chemist Hermann Emil Fischer hypothesized that peptides consist of a chain of amino acids formed by specific bonds. And already in 1902 he received irrefutable evidence of the existence of a peptide bond, and by 1905 he developed a general method with which it became possible to synthesize peptides in the laboratory.

Peptides are constantly synthesized in all living organisms to regulate physiological processes. The properties of peptides depend mainly on their primary structure - the sequence of amino acids, as well as on the structure of the molecule and its configuration in space (secondary structure). The primary sequence of peptides is a kind of code that gives a clear command to launch certain physiological processes in the body. In medical and aesthetic cosmetology, various peptides are used, the code of which triggers the processes of either natural restructuring of collagen against the background of fibroblasts activated by hyaluronic acid, or blocks the production of pigment and, together with acids, solves the problems of age-related pigmentation, or suspends the functional activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby in synergy with targeted drugs aimed at eliminating acne, combating the negative effects of problem skin and much more. The most common peptides used in cellular cosmetics, often called dermal reductants in scientific circles, are targeted signal peptides aimed at launching neocollagenesis processes in general procedures and technologies, in achieving a lifting effect.

The classification of peptides is quite diverse and, according to various scientific sources, can vary significantly. A peptide molecule is a sequence of amino acids connected by a special biochemical amide bond, and the number of amino acids in such bonds can vary significantly. There are oligopeptides that contain up to ten amino acid residues, polypeptides that contain more than ten amino acids. Peptides can be homomeric and heteromeric, homodetic and heterodetic, but to understand the role of these molecules in cosmetology practice, two concepts such as signal and regulatory peptides will most likely be of interest. The most important peptides according to the classification, which form the basis of dermal reductants, are signal oligopeptides, consisting of two or three amino acid residues, the so-called di- and tripeptides.

Recently, a very large amount of information has been broadcast about the need for the combined use of hyaluronic acid injections and transdermal exposure to cosmetic preparations containing signal oligopeptides. To understand the need for this combined use against the backdrop of total enthusiasm and fanatical belief in the action of injectable drugs, most often containing either hyaluronic acid or its mixes with vitamins, amino acids and other components, it is necessary to clarify some concepts and scientific research. So what is youth? This is the active reproduction by cells of protein - the main material of all organs and tissues of the human body. In cosmetic procedures aimed at rejuvenating human skin, the main protein is collagen. Moreover, it is peptides that activate these processes. Their specific sequence contains information codes that trigger protein synthesis in a wide variety of cell types. Scientists deciphered these codes, and then isolated them from the body of animals and began to produce peptide cosmetic preparations based on them or on the basis of their synthetic analogues. The concept of peptide bioregulation of skin aging was developed in the 70s, on the basis of the Bioregulation Laboratory of the S.M. Military Medical Academy. Kirov. The researchers proceeded from the fact that aging is a chronic stress extended over time, during which the body's systems gradually wear out. One of the main indicators of aging is a decrease in protein synthesis, and it is possible to restore it to normal levels with the help of peptide bioregulators. A few years later, signal peptides entered cosmetology and very confidently won their space in highly effective cosmetic lines.

The most interesting peptide complex for cosmetology is palmitoyl tripeptide-5, which is included in the composition of dermal reductants and transdermal preparations used in anti-aging procedures. This is a peptide formed by three amino acid residues: aminoacetic acid, histidine and lysine. Penetrates well into the skin, activates the production of collagen and mucopolysaccharides of the skin, and also increases its elasticity. Activates fibroblasts, stimulates the restoration and regeneration of connective tissue and the vascular wall. By enhancing the formation of endogenous TGF-beta (transforming growth factor beta), it helps strengthen the skin and eliminate deep wrinkles. Cosmetic formulations also use argireline (acetyl hexapeptide-3), a peptide that inhibits the activity of the neurotransmitter catecholamine, which causes nerve impulses. Prevents muscle tension, the contraction of which leads to the appearance of facial wrinkles. This effect is achieved by blocking the skin receptors with which the information protein catecholamine connects. In its action, argireline is comparable to botulinum toxin A, but its action does not cause paralysis of facial muscles, which leads to a “mask” effect. The next peptide is matrixyl TM (palmitoyl pentapeptide-4) - a regulatory peptide that activates the restoration of the building components of the skin - collagen, elastin, fibronectin and mucopolysaccharides, by activating the cells responsible for the synthesis of the above components (fibroblasts). The use of matrixyl-based cosmetics leads to a significant improvement in the condition and appearance of the skin. Most modern peptide-based depigmenting cosmetics include melanostatin-5TM (aqua-dextran-nonapeptide-1), a peptide that gives the skin a light color tone. Inhibits the action of alpha melanocytes (cells that produce melanin under the influence of certain hormones). Prevents the activation of melanin production under the influence of hormones, inhibiting hyperchromia and whitening the skin. Next on the list of so-called cosmetic peptides is palmitoyl tetrapeptide-3 - part of immunoglobulin G attached to hexadecanoic acid for more effective absorption by the skin; active peptide complex made using modern technologies from soy and rice. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and protective effect, strengthens the immune system, moisturizes, tightens and improves skin elasticity. It also activates the restoration of connective tissue and strengthening of the intima of capillaries. Serves as the basis for cosmetic products to eliminate puffiness and dark spots under the eyes. Inhibits the activity of elastase and collagenase, eliminating disruptions in the formation of collagen and elastin. Shows pronounced antioxidant properties. Rigin (palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7) is a peptide that inhibits the activity of inflammatory mediators. Significantly reduces the synthesis of interleukins, especially interleukin 6, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, the production of which in the body increases over the years. Rigin is able to optimize the ratio of cytokines in the body, promoting skin rejuvenation. “New snap-8” (acetyl octapeptide-3) is a peptide containing 8 amino acids. Smoothes wrinkles by destabilizing the long chain of proteins responsible for the contraction of facial muscles. The mechanism of preventing the influence of biocurrents on the receptors of facial muscles is comparable to the effect of the above-described argireline, however, the relaxing effect of Snap-8 is more pronounced. And the last in this list of peptides is “New Syn-Ake” (dipeptide diaminobutyrol benzylamide diacetate) - a complex of peptides that reproduces the effect of the neuromuscular antidote to the venom of the temple keffiyeh viper. This complex blocks the cholinergic receptors of facial muscles, thereby preventing their contractions.

All of the above qualities of the new drug provide a wide opportunity to use “ANTI AGE CREAM” both in single procedures and in combined injection cosmetology technologies. In skincare procedures, as well as injection treatments, “ANTI AGE CREAM” is used as the final stage aimed at stimulating the biochemistry of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts. In mono-procedures, “ANTI AGE CREAM” is perfectly combined with pre-applied salicylic peeling and in this combination has an absolutely identical skin reaction to classic retinoic peeling, but with extremely low cytotoxicity, unlike the latter. Retinoic peeling cream “ANTI AGE CREAM” is applied to previously prepared, oil-free skin and remains on it for at least 8 hours. "ANTI AGE CREAM" has a fairly fast penetrating activity and, within a few minutes after application, it is absorbed into the skin to its maximum, tinting the latter a slightly yellowish color, which completely disappears after the peeling is washed off. The course of application of retinoic cream peeling is 2-3 months, standard for cosmetology, but the frequency of application is somewhat different than classic retinoic peeling. “ANTI AGE CREAM” of the “La beaute medicale” trademark is used once a week, so the total number of procedures to obtain a pronounced rejuvenation effect is from 8 to 12. This peeling cream is produced from raw materials produced in Japan at our own Russian production facility, which gives this product a low cost, which is directly reflected in the low price of the retinoic peeling procedure itself. “ANTI AGE CREAM” of the “La beaute medicale” trademark has absolute legitimacy in the cosmetology market of the Russian Federation and is approved by State supervisory authorities for professional use in a cosmetologist’s office.

Now it’s time to return to the question of the feasibility of the combined use of cosmetics based on peptides of dermal reductants with injection methods of biorevitalization with preparations based on hyalurnic acid. We will not consider all the properties of hyaluronic acid in the body, however, I would like to note the following. Firstly, you should not confuse the properties of your own hyaluronic acid produced in the body and a biotechnological drug synthesized on non-pathogenic strains of streptococcus. At first glance, the difference is not so obvious, but it is still there. The greatest danger of biotechnological hyaluronic acid lies precisely in the remains of streptococcal protein, which inevitably remains in the synthesis product, despite high degrees of purification. Hence all sorts of immune complications in patients of cosmetology clinics. This article does not address the issue of analyzing the immunological risk of using a biotechnological hyaluronic acid drug in cosmetology, although I think it is obvious without analysis. Therefore, the uncontrolled use of modern biorevitalizants raises serious concerns. Secondly, the most clear and clinically proven property of injectable hyaluronic acid is the activation of the skin fibroblast cell and the active proliferative reaction caused by the latter. What does the biorevitalization procedure actually entail? Native hyaluronic acid actively moisturizes, but only if the skin dryness is transient, caused by some temporarily acting factors. If dry skin is caused by genetic reasons or acquired as a result of previous dermatological diseases, hyaluronic acid will only provide symptomatic assistance. To eliminate such dryness, a biorevitalizant based on native hyaluronic acid is clearly not suitable. A drug based on modified hyaluronic acid, let's call it a classic biorevitalizant, activates fibroblasts and causes their active proliferation. So what is next? And then here's what. Modern science knows the fact of the launch of neocollagenesis processes at various periods of human life. On average, up to 35 years of age, the restructuring of collagen spirals occurs without difficulty. Collagenase, as the main enzyme that monitors and subsequently destroys pathological collagen, copes with its responsibilities perfectly in this period of life. As a result of the destruction of pathological collagen by collagenase, short-chain elements consisting of two or three amino acids connected to each other by an amide bond are released in the body. These are their own signal peptides, which, having a strictly defined sequence of amino acids, give the signal code to the body to start the processes of restoring its collagen, which begin in the active fibroblast. In this age period, activation of skin cells with preparations based on hyaluronic acid will bring a visible soft tissue lifting effect, which will occur as a result of the body replacing its pathological collagen with its new type III collagen. However, after 35 years of age, under the influence of free radicals, collagen helices are modified due to the formation of disulfide interhelical chains between them, which make collagen not accessible to monitoring for integrity by the enzyme collagenase. There is no specific enzyme in the body that monitors and destroys collagen modified by disulfide chains. And since there is no destruction, then their own signal peptides are not formed. There is no signal code for the fibroblast to start neocollagenesis and restoration does not occur. The protein ages, and the skin also ages, the phenomena of ptosis increase and no hyaluronic acid in the form of biorevitalizant will help here. There is no use for an active fibroblast if it has not received a command to start neocollagenesis. Based on what was described above, cosmetologists receive vague and not particularly effective results in fifty percent of cases from injectable biorevitalizants. Why fifty percent of the time? The process of age-related modification of collagen lasts for 6-8 months and then under the influence of the same free radicals, the disulfide chains that modify collagen are destroyed and the latter becomes available to collagenase, which already releases signal peptides that activate the processes of restoration of skin structures. Just the percentage of visible lifting effect or its complete absence depends on what month of the existence of disulfide chains the patient asked for help. I turned to the biorevitalization procedure when there were no disulfide links in collagen, and received a clear visible effect of rejuvenation, but I applied when disulfide chains were formed, but I did not get any effect. Based on all of the above, the question no longer arises about the need for the combined use of injectable biorevitalizants, which stimulate, activate and promote the proliferation of fibroblasts and cellular cosmetics of dermal reductants based on short-chain oligopeptides, which give a stable signal, motivating the active fibroblast to restore its own collagen and, as a result, persistent and visible rejuvenation of facial skin. The synergism of the use of peptides and hyaluronic acid is dictated by modern scientific research in medical cosmetology and therapeutic dermatology. For some cosmetologists, the question of using external products containing peptides or injectable formulations remains open. In fact, this is more than a rhetorical question, and in this case it is just a route for delivering substances, where each specialist chooses this route himself. Either this is an invasive injection effect following an already inflicted injury after biorevitalizant injections, or a completely painless and atraumatic method of introducing skin peptides in a beauty salon or in home care. The most important advantage of peptides compared to other components such as amino acids and proteins in cosmetics is that their effects can be clearly differentiated and measured. Although proteins and amino acids are also biologically active in the body, from a cosmetic point of view, protein molecules are too large to be absorbed by the skin, and amino acids are too primitive to have a significant effect in a cosmetic product. Peptides are extremely small compared to proteins, which allows them to be absorbed by the skin; at the same time, their structure is already quite complex, due to which they are able to influence biochemical processes. Peptides are completely safe for the body and are characterized by high chemical purity (in particular, synthesized, as opposed to those appearing as a result of protein breakdown). Considerable intellectual resources are invested in the creation of peptide cosmetics. Before any peptide-based product goes on sale, the peptide itself goes through numerous biochemical and clinical tests. All of the above factors indicate that peptides are one of the most promising components of cosmetics. Moreover, signal peptides are very unstable biochemical compounds, and the slightest aggressive influences, such as sterilization, can very quickly destroy amide bonds and disrupt the sequence of amino acids that provide a strictly defined signal code for the launch of a particular process. Based on this, in therapeutic practice it is more advisable to use signal peptides either in oral tablets or as part of external agents. In cosmetology, these products belong to the group of dermal reductants, due to their content of oligopeptide signal complexes.

In my opinion, the lead in the development and production of peptides should be given to the Russian manufacturer. Yes, and no matter how strange it may seem to many cosmetologists, this fact must be recognized. The unique scientific developments in peptide bioregulation in general therapeutic practice among our St. Petersburg colleagues simply amaze with their magic. A huge contribution to the development of peptide technologies in cosmetology was made by the huge Moscow pharmaceutical holding "Green Dubrava", a leader in the production of medicines. This may not seem modest, but our Russian branch of the LBM-Pharma Holding, producing peptide complexes at the best pharmaceutical enterprises in Russia, literally manually hones the effectiveness of transdermal cellular cosmetics, conducting research and testing for years, preparing an evidence base for effectiveness. In the Russian “silicon valley” Skolkovo, unique experiments are being conducted to introduce peptide technologies in medicine. Our country has long surpassed the whole world in transdermal peptide bioregulation, but many cosmetologists don’t even know about it. Europe, unfortunately, is still weak in this matter. Either the financial storms of recent years and the lack of clear funding for science, or the targeted total production of fillers, biorevitalizants and mesolation products, where Europe occupies a leading position and it is sad for the Russian manufacturer not to keep up, but in general, due to some reasons, the European The manufacturer is very, very behind. In order to at least somehow run after the locomotive, European manufacturers introduce peptides into mesotherapy injection cocktails, which is not always correct due to the strong instability of amide bonds, which are destroyed during sterilization of the ampoule product. But the Koreans are catching up, and some interesting projects are already appearing that sometimes deserve attention. America, in general in the field of cosmetology, adheres more to surgical technologies and laser effects, and American-made peptide preparations are still too primitive in their action. Well, in the end, the choice of one manufacturer or another always remains with the consumer, i.e. in our case, for a cosmetologist.

Concluding my article, I would like to note the following. In fact, it is not so important in which country this or that peptide is produced; the main thing is for a modern cosmetologist to understand how important and necessary the topic of transdermal peptide skin therapy in anti-aging technologies is. Only a multifaceted, competent approach to the formation of a general plan to combat age-related changes, which will use injection drugs in synergy with cellular peptide cosmetics, dermal reductants, and hardware technologies with home care, and the correct diet, a balanced intake of missing microelementary compounds and much, much more. , will give an undeniable rejuvenation effect and raise the level of cosmetology care to a high professional level.

Mesotherapy at home –

Mesotherapy at home is possible using special devices. The most effective is the use of a fractional mesotherapy device called DermaPen. This device is easy to use and costs only 6,000 rubles, which is quite a bit compared to the cost of a full course of mesotherapy. A cheaper version of this device are mesoscooters.

The latter are also effective for solving aesthetic problems, but due to some features of mesoscooters (you can read about them at the link below) - when used regularly, they lead to roughening of the facial skin. But the use of DermaPen does not lead to such consequences. In addition, both of these fractional mesotherapy devices are more effective against atrophic acne scars than the classic injection technique. However, you can get the maximum effect here - from a combination of DermaPen + injections of nucleotides and matrikin peptides.

→ Reviews about the DermaPen device → Reviews about the use of mesoscooters

There are also devices for needle-free mesotherapy based on iontophoresis (Fig. 16), which can be bought in special medical stores. With this technique, the skin is not injured by needles, and the device increases the permeability of the skin for mesotherapy serums. For iontophoresis procedures, mesoscooters and DermaPen, specially designed serums containing only low molecular weight active substances should be used.

Why choose peptide complexes?

  1. They provide a deep rejuvenating and restorative effect;
  2. They have a prolonged effect;
  3. They undergo powerful laboratory macro-purification;
  4. Do not contain enhancers (amplifiers that can disrupt the DNA structure);
  5. Absolutely safe and biologically compatible with skin cells.

The two-layer nanoencapsulation technique, which is used in the manufacture of products, provides not only a pronounced result, but also its accumulation with prolongation.

The cosmetology department of the multidisciplinary medical center uses exclusively high-quality patented products. Our qualified cosmetologists prefer Dermaheal peptide preparations, which have already established themselves in the global cosmeceutical market as reliable, safe and effective cocktails. These products are suitable only for professional use and are multicomponent injection complexes designed for schematic (course) use.

Mesotherapy: contraindications

Below we have provided a detailed list of contraindications for mesotherapy. Particular attention should be paid to oncology, the patient’s predisposition to the formation of keloid scars during the healing of skin wounds, and thyroid diseases. Mesotherapy is contraindicated for –

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • the presence of any oncology (even in the past),
  • allergies to drug components,
  • when taking anticoagulants or antibiotics,
  • during acute inflammatory diseases,
  • during exacerbation of skin diseases,
  • with psoriasis, hepatitis or HIV,
  • against the background of high or too low pressure,
  • for epilepsy and psychosis,
  • with a tendency to keloid scars,
  • for autoimmune diseases,
  • for diabetes mellitus (any type).

In addition, girls and women need to take into account that the risk of hematomas will be higher - in the period 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation and + 2-3 days after their end (this is due to a decrease in blood clotting during this period). We hope that our article on the topic: Facial mesotherapy before and after photos, reviews – turned out to be useful to you!


1. Add. professional

, 2. Personal experience of clinical application, 3. National Library of Medicine (USA), 4. The National Center for Biotechnology Information (USA), 5. “Aesthetic mesotherapy” (Tochinova N.A.).

Where to do the procedure?

The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the professionalism of the doctor, who must conduct a competent diagnosis, find out the result desired by the patient and prescribe them for rejuvenation with a specially selected course.

In St. Petersburg, you can entrust this process to cosmetology specialists. An attentive approach to each patient, a pleasant atmosphere and a loyal price are the advantages of the clinic that make it competitive among its competitors. And the use of the latest working methods and focus on first-class results enable patients to look young and well-groomed.

  • Author of the article: Stronskaya Oksana Alekseevna Chief physician, cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, laser therapist

Peptides and expression lines

In cosmetology, preparations are used that contain substances aimed at smoothing wrinkles in the facial area, which smoothes out most of the external imperfections. The mechanism of action has been tested and studied - many doctors use it in practice when treating patients. There is a list of contraindications for peptides in cosmetology, which are not recommended for use in case of individual sensitivity to the components. This leads to disruption of facial functions, as well as external changes.

Effect of peptides on the skin

Special peptides are used in cosmetic preparations. They are responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Improved appearance around the facial skin. It becomes smooth, even, the indentations acquire a natural shade, bags and bruises under the eyes are eliminated.
  2. Small wrinkles near the eyes are smoothed out. Humidity and tear production from the eyes are reduced, which also causes negative effects on the skin.
  3. The sebaceous glands begin to secrete less sebum. As a result, it becomes smoother, and oily shine goes away without interfering with the use of cosmetics.
  4. The production of natural collagen within cells increases. Their lifespan is extended. The skin becomes more elastic and resilient.
  5. Peptides relax facial muscles, making them more pliable for further manipulation. The result resembles the effect of Botox, when the skin becomes more elastic and taut.

Natural and synthetic peptides are used for cosmetic procedures. All drugs undergo thorough testing before use. Certified medicines that do not cause harm are used in practice.

Cosmetics with peptides, according to reviews, have considerable positive results after the first applications, so this direction is becoming popular among many cosmetologists. To sign up for training or get a consultation, use the form on the website.

Mechanism of action of peptides

Why are peptides needed in cosmetology? All cellular tissues in the body are constantly dividing, forming new ones, forming the combinations necessary for life. If any disturbances are observed, this leads to a slowdown in immune and regenerative functions. To correct the effect, it is necessary to nourish the body from the outside, triggering natural cell regeneration.

How do peptides work in facial cosmetics? They are responsible for wound healing, recovery from damage, and regulation of microflora. They are the main building material for the body, which allows you to rejuvenate and smooth out deep wrinkles.

Regulatory substances occupy a leading position. They are engaged in maintaining the state of the body in a unified form. This substance is safe for health. As a result, antibodies are not formed, so it is not removed from the body, but contributes to its restoration and nutrition.

Who is peptide therapy suitable for?

The procedure involves the use of native methods that are common in cosmetology. They are responsible for restoring and launching natural healing and cell rejuvenation. They become more resistant to the negative influences that go through their life period. Additionally, complexes are used that make cells resistant to ultraviolet radiation and other influences.

According to reviews, peptides in facial cosmetology accumulate. It is important to pause for several months between different procedures to allow the skin to rest and recover.

Peptides are responsible for most of the internal processes and also control the condition of the human body. There are various drugs and medicines, the choice of which is trusted to specialists who have knowledge. It is important to consider what peptides are combined with in cosmetics. This will allow you to select a complex to suit the requirements of each patient.

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