Preparations for mesotherapy: ascorbic acid, artichoke, biotin, bepanthen

Foto-age Elastase

The drug from the Italian brand Mesotech is used to rejuvenate the face and body. Contains elastin, DMAE, organic silicon compounds, plant extracts. Smoothes and moisturizes the skin. Activates the production of collagen, glycosaminoglycans, elastin. Due to this, the skin becomes denser and the permeability of capillary walls decreases. Cells are well saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

The drug reduces the severity of age-related changes - wrinkles, creases, dullness and sagging skin. Effective for treating damage caused by UV rays.

Definition of the concept and features of the skin in the eye area

Mesotherapy of the periorbital area - the area of ​​the eyelids and around the eyes - is a method of directly introducing small doses of bioactive cocktails into the middle layer of the skin through micropunctures for its improvement and correction of age-related changes.

The thickness of the skin in the eye area is about 0.5 mm, which is 4 times thinner than in other parts of the face, and the load due to active facial expressions (squinting, laughing, blinking) is greater. As a result of the processes, early appearance of sagging and wrinkles occurs. The eyelid area is thin and sensitive, as it has virtually no bone support. A small amount of sebaceous glands and fatty tissue lead to dryness, which accelerates the development of aging. The microvascular network is located close to the surface of the skin, which contributes to their compression with increased muscle tone and the appearance of swelling.


MESO-XANTHIN F199 is manufactured in the USA. ABG Lab LLC is one of the market leaders producing the most effective mesotherapy products.

The cocktail can be used from the age of 25 to moisturize the skin, improve skin tone and prevent aging.

Contains hyaluronic acid and fucoxanthin. The product effectively eliminates post-acne and rosacea, tightens the skin and improves the contours of the chin. It is considered one of the most effective mesotherapy drugs for facial pigmentation.

Available packaged in syringes. The package is enough for 1 session. The effect of the injections lasts from 6 to 12 months.

First results of facial mesotherapy and rehabilitation period

The visual lifting effect is noticeable even after the first mesotherapy session. Wrinkles will begin to smooth out, the oval of the face will tighten. Comprehensive facial rejuvenation can be expected after 2-3 procedures. The skin will look fresh and rested. For complete facial restoration, 6-8 sessions are usually enough.

If the procedure is done correctly, then no rehabilitation is required after mesotherapy. Even if redness or swelling develops at the injection sites, they will completely disappear in just 40-60 minutes. By the way, even microtrauma caused by a syringe needle has a kind of rejuvenation effect. It starts the reparative process and the cells regenerate more actively.

The result obtained lasts for several months. It is advisable to repeat the course every six months.

Facial mesotherapy in Moscow is carried out at the Absolut Med Aesthetic Medicine Clinic. Experienced cosmetologists are at your service, using advanced skin rejuvenation techniques and certified European-made products. You can get acquainted with our other services by reading the price list.

Basic Meso

Basic Meso is a brand produced in Spain. This is a whole series of mesotherapy products. The main active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. It has a complex effect on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté:

  • Maintains hydrobalance of intercellular substance;
  • Has a lifting effect;
  • Relieves inflammatory processes;
  • Stimulates local immunity.

The best preparations for facial mesotherapy after 40 years from the Basic Meso series contain extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins, amino acids, Coenzyme Q, ribonucleotides, and organic silicon.

Expert advice

In order for the result after a mesotherapy course to be positive, you need to know how to prepare correctly, how many procedures will be needed, at what age to start and how often injections should be given.

How to prepare

The cosmetic procedure does not require preparation. At the same time, beauty industry experts advise against visiting a solarium or natural insolation a few days before your visit. In addition it is necessary:

  • stop taking blood thinning medications for at least 7 days;
  • refuse other salon services 1-3 days in advance;
  • do not visit the bathhouse (sauna) a day before the appointed date;
  • reduce physical activity, refrain from exhausting workouts.

Immediately before starting the process, you need to wash your face and remove makeup; it is advisable not to use decorative cosmetics for 12 hours, not to wash your hair (applies to injections into the scalp for hair) and not to drink alcoholic beverages.


Injection beauty techniques are allowed from the age of 18. An early start serves as an excellent prevention of the appearance of wrinkles, a sufficient supply of nutrients and beneficial microelements for the near future. At the same time, the most successful time for the first beauty injections is after 25 years of age, during this period it is possible to achieve the most lasting and visible results.

Precautions after the session

What should not be done after mesotherapy? Immediately after visiting a cosmetologist’s office, you must abandon decorative cosmetics. Often, clients try to hide traces of microinjections - possible bruises and swelling - with foundation, thereby preventing normal wound healing. Avoid visiting saunas and swimming pools, do not sunbathe in the sun for the first 5 days, replace alcohol with healthy juices and soft drinks.

How often should you do it?

The composition of meso-cocktails, the number of visits to the salon and how much time you need to wait between them is determined by a mesotherapist. On average, at least one maintenance session per year is required for a noticeable effect. If the fractional procedure was carried out for anti-cellulite purposes, 5-15 visits will be required, for weight loss - at least 4 appointments with a specialist, to remove bags under the eyes, be prepared to visit the salon 2-4 times. The interval between visits is usually about 3-14 days, selected individually.

EJI Sakura

The drug is produced in Japan. According to experts, it is one of the best drugs for facial mesotherapy after 50 years. Many women noticed a good effect after the first session. According to cosmetologists, EJI Sakura can be a worthy replacement for plastic surgery.

The cocktail tightens the skin of the lower part of the face and smoothes out wrinkles, eliminates rosacea and pigmentation. For people under forty years of age, this is an effective means of combating scars and stretch marks on the skin.

The drug package contains 4 bottles and is designed for 20 sessions. The composition of the cocktail in containers is different - elastin, hyaluronic acid, placenta extract, collagen. The doctor mixes cocktails individually for each patient.

Summary after the session

Fractional administration of mesotherapy cocktails effectively combats a number of aesthetic defects: dehydration, elimination of stretch marks, scars, the effects of acne, hyperpigmentation. Regular care and periodic maintenance activities improve the quality of the skin; changes are visible after the first visit to the salon.

After 2-4 weeks of the course of procedures you will notice:

  • smoothing the contour, smoothing out wrinkles and scars;
  • fresh color, gray tint disappears;
  • the production of subcutaneous fat is normalized, the face looks well-groomed and moisturized;
  • pores narrow;
  • the oval tightens, clear shapes appear, the double chin disappears;
  • pigment spots, spider veins become less pronounced and disappear completely over time;
  • rashes decrease, irritation goes away;
  • Striae and scars fade.

Mesotherapy procedures are often prescribed as a preparatory stage before surgery, gas-liquid and other types of peelings, laser resurfacing, and can be performed for recovery after salon events. Mesotherapy allows not only to remove wrinkles on the face, but also effectively fights hair problems - the scalp is also often subjected to beauty injections. Mesotherapy for hair is carried out to strengthen the follicles, regenerate the structure, treat alopecia, normalize fat production, hydrolipid balance, and stimulate blood circulation in the scalp.

Apriline age line and Apriline skin line

"Apriline Meso" is a line of injection drugs for mesotherapy from the Swiss concern Suisselle. The product is based on hyaluronic acid with a reduced rate of biological breakdown and excretion.

The Apriline skin line cocktail is suitable for women 25-40 years old. It effectively moisturizes the skin and smoothes out superficial expression wrinkles. After a course of injections, complexion improves, dark circles under the eyes, post-acne and rosacea disappear. The severity of scar changes decreases.

Apriline age line is designed for patients with age-related skin changes. With use, age-related wrinkles and creases are smoothed out, the facial contour is tightened, and the double chin disappears. The drug is suitable for combating photoaging in people leading an active lifestyle - skiers, surfers, snowboarders, etc.


The Restylane® family of products was developed to ensure that individuality and beauty are achieved in a completely natural way. They are designed to improve the appearance by rejuvenating the skin, smoothing folds and wrinkles, giving additional volume to tissues and improving facial contours. A wide range of possibilities allows you to carry out procedures, fully taking into account the characteristics of each patient.

Restylane is manufactured using patented NASHA™ technology (Q-MED), which minimally stabilizes hyaluronic acid to produce a dense gel. Raw materials are obtained from non-animal sources to ensure biocompatibility of the drugs with tissue after administration. Restylane is a biodegradable drug, which over time, during the life of the body, breaks down and is naturally eliminated from it.

Safety is a very important aspect for patients. RESTYLANE received FDA approval following successful safety, efficacy and comparative clinical studies. Restylane is manufactured in Sweden by Q-Med AB.

Dermaheal SR

The manufacturer of the drug is CAREGEN from South Korea. The meso cocktail contains 57 components. Indications for use are:

  • Dry and flabby skin of the face, neck and décolleté;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Acne;
  • Early expression wrinkles.

The drug is also used to correct the shape of the face and shape the figure. Patients notice improvement after the first procedure. The manufacturer's recommended course includes 5-7 sessions.

Cost of facial mesotherapy

NamePrice for 1 procedurePrice per course* of procedures
Mesotherapy Pluryal mesoline® REFRESH/SHINE, 5.0 mlRUB 5,900
Mesotherapy Pluryal mesoline® REFRESH/SHINE, 5.0 ml, 5 procedures5,300 rub.26,500 rub.
Mesotherapy Pluryal mesoline® CLEAR/CLEAR SKIN, 2.5 ml4,500 rub.
Mesotherapy Pluryal mesoline® CLEAR/CLEAR SKIN, 2.5 ml, 4 proceduresRUB 3,900RUB 15,600
Mesotherapy Conjonctyl (Konzhaktil) Sédifa Laboratoire, 5 ml5,500 rub.
Mesotherapy Conjonctyl (Konzhaktil) Sédifa Laboratoire, 5 ml, 5 procedures4,500 rub.22,500 rub.

* When purchasing a course of procedures, after the first procedure, you must pay 50% of the cost of the course, the remaining 50% is paid after the second procedure.


The best preparations for facial mesotherapy in this series are suitable for rejuvenating the periorbital area. The skin around the eyes reacts especially quickly to negative factors and changes with age.

The Mesoeye C71 cocktail contains hyaluronic acid, a patented oligopeptide, vitamins, a set of amino acids and a substance that affects vascular tone.

Active components improve blood and lymph circulation, eliminate swelling and dark circles under the eyes. Thanks to the activation of collagen synthesis, the skin becomes denser and more elastic. Mesoeye injections can be used as an independent procedure or included in a rejuvenation complex. They go well with non-aggressive cosmetological techniques - contouring, massage, etc.


During mesotherapy, the needle is not inserted deeply (up to 1-1.5 mm), dangerous toxic components are not used in the process, and the ingredients do not cause side effects. There are factors in the presence of which you should refuse injections:

  • pregnancy (all trimesters);
  • lactation period;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the cocktail;
  • impaired coagulation (conditions associated with poor blood clotting);
  • oncology;
  • severe heart disease, vascular pathologies;
  • renal failure.

It is extremely important to notify a specialist about the presence of contraindications and consult with your doctor before undergoing mesotherapy.

Side effects

The degree of pain depends on the state of the nervous system, individual sensitivity, and the composition of the drugs administered. In the eye area, the skin is delicate and thin, so injections are carried out carefully and without pressure. The formation of small hematomas is possible - a response to damage to the vascular wall. Redness, swelling, tearing are natural manifestations of blood circulation stimulation. Allergic reactions (itching, irritation) are the skin’s response to the composition of the administered components. It is important to preliminary collect information about possible manifestations of drug components. Secondary infection, persistent lumps are the result of a possible incorrect method of administration or lack of compliance with recommendations after the procedure.

Procedure methods

When mesotherapy in the eye area, a manual method is used - using a syringe, since the introduction of components requires care and occurs on delicate skin with a large number of nerve endings.

Differences in eye mesotherapy by mechanism of action

  • medicinal;
  • preventive.

Differences in eye mesotherapy by application system

  • Injection - injections of cocktails using heavy-duty needles to a depth of 2-3 mm.
  • Non-injection – penetration of biologically active substances using special devices. Physical factors of the equipment contribute to an increase in cellular permeability.

Differences in eye mesotherapy by type of substance

  • Medicinal.
  • Drug-free.


  • Naturalness due to tissue hydration, improvement of metabolic processes.
  • A variety of drugs, which allows for an individual approach.
  • Lasting effectiveness.
  • Excellent compatibility with cosmetic procedures.
  • Local administration to solve necessary issues and the absence of negative effects on the body.


  • Allergic manifestations due to different compositions of administered drugs.
  • Sensitivity during the procedure, since the skin in the eye area is delicate and thin.
  • Course cycle to achieve long-term results.
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