Peeling in the groin in men: photos, description of diseases, treatment

If the skin in the groin begins to peel, then this is the first signal to take a closer look at your lifestyle, since the reason may lie not only in poor hygiene, but also in fungal diseases, which can be contracted in public places or through close bodily contact with sick person. You should see a doctor if additional clinical signs appear in the form of severe itching, swelling and dry spots. Most often, this problem worries men aged 20-45 years, less often women aged 25-24 years.

Scabies and peeling in the groin

After infection, the incubation period lasts from several to 14 days.
Upon careful examination, on the first day after infection, you may notice peeling in the groin area.

It is the entry point for the pathogen – the scabies mite.

The first signs of pathology appear as small erythematous papules.

The rash forms in groups or spreads across the skin. Severe itching develops, worsening at night.

The itching is sometimes so unbearable that patients scratch the rash, resulting in wounds.

Scabies is diagnosed by an infectious disease specialist or dermatologist.

Based on anamnestic data and examination, a diagnosis is made.

The most popular anti-scabies drug is benzyl benzoate.

The medicine is produced in the form of an emulsion, has low toxicity, and quickly and effectively fights pathogens.

To completely eliminate mites, the skin over the entire body should be treated, not just the affected areas.

The exception is the head (hairy part), provided there are no signs of disease.

During the treatment period, it is forbidden to take a shower or bath, as this contributes to the spread of infection throughout the body.

After complete recovery, clothing and bedding should be disinfected.

Pathogenic microorganisms

Excessive sweating and lack of proper hygiene can provoke the activity of not only fungal, but also bacterial infections. For men, the development of pseudomycosis is typical in the groin area. Most often, the tissues in the scrotum area, where the inguinal-femoral fold runs, and on the penis itself are affected.

The most common such disease is called erythrasma, an infectious disease in which the upper layers of tissue are damaged. The route of transmission of infection is any close contact with a carrier.

The disease manifests itself:

  • red-brown small spots that will merge as the infection progresses;
  • flaky scales on spots;
  • absence of discomfort - the disease occurs without itching and burning;
  • inflammation that develops against the background of hyperhidrosis.

To eliminate peeling and pathogenic flora, experts advise using local antibacterial drugs and exfoliants. In this case, it is necessary to treat not only the skin, but also clothes and linen. If possible, you should regularly sunbathe on the beach (not in direct sunlight), which will help dry the skin and restore it.

Peeling in the groin with lichen planus and lichen rosea of ​​Zhiber

The causes of these two diseases are a decrease in the protective properties of the body.

The following manifestations are characteristic of lichen planus:

  • a flat papular rash of bright red color (with an admixture of purple or crimson tint) appears in the groin area
  • on the surface the rash shines and there is slight peeling with poorly detachable scales
  • sometimes the rashes are similar to psoriasis

Symptoms of pityriasis rosea often develop after a cold, against the background of reduced immunity:

  • one papule up to 2 cm in diameter (maternal plaque) of a pink hue is formed in the groin
  • after some time, yellowness and slight peeling appear in the center of the papule
  • after 2-3 days, pink spots up to 1 cm in diameter form throughout the body
  • Over time, the spots begin to peel off

As a rule, the two diseases described above are diagnosed without much difficulty by visual examination.

For lichen planus, a histological examination of tissue taken from the affected area is prescribed.

Sedatives and antihistamines are prescribed.

Corticosteroid drugs are prescribed.

Zinc ointment is prescribed and applied 2 times a day to the affected areas of the skin.

In the first 7-10 days after the development of symptoms, bathing and showering are excluded.

Ultraviolet irradiation is used in a course of 7 procedures and vitamin therapy with a high content of vitamin C.

Pathological causes

Peeling on the pubis may be associated with an infectious or viral etiology. It is almost impossible to determine visually what exactly caused this condition, so complex diagnostics are prescribed to determine the cause.

Signs of inguinal athlete's foot

If flaky red spots appear in the groin area, on the surface of which there are bubbles, then epidermophytosis, a fungal disease, can be suspected. It is most often detected in men. You can become infected with it when visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, beach, or while sharing hygiene products.

The infection will penetrate faster if the skin is damaged, diseases of the endocrine organs or the cardiovascular system are diagnosed. Obesity and hyperhidrosis will be factors that contribute to the penetration of the virus into the body.

Manifestation of thrush

Redness in the groin area and swelling of the labia in women may be a consequence of the activity of fungi of the genus Candida. Women encounter this disease much more often than men - due to taking antibacterial agents, hypothermia, weakened immunity during pregnancy, stress or a protracted illness.

Men become acquainted with thrush only during a severe decrease in the body's defenses, which occurs as a result of an STI or a serious illness of the internal organs.

The disease manifests itself in the form of:

  • pronounced redness of the head;
  • swelling and small pimples on tissues that may peel off;
  • slight rise in body temperature;
  • white cheesy discharge;
  • thick mucus that may be discharged from the urethra.

Treatment is carried out using antifungal drugs and immune-strengthening drugs. You can cope with itching with Clotrimazole, available in ointment form. Additionally, folk remedies are used - decoctions of medicinal plants, sea buckthorn, aloe, etc.

Manifestation of lichen inversus

Chronic dermatosis manifests itself in the form of red plaques and cracks in the tissue. Essentially, this is a fungal disease, which can be triggered by various factors, including tight underwear, excessive sweating due to improperly selected clothing, etc.

Only a doctor can tell you how to treat the disease, since this is a rather complex form of fungal disease that requires long-term therapy. If the course of treatment is not completed completely, the pathology may recur.

Signs of lichen planus

Dermatosis manifests itself as red flat plaques or other rashes. Localized on any part of the body, including the groin area. What may cause the disease is not known for certain.

It is believed that it occurs against the background of:

  • reducing the body's defenses;
  • infection entering the body;
  • genetic predisposition - it is assumed that the pathogen could be transmitted from the mother and be activated after a certain period of time;
  • neurogenic factor, when a person is in a stressful state for a long time;
  • intoxication.

Medicines to treat the disease are selected individually, depending on many factors. Before prescribing therapy, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive examination.

Manifestation of scleroatrophic dermatosis

It is characterized by the appearance of irregularly shaped white spots on the dermis, with red lumps in the middle. In this case, tissue atrophy is observed, which as a result looks like tissue paper.

The disease occurs in a chronic form, more often in mature women. Pathological spots are localized in the perineal area and can affect the mucous membrane.

Among the main causes are autoimmune and infectious factors that are activated as a result of skin injuries, allergic reactions and metabolic disorders.

Signs and symptoms of erythema

This skin infection is manifested by redness, a specific rash, peeling of the dermis, and dilation of blood vessels. The disease looks like red spots raised above the skin. They can merge with each other, forming irregularly shaped areas.

First, their localization is the scalp, then the body and groin area. The rash can remain on the skin for 5-7 days, after which it disappears, leaving peculiar spots on the surface of the tissue. Rarely does erythema appear on its own.

It is usually perceived as a symptom of other diseases (infectious, sexually transmitted) or the body’s reaction to external stimuli. External factors include the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, antibacterial agents and other medications.

What does eczema peeling look like?

Eczema develops as a result of exposure to various negative factors.

Among them are diseases of the hepatobiliary system, urinary tract, digestive organs, thyroid gland, as well as external factors (thermal or chemical).

Redness and severe peeling in the groin can occur with the contact form of the disease.

In this case, itching and inflammation are also present. In this case, the pathology may be caused by certain materials (latex).

When exposed to cosmetics and too frequent water procedures, papules containing pathological exudate may appear in the groin, skin dryness increases and irritation occurs.

The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture and examination of the patient.

To eliminate eczema, antiallergic drugs are prescribed to reduce inflammation and itching.

The most commonly used are Claritin, Loratadine, Tavegil.

If necessary, medications are prescribed in injection form.

Glucocorticoids are also used - Prednisolone or Betamethasone, sedatives, vitamin complexes, sorbents.

For local treatment, use Trimistin or Sinaflan (antibacterial agents with corticoids).

Physiotherapeutic procedures are also used - ultraviolet irradiation, laser radiation, exposure to magnetic radiation).

Allergenic foods are excluded from the diet.

Prevention measures

Many infectious diseases are much easier to prevent than to treat. There are several simple rules that you can follow to avoid such troubles and maintain health and lead a normal life. These include:

  • A carefully selected wardrobe based on size and other individual characteristics.
  • Limit the use of synthetic clothing, especially on hot days.
  • Avoid hygiene and sanitation procedures when using public baths, swimming pools and showers.
  • Avoid using other people's personal hygiene products, clothing, and bedding.
  • Regular water treatments with special attention to the groin area.
  • Fame in sexual relations.

The male body is more resistant to pathogens of various diseases, but you should not test its strength and neglect the above rules. If you cannot avoid these problems, you should overcome false complexes as quickly as possible and consult a doctor.

Peeling with psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin lesion of non-infectious etiology, rarely occurring in the groin.

Early signs of the disease appear in the form of increased dry skin, peeling and mild hyperemia.

Sometimes itching occurs, which leads to scratching and peeling of large scales.

Rashes in the form of plaques do not cause itching or pain, but cause aesthetic discomfort.

The causes of pathology are stressful situations.

Diagnosis consists of identifying characteristic large scaly papules and taking an anamnesis.

Treatment of psoriasis consists of taking sedatives and antihistamines, eliminating the main factor that led to the stressful situation.

How to get rid of the disease

Treatment of intimate areas is often complicated by psychological problems. Not every person can immediately decide to see a doctor; at best, try to get rid of the problem using “folk” remedies. This approach cannot be considered effective; it is often associated with the opposite effect, manifested in various kinds of complications. In all these cases, the most accurate diagnosis is required, followed by the choice of treatment methods. If you consult a DeepL doctor in a timely manner, most perineal pathologies are relatively easy to treat and do not cause complications or relapses. Before seeing a doctor, you can and should take steps to reduce the likelihood of the disease spreading and discomfort:

  • Avoid tight synthetic clothing in favor of loose, natural materials.
  • Stop taking medications that may cause irritation.
  • Check the packaging of bathing detergents.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse until you see a doctor.

Genital herpes in the groin

Genital herpes refers to viral diseases transmitted through sexual intercourse.

The herpes simplex virus affects the urethra, the skin of the groin, and the rectum.

Clinical signs are as follows:

  • symptoms arise from the urethra - soreness, burning and swelling develop
  • general weakness
  • then small blistering rashes with transparent contents form on the genitals and groin
  • peeling may occur early in the development of symptoms due to increased dryness of the skin, together with a feeling of discomfort and itching in the groin

After the examination, the doctor prescribes a test of material, which is collected from the affected area (PCR from the skin for herpes).

Treatment regimen:

  • use of antiviral medications - Famciclovir, Acyclovir, which alternate with interferon
  • local treatment - applying Gerpferon ointment


A specialist can advise you on how to treat this problem based on the underlying cause.

In case of atopic dermatitis, the patient is restricted from contact with a potential provocateur and is prescribed a course of antihistamines (Cetrin, Diazolin, Prednisolone, etc.). If peeling is caused by pathogenic microflora, then the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. coricosteroids and exfoliants.

Among the medications for external use, ointments include Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Lamisil, etc. The duration of their use is 7-10 days, the frequency of application is on average 2 times a day. They show their activity against fungal microflora.

To treat thrush, women are prescribed vaginal suppositories, tablets and ointments (Geskikon, Fluconazole, etc.). The course of treatment is selected by the doctor individually.

To prevent the penetration of pathogenic microflora, it is recommended to treat the inflammation site with iodine. It is imperative to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and avoid sexual contact.

To treat pubic lice, special shampoos, sprays or ointments are used. A prerequisite is the treatment of all clothing and personal items with disinfectants.

Only a specialized specialist can tell you how to treat psoriasis in the groin area. Therapy in this case is selected individually. The drugs are taken during the period of exacerbation, the duration of treatment can take more than one year.

It is worth noting that erythrasma and epidermophytosis have different pathogen natures, so in the first case the patient is prescribed antimycotic therapy, and in the second - antibacterial.

If epidermophytosis in men is not treated on time, the infection will spread to the scrotum, thighs, etc. Erythrasma is transmitted through household contact. Therefore, during treatment it is necessary to limit intimacy and the use of the same hygiene items.

Prevention measures

Like any other disease, peeling can be avoided in advance; for this, it is recommended to fulfill the following conditions:

  • wear underwear only made from natural materials;
  • limit wearing tight clothing that can rub the delicate skin of the groin area;
  • if you are overweight, treat the horse folds with special products that will reduce sweating and, as a result, irritation of the skin;
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • do not overuse saunas, swimming pools, etc.;
  • have a protected sex life.

By following these simple rules you can significantly reduce the risk of developing this unpleasant symptom.


Peeling and itching in the groin area are very common. This symptom is especially felt in the summer, when the skin folds sweat a lot and irritation appears there.

Timely use of medications helps avoid worsening the condition. Your doctor will help you choose an effective drug, based on the reason that caused the peeling of the skin in the groin.

What does diaper rash look like in the groin?

Diaper rash occurs when you sweat excessively and wear tight clothes made of rough materials.

Diaper rash manifests itself in the form of hyperemia that occurs in the folds of the skin.

A distinctive feature is the symmetry of symptoms and high humidity of the epidermis.

After some time, the skin dries out and cracks form, causing pain and discomfort.

Before the formation of hyperemic areas, the skin begins to peel off as a result of friction.

Therapy consists of daily washing (2 times a day) with boiled warm water and drying the skin.

Sometimes talc (baby powder) is used.

In cases of fungal or bacterial infection, antibiotics or antifungal medications are prescribed.

Prevention of violation

To prevent skin problems in the groin, it is recommended:

  1. Choose the right underwear and other clothing, choosing the right size and material.
  2. The use of clothing made from non-natural material is limited.
  3. Observe the rules of personal hygiene, especially when visiting a bathhouse or swimming pool.
  4. Use only your own things.


It is imperative to avoid sexual contact with casual partners and to be checked by a doctor for STIs several times a year. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will help strengthen the immune system and make the body less vulnerable.

Streptoderma in the groin

Streptoderma occurs due to damage to the skin by streptococci.

The infectious disease manifests itself in the form of the formation of round elements with purulent contents and a flaky surface.

The rash reaches up to 10 cm in diameter and has irregular contours.

Infection with streptoderma is possible through close contact with an infected person.

The asymptomatic period lasts up to 10 days.

The tests consist of bacterial culture of scrapings, which makes it possible to identify the pathogen in the material.

For isolated rashes, local therapy is prescribed, consisting of treating the affected areas with methylene blue or brilliant green.

Before treatment, the blisters with pus are carefully pierced with a sterile needle.

At the end of the procedure, a sterile bandage with disinfectants for local treatment is applied to the areas with the rash).

The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening.

The resulting crusts are softened with Vaseline, after which a day later they can be easily and painlessly removed.

Additionally, vitamin therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures (UVR) are prescribed.

Pubic lice in the groin

Pubic lice are transferred to the skin of a healthy person from an infected person.

More often during sexual intercourse or when sharing towels or bed linen.

This type of parasite affects only humans; infection from animals is excluded.

The first manifestations occur 30 days after infection in the form of severe itching that occurs at the site of the bites.

As a rule, the affected area is the pubis.

But the infection can also spread to the skin of the groin area, thigh and even arms.

Next, hyperemia and irritation occurs, leading to peeling of the skin.

Small bluish spots form at the bite sites.

Signs of pediculosis are detected upon examination.

Treatment is carried out using various topical preparations containing benzyl benzoate.

Sulfur ointment is also used.

Before applying the medicine, you should shave the hair in the affected area.

Among anti-pediculosis products, Nittifor and Spray-Pax are especially popular, since these products can be applied on top of the hair.

After treatment, bedding and clothes should be boiled or soaked in boiling water, adding bleach.

Possible diseases

On a note! It’s strange, but many people suffer for years from unbearable itching, peeling and redness in the groin area, preferring to independently select antifungal drugs. Due to aggressive treatment, an allergic reaction is added to the fungal infection, which at some point forces the patient to seek help from a doctor. The reason is simple – the pain and itching are so strong that they interfere with living a full life.

Peeling of the skin in the groin can be observed even in a completely healthy person. It can be caused by a variety of factors that are not infectious or fungal in nature. In most cases, everything goes away within 1-3 days, if not, then you should keep in mind the following diseases:

  1. Contact allergic dermatitis. A common phenomenon not only for adults, but for children. The reason may lie in bedding or underwear and personal hygiene products. In women, peeling in the groin is very often observed after shaving. This can be explained by an allergic reaction to the razor, which causes irritation, dry skin and redness. Women also often have an allergic reaction to pads, which can also cause small pimples and flaking in the groin area. In children, diapers and diapers are usually allergens.
  2. Erythrasma. A common pseudomycosis that affects people aged 20-55 years. It is not very contagious. The clinical picture usually includes the appearance of small brown spots in the area of ​​the inguinal-femoral folds, axillary fossae and mammary glands. In some cases, lesions can spread to the torso, legs and even genitals. At the initial stage, erythrasma can appear in the form of small dark spots the size of a button; later, the lesions can merge, covering large areas of the skin. The surface of the spots is smooth; during the process, peeling always appears in the form of white scales. A distinctive feature of erythrasma is the absence of subjective sensations (provided there is no secondary infection).
  3. Inguinal athlete's foot. The most common groin fungus that affects the inner thighs, perianal area and scrotum. At the initial stage, scaly spots appear in the groin, which over the course of the process can merge with each other and form one large lesion the size of a palm. There are also characteristic symptoms in the form of white scales, severe roughness and swelling of the skin, blisters and itching of varying intensity. Concomitant diseases (hyperhidrosis and diabetes mellitus) play a major role in the development of inguinal athlete's foot. Infection most often occurs after visiting a public bath, where all the necessary standards for disinfecting the fungus are not observed. There is also a risk of infection in places with high humidity, where there is a favorable environment for the development of fungus (hot workshops, baths, saunas, etc.).
  4. Rubrophytosis of large folds. Another fungal disease that usually affects the armpits, abdomen and inguinal-femoral folds. Characteristic differences are the appearance of large dark spots on the skin, which are covered with small scales. The process involves not only the upper layers of the skin, but also vellus hair. In every second case there is painful itching, which can cause severe scratching. And in the presence of open wounds, there is always a risk of secondary infection. Infection occurs in the same way as with epidermomycosis.
  5. Psoriasis. We specifically put this dermatosis in last place, since it is the least common, but there are still cases where psoriasis affected the groin area. The initial stage is characterized by oatmeal-like peeling, dry skin and slight redness. Typically, psoriasis plaques are not accompanied by itching or pain. The surface is rough and, when pressed, is covered with white scales. The nature of education is hereditary. An ordinary stressful situation can activate the process.

It should also be remembered that mechanical damage can also be one of the reasons for the appearance of flaking in the groin. Most often it is observed in girls, as they more often perform hair removal in the groin area.

Tinea versicolor (pityriasis versicolor) and peeling in the groin

With pityriasis versicolor, a fungal infection of the skin in the groin occurs.

The cause of the disease is a hot climate or a period of solar activity.

Small spots with clear boundaries appear on the skin.

Mushrooms provoke disorders in the production of melanin, which is responsible for pigmentation.

Therefore, the affected areas of skin enlarge over time and appear lighter in color compared to the surrounding skin.

After the spots merge, slight pityriasis-like peeling is observed.

To confirm the diagnosis, a test is performed using an iodine solution.

The causative agent of the pathology can be identified by examining scrapings.

Antifungal drugs are prescribed orally and for topical use.

Harmless reasons

Oddly enough, many men go to the doctor with already advanced forms of the disease, when peeling is accompanied by many additional symptoms. For your attention, there are situations where there is no cause for concern:

  1. The problem appeared after the hair removal procedure. A common phenomenon, easily explained by sensitive skin in the groin area. Everything goes away within 1-3 days.
  2. after sexual intercourse. Here you need to be careful, as there is a risk of infection with fungal pathologies, lice pubis and scabies. In most cases, peeling appears after prolonged rubbing and is caused by irritation. It should go away within a day. May be slightly itchy as it heals.
  3. after purchasing new personal care products. If your skin starts to peel after using a new soap or shower gel, then the reason is obvious. The solution to the problem is eliminating the allergen. The affected area can and should be smeared with moisturizer. Do not treat with antiseptics under any circumstances, as they greatly dry the skin.
  4. new underwear. Unfortunately, buying new panties can also cause skin problems in the groin area. Especially if they are made of synthetic materials. Along with peeling, itching and redness may be present. To eliminate the problem, you will have to stop using synthetic materials altogether.
  5. prickly heat. A common phenomenon that occurs more among men engaged in heavy physical labor (loaders, miners, hot shop workers). High humidity provokes constant maceration of the skin and the appearance of small rashes in the groin, which may peel off during healing. There is only one solution to the problem - regular use of creams that dry out the skin and try to prevent the formation of moisture in the groin area.

Ingrown hairs can also cause small, flaky patches of skin to appear in the groin area. This problem can appear not only after hair removal. It is recommended to “break through” ingrown hairs in time and treat these areas with an antiseptic.

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