What to do to make the boil ripen and burst faster: ointments, lotions, solutions

A furuncle is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle, which is provoked by decreased immunity, vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders and the addition of a staphylococcal infection. A purulent abscess can remain on the skin for a long time, which causes discomfort and pain to a person. It is necessary to accelerate the maturation of the boil with medication or using traditional medicine recipes.

Factors of occurrence

The causative agent of the infection is usually a pyogenic bacterium - Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is present on the skin of any healthy person, and causes infection only if it reaches the deep layer of the skin (for example, through microtrauma). The development of boils is also promoted by:

  • dirty skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • overweight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hot humid climate;
  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • poor metabolism.

People with diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, and those prone to stress and depression are often at risk of developing furunculosis because they have a weakened immune system.

What you need to know about boils?

A boil (also called a boil) refers to purulent inflammation of the epithelium. The infection is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. When the pathogen finds itself in positive conditions, it begins to actively multiply, gradually becoming pathogenic. Favorable conditions include:

  • decreased immune function caused by long-term illness or lack of vitamins,
  • indifferent attitude towards personal hygiene,
  • cases of excessive sweating of the body,
  • nervous feelings, regular stress,
  • depletion of the body as a result of viral diseases, sexually transmitted diseases,
  • climate change, etc.

A boil causes a lot of trouble, because during the process of ripening it becomes filled with pus, and one must always ensure that the pus does not burst inside. Purulent inflammation often appears in open areas of the body that are easily contaminated. Although in practice there are different situations known where a boil could form.

Pain, swelling, and redness of the infected area of ​​the skin will persist until the boil opens and is cleared of pus.

People who sweat excessively are more likely to get boils

Stages of development

At the very beginning of development, a boil can easily be confused with an ordinary pimple. However, within 3-4 days the inflammation grows, covering the surrounding tissues. Upon palpation, you can feel the tension and density of these tissues.

After a few more days, a sac with a purulent formation forms in the center of the boil, a necrotic core appears and the tissue softens.

Over time, the boil, unable to withstand a large amount of pus, opens and the pus, rejecting the necrotic core, flows out. After which the swelling gradually subsides and redness passes, and a small scar forms in the center of the former boil.

The most dangerous boils are those that arise near the lips, ears and nose. You should not try to squeeze out boils yourself, even if they have arisen in other locations. This can lead to the spread of infection, which will entail serious complications leading to the development of regional lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, and thrombophlebitis.

How many days does it take for a boil to ripen?

To find out how long a boil takes to mature, you need to understand the stages of its development. 3 stages:

  1. A bulge appears on the affected area of ​​the skin. It is accompanied by itching and lasts for 3 or 4 days.
  2. The boil matures and a purulent core forms in it. This stage lasts about 3 days.
  3. The boil opens and heals within 3 days.

How long does it take for a boil to mature? Based on the above, we can conclude that the duration of ripening is from 1 to 1.5 weeks.

Treatment at home

If the immune system is functioning well, the boil will heal itself in 7-8 days. But to make the process go faster, you can treat boils at home:

  • at the initial stage of development, it is necessary to lubricate the abscess with a solution of fucorcin or brilliant green;
  • at the stage of compaction and swelling of the connective tissue, it is good to sunbathe in the sun;
  • To make the boil empty faster, you need to apply ichthyol ointment;
  • It is better to treat an opened abscess with hydrogen peroxide, and also apply bandages with sodium chloride or honey;
  • When the boil begins to heal, it is recommended to apply bandages using Vishnevsky ointment.

To prevent the development of purulent formations, you need to shower daily. Do not scratch the itchy area on the skin. Among other things, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabric.

Methods to accelerate maturation

Local treatment is used. Antibiotic therapy is used when chiria is found on the face and ear, when the diameter of the neoplasm is more than 5 cm. In other cases, drug therapy and physical procedures are performed to accelerate the maturation of the abscess.

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Ointments and creams

The action of ointments and creams is aimed at relieving painful symptoms and drawing out pus. It is necessary to regularly smear the boil so that it goes away faster.

For treatment with ointments, it is advisable to use thin gauze bandages, otherwise local hyperthermia occurs (increased body temperature at the site of inflammation). Ointments can be applied to the damaged area.


Compresses and lotions should not put pressure on the affected area. Use 3-4 times a day, duration – no more than 20 minutes a day. To make a new boil ripen faster, bandages are made from clean gauze and lubricated with herbal decoctions and creams.

How to prepare lotions:

  • use lotions from herbal decoctions (chamomile, coltsfoot, lemon balm) - help reduce pain;
  • compresses using ichthyol ointment accelerate ripening;
  • lotions made from a yellow film of the bark of oak branches. The raw materials are poured with boiling water and steamed. Apply a piece of bark to the sore spot and fix it.


Hypertonic sodium chloride solution is used to make the boil mature and rupture. It is necessary to treat the bandage with the solution and apply it to the affected area. If the medicine is not available, you can prepare it yourself by mixing 1 tbsp. salt with 0.5 tbsp. chilled boiled water.


The physiotherapeutic method used is ultraviolet radiation (UVR). The boil matures faster and breaks through. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor.

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Traditional methods that can be used to quickly break through a boil and relieve painful symptoms:

  • smear the abscess with aloe juice at night;
  • apply lotions from herbal decoctions;
  • spread the new growth with baked onions (you can’t use fresh ones, it leads to burns);
  • rinsing with brewed strong black tea;
  • The boil will burst faster if you anoint the damaged area with grated boiled beets - cut in half and apply with the cut down. Beets draw out pus.

Before using traditional methods, a sensitivity test of the components is first carried out. To begin with, use the product on a healthy area of ​​skin.

When to contact a surgeon

Boils can be treated at home only for those who are not at risk (do not suffer from chronic diseases), and boils are small in size (up to 5 mm). You should not self-medicate in the following cases:

  • if the appearance of a formation is accompanied by intense pain and fever;
  • if the abscess has not opened within 2 weeks;
  • if furunculosis has developed;
  • if the abscess occurs in a small child;
  • if the boil is near the nose, lips, in the ear canal;
  • there was a relapse of the disease.

Consequences of purulent sore throat

Acute tonsillitis can occur with complications. They are usually divided into local and general.

Local complications:

  • paratonsillar abscess - an abscess that forms outside the tonsil when infection penetrates into the surrounding tissue;
  • acute otitis media – inflammation of the middle ear;
  • acute laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx;
  • cervical lymphadenitis – inflammation of the lymph nodes1.

General complications occur more often with streptococcal sore throat4, these include:

  • rheumatism;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • myocarditis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis;
  • pneumonia and others1.

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Antibiotic treatment

In cases where the boil is large or located in sensitive areas, and its development is accompanied by intoxication, chills and severe inflammation, the surgeon prescribes antibiotics.

For a large boil and a slight increase in temperature, a weekly course is prescribed: the doctor prescribes clindamycin or doxycycline.

At high temperatures and severe inflammation, a two-week course of treatment is most often prescribed, which includes stronger antibiotic drugs: rifadin, rimactan or other analogues.

Don’t forget, Staphylococcus aureus easily adapts to a variety of antibacterial agents, and as soon as the body’s defenses are slightly reduced, they multiply and form new abscesses. Therefore, people with reduced immunity should immediately consult a doctor and not self-prescribe medications. Keep in mind that if you relapse, they will no longer help you!

This article is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for details!

Symptoms of purulent sore throat

The disease begins acutely. Almost simultaneously, general and local symptoms appear, which reach their maximum development on the second day1,4.

General symptoms:

  • fever up to 39-400 C1;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • feeling overwhelmed;
  • aches and pain in muscles and joints;
  • Children may have nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain1,4.

Local symptoms:

  • sore throat that gets worse when swallowing and sometimes radiates to the temple or ear;
  • dryness, soreness and soreness in the throat;
  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • spasm of the masticatory muscles on the side of inflammation is possible, which prevents you from opening your mouth wide;
  • enlargement and tenderness of the cervical lymph nodes1.

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What does a purulent sore throat look like?

The picture that can be seen when examining the throat depends on the form of the disease.

Follicular tonsillitis

The functional tissue of the tonsils consists of follicles - individual “islands” of lymphoid tissue. Follicular tonsillitis is a purulent inflammation of the follicles1.

Initially, the tonsils swell, increase in size, and become red. Then yellow-white dots begin to appear on the red background - pus, which accumulates in the follicles1,3.

Lacunar tonsillitis

Lacunar tonsillitis begins in the same way as follicular tonsillitis, with enlargement and redness of the tonsils. Then pus appears in their numerous depressions (lacunae). It appears on the surface in the form of yellowish-white islands, which gradually increase in size and merge with each other1,3.

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Hexoral against purulent sore throat

For acute tonsillitis, all drugs from the HEXORAL® line can be used.

You can treat the throat with a sore throat (acute tonsillitis) using HEXORAL® spray based on hexethidine. It allows you to evenly cover the surface of the mucous membrane of the tonsils and pharynx, which contributes to a more effective fight against infection8. A solution of HEXORAL® with hexethidine and a combination of essential oils7 may be suitable for gargling.

The use of hexetidine preparations is prescribed in clinical guidelines for the treatment of acute tonsillopharyngitis2. Hexetidine is an antiseptic that is active against most bacteria, herpes simplex viruses type 1, influenza A, PC virus that affects the respiratory tract, and fungi. In addition, it has a mild analgesic effect7.

Both HEXORAL® spray and solution are approved for use for local treatment of tonsillitis in adults and children over three years of age7,8.

Lozenges with a neutral mint flavor HEXORAL® TABS based on chlorhexidine and benzocaine have antiseptic properties and analgesic properties. They are approved for use in adults and children aged 4 years and older9.

For adults and children over 6 years old, HEXORAL® TABS CLASSIC is available with the flavors of orange, black currant, lemon and honey. It is based on a combination of the antiseptics amylmetacresol and dichlorobenzyl alcohol, which help in the fight against tonsillitis pathogens10.

HEXORAL® TABS EXTRA may be suitable for children over 12 years of age and adults. In addition to the antiseptic component, it contains lidocaine, which can relieve even severe sore throat11.

The information in this article is for reference only and does not replace professional advice from a doctor. To make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, consult a qualified specialist.

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  1. Dergachev V. S. Angina. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment algorithm. Choice of local antibacterial therapy // Regular issues of “RMZh” / No. 18. – 2007. – P. 1350.
  2. Clinical recommendations Acute tonsillopharyngitis // National Medical Association of Otorhinolaryngologists / 2016.
  3. Kunelskaya N.L., Turovsky A.B., Kudryavtseva Yu.S. Sore throats: diagnosis and treatment // General Medicine / No. 3. – 2010. – P. 4-9.
  4. Krasnova E.I., Khokhlova N.I. Differential diagnosis and treatment tactics for acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) at the present stage // Attending physician / No. 11. – 2022. – P. 58-63.
  5. Shcherbakova M. Yu., Belov B. S. A-streptococcal tonsillitis: modern aspects // Pediatrics / Volume 88. - No. 5. – 2009. – P. 127-135.
  6. Instructions for use of the drug HEXORAL® solution // Reg. number P N014010/02 //
  7. Instructions for use of the drug HEXORAL® aerosol // Reg. number P N014010/01 //
  8. Instructions for use of the drug HEXORAL® TABS // Reg. number LSR-002626/07 //
  9. Instructions for use of the drug HEXORAL® TABS CLASSIC // Reg. number P N015976/01 //
  10. Instructions for use of the drug HEXORAL® TABS EXTRA // Reg. number LSR-004122/09 //

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Antibiotics for boils and boils: list, application, most effective

The following types of antibiotics are used to treat boils:

  • Penicillins. A very useful drug specifically for the treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin, including boils. Treatment should be carried out: Ampicillin, Bicillin, Amoxicillin, Ampiox.
  • Cephalosporins. This medication is used to prevent the spread of infection and inflammation of the skin. The use of Cefuroxime, Cephalexin, Cepiphim, Cefazolin is practiced.
  • Macrolides. This drug is used if, against the background of the maturation of boils, the temperature rises and a febrile state appears. Treatment should be carried out: Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Sumamed, Macropen.

Antibiotics should be used in case of serious inflammation.
Only a doctor can choose treatment and the right antibiotic, so it is strictly forbidden to carry out self-treatment without consulting a doctor.


To diagnose the disease, the following types of procedures should be performed:

  • Visual inspection of education;
  • Taking a general blood test;
  • A study of discharge from a boil is carried out to identify the type of bacteria that causes inflammatory formation;
  • Study of the reasons that contributed to the decrease in immunity.

If necessary, the specialist may prescribe additional types of diagnostics.

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