RF lifting: what is it, indications and contraindications

From this article you will learn:

  • What is radiofrequency lifting
  • Why radiofrequency lifting and thermage are not the same thing
  • What devices are used for radiofrequency lifting?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of radiofrequency lifting?
  • What are the indications and contraindications for radiofrequency lifting?
  • How does the radiofrequency lifting procedure work?
  • What are the possible consequences of radiofrequency lifting?
  • How to care for your skin before and after radiofrequency lifting

Unfortunately, we do not have a magical means of immortality to prevent our own aging, but effective methods have long existed to help us look young for a long time. We will not list in this article all the options for maintaining the health and beauty of the skin, but will focus on one of them, which is called radio frequency lifting. Its effectiveness has been proven, and this technology is used in many beauty salons. Lifting has many benefits. It can be used on all areas of the skin to quickly correct existing imperfections.

What is radiofrequency lifting

Girls who are interested in their appearance know that the function of collagen, which is produced by fibroblasts, is to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin. With age, the process of cell renewal slows down. Elastin and collagen begin to be produced worse. The skin becomes covered with a network of wrinkles and sags.

What is radiofrequency face and body lifting ? This is the effect of electrical discharges on the dermis, after which the cells begin to more actively produce collagen.

The main task of modern hardware cosmetology is to create effective, but at the same time comfortable and painless procedures. Thirty years ago, the first lifting devices practically burned the face, but today the specialist only lightly touches the surface of the skin without causing discomfort.

Read material on the topic: Hardware cosmetology clinic: the most popular procedures


Photorejuvenation is the effect of pulsed light of a certain wavelength on the superficial and deep layers of the dermis. The vessels absorb light and heat up, transferring heat to surrounding tissues, as a result of which collagen production is activated.

The procedure takes 25-45 minutes, the number is determined by the cosmetologist at the first session. There are no painful sensations.

At the beginning of the session, a conductive gel is applied to the treatment area, and at the end, a restorative cream is applied.

The course of photorejuvenation does not lead to the formation of scars. The skin recovers very quickly - on average it takes 3 days. The effect of the course lasts for years.


Experts recommend starting photorejuvenation at the age of 30-35 years. There is no point in attending treatments too early. After 55 years, the effectiveness of light exposure becomes much lower; collagen is poorly stimulated by thermal exposure.

Radiofrequency lifting and thermage are not the same thing

Thermage is a rejuvenating hardware procedure. Its essence is the effect of radio frequency waves, which locally heat areas of the skin. The temperature at the treatment site rises to +60 °C.

The table shows the distinctive features of Thermage and radiofrequency lifting:

What devices are used for radiofrequency lifting?

Now it is difficult to imagine that the first devices consisted of two electrodes that were simply attached to the skin. During the session, it was difficult to regulate the heating level, so redness, burns and swelling occurred after the procedure. In modern clinics, such monopolar devices for radiofrequency lifting are no longer used, since more high-tech ones have been developed.

  1. Multipolar machines - have several electrodes, two work simultaneously, then switch automatically.
  2. Bipolar devices allow you to act effectively and carefully. If a woman comes for the procedure with very dry skin and hidden imperfections, she can also undergo a rejuvenating course with a bipolar device.
  3. Combined devices are a new generation of multipolar lifting devices.

They are equipped in accordance with the requirements of the time:

  • multipolar electrode;
  • unipolar electrode;
  • infrared laser radiation;
  • vacuum pump, which allows you to act locally.

Improvement of blood circulation in the skin occurs already at the stage of working with a vacuum pump. Fibroblasts “wake up” and begin to actively produce collagen and elastin.

Read material on the topic: Plasmolifting of the face - a breakthrough in domestic cosmetology

Advantages and disadvantages of radiofrequency lifting

Let's look at why radiofrequency (or RF) lifting is a modern replacement for plastic surgery in the fight against skin aging.

Here are the main advantages of this technology:

  • effective for all skin types, the procedure can be done from 18 years of age;
  • The session goes quickly, lasting about half an hour;
  • compatible with other skin care methods;
  • passes without pain and discomfort;
  • can be performed without prior preparation;
  • after the session there are no scars, burns, swelling, the skin does not require a recovery period.

The following can be considered disadvantages:

  • high price for radiofrequency face lifting;
  • there is a chance of getting to an inexperienced cosmetologist and getting burns if he works with a monopolar device;
  • There is little information about the effect of radiofrequency pulses on the entire body.

Like other cosmetic procedures, radiofrequency lifting has contraindications that are worth paying attention to.

Read material on the topic: How to remove wrinkles on the face: the most effective methods

Indications and contraindications for radiofrequency lifting

A course of radiofrequency (RF) lifting helps to correct many age-related skin changes. Any woman, looking at herself in the mirror, can assess the condition of the dermis and come for a consultation with a cosmetologist. After examination, the specialist will determine whether this procedure is necessary.

Lifting may be useful if you have the following problems:

  • age and expression wrinkles;
  • the corners of the eyes and mouth drooped;
  • imperfections and defects of the dermis that require treatment and rehabilitation;
  • folds have formed at the nasolabial triangle;
  • the oval of the face blurs and loses its shape;
  • a double chin appeared;
  • dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • very dry and flabby skin, low tone;
  • scars, scars, pockmarks, rosacea, post-acne;
  • sagging skin or ptosis;
  • “orange peel” cellulite;
  • aging of the dermis in different parts of the body: décolleté, neck, face, hips, abdomen, buttocks;
  • stretch marks after sudden weight loss or after childbirth.

How radiofrequency lifting works, look at the before and after photos:

Experts disagree about the minimum age threshold at which this procedure can be performed. The reviews here are very different. Some consider it possible to do sessions even for twenty-year-olds as a preventive measure for skin aging. For others it seems premature. They advise using such radical methods only if there are serious deficiencies that cannot be eliminated in any other way.

Recommended articles on the topic:

  • How to properly care for your skin
  • Ultrasound facial cleansing: features of the procedure, indications and contraindications
  • Microcurrent facial therapy is a beneficial treatment for your skin

All cosmetologists consider it acceptable and effective to carry out such procedures after 30–35 years, up to 55–60 years (even at this age you can get good results, however, the course will have to be completed several times).

The consequences of radiofrequency lifting can be serious and unpredictable if contraindications are neglected:

  • the presence of metal or silicone implants anywhere in the body;
  • the client’s young age, less than 20 years, with the exception of solving problems that cannot be influenced by other means;
  • presence of a hearing aid or pacemaker;
  • open skin lesions - cuts, ulcers, burns, wounds;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • skin systemic diseases;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammation of the skin of any origin;
  • oncological problems;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • any chronic diseases in the acute phase or seasonal infectious diseases;
  • taking certain medications: sulfonamides, hormonal drugs, anticoagulants, antibiotics;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • days of menstruation;
  • low blood clotting.

Such a large list indicates that a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist must be carried out without fail. The responsibility here is mutual.

There are absolute contraindications that serve as a ban on performing ultrasonic radiofrequency lifting, and some are only a temporary restriction.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

RF lifting (radio wave lifting, thermage) - reviews

Margarita M.

Good day to all! I recently went for RF lifting procedures, this is a face lift using radio waves. I’ll tell you a little about myself: I’m 34 years old, I’ve never had any rejuvenation procedures done, I only used creams and masks at home. I began to notice that the wrinkles on my face were becoming clearer and my skin tone was no longer the same. I started looking for something, where to do it. I read about RF lifting and was eager to try this procedure. I found a promotion, albeit only for three procedures, in one of the Moscow laser medicine clinics near the Smolenskaya metro station. I decided that I needed to try it.

How the procedure goes: before the procedure itself, you need to wash off your makeup, remove all iron and gold items, and remove lenses if you wear them. In general, I took everything off myself, I lie on the couch and wait for the doctor. I didn’t have to wait very long, the doctor brought some kind of gel and thickly smeared it on my face. Then, using an RF lifting device, she went over the entire face, paying attention to each area, especially where my wrinkles were already clearly visible. The procedure itself lasted about 30 minutes, there was no feeling of discomfort, absolutely painless, you don’t even feel that something is happening. Result: I completed all three procedures and the result honestly surprised me! The oval of the face has tightened up very noticeably, wrinkles are no longer so visible and the skin has become simply velvety! True, the doctor said that for greater effect you need to attend at least 10 procedures. I think that after a while I’ll go for another RF lifting and continue my rejuvenation! Most likely, this procedure will be suitable for many who are just beginning to experience age-related changes and want to give their skin tone and a fresh look. I am pleased with the results and give a solid A to the RF lifting procedure.



I underwent RF lifting at one of the famous Moscow clinics Lazmed. The procedure was recommended to me by a cosmetologist whom I came to for a consultation. And I came to the consultation because I began to be very worried about small wrinkles, loss of elasticity, dry skin, some incomprehensible and absolutely not fresh expression on my face, as if I was dissatisfied with everything. Although this is not true, in general I have nothing to complain about in life)))

After the cosmetologist listened to me and examined me, she suggested RF lifting. The essence of the method is laser heating of the skin, which stimulates collagen production and tightens and rejuvenates the skin. However, the disadvantage of this procedure is that it must be done in a course; I was prescribed 5 procedures. The procedure itself lasts about an hour. First, they remove the makeup, apply the gel, and after a while they begin to move the laser over the face. I won’t say that the sensations are pleasant, but they can be tolerated. After the procedure, my face turned a little red, but by the time I got home everything was fine. Now about the results. I saw the first results after the second procedure, my skin really got better. Well, then with each new procedure the skin became better and better! And now, two weeks after the last procedure, I can say that I have a positive result! The wrinkles smoothed out, the skin tightened, I began to look younger, this makes me happy and the fatigue on my face has disappeared!!! In general, miracles! My experience with this procedure is quite positive, so I can easily recommend it to others. I paid 35,000 rubles for a set of 5 procedures. I wish everyone to remain young in soul and body!



I’m very glad that I didn’t regret spending money on Russian lifting. I decided because of small wrinkles that began to appear strongly. Well, the skin became dry, it’s unclear why. I completed 5 procedures in a month and am completely satisfied with the results. When the gel was applied with the device, it felt a little unpleasant for me, but other than that everything was fine. Unless you have to sit in one place for almost an hour, this is a problem for me) I will happily go to renew the course in six months or a year, because I began to look 5-6 years younger and my face is always fresh.



I brought my daughter, the girl is 18 years old. We defeated acne, but the scars remained. Absolutely wonderful Scarlett device. The procedure is low-traumatic, the effect is visible almost immediately, the skin changes greatly. My Anya says that the needles are tiny, nothing hurts, since the mosquito bit me several times. Almost all scars and scars were changed and removed. Some completely, and some, especially large ones, became almost invisible. My daughter has begun to feel more confident and no longer puts on a ton of makeup. We can say that the natural beauty of youth has returned thanks to this simple procedure. Thank you very much to the doctor, Aya Yakovna, we will come next time to consolidate the effect. Yes, and it wouldn’t hurt for me to think about myself.



I did, it was a good thing. The face is fresher, there is no point in doing less than 3 procedures. I'm older than you, I did 6




The result is visible after the first session



My friend, as long as I remember, has been taking care of her face: she constantly massages her, but I just laughed at her. But the time came when I myself began to think about how to refresh and rejuvenate my face. I went for radio wave lifting (Thermage). The procedure is pleasant: first the face is marked into sectors, then it is smeared with gel and a radio wave massage is performed using a special device. I was recommended 5-9 sessions, but I decided (due to savings) to limit myself to one. After the procedure, my face was young and beautiful, the wrinkles were smoothed out, but after a while, I realized that the result needed to be consolidated more than once.






pain, price

Along with many hardware cosmetic procedures, radio wave lifting occupies not the last place. The procedure is painful, I especially want to note the pain when a specialist works with the apparatus on the bony protrusions on the face, it is painful, the pain is piercing in nature. but don't be alarmed, it's all tolerable. The most important thing is the result, which is noticeable after the first procedure! After a specialist’s painstaking work on your face, you need to treat every square centimeter, your skin will become tightened. The skin on my cheekbones and forehead tightened up very well. So I recommend it. The price can vary from 5,000 to 15,000 depending on the salon you choose and the area of ​​application! I paid 7,000 rubles for my face!



I go to the gym very often and hate going there with makeup on my face. Therefore, my fixed idea and ultimate goal is to make the face without makeup look not like a dull... well, you understand, but like a delicate and beautiful peony

Various cosmetic procedures and, in particular, RF lifting help me with this. It is salon radio wave lifting that is an amazingly effective procedure; you can see the result right the first time. But I’ll tell you right away, dear. A course of at least 5 procedures (and it makes no sense to do less) will cost from 10 tr. (according to our cough-cough...provincial prices). And it is recommended to do it once every six months. Of course I bought some for home

It’s a similar device, but still the salon procedure is, what can I say, much cooler. So I went broke again in the spring...

So, in order. What's happened? How does it happen, etc.?

In general, radio wave lifting comes in several varieties. More precisely, it is the same, but the devices are different. And the options for these devices are different. I was treated with a device with 3 options - vacuum massage, infrared radiation, and RF lifting itself. Each of the options can be said to be responsible for its own work and at the same time complement each other.

All together, this gives us the fight against sagging skin, improvement of lymphatic drainage, fight against rosacea, pigmentation, and allows us to remove excess fat in the lower third of the face. Yes, guys in general, it has a bombastic positive effect on the face!

How does all this happen?

You lie on the couch, and they drive a device across your face.

At the same time, you feel a slight heating of the skin. Well, it’s roughly comparable to a heat compress or heating up in a sauna... It’s not painful, it’s pleasant!

After the procedure, sunscreen is applied because:

  1. It is better to avoid the sun during the course, use Sunscreen
  2. Do not visit the solarium or cover your face (In general, solariums are harmful! Give it up already)))
  3. Do not go to the bath-sauna for 2-3 days after the procedure
  4. Do not engage in active sports on the same day (to prevent your face from turning red)

By the way, my face immediately turned a little red, but the redness quickly subsided.

And so on!) I mean, the procedure is repeated, as I said at the beginning, at least 5 times. BUT! sessions follow no less than 5 days later. I personally did it once every 7 days.

As of today I have already had my 5th session. I’m very happy, I go to my gym without makeup))

Do I recommend RF lifting? Pfff, of course YES!

I give the procedure a 5, and

Thank you for stopping by) Your Julia.

Py.sy: And by the way, do lifting with the neck area, not just the face. Otherwise your beautiful head will sit on a neck with “annual rings”.



10 years ago I already did RF lifting, I was 20 years old at the time, and I didn’t see any effect after the procedure. When I was young, I had chubby cheeks, which gave me a complex. The cosmetologist convinced me that the effect would certainly be after the first procedure, the cheeks would be tightened and the facial contour would become clearer. Having gone for a couple of procedures and seeing a complete lack of effect, I did not continue the course; most likely, the skin was young and there was nothing to tighten.

Now I'm 30+ More than a year ago I did the biggest stupid thing in my life,

a mesotherapy procedure with a lipolytic cocktail, a month after which I became very old. Since you can’t turn back time, and something needed to be done with your face, I decided to start with RF lifting.

At a consultation with a cosmetologist, I asked what was better to do first, RF lifting or injecting fillers. The cosmetologist said that most likely there would be no point in using fillers, since the effect of RF is very good and my nasolabial lips will become invisible. I was very encouraged by her words and the decision was made. After reading the reviews, which were almost all positive, I went for the procedure.

The cosmetologist cleansed the skin, applied a conductive gel and massaged the skin with a nozzle using spiral, circular movements. The nozzle was warm and sometimes tingled. RF lifting is micro burns, the sensations are similar to microcurrents, only the muscles do not twitch.

During the procedure, I asked to walk around the area around the eyes. Having reduced the intensity of the radiation, the cosmetologist passed the nozzle along the orbital bone, upper and lower; the eyeball itself cannot be touched, as the nozzle burns. After the procedure, the cosmetologist applied a cooling gel, the skin was pink like after a bath.

After the first procedure, I noticed that the skin became more elastic, and the nasolabial lips also seemed to shrink (maybe this is imagination)

The cosmetologist explained that a course of 6-8 procedures was needed once a week, and I decided to complete the entire course to be sure there was an effect. I completed 8 procedures in total, first several procedures for 30 minutes, then 45, then again for 30 minutes. I had to reduce the time of the procedure because I began to notice that the cosmetologists (there were 3 of them working in the salon) began to deceive and for a place of 45 minutes they did the procedure for 30 minutes. I did not swear because of the deception, but began to go for 30 minute procedures, since there is no point in overpaying, but I also didn’t want to spoil relations with the only decent salon in the city.

When I came for the third procedure, the cosmetologist made me happy, saying that after the third procedure there is usually a visible effect , but there was none, just like after the fourth procedure.

After the fifth procedure, I saw the effect and ran happy from one mirror to another, it seemed to me that my nasolabial lips had become smaller. Then it turned out that my husband had screwed in another light bulb in the chandelier and, due to the brighter lighting, it seemed to me that there was an effect. Next, I had to unscrew the light bulb and get upset again. Lighting is very deceiving; as the day progresses, the face appears to change, so I tried to see the effect at the same time of day.

I no longer saw any effect in the mirror. In my opinion, lifting is skin tightening and this is exactly the effect I was waiting for. I was disappointed with the procedure and regretted the money spent, but still the skin became very elastic and dense like rubber.

The procedure is rather pleasant, similar to a massage, and you can even sleep during it. After the first procedures, strange pimples appeared, then they disappeared.

Depending on the power, there may be swelling and redness for several days. Peeling of the skin is also observed throughout the course of procedures, so you should not plan important events on these days.


After I completed a course of 8 procedures and was disappointed in it, I planned to write a negative review. More than a month passed, and I changed my mind about doing this, since the effect of elastic skin remained, i.e. we can conclude that thanks to RF lifting, a good cumulative elasticity effect is achieved. The swelling and edema have also completely disappeared, and I feel more confident thanks to my elastic skin.

Now I don’t regret that I went through the full course of procedures. In the near future I will go to put fillers in the nasolabial folds, since they have not disappeared anywhere. To maintain the effect of RF, I would be happy to undergo maintenance procedures, but after fillers this cannot be done, it’s a pity(

I recommend the procedure, especially during weight loss.

How does the radiofrequency lifting procedure work?

The first stage is facial cleansing. Complete removal of dirt and makeup residues. Not a single procedure is complete without this stage. You need to wash your face thoroughly using a soap solution.

The second stage is applying markings. This is necessary so that the specialist knows exactly where the treatment has already been carried out.

The third stage directly depends on the type of device. At this step, conductive gel is applied if necessary.

The fourth stage is the procedure itself. The specialist sequentially passes through all areas of the skin, lingering on each one to warm up.

The fifth stage is processing. Upon completion, a gel or special soothing lotion is applied.

Depending on the surface being treated, the session can last from twenty minutes to an hour. A specialist will spend 40 minutes on RF face lifting, treating the area from the nose to the chin will take half an hour, and treating the shoulders of both arms will take 30–40 minutes.

A full course can last from four to twelve sessions with a break of five or even seven days.

Read material on the topic: Skin redermalization: all the pros and cons

Thermolifting of the face: features of the procedure and reviews

RF lifting begins with cleansing the skin and applying a contact agent. Then the doctor moves the device’s handpiece over the target area, ensuring its uniform heating to 40–65 degrees.

The effect is noticeable after the first procedure. The number of sessions in the course is determined by the doctor individually for each patient (usually 4–6). There is no rehabilitation period. In rare cases, slight swelling may persist for 2-3 days.

The procedure is safe and painless and does not violate the integrity of the skin. The price for thermolifting depends on the area of ​​treatment: the entire face (including the neck) or its individual zones (the skin around the eyes, on the chin and lower cheeks).

Radiofrequency lifting: possible consequences

The procedure for radiofrequency body and face lifting is characterized by the absence of negative side effects and complications. Safety confirmed by preliminary studies. Of course, taking into account contraindications. But no specialist can guarantee 100% that something unexpected will not happen later.

Attention! The human body is a very complex system. Some internal changes do not manifest themselves externally for a long time, but any procedure, even the most harmless one, can trigger pathological processes. Allergies may appear for no apparent reason. Then you will definitely have to give up lifting and switch to other anti-aging technologies.

The following manifestations have been noted, usually passing quickly:

  • slight swelling;
  • tingling and mild itching;
  • redness in the treatment area.

Usually, after a few hours or a maximum of two to three days, the normal condition of the skin is restored.

If the symptoms persist and bother you, then it is better not to delay your visit to the specialist who performed the fractional radiofrequency lifting session.

Sometimes you can observe a complete lack of results for a client. Such a negative consequence is possible if the patient is over 60 years old, the initial condition of the skin was poor before the procedure, inappropriate equipment was used, or the manipulation was performed by a cosmetologist with low qualifications.

Some experts express the opinion, although it is not confirmed by research, that the opposite effect is possible after completing a radiofrequency lifting course. This means that the skin will not look young for a long time, but, on the contrary, the aging process will go faster in a short period of time.

However, it was not possible to prove that the acceleration of the skin aging process occurred due to the lifting procedures performed.

Read material on the topic: Cryotherapy in a beauty salon - transformation with the help of cold

Fractor procedure using the INMODE device

INMODE FRACTORA has two 60 pin handsets (60 needles), the needle length is 1 millimeter. They penetrate very shallowly and they even out the microrelief of the skin very well and work on superficial wrinkles and sagging skin. They work well, just superficially.

Here is a manipulator with 24 needles - called 24 pin. Their length is 3 mm and this manipulator works very well for reducing the skin area. That is, if we need to shrink the skin, remove sagging and work with post-acne spots, post-acne scars. This needle works especially well on chipped scars, with which other methods do not work very effectively. In this case, this handpiece and INMODE FRACTORA are an excellent alternative to laser

This is not just an alternative to laser, it is probably the best replacement for laser. So we looked, Lyudmila Eduardovna has pronounced flabbiness. The skin tone is very reduced, but this is in principle logical, given the patient’s age. Therefore, if we want to achieve maximum effect, we need to apply those techniques that will give the maximum result at a time, and INMODE FRACTORA gives such a result.

Photo gallery of RF microneedling lifting procedure

Doctor's work

INMODE device

Handpiece for 24 needles

Handpiece for 60 needles

About equipment for cosmetology procedures

The device I work on is Israeli, it’s called INMODE. It has several handpieces with different functions. Today we will do Fractor - this is a radiofrequency ablative lifting. Facelift.

There is lumecca - this is photorejuvenation. It is for removing age spots, it works well. It works very well with blood vessels, removes spider veins and redness on the face. This is work with rosacea and rosacea.

There is also a diode laser that works well on hair darker than medium brown, not on very dark skin - an ideal candidate for this type of hair removal. We also have a rather interesting attachment for those who are too early to do micro-needle RF lifting or for some reason cannot do it. Then needleless thermolifting works very well.

Needleless thermolifting is a classic! They have been using it for a long time regarding micro-needling lifting. For many years. Microneedle lifting is a fairly new technique and has existed for only a few years, while needleless thermolifting is 3-4 times longer. It is also aimed at improving the quality of the skin, reducing the area of ​​the skin, it just has a milder effect, and if the skin is young and you want to freshen up your face a little, then at the age of 28-29 you can safely use needleless thermolifting and the result will be good. A course of 5-6 procedures, even from 3 to 6 depending on the situation, with a difference between procedures of 1 week.

If we are talking about micro-needle thermolifting, then of course there are more serious indications. These could be young people who have problems on their faces: post-acne and chipped scars, impaired skin texture and it is very difficult to use anything (procedure) to bring the skin to the desired state, with a smoother texture and a more even skin color.

When there is sagging, when it feels like the tissues on the face have slid down a little, micro-needle RF works as a preparation for thread techniques. With it you can quickly remove sagging skin with a minimum number of micro-needle RF lifting procedures. Microneedling RF gives a good effect when it is enhanced by biorevitalization, plasma lifting, peptides and other drugs.

Removes cream

RF forehead lift

Switching mode

During the procedure

Cosmetologist's work

This is an ideal option, because ablation, whatever it is, has a negative effect on the skin and we expect the skin to regenerate and recover. So, of course, she must have some potential. And in order to give this potential to our skin, we must give positive stimulation, so to speak, feed our skin a little and set its cells to work properly. And these are peptides, biorevitalization and plasma lifting.

The purpose of micro-needle RF lifting is not rejuvenation, but to stretch out the scars on the face, tighten the face because there are very pronounced chipped scars and it is very difficult to remove them with a laser, it is impossible to fill them with anything, and as a rule, such patients suffer from year to year trying to do something then do it. Of course, there are techniques, this is TCA cross-peeling. Now it is banned in Russia due to its 100% acid content. Therefore, if there are chipped scars after acne, pits on the cheeks (lipoatrophy), then micro-needle RF lifting is an ideal option.

It is the 3 mm needles that are very good at pulling out chipped and crater-shaped scars. One RF microneedling treatment is better than multiple resurfacings. And of course, in the case of scars, we do not stop only at hardware procedures. We supplement with other techniques, most often injections, which help restore tissue. There is also a more superficial effect, in order to also improve the quality of the skin in the eyelid area, in the forehead area, they are carried out with small 1 mm needles.

Recommendations for skin care before and after radiofrequency lifting

What a client undergoing a course of procedures needs to remember:

  1. All metal objects, jewelry, and contact lenses must be removed for the duration of the session;
  2. You should protect your skin from direct sunlight, do not sunbathe or visit a solarium for at least three days after lifting;
  3. Avoid any other types of care in the treatment area;
  4. Do not take anti-inflammatory medications for a week or more after the procedure;
  5. It is advisable not to touch the skin with your hands at the site of exposure;
  6. As a supportive measure, increase your vitamin C intake.

It is necessary to avoid visiting the solarium, bathhouse, and not to peel the skin immediately before the lifting session. The dermis should be clean, without makeup.

Radiofrequency lifting is good to combine with mesotherapy, which helps relieve stress and nourish the skin with antioxidants.

The rejuvenating effect will be more noticeable if the next day after the procedure you perform a lymphatic drainage massage that removes excess intercellular fluid.

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons

SMAS lifting Ultraformer and fractional RF lifting - how are they similar?

What do the two methods of effective lifting have in common:

  • Scope of application. Both SMAS and RF lifting are used both for lifting in the area of ​​the face, neck and décolleté, and are also suitable for working on areas on the body.
  • Operating principle: Both methods are hardware-based and do not injure the skin.
  • Rehabilitation period. The rehabilitation period is practically minimal and does not require compliance with complex recommendations.

As we can see, SMAS lifting and RF lifting techniques, although similar, have differences.

Where in Moscow to sign up for radiofrequency lifting

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!


Absolute contraindications to RF lifting:
stage 3-4 hypertension;

acne/acne and other skin diseases;


autoimmune diseases.

During pregnancy, lactation and the presence of silicone implants, it is highly undesirable to perform a lift with high-frequency current.

RF lifting sessions eliminate many body skin imperfections with an increasing effect from session to session. Thanks to these procedures, cellulite and stretch marks become less noticeable. Also, heating the skin with high-frequency current burns fat.

Possible complications

You should not plan to go out immediately after the procedure - there will be redness on the skin for several hours. This is a normal reaction to thermal exposure.

Complications arise if sessions are carried out with excessive load on the skin and if the cosmetologist’s recommendations are not followed:

  • burns;
  • edema;
  • high skin sensitivity;
  • itching;
  • exacerbation of herpes;

After each session, avoid sunbathing and other hardware procedures in the affected area. It is not advisable to visit the sauna or swimming pool.

Some people do RF lifting themselves at home. Home procedures carry serious dangers - from burns to hospitalization.

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