Eye allergies: causes, symptoms, ways to combat swelling

An allergic reaction is a pronounced response of the body’s immune system to exposure to a protein substance (allergen). Every year there are more and more patients suffering from various forms of the disease. One of the most common reactions is an allergy to the eyes involving the skin around them2.

The problem significantly worsens a person’s life, so medicine is constantly improving treatment options. Now you can effectively cope with the reaction to the eyes and even prevent its occurrence1.

Causes of an allergic reaction

Allergies on the face around the eyes are directly related to the contact of irritants with the skin and (or) the mucous membrane of the eyeball. An excessive response of the immune system occurs not only when an allergen comes into contact with the skin, but also when the body is exposed systemically. Therefore, there are many reasons for the formation of allergy symptoms in the eye area.

Main factors causing the problem:

  • Plant pollen during the flowering period (three periods are distinguished: flowering of trees, bushes and grasses, field grasses);
  • Room dust containing fungi;
  • Animal fur (allergens can be any pets or wild animals);
  • Bird fluff;
  • Contact lenses;
  • Sunlight (the occurrence of a pseudo-allergic reaction);
  • Medicines (local drops, ointments, creams or systemic drugs);
  • Household chemicals (depending on the composition, there can be either a true or false allergy);
  • Cosmetics (any cosmetics, except special hypoallergenic ones, can cause a response from the body).

Finding out the cause of the problem is a necessary step in successfully eliminating clinical manifestations. The task of a person who suffers from an allergy to the skin around the eyes is to understand the mechanism of its occurrence in order to remove it from his life. In some cases, this is enough for a full life.

Folk remedies

In the fight for beauty, all means are good. In addition, there are a number of products that can improve the condition of the skin that are always at hand. One way that always works is masks. They make them from literally everything.

1. Potatoes. For masks, it is rubbed on a fine grater and the resulting paste is applied to the eye area using cotton swabs for 2 or 3 minutes. The healing properties of potatoes have not yet been fully studied, but the fact that it has a beneficial effect on the skin is undeniable. 2. Dill seeds. For the mask, these seeds are poured into a small fabric bag and placed in fairly hot water. Take out the bag after a few minutes, squeeze it out and apply it to your eyes for 5 minutes. 3. Herbs. Decoctions of cornflower and string are considered especially effective.

Allergy symptoms around the eyes

Recognizing an allergic reaction and distinguishing it from other diseases of the visual system is not very difficult. One of the main points is the sudden onset of symptoms and their connection with any irritant. It is not always immediately clear what exactly the allergen is, then you need to evaluate the symptoms.

The following signs indicate an allergic nature of the problem:

  • Burning and stinging in the eyes;
  • Drying of the mucous membrane;
  • Swelling of the eyelids (swelling can be so severe that the eyelids cannot be opened);
  • Severe itching (may be in the eyes, nose, ears at the same time);
  • Lacrimation (profuse);
  • Deterioration of vision (temporary, but can be permanent, depending on the type and duration of the disease);
  • Photophobia;
  • Redness of the skin around the affected area;
  • The appearance of small pinpoint rashes (urticaria).

Clinical manifestations are usually symmetrical. The only exceptions are situations where the local remedy was used only on one eye.

How long does it take to cure hives?

Within 4-6 weeks, acute urticaria resolves in almost all patients with this diagnosis.
However, sometimes the acute form can become chronic, and then the disease becomes incurable, with periods of exacerbation and complete remission with the absence of symptoms, which alternate with each other. To deal with this allergic reaction as quickly as possible, it is recommended:

  1. Immediately consult a doctor at the clinic or call an ambulance.
  2. Follow a hypoallergenic diet for several months.
  3. Follow all doctor's orders and recommendations regarding treatment. Do not stop taking allergy medications at the first signs of improvement, but complete the full course.
  4. Be sure to have modern antihistamines recommended by an allergist in your home medicine cabinet.


Pugonina Tatyana Alekseevna, Therapist

Types of allergic reaction

Exposure to allergens can cause different types of body responses. Depending on the causes, mechanisms, and manifestations, allergies in the eye area are divided into:

  • Vernal keratoconjunctivitis. A chronic seasonal disease that is typical for children and adolescents during the period of hormonal changes in the body.
  • Hay fever. Seasonal response of the body to irritation by plant pollen. As a rule, it occurs annually during the flowering period of a certain plant. Any pollen can cause a problem, but most often it is ragweed and birch3.
  • Chronic form. In the case of constant exposure to an allergen or a severe reaction, an immune response occurs that worries for weeks, then passes and occurs again.
  • Acute reaction. Periodic allergies that occur specifically at the moment of exposure to an allergen. After it disappears, the reaction quickly passes and does not occur until contact occurs again.

Symptoms of urticaria

The main manifestation is the appearance on the skin of red or pink spots of various shapes, and blisters, the size of which can reach several centimeters.
A slight swelling may appear, which gradually disappears over the course of a day, rarely two. If the swelling affects the deeper layers of the skin or mucous membranes, angioedema may result - a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical intervention.

The rash of allergic urticaria is always accompanied by unbearable itching, and some patients describe it as an unbearable burning sensation. Violent scratching of such areas can lead to infection of the epidermis with further complications in the form of pustules and wounds.

Minor manifestations of urticaria include:

  • headache;
  • elevated temperature;
  • sleep disorder;
  • anxiety;
  • loss of appetite.

According to the nature of the course, allergic diseases are divided into two types.
Acute urticaria is diagnosed most often. Blisters and swelling of the skin in this form appear completely suddenly, sometimes against the background of a person’s excellent health. Most often caused by some external reasons, food. It also happens after using medications, especially when self-medicating. Symptoms go away on their own within a few days to several weeks.

Chronic urticaria is a condition in which symptoms continue to persist for more than 6 weeks after the first rash on the skin. This variant is characterized by a wave-like course, when periods of complete absence of symptoms (recovery) are abruptly replaced by exacerbations with the appearance of a new portion of spots and blisters. This is accompanied by unbearable itching and rapid development of Quincke's edema. The emerging elements of the rash can merge with each other, covering more and more new areas of the skin.

Sometimes periods of complete well-being without symptoms can last for a long time - up to 10 years.

Children's urticaria is an allergic skin disease, which most often develops against the background of an existing exudative diathesis and appears due to food products introduced as complementary foods.

It has been noticed that this type of allergy mainly develops in babies who are bottle-fed or eat foods that are not appropriate for their age.

Is it possible not to treat an allergic reaction?

Clinical manifestations in the eye area cause significant discomfort. The condition will worsen with continued contact with the allergen. But even stopping exposure to the irritant does not always provide full recovery.

An integrated approach to the treatment of an allergic reaction: avoiding allergens in combination with taking medications gives a chance for a full recovery and a return to a full life. In addition, timely use of medications that relieve the condition allows one to avoid serious complications when allergies turn from local to systemic3.

Symptoms requiring increased attention:

  • Swelling of the entire face;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Swelling of the tongue;
  • Increased breathing;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Blue face;
  • Reduced pressure.

Emergency care for suspected angioedema or anaphylactic shock should begin with calling an ambulance1. Eye allergies rarely lead to such complications. The key role here is played by the duration of exposure to the allergen and proper treatment.

Diagnosis of urticaria

Before starting treatment, it is important to understand what exactly a person has such a strong allergic reaction to.
Only by removing this provoking factor from your usual life can you not be afraid that the symptoms of urticaria will appear again, and this is possible even after proper therapy. Most often, this type of allergy appears to food. It is possible to determine what exactly caused the rash by a blood test: the level of IgE antibodies to a mixture of food allergens is detected. First of all, you need to diagnose the presence of an allergic reaction to:

  • nuts;
  • vegetables and legumes;
  • citrus fruits and fruits;
  • seafood;
  • cereal and sesame flour;
  • fruits and melons;
  • baby formula;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • loose leaf tea;
  • goat milk.

In addition to food, allergic manifestations can also occur to other substances that surround us almost everywhere in life:

  • mold fungi;
  • pollen from early flowering trees;
  • pollen of late-flowering trees;
  • weed pollen;
  • epithelium of domestic animals;
  • house dust;
  • house dust mite;
  • poultry feather.

To identify the exact type of allergen, allergy tests are performed on certain foods.
It often happens that rashes appear due to seasonings and herbs used in cooking: paprika, cumin, cloves, basil, ginger, tarragon, thyme, marjoram, dill, bay leaf, black pepper, vanilla. Some types of fish may also be allergenic: cod, halibut, mackerel, and squid meat. But sometimes an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria develops to such familiar products as:

  • cucumber;
  • apricot;
  • cherry;
  • tomato;
  • plum;
  • grape;
  • persimmon;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • watermelon.

All tests are carried out only by a specialist laboratory technician. You cannot independently determine the presence of an allergy in the form of urticaria to a particular food product or substance. This can be life-threatening, since it is possible to develop not only Quincke's edema, but also anaphylactic shock.

Treatment of skin allergies around the eyes

The first priority action when signs of allergy occur is to stop contact with the allergen. If symptoms appear for no apparent reason, you should change your position, take a shower, and wash your face. This increases your likelihood of reducing your exposure to the allergen, even if you don't understand what caused the symptoms.

Additionally, antihistamines must be taken, preferably second generation4. These drugs include drugs based on cetirizine, for example, Cetrin. The work of drugs in this group is to block histamine receptors, thereby relieving the clinical manifestations of allergies. The drugs begin to act in 15-20 minutes, so they quickly improve a person’s condition4.

Additional general recommendations:

  • Do not rub your eyes, this aggravates the clinical manifestations.
  • Use corticosteroid ointments with caution (it is advisable to consult with specialists before using this).
  • Choose your antihistamine carefully.
  • During treatment, avoid cosmetics, creams and any chemical products for your facial skin.
  • If you are allergic to animals or pollen, do wet cleaning more often, wash clothes after returning from the street or contact with an animal.

The rate of disappearance of symptoms is influenced by: the amount and duration of exposure to the allergen, the body’s reactivity, and the use of an antihistamine.

First aid for hives

It is important that you always have allergy medications in your home medicine cabinet, since urticaria in adults, and in children too, can appear at any time.
Allergy medications can be in the form of drops or tablets. Modern remedies do not cause drowsiness and have virtually no side effects. Doctors recommend having in your home medicine cabinet to eliminate urticaria and itching, Fenistil drops, which can be used from childhood, Erius tablets, which have a long-lasting antihistamine effect after administration, Loratadine, which helps cope with Quincke's edema, which often accompanies urticaria.

It is important to take the medicine at the first symptoms, without waiting for the general condition to worsen. If after 20 minutes from the moment of administration there is no improvement, you should call an ambulance.

Prevention measures

Allergies to the skin under the eyes can only be prevented if you already know what exactly causes them. In such a situation, you can take an antihistamine in advance so that the symptoms are weaker or do not appear at all4.

To enjoy a full life, it is not recommended to ignore the presence of allergies. Timely administration of the drug will help to cope with the problem.


  1. Egorov A.E. Treatment of allergic diseases of the anterior segment of the eye / A.E. Egorov // Russian Medical Journal. – 2000. – T. 1. – Issue. 2. – pp. 52–55.
  2. Kurbacheva O. M. Pollinosis. Modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases. Mater. conf. - M. - 2009. - P. 31 – 37.
  3. Maichuk Yu. F. Seasonal hay fever is the most common form of ocular allergosis. Part I. Epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical picture, diagnosis. Ross. ophthalmol. magazine. — 2010. — No. 1. — P. 37 – 41.
  4. Tataurshchikova N.S. Modern aspects of the use of antihistamines in the practice of a general practitioner. // Pharmateka. 2011. No. 11. pp. 46–50.

Reasons for the development of urticaria

Hives never develop on their own; there is always a reason for this.
In some cases, identifying it is not difficult, but sometimes it is difficult to do. Most often, urticaria in children appears after using certain medications or eating certain foods. The most allergenic foods for babies are honey, nuts, fish, food additives, spices, sausages, and processed foods. Therefore, they are not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

Also, provoking factors include:

  • insect bites;
  • the presence of parasites in the body;
  • plant pollen;
  • mold;
  • chemicals, including household chemicals;
  • latex;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • vibration.

However, it is not always possible to find out what exactly the patient developed allergic urticaria to. In about a third of all patients with this diagnosis, the causes of the disease, even after numerous tests and analyses, remain unknown.

Herpetic diseases

Herpetic dermatitis of the eyelids usually occurs as herpes simplex or herpes zoster.

In the form of herpes simplex, which is caused by a filterable virus, the onset of the disease is acute. The skin of the face and eyelids turns red, transparent blisters appear and then burst. The contents of the bubbles dry out, forming crusts that disappear without a trace after 1-2 weeks. The disease may recur.

Treatment. The elements of the rash are lubricated with a solution of brilliant green. The crusts are treated with oxolinic ointment or Zovirax cream. To prevent the occurrence of secondary infection, local medications with antibiotics are prescribed.

Our advantages

"Moscow Eye Clinic" offers comprehensive diagnostics and effective treatment of eye diseases. The use of the most modern equipment and the high professional level of specialists working in the clinic eliminate the possibility of diagnostic errors.

Based on the results of the examination, each visitor will be given recommendations on choosing the most effective methods of treating the eye pathologies identified in them. By contacting the Moscow Eye Clinic, you can be sure of quick and accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

All questions you are interested in can be asked to specialists by calling 8 (800) 777-38-81 and 8 (499) 322-36-36 or online using the appropriate form on the website.
Mironova Irina Sergeevna

Fungal diseases

Actinomycosis. The causative agent is radiata fungi (actinomycetes). A dense, painless nodule appears in the outer or inner corner of the eyelid, which then softens, forming an intradermal infiltrate.

A breakthrough of the infiltrate leaves a long-term non-healing fistula, secreting pus with tangles of fungal threads. Treatment includes the use of antibiotics and actinolysate. Conducting radiotherapy, opening the abscess and curettage it.

Candidiasis (candidiasis) is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. When affected, swelling of the skin of the eyelids, hyperemia, and rashes of small pustules are observed.

Treatment includes lubricating the lesions with a solution of brilliant green prepared in water, using nystatin ointment and taking nystatin orally.

Trichophytosis (ringworm). The disease occurs as folliculitis and is caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton. It is customary to distinguish between superficial and deep trichophytosis. At the same time, the edges of the eyelids are hyperemic and swollen, contain pustules, in yellowish crusts. In some areas of the eyelids there are no eyelashes, in others they are broken off. There is a coating of spores on the eyelashes.

The process may be accompanied by conjunctivitis or keratoconjunctivitis. As healing occurs, scars appear.

During treatment, the affected areas of the skin are wiped with an alcohol solution of iodine or methylene blue. Griseofulvin is prescribed orally.

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