Facial slimming massage - effective techniques for getting rid of round cheeks

Features of cheek massage

Reducing facial volume is often difficult. Diets and regular exercise in the gym have little effect. Cheek reduction is achieved gradually. A comprehensive study of the site is important:

  • organization of proper nutrition;
  • selection of a training system (face fitness);
  • massage the problem area.

The set of techniques will ensure acceleration and increase the effectiveness of the result. For the greatest results, they reconsider their lifestyle. Healthy sleep, lack of stress, and correct posture contribute to achieving results.

To lose weight in your cheeks, it is important to organize an intensive course of treatment. Exercises and massage are performed in an active mode for 1–2 months. To quickly normalize internal processes and break down adipose tissue, deep treatment of areas is useful. Various techniques are used for influence. Classic stroking and rubbing are not enough.

It is advisable to supplement the massaging process with oils that enhance the effect. Esters of jasmine, bergamot, rosemary, citrus fruits, added to the base composition, will help you relax, remove toxins, normalize metabolic processes, and reduce appetite. The oil mixture will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin subjected to stimulating effects.

Recommendations for implementation

When trying to eliminate excess mass in the cheeks, it is advisable to target not only this area. A general tightening massage with intensive treatment of the problem area will give a more noticeable effect . The impact will not only help to obtain a global result, taking into account the task at hand, it will give a contour lift.

The effect of massage is achieved through muscle training. The oval is tightened, tissue metabolism is stimulated, which affects the natural breakdown of fat deposits, the removal of excess fluid, and the acceleration of metabolic processes. As a result, the muscles receive the necessary load, providing a reliable corset for the skin. The covers acquire elasticity and a fresh appearance.

Attention! When performing massage or gymnastics for weight loss, it is important not to overdo it. Excessive pumping and muscle hypertonicity can aggravate the problem. Large muscles will make you look heavy, and excessive tissue tension will accelerate the manifestation of old age.

When performing muscle work, it is forbidden to violate the technique of influence. Movements are carried out along massage lines. Chaotic actions that seem useful for breaking down fat can harm delicate skin.

To increase the effectiveness of massaging, it is recommended to carry it out daily (preferably twice a day: in the morning, in the evening).

The result is not noticeable soon: after 1–2 months of active training, the first achievements are visible, maximum effectiveness occurs after 3–6 months of active work. Morning massage sessions are carried out 1–2 hours before going outside. Evening work - 1 hour before bedtime.

It is advisable to complement a weight loss massage with various masks with a similar effect. It is recommended to select treatment methods that involve the use of honey, lemon juice, saline solution, and an appropriate mixture of oils. To achieve a weight loss effect, vacuum massage is useful.

How to do facial massage at home

Direct facial massage can only take you a few minutes a day and does not represent any complex procedure. However, here we will talk about how to most rationally and effectively include it in your daily care in order to combine all stages of this care well with each other. An integrated approach allows you to make your skin smooth, youthful and radiant much faster and with a much longer lasting effect.

Preliminary skin preparation

Here we are talking about standard skincare procedures that are part of your daily routine. Depending on your skin type and the condition it is in, this can be simple washing, scrubbing, peeling, or using masks. Before starting a massage, it is important to apply peeling and exfoliant to the skin and let them absorb a little. These are the products that affect all layers of the skin with their effect, so massage will help them improve the quality of their work and make your skin much more hydrated. If you have oily skin that also needs to get rid of blackheads, steaming can be one of the preparation steps. However, you should not practice it when your face is overly sensitive.

Choosing the right product for massage

Facial massage itself is best included directly in the care process. Here it is important to start from what effect you want to get. If this is moisturizing, then yes, then it is best used together with products that saturate the skin and restore the water-salt balance in the cells.

If you want to warm up the skin, launch regenerative processes in it and promote the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, then a very fine and delicate peeling will be the best help. You should not take scrubs with coarse abrasive particles - intense massage can cause microdamage to the skin, scratch it and ultimately do more harm than good.

Dry, sensitive and lifeless skin needs nourishment, so massage and moisturizing oils are best suited in this case. Everyone chooses what they like, but you should pay attention to the texture of the oil - for facial massage, light oil is best, more like butter than olive in consistency.

Face massage

Before performing a massage, be sure to wash both your hands and the device you will use with mild soap. This is equally beneficial when you massage outside of your daily skincare routine or as part of your morning or evening skincare routine.

When massaging your face, you must first follow the sculpted lines of your face. Start with circular movements on the cheeks, accelerating the blood and increasing the flow of lymph, gradually move first to the nose area, and then higher along the cheekbones to the temples. Great attention must be paid to the lower part of the cheekbones and jawline, since this is where the skin most often begins to sag and it is these areas that need to be preventively strengthened. When massaging the forehead, it is important to make both downward and upward movements, and not circular ones - this is how facial wrinkles are best smoothed out.

The neck and chin area also needs attention, as the skin there can often become loose and form so-called “rings of Venus”, which actually turn out to be very unpleasant wrinkles. Usually the neck is bypassed during skin care, which is very reckless. Here, too, it is better to make a choice in favor of horizontal and vertical movements. It is this technique that best gives the face a clear contour. The best approach is to search for videos on the Internet with massage techniques that are based on specific facial features and skin type. Such a deep approach will teach you to better understand how processes occur in your skin and what type of treatment is best to choose.

It is best to massage from top to bottom - this simple and uncomplicated adherence to gravity will allow you to correctly influence blood flow and carry out correct lymphatic drainage. Among other things, the product with which you perform the massage will be better distributed. Over time, a habit will come, but you shouldn’t cling to it too tightly - if you want to take your home facial massage to an almost professional level, then you should replenish your knowledge base from time to time by viewing new techniques and techniques. In the end, this will give you 10-15 minutes of free time, which can also be filled with a massage.

Types of massage for slimming cheeks

The choice of treatment method depends on the scale of the problem, age, skin condition, and the presence of contraindications. Achieving the effect will not be immediate. You need to be patient and not deviate from the plan.

Classic version

The technique is suitable for home use, as it does not cause difficulties in mastering. The impact is carried out using the fingertips. Movements are made strictly along massage lines. Use simple techniques: stroking, rubbing. The movements are light, smooth, sliding. The use of oil and cream is expected. To achieve maximum effect, use natural honey.

Perform as follows:

  1. Start movements from the center of the chin. Use 2–4 fingers. Make symmetrical progress along the massage lines.
  2. Fingers lead from the chin to the earlobes. The intensity of movements is gradually increased: from stroking to rubbing.
  3. They work on the area of ​​the mouth, nose, cheekbones, and involve the area of ​​the eyes and forehead. They move strictly along the massage lines. The direction is the same: from the center to the periphery.

When using honey, tapping movements are used. After the massage, a nourishing cream (preferably with a lifting effect) is applied to the skin. It is permissible to use lemon juice.

Massage with a terry towel

The method of exposure is ideal for use at home. The beneficial effect is achieved through the use of herbal infusion, saline solution, and intense patting. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. To achieve the optimal effect, alternate the use of the infusion with the solution. The impact is performed as follows:

  1. A small terry towel is soaked in a pre-prepared liquid and lightly wrung out.
  2. The fabric is rolled up and grasped with both ends.
  3. Make patting movements with a towel, moving from bottom to top.
  4. The right and left sides are processed evenly. 10 claps on each cheek are enough.

Important point! It is recommended to apply the treatment from the neck to the cheekbones. A hard towel is used for the session, but it is advisable to start the procedure with a delicate treatment. As you get used to it, increase the load, do not forget about moderation.

To prepare the infusion, use chamomile, sage, oak bark, yarrow, and linden blossom in equal proportions. Dry mixture of herbs (1 tsp) is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for at least 20 minutes. It is permissible to prepare the infusion in advance. To obtain a saline solution, 1 tsp. sea ​​salt is poured into a glass of water.

Asahi massage

The technique is ideal for forming an oval. For massage, use a special oil or any neutral cosmetic product that ensures easy movement of the fingers. There are different techniques for correcting the shape. To model the cheeks, use the following steps:

  1. Fix the fingertips in the center of the chin. Pressure is applied to the eye socket, going around the mouth.
  2. The fingertips are drawn from the corner of the mouth along the cheek, grabbing the cheekbone. Apply pressure. With one hand they make the movement, with the other they hold the skin on the lower jaw.
  3. From the wings of the nose, a movement is made to the temple. The action is smooth, with pressure.
  4. The hands move with effort from the chin to the temples.

A single exercise ends with a finishing line: run your fingers from the top edge of the ear down to the chin. Traffic is delayed at the starting and ending points of the route. Final maneuver: light pressure on the end point of the lower jaw under the chin.

Devices for facial massage at home

The most reliable means for proper facial massage is the manual technique, that is, the use of hands. Different complexes of influence, differentiated sequence and intensity ultimately give different effects depending on what result you want to achieve. However, there are different types of massagers and devices that can take facial massage to a completely different level. This does not mean a “worse/better” vertical, but rather a different range of possibilities for achieving a deeper and more targeted effect.

Rollers made of natural stone

One of the most popular and trendy products of recent years, rollers made of natural stone have rightfully earned their place among the best means for proper home facial massage. They usually combine a larger roller, designed for wide areas of the face, and a small one, which makes it possible to work on delicate areas - the skin under the eyes, the wings of the nose, the hollow of the chin.

Rollers allow you to make facial massage more uniform and progressive; they serve to distribute the impact on the skin and muscles more evenly. They are often used in combination with moisturizing serums, the main purpose of which is to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin.

Massage brushes

The variety of massage brushes can be amazing. They are made from a variety of materials, ranging from silicone and plastic to wood using natural bristles. The material makes the degree of impact different, since in different cases both a delicate and soft massage (for sensitive skin) and very intensive work with the skin and muscles (in case of tightness and spasms) are required.

It is best to combine massage brushes with various creams and oils, since they not only create a buffer layer between the skin and the brush, but also penetrate much deeper into the layers of the dermis due to mechanical action. The only component that massage brushes should not be combined with is acids. As a rule, they are produced in the form of special serums. If you include them in your care, it is better to use a massage roller.

Session cost

To obtain a guaranteed effect, it is better to carry out a massage from a professional massage therapist. The cosmetologist will assess the condition of the skin and conduct a conversation. As a result, he will suggest the most suitable methods of influence.

The course of procedures is 2–4 weeks with maintenance exercises and light massage at home. The cost of a single session with a master ranges from 1–5 thousand rubles. The price depends on the type of massage, the required intensity of treatment, and the number of problems to be solved.

Precautionary measures

The number of contraindications and precautions depend on the chosen technique. For a light classic impact they are minimal. For Asahi equipment - more serious. In general, it is recommended to avoid massage if:

  • open wounds on the skin;
  • intense rashes (acne, herpes, allergies);
  • problems with blood vessels, ternary nerve;
  • serious diseases (cancer, heart pathologies, diabetes, endocrine system disorders).

It is not advisable to perform massage actions during pregnancy, during menstruation, during inflammatory diseases, or in case of pressure surges.

The impact is started with moderate force. As you get used to it, it is possible to increase the strength of the movements. Before the main exposure, the skin must be cleansed and warmed up.

It is difficult to achieve the desired facial contours. The process requires a regular, comprehensive approach. There is no need to despair of getting results; achievement takes time.

What effect can you get?

If you massage regularly and correctly, you may notice the following changes:

  • Swelling will significantly decrease or disappear altogether
  • Facial contours will become clearer
  • Improved complexion
  • The skin will become more elastic
  • Wrinkles will be reduced
  • Bags under the eyes will go away
  • Fat deposits on the cheeks will be reduced
  • The double chin will go away

It also helps relieve tension in the muscles of the face and neck - one of the causes of deep wrinkles and sagging skin. Massage from the outside can solve aesthetic problems from the inside.

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