Self-guided buccal facial massage: training, video, before and after photos

To influence the facial muscles in order to improve their tone and tighten the relief, a buccal massage is performed. As a rule, a deep massage effect is carried out in the cheek area, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Today, there are several techniques for performing buccal facial massage that can be easily performed independently at home.

History of the origin of the technique

The developer of the technique is French cosmetologist Joël Siocco

, who first created an independent buccal facial massage. Initially, the idea was not accepted by adherents of the classical technique, but the specialist assured that the pain that occurs during this procedure cannot be compared with the effect obtained.

Indeed, unlike many other techniques, sculptural deep tissue buccal facial massage has a relatively strong effect on the skin. In addition, his technique is quite unusual, since it involves working the muscles through the mouth.

One way or another, the technique has gained worldwide popularity. But Joelle emphasizes that, despite the ability to perform buccal facial massage yourself at home, learning will not be easy, and videos that clearly show the correct technique help make this process easier.

Indications for self-buccal facial massage

It is advisable to do a buccal facial massage for women who have crossed the thirty-year mark. It won’t hurt at an earlier age, however, until the age of 30, many do not encounter problems with the appearance of wrinkles. More precisely, they are not so deep and pronounced.

Indications for buccal facial massage are:

  • change in facial contours (blurred and vague);
  • dulling of the skin and changes in its color;
  • loss of skin elasticity and firmness, which nature has endowed them with;
  • swelling of the face;
  • deep wrinkles;
  • fat deposits, formation of a double chin.

On a note! It is worth noting that buccal facial massage helps to cope with more serious problems. For example, it restores facial expressions lost after a stroke.

Who is the procedure indicated for?

Cosmetologists recommend this massage for women after 30. The sooner a woman monitors the state of her facial muscle tone, the younger she will look.

It's worth a try for those who:

  • the oval of the face became fuzzy and blurry;
  • the skin has become less firm and elastic;
  • double chin or facial swelling;
  • expression wrinkles;

  • excess subcutaneous fat appeared.

The buccal massage technique allows you to correct these imperfections and make your face look younger.

Self-paced buccal massage training

Most likely, only specialists can do it on a professional level. But even ordinary people can master the technique of buccal facial massage with minimal errors on their own. Guided by video tutorials, you can easily perform it at home.

The technique for self-buccal facial massage is as follows:

  1. Get rid of makeup using special products (milk, gel for washing). If you are more accustomed to using regular soap, you can use that, but it is advisable to use one that does not dry out the skin. Wear sterile gloves on your hands or wash your hands thoroughly and then treat them with alcohol. The procedure must be performed cleanly to prevent skin infection.

  2. Massage your facial skin using light warming movements. The direction should be chosen from the lower jaw to the cheekbones. The pressing force should gradually increase.

  3. Place your middle and index fingers on the inner wall of your cheek. Then, performing slow smooth movements, massage, starting from the corner of the lips. In this way, it is necessary to massage all the chewing and facial muscles.

  4. When the main part of the massage is completed, you should begin light movements using the pads of your fingers. You need to pat the outside of your cheeks to restore blood circulation in order to avoid swelling.

  5. Apply nourishing or moisturizing cream to your face.

By following the correct technique, you can quickly achieve the desired effect.

Operating principles

Intraoral massage reverses the processes that led to age-related changes. This procedure:

  • removes obstacles that cause the face to age: muscle tension, lymph stagnation, slow blood flow;
  • improves the condition of muscles, skin, blood vessels, nerve endings;
  • restores the functional activity of tissues.

We work deeply, on several levels:

  1. Muscles
    There is an impact on the facial muscles: the orbicularis oris muscle, the muscles of the zygomatic and cheek areas, the depressor muscles that pull the corners of the mouth down. The general muscles are also worked out: chewing, genioglossus, geniohyoid muscles.

    The muscles undergo a deep relaxation procedure, due to which their spasticity and spasms are reduced to nothing. The muscles regain their natural length and elasticity, muscle tone is normalized, and myofibrils (parts of muscle cells that are responsible for contraction) are restored. Adhesions are eliminated, scars are resolved.

  2. Fascia
    Fascia is a case for our muscles, on which the shape of tissues and the condition of the skin depend. Deep treatment of the cheeks and lips helps restore flexibility and mobility to the fascial network.
  3. Skin
    Although the main effect comes from the inside (through the mucous membrane to the muscles), it also reaches the skin. By relieving muscle spasms, restoring blood circulation and trophism, the integument is transformed and renewed. The synthesis of collagen and elastin increases. The keratinized cells of the epidermis go away, which activates skin renewal.
  4. Blood circulation
    Blood flow and microcirculation are restored, blood vessels are strengthened. Thanks to the blood flow, the cells are saturated with oxygen and nutrients.
  5. Lymphatic
    drainage The lymphatic pathways are cleared, fluid stagnation and “blockages” are eliminated, and swelling is relieved. Lymph flows faster, and along with it, toxins and metabolic end products are more actively removed from the body.
  6. Joints
    The function of the temporomandibular joint is restored.

Rules for buccal massage

Effectiveness after a massage will be achieved if you adhere to the basic rules:

  • Sterility is especially important, which is why the skin of the face should be perfectly clean, and gloves should be worn on the hands, changing them after each session;
  • the first procedure should last no more than 15 minutes, since such actions are something new for the skin - when the sensations become more familiar, the time can be increased;
  • During the massage, a pleasant pain occurs, which is similar to the sensations after active sports, this is the limit of the norm;
  • do not delay the procedure, as the pain may intensify and marks will remain on the face;
  • After the first session, you will not be able to get the expected result; you will need to complete the entire massage course.

On a note! A full course of buccal facial massage is 10-15 sessions, which depends on the condition of the skin and age characteristics. The effect may not be obtained if the session is interrupted. A minimum of 5 procedures must be performed, after which, provided the correct technique is used, the first results can be achieved.

Before deciding on this technique, it is important to study your facial skin, its condition, and draw conclusions about the required number of sessions. After the first procedure, slight swelling may remain, which should not be alarming. On the contrary, this is a normal phenomenon that will disappear after a few hours.

On a note! In addition to buccal facial massage, you can use a cosmetic lifting effect. The use of topical cosmetics such as masks, gels and creams is also allowed.

When to expect results

The effect is noticeable after the first session, which lasts 30–60 minutes. But in order to improve performance and consolidate the results, you need to conduct full-fledged courses:

  • at the age of 25–35 years, it is enough to carry out 1–2 courses per year of 7–10 procedures;
  • after 35 and up to 50 years of age, there should be 2–3 courses per year, 12–15 procedures each;
  • from 50–55 years old, the course should last 12–15 procedures with a frequency of 3 times a year; In this case, structuring massage should be carried out every other day.


Like any cosmetic procedure, buccal facial massage has contraindications, so you should do it yourself at home with caution, given the possibility of unwanted effects.

Contraindications to the procedure are:

  • oncological diseases;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • acute skin diseases;
  • wounds, hematomas or bruises on the face.

In order not to harm your own health, it is important to refuse buccal facial massage if you have these conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of buccal facial massage is that you can do it yourself at home. In addition, it is universal because, in addition to the breakdown of fat deposits and rejuvenation, it promotes the rapid recovery of facial muscles after a stroke.

Buccal massage is not without its disadvantages. First of all, they consist of limited localization, that is, the procedure is carried out mainly in the cheek area. Experts suggest doing it in combination with sculptural exercises. In their opinion, sculptural-buccal facial massage will help transform your appearance in a positive way beyond recognition.

Don’t believe that there are cords and fibrosis? Take a test

We test outside, not inside the mouth!

1. Using the knuckles of your index fingers, massage yourself along the bridge of your nose. Most of you will notice that it hurts not only under the nose, but also above it.

2. Place the knuckles of your index fingers under the cheekbone on the line of the eye, mentally draw the vector under the cheekbone. From this point, massage the bone area, moving up to the lower eyelid.

Most of you will notice that it hurts not only in the cheekbone area, but above, and even in the orbital area, there is pain in the cheekbone area and in the orbital area. We do not massage the lower eyelid.

3. Make massage movements with the knuckles of your index fingers, pressing under the cheekbone and slightly above. You will find that for some people the entire cheekbone area is painful, for others it is painful under the eyes.

Add here the age-related changes in the facial bones and here is another result on the face: 1. The face sinks into the center 2. The lower and upper jaws, cheek bones change their position, which leads to sunken eyes, the formation of sufas, bags, nasal tears, etc. 3. A nasolabial ridge is formed, the corners of the mouth droop, jowls 4. The failure of the zygomatic muscles and sagging cheeks.

Possible dangers

If you use the services of a beauty salon, the result after a buccal massage depends entirely on the experience and level of qualifications of the cosmetologist. When performing the procedure at home, you can only rely on yourself. This is why experts are so insistent on strictly following the correct technique.

Undesirable effects can be obtained from strong pressure on soft tissues or improper grip of the masticatory muscles. This will not only prevent you from making your face more beautiful, but will also harm your appearance.

The result of incorrect buccal massage techniques can be severe painful manifestations. As a rule, they disappear after a certain period of time, you just need to stop the session. However, in some cases, traces may remain in the form of bruises and hemorrhages on the face. The volume of the cheeks may also increase slightly, but in most cases this is normal. Usually the swelling subsides quickly after some time.

How to consolidate and maintain the effect?

So, how often should you do a buccal facial massage? Experts recommend repeating the course after 2-3 weeks to consolidate the results. If the effect was not achieved the first time, you need to reconsider your own mistakes and repeat the technique after the specified time, acting correctly. The duration of the result depends on the condition of the skin and is individual for each specific case.

Cosmetics will help consolidate the effect. As a rule, this is a lifting mask, but the specific preparation is selected individually by a cosmetologist. It is recommended to apply the product after the first procedure.

Photos before and after buccal massage

Today, buccal facial massage is shown by Malysheva and other presenters in their TV shows, it is so popular. And all thanks to the effect that can be achieved after just a few procedures. Numerous positive reviews testify in favor of buccal facial massage, and photos before and after the course are presented as proof.

The photo shows how much the condition of the facial skin has improved after the buccal massage. Wrinkles smoothed out, color changed. The skin looks healthier and more well-groomed.


  • Olga: “ I first heard about buccal massage from my friend who lives in France. She was delighted with him! I admit, before this I was thinking about a facelift. But I was intrigued by the story, saw the changes with my own eyes (we communicated on Skype), decided to look for a service in Moscow and found it. The price of one session is 3000 rubles. I completed six sessions. At first I was a little embarrassed that they would get into my oral cavity with their hands, but curiosity won out. The embarrassment passed after a couple of minutes. It didn't hurt. The sensation is a little like riding a roller coaster, when you fly down with your mouth open, the air inflating your cheeks and pounding them. But overall, I would say that the procedure is even relaxing. After the massage, my face was burning and I felt pleasant tension in my muscles. I was amazed by the end result: my sagging cheeks noticeably tightened and decreased in volume, my face became thinner. The already well-defined nasolabial fold is gone, the double chin is gone. Thanks girlfriend! I decided to repeat the massage periodically and recommend everyone to try it.”
  • Tatyana: “Girls, this is magic! During the sessions I relaxed completely, even dozed off. The result was impressive, 10 years old - minus, just a youthful oval of the face! Not only did my face look younger, but so did I myself. I’m in a good mood, I’ve become more confident in my attractiveness. Be sure to look for a specialist in your city!
  • Natalya: “ I completed five sessions of buccal massage. It was recommended to me by my cosmetologist. She was at a training where they taught him. Thanks to the French woman who came up with this method! This is simply a revolution in cosmetology! Now I know how to avoid injections, lifts and other surgeries. A good specialist who knows this massage and at 50 years old you can look 30! I’m shocked: my cheeks have sunk in, my cheekbones have been drawn out, my second chin has disappeared, my nasolabial folds are barely noticeable. I thank the master and recommend him to everyone!”
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